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/lit/ - Literature

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6778747 No.6778747 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ cringe

>> No.6778750
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>> No.6778751

that's actually the whole board zee

>> No.6778756

alt lit



>> No.6778761

hey this is pretty accurate! no cringe at all!

>> No.6778767

this thread tbh

>> No.6778774
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>I don't have to believe or come to terms with complicated concepts and I refuse to unless they come from Stirner.
>I use my own refusal as a means of rejecting other people's points and label everything which doesn't masturbate my narrow worldview as some sort of spook.
>Morals don't real

>> No.6778797
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>ismismismismism's I don't understand nor can explain or establish the meaning of.
>I only read milestone pieces of literature with no preliminary knowledge of my subject and refuse to read introductory works.
>I believe in a canon.

If this is you >>>/r9k/

>> No.6778807
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>STEM don't real
>m'uh literary lifestyle
>m'uh atheism
>m'uh 'abdurdisum'
>m'uh Nietzsche/Sartre/Camus/Rand

>> No.6778816
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this motherfucker here

>> No.6778829
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>people who have or have had an 'existential crisis'

>> No.6778835
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>absurd conjecturing which only a child would think deep such as >>6778284

>> No.6778852
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>I don't believe in free will because muh brain stuffs decide things and brain is made of mush therefore mush brain things decide

>> No.6778863
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>I know that I know nothing.

>> No.6778890
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>I am being a free thinker by only reading what I should've read in high-school and going assburgers over greeks

>> No.6778907

All those fucking christian threads belong on r/cringe so fucking pathetic people believe in children's stories about rewards after you die and an all powerful wizard in the sky in this day and age smh

>> No.6778908

>I am a bitter loser posting in a cringe thread on 4chan.org

>> No.6778910
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>liking nabakov
>believing being gay/trans/bi/whatever faggot labels tumblrtier's create aren't just perversion and desperate attempts at directing attention towards themselves

>> No.6778914
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>I keep a hat-tipping neckbeard folder for Jesus, so while I post on a my favourite chinese cartoon porn site, I can save sinners.

>> No.6778919
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>the bible

>read the bible
>read augustine

>> No.6778948

haha that sure are a lot of nice words there friendo thanks for contributing

>> No.6778955
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>people who come to a literature board to discuss 'philosophy'
>people who don't understand philosophy is more at home at /sci/ than on /lit/

Any kind of proper philosophical inquiry is far detached from literature but people seem to think books = smart words smarts = philosophy therefore philosophy = /lit/.

>> No.6778961


Apex kek/7

Who is this fluid druid?

>> No.6778963

>hey guys if I keep sucking Popper's dick can I wear the white coat and be called a scientist?
kek sam harris pls.

>> No.6778966
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>what does /lit/ think
>what does /lit/ think about X extremely popular and well known author or book

>mfw /lit/ is full of newfags literally just circlejerking over the same old highschool reading list

>> No.6778975

this is why we cant have any philosophical discussion

>btw philosophy is still literature even if it's not fiction (only /lit/ you understand)

cringe indeed

>> No.6778976

This board seriously needs a shakeup and some new rules. Some sort of sticky for new users too.

>> No.6778983
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>is about oil and Islam

>> No.6778989
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>> No.6778995

Andrea Coates

>> No.6779003

I've picked up all my pepes from /lit/ though.
I don't go on /r9k/ more than 10 minutes a year.

>> No.6779022
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>implying literature is in any way close to the field of philosophy
>spouting 'muh scientism' rhetoric.

You know there was a reason people had to study geometry to enter the Academy of Athens , they didn't invite poets. Then again, complete ignorance of the range and subjects of different fields in order to spout childish platitudes is the mark of a guru.