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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 72 KB, 1242x699, CIwVjbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6778339 No.6778339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Maybe I've been tricked by /lit/, but I've watched like 15 of PeruseProject's videos, and I have not seen evidence that she has read a single good book in her entire life.

The fuck? How can someone who reads like 8 books a month not read a single good book?

>> No.6778344

Are girls who read really like that?

>> No.6778346

I went to the bookstore with my lesbian cousin yesterday and she got bridge to tarabithia for herself. From what I gather she exclusively reads >female author bullshit or old proto-YA. And not like Woolf or Austen, like bullshit. She has been into reading since we were like 8.

>> No.6778356
File: 67 KB, 1261x706, UzYUh9O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe only the qt ones

>> No.6778357
File: 433 KB, 824x698, Screenshot from 2015-07-04 13:08:38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never lick her feet

>> No.6778358

only newfags like you think raiding forced memes videos was funny, she will never be part of /lit/ culture.

keep spamming her face if you want, it lets me know who the redditors are.

thread hidden

>> No.6778363

This is not a raid, I'm asking for a discussion about one of the most popular literature critics in the United States, and I'd like to know why she has not read any actual literature.

>> No.6778374

>most popular literature critics
Having videos on youtube about bullshit YA for exclusively 100 or less IQ teenage grills does not make you an important figure in anything outside of garbage like anime.

>> No.6778376


>> No.6778378


>reading dead white men

>> No.6778386

>my opinions are objectively correct and this woman is wrong because she likes books i do not like
riveting discussion as always, /lit/

>> No.6778388

You sure took down that strawman with great skill and artfulness

>> No.6778389

>on /lit/

ban this faggot

>> No.6778395

>one of the most popular literature critics in the United States
literally never heard anybody talk about her outside of /lit/, please stop trying to get us to tell you our stalking is normal

>> No.6778398

The only reason I gave her channel name was so people wouldn't get into the dank meme about semen demons and what have you. It actually worked quite well, as not a single person has asked all thread so far. Counter-dank deployed successfully. You're welcome.

>> No.6778411

That actually got better as it went along, but for a while there I wasn't sure if she knew what "classic" meant.

>> No.6778425

Is this a booktube thread?

Give me some good channels

>> No.6778445
File: 99 KB, 767x468, julius011-767x468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a single Graeco-Roman author
>includes The Road

>> No.6778466

The one in the OP is the only good one

>> No.6778570
File: 54 KB, 718x538, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never lick her feet while she ignores you, only occasionally looking up from her YA novel to raise an eyebrow and laugh incredulously at how silly your fetish is

>> No.6778592

>"Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly -- they'll go through anything. You read and you're pierced."

The entire point of using X-rays is that they DON'T go through anything.

>> No.6778621


>> No.6778662
File: 89 KB, 1185x622, hRe9Acm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, what is this guy's story? Is there more of him?

>> No.6778667

>watching shit booktubers
>watching booktubers who enjoy YA
There are decent ones out there, but a vast majority are plebs.

>> No.6778679

90% of them.
And they are also usually massive, massive, massive fucking whores with serious mental issues.

>> No.6778683


>> No.6778694




dumb bitch

>> No.6778701

Why is society so fucking hung up on who can call themselves intellectual, it drives me nuts.

>> No.6778702

post your waifu


>> No.6778707
File: 15 KB, 374x250, funnydumbfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a massive fucking self-loathing whore
>I read mostly YA and GoT shit
>I have a shitty literature rib tattoo
>I have a stupid cartoon/film tattoo on my thigh/lowerback/shoulderblade
>I have a noes piercing
>I dress like a whore with daddy's money



>> No.6778708


he must be great at parties. He seems tasteless.

>> No.6778714

It's nuh-bow-kov. I bet you don't even speak Russian.

>> No.6778717


>> No.6778719


>> No.6778726


How many of you are in therapy? Raise your hand.

How many of you have said you were 'raped' because you had sex and felt bad about being a whore?

How many of you dated someone who was shitty to you simply for the sake that they had money?

I'm guessing all of you.



>> No.6778735

sweetie, you are literally so out of line it’s fucking unbelievable. i could drag you so hard right now but i know you’ll just end up crying. i’ve knocked you out before and you know it. chances are you’ll just say “what was that noise?” because you have no peripheral vision and have different genes. talk shit get hit, you don’t wanna mess with me kiddo; i’ve got a black belt.
i know threats are fucked up but that’s all i’ve been receiving all day, probably from his second in command Ocelot and all of his nasty FOXHOUND operatives. but you can gang up on me and read my memory card for being shellshocked all you want. i’ve been hurt a lot. my first friend beat me over a minefield, my dad screams when i shoot him with a rocket launcher, and there are some days i don’t even want to find out where Metal Gear is.
i’m a jaded war veteran. i’ve been through shit that you wouldn’t even dream of. you think your life is hard? try sneaking around the sleepiest guy in your base in the middle of the tank hangar only to find out there is a camera next to him. you don’t know my life or my story so keep my name out of your nasty mouth. life is a battlefield and it looks like i’ve already won.

>> No.6778742


>> No.6778746

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little rape apologist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Social Justice 101, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on r/creepshots, and I have over 300 confirmed instances of saying "check your privilege". I am trained in being overly offended and I’m the top SRSer in the entire social justice blogosphere. You are nothing to me but just another shitlord. I will call you a neckbeard with persistence the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, cis-sexist pig. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of differently-abled, ethnic, transqueer womyn across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the AC360 investigation, *aggot. The investigation that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your erotic subreddit. You’re fucking privileged, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can complain about you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in arguing with shitlords, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Jezebel.com and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your privileged bigotry off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “sexist” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will passive-aggressively type fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, cis scum.

>> No.6778755

bumping ebin thread, make sure to include my post in le screenshit for r/4chin

>> No.6778769


>> No.6778771
File: 3.50 MB, 1892x1067, thegreeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follows one of those characters that are ... like... unknowing ?

Based on the way she speaks and her vocabulary I don't think she ever read more than reviews online

>> No.6778793

ebin simply ebin

>> No.6778814

>tfw you want to start a youtube channel
>not a qt girl reading YA so it'll never get an audience

>> No.6778817
File: 38 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more photoshopped pictures like that.
I'd love to see some german philosophy ones.

>> No.6778841

name ?

>> No.6778858

bump bump bumpity

>> No.6778872

She's not cute, she's like an amazon with terrible skin and a rich soccer mom.

She's not hot, she's not even average. Her body is obtuse and gross.

>> No.6778876

That is what makes her alluring

>> No.6778888

>she's ugly
>so she's hot

? you're pathetic

>> No.6778889

Yeah I really don't get it, she doesn't look good, she doesn't have good taste, what's with the spam on /lit/

>> No.6778895

newfags want to recreate the katie thread with all it's memes

it's pathetic really.

>> No.6778896

Most of it's a forced meme to stay relevant.

Other people do it for pure shit posting.

The majority however have serious mental issues and obsess over this woman and every time they see her they create delusions about spending their life together, they jack off to her, and then they wipe their hands on their pants, use their tigthy whities to get some of the cum off their stomach, and go back to reddit.

>> No.6778897

I was talking in general, not in reference to anyone in particular.

>> No.6778915

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.6778932

Please show where in my post I mentioned a specific youtuber?

>> No.6778947

Booktube is terrible.
Avoid at all cost.

>> No.6778950

I've explained in detail before.

>massive pleb
>enthusiastic about it
>so naive and ignorant
>revels in

>me, a pessimistic edge lord
>find all those qualities charming and innocent
>would listen to hours her talking about rubbish
>makes me feel like a kid again
>it's great

>> No.6778974

This guy is even worse. He reads decent enough books but only offers plot summaries and has the phrasing of an asshole. Wouldn't want to drink a beer with him because he'd be constantly trying one-upping everyone at the table, even though it's not a competition, which anecdotes about his time abroad and blah blah blah.

Plus he needs to lose the scarf. This guy must browse a dangerous combo of /lit/, /pol/, and /fa/.

>> No.6778997

Not a qt girl. Would not watch again.

>> No.6778998


>> No.6779005

>someone who reads like 8 books a month

This is a good indication that somebody doesn't read good books. Most good writing is good because, through the various well known devices of literature, it compresses information. It takes time to decompress that information. It takes time to think about that information once it is decompressed. Its like unzipping a file. If you can get through two books in a week, you are either getting a huge loss in information, or your book has no information in it to begin with. Quite often they're not literature so much as just fantasies or anecdotes or stories: the raw material that is elevated into profundity by nuance of observation and nuance of style.

It's just like somebody who watches movies: there are people who watch serious movies, and there are people who watch thousands and thousands of shitty horror movies because they like being stimulated by blood and suspense.

>> No.6779027

whoa whoa hey, why with the assumptions? are you trying to be mean >:(

>> No.6779062

fantasies and anecdotes and stories can be "literature"

>> No.6779070

It's really not hard to read two or three good books a week.

>> No.6779079

From what I've seen, she never speaks of the Theme, Characters, or the Plots of these books.

>> No.6779092
File: 12 KB, 300x168, Skim the Cliff Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read yes. Absorb, no.

>> No.6779106
File: 247 KB, 640x480, rXD7cPy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that is because she is just reading the wikipedia summary for all of the books she talks about

>> No.6779114

To be fair she mispronounces a lot of shit and I don't think she even cares. She pronounces etcetera like excedra, like how you'd pronounce Excedrin. Blatantly too, it's not me mishearing it, she thinks there's a fucking d in the word.

still qt tho

>> No.6779142

She is seriously one of the qtest chicks ever

I want to grate her freckles off her face and snort them like cocaine

>> No.6779158

How can lesbian be that entertained by the female mind, when no one else is? Can science tell us the answer?

>> No.6779163

What publisher does she work for, btw?

>> No.6779181

so desperate

>> No.6779207

I don't know how much he actually understands what he reads and I know his taste is a bit edgy, but his goal isn't to explain books, just to recommend them and he does somewhat accurately describe how it feels to read whichever book he's describing. He's a bit annoying at times but overall he's way better than most book tubers.

>> No.6779215


> posts the image on facebook to stroke his own ego

What a fucking joke.

>> No.6779228

Lose the scarf

>> No.6779314

Very ignorant and self-assertive.
Also that rant about the Catcher in the Rye
She's like a 2/10 with that personality

>> No.6779329

A girl's personality is only worth 0.1 of her /10 score.

>> No.6779332

sorry this girl isn't pretty, those freckles? and not even red hair which i don't even like. gimme a break. she's like the girl who tries to be nerdy as she's average looking and over bubbly to compensate for her looks but fails miserably and isn't even that smart.

>> No.6779342
File: 1.71 MB, 1580x4328, 1433497247140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pretty

You're a big gay.

>> No.6779345

I can't even look at mean people without cringing.
I may be autist, I don't care, but I can't warm to anyone who is rude and insolent in his/her self-presentation. Hubris is my number 1. fear.

>> No.6779356


fuck off waifuist not even, don't go with me. i've seen that pic she looks good in like 2 photos and the rest you can see she's slightly chubby in the face paired with that masculine voice. no thanks.

>> No.6779362

Why are you wasting your time with her? I just looked at her favorite books in Goodreads, and it's endless shit, with a few good popular titles by accident, mostly for kids or YA. Why would you bother watching one video, let alone 15? She's not that cute.

>> No.6779378


u mad?

>> No.6779382

There are so many better booktube girls

>> No.6779399
File: 90 KB, 1211x697, q4Srxzx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such as


>> No.6779438


This guy is a fuckin legend

>> No.6779460

fuck everybody, this guy is a genius

>> No.6779463


Fuck you people are sad for compiling this shit.

>> No.6779479

We know it's you, guy.

>> No.6779496

Jealousy makes you nasty!
Please don't get so fartsy!

>> No.6779540

Anyone got that mega link for Regan pics?

>> No.6779548

All I'll say is thank God that I have zero social media presence.

>> No.6779550

How can you possibly find her qt? Her face looks like a potato with makeup on it.

>> No.6779559
File: 5 KB, 168x300, eggman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the /lit/ equivalent of eggman?

>> No.6779581


Jealous of what? The fact that you're an introverted basement dweller who's fantasy's and obsessions revolve around a female they've never met and will never have the chance to talk to. You are just as sad as those autistic anime faggots who print their waiffu's on pillows.

>> No.6779584

John Green

>> No.6779595


Daily reminder that Choncey is the GOAT booktuber.

>> No.6779597

I could probably be a wicked booktuber....

But I suspect there would be haters for no reason...

And I would never be able to get exposure unless I posted here, whereby if I did, I would unleash /lit/ upon myself, which is something I would be worried about doing...

>> No.6779603

Nice diary entry

>> No.6779606

she said annoying

>> No.6779612

>assumptions the post

>> No.6779613

Thanks for the giggle mate.

>> No.6779622

But I would think it would be bretty nifty do some "book tubing"'--mainly for the challenge.

A lot of booktubers have cats that interrupt them during their videos which is cute, but my cats hate me so that wouldn't happen (my love smothers them too much, so they are indifferent little cunts).

Anyway, I have a pretty boss library, and my knowledge of /lit/ is rather exstensive.

But I believe the best insight I could offer is that of a writer critiquing a fellow writer's craft (which so few booktubers are able to do).

I place importance on authorial intent contrary to what post-modernist wankers insistence that you don't do. Fuck you, I'm bold and I do what I want.

>> No.6779634

>makes me feel like a kid again

You're a NEET on 4chan, you never stopped being a kid.

>> No.6779639

Nice diary entry

>> No.6779641

She even has an accent, which already makes her better than that mangirl amazon bitch /lit/ raves about.

>> No.6779648
File: 288 KB, 449x720, aORJZ6K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u want sum fuc?

>> No.6779652
File: 24 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actualy pretty spot on. Don't be mean pls.

>> No.6779653

Yes, I do.

>> No.6779655
File: 58 KB, 430x485, sadadada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6779658

I would do that girl like a rapist does a blind woman.

>> No.6779662

The only important question here is...are you a cute girl?

>> No.6779669

let's just post tampon copypastas in her youtube videos and get it over with

>> No.6779672



>> No.6779673

She's top 5, but Ariel Bissett is the one true GOAT

>> No.6779686
File: 16 KB, 199x242, 1353726476909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl sounds like an American faking an accent. It's really weird.

>> No.6779690


Bazpierce is back, and he's bodying John Green.

>> No.6779694

Fite me Gaylord

>> No.6779695

>put a mask on
>put a shower curtain on the floor
>only you and the book you review
>the review is just saying weird shit that has nothing to do with the book
>at the end of every video you sacrifice the book by shitting and pissing on it and setting it on fire

something like a tonetta + yellow peepee monster + books + efukt thing and you could have some really good stuff going on, you don't need to be a girl, you need to know what the audience wants

>> No.6779699

If you're a chick that's a 6 or higher...fuck me, and I'll get you views. But you're going to have to do some painful shit. And submit...like the little whore you are.

>> No.6779707

I have a boi pussy, will that work?

>> No.6779712

Are you white?

>> No.6779716


>> No.6779727

No, I'm not a faggot.


>> No.6779730


>> No.6779733

Pretty much this.

You'd get the same effect if you went out and fucked some high school girls, and that would actually be less sad than what you're doing now. You could probably score one more attractive than Regan too (not a high bar).

>> No.6779734

It's nuh BOH kuf

>> No.6779735

Of european descent yes--though I'm not white to some "racial purists".

>> No.6779739


>"I love moby dick so much! Every word is just so like....finely crafted! I'm 30 pages in and it's already my favourite book!"


>> No.6779756

Ayy boi, That means you black

>> No.6779760
File: 29 KB, 302x508, 1414766113505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no psychologically damaged posh gf

>> No.6779774

you don't watch booktube for literature

you watch it if you are lonely like me and want to create fantasy backstories for 7/10 girls

>> No.6779787


>> No.6779798

How can you be attracted to that? 10s in I almost vomitted.

>> No.6779805

Jesus Christ do these booktuber grills ever move away from English soap operas?

>> No.6779810


also you should make screeching monkey noises while the book burns

>> No.6779813

Can someone please tell me what a book haul is??

>> No.6779822

I like posh girls and I like quirky 6/10s with self esteem issues. Also if you look at her instagram she has a pretty good body.

>> No.6779824


>> No.6779828

Nailed it.

>> No.6779830

Holy shit this is annoying! I can't believe you'd actually enjoy this shit.
>le just be urself
Seriously, games are a huge waste of time and anime have what 50 titles worth watching?

>> No.6779834


>> No.6779836

It's like their knowledge of classics never exits English language and barely moves away from high school.

>> No.6779844

I watched a bit more. She is somewhat endearing but aesthetically nothing special. On top of that her accent makes me reach for my fookin' pitchfork.

>> No.6779879

I like this guy's channel. He's got a slow brand of humour which is refreshing for a youtuber and talks about a lot of /lit/core. He also mentions going to see deathgrips in one of his videos so its likely he actually browses /lit/

>> No.6779885

>itt redditors and neo /lit/

>> No.6779891

>I enjoy Steinbecks writing, I... I just really really like his writing

>for like... communism?!

>withering heights

>the burmese days
>set in India
>George Orrail

>young female girl

>dystopian but not like hunger games style

>like like like

>> No.6779915


>> No.6779922

>the next novel that I picked up is a play

>> No.6779933

>>withering heights
I withered when I read that book for the first time. I wonder how I'd feel about it now. I recall I thought the first half was alright and the second half was shite.

>> No.6779940

my sides

If you like this bitch you are officially a pleb.

>> No.6779941

It's really, really good. Heathcliff is a gripping character, the atmosphere of the Yorkshire moors is wonderfully evoked and the novel was really innovative in its use of dialect and narration-within-narration. Emily is by far my favourite of the Brontes.

>> No.6779943

That means you have the exact same opinion of the book as the girl in the OP :^)

>> No.6779953

First time I've seen my /lit/ waifu posted here.

She is definitely the GOAT.

>> No.6779962

yeah you sound like you'd fit right in

>> No.6779963

>I don't think he actually acts on his passion

She's in for a surprise.

>> No.6779973

>some of these are old and ratty
"What's wrong with old, ratty books?" I ask, looking over at my small collection of medical books from the late 19th-early 20th century.

I'm not too concerned about having shelf-perfect books as long as I can read them and the binding's not collapsing into dust every time I pick it up.

By the way, the best book in my med book collection is a 300 page user manual printed in 1912 for a "New-Life" vibrator and how you can cure everything from colds and colic to deafness and tuberculosis. I bought it at an estate sale of one of my grandma's neighbors after he got busted for selling cocaine. Shit's hilarious.

>> No.6779984

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.6779987

>look at me: the post

>> No.6780020

Well fuck me dead, I really don't buy into the "patrician" shittalk around /lit/ (and many other boards) but watching this girl talk well about books that are completely shit triggered me. Every shit stuff she presents has the same kind of glossy colorful YA shit cover and is about fucking Mary Sues and it just drips of crap for retarded 16-year-old girls raised on Harry Potter only and projects of future beta cucks oh fuck why am I being this long-winded anyway triggered, if you browse /lit/ and force this slut here you have issues

>> No.6780028


...Being nerdy is cool now, so she's not being brave, she's just another whore following the trends saying "I always did that, duh"

>> No.6780033
File: 45 KB, 626x516, oh lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are better than this, /lit/.

>> No.6780037

Please...please..please, lets do this again.

Please >.<

>> No.6780042

lel, you aren't going to scare Regan off the internet. That other girl was too virginal and pure and couldn't handle the banter. Regan has been around the block once or twice, she knows what's up.

>> No.6780045

But the other girl's hymen was probably intact, that's why it was funny, this girl is definitely not a virgin

>> No.6780051

If there is one thing I have learned from psychologically destroying girls who have been around the block a couple times and thought they were tough and experienced...is that you can make them go to so many therapists who, if they had a chance, could get their hands around your throat, would kill you.

Oh man...I tell you what. One time I got the same therapist by chance a few months after she did. Needless to say he had a daughter and he saw my name come up. After the second meeting he switched me to another therapist.

>> No.6780053

Fuck off.

>> No.6780054


fuck off


jesus christ r9k please leave

>> No.6780059


>> No.6780064


>caring about dumb bitches online that you fantasy fucking


You are the one who deserves to be there you pathetic cunts

>> No.6780065

This is just youtube comments m8

>> No.6780077

>Oh man...I tell you what. One time I got the same phony therapist by chance a few months after she did. I really did. Needless to say he had a daughter and he saw my name come up. After the second meeting shooting the bull he switched me to another therapist. That killed me

>> No.6780079
File: 300 KB, 1069x706, bookish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on jean bookishthoughts?

>> No.6780087

I'm with you m8.

>> No.6780089
File: 253 KB, 700x700, [wiggling intensifies].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean I just have to talk about books on Youtube to get invited to a publisher talk and get free books?

Sine me up.

>> No.6780092

She's a prose over verse pleb, and a stealth fatty.

I love her accent though. :3

>> No.6780094

We don't care about her, you idiot. We're just not some fucking raiding board.

And you suggesting me to go to /b/? That's a fucking laugh.

> >.<

nice face, faggot. Surprised you didn't add driblets of cum to it.

>> No.6780095

oink tbh

>> No.6780100

I've never read any of his books or watched his videos, but he looked like a pretentious twat from some photos of him I've seen. Is this suspicion correct?

>> No.6780101
File: 26 KB, 275x280, 1433508989899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing the 3rd world was better of with imperialism

Top pleb

>> No.6780105

Couldn't make it more than ten seconds in. I feel such intense cringe.

>> No.6780110

Booktubers are just terrible in general.

>> No.6780111
File: 103 KB, 358x791, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head too big for my taste

>> No.6780117
