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/lit/ - Literature

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6778182 No.6778182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know, generally, that what "plebs" fail in reading they make up in social skills and having known the touch of a woman right?

I love literature as much as the next guy but I think some of you should worry more about becoming well-rounded, interesting people through the books you read than greasy ivory tower goblins. hth

>> No.6778190
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Social skills are skills that one cultivates. I learned them somewhat late. I can talk to pretty much anyone about anything. But it sucks, because I'm no longer in school, simply having these skills isn't going to help me, as an adult I need a good bit of money and luck.

>> No.6778206

No, you just need to learn to step on people without remorse, and lie about it without so much as a twitch in the corner of your eye.

That's the sort of man our society truly values, you see, we make them our leaders.

>> No.6778219

>generally, that what "plebs" fail in reading they make up in social skills and having known the touch of a woman right?
do you have any basis for this assertion?

>I think some of you should worry more about becoming well-rounded, interesting people through the books you read than greasy ivory tower goblins.
You know many of the posts on this board are ironic or post ironic? I don't think it's possible to gain deep insight into someone else's character form a couple of anonymous posts on a Moldovan pet shop job application. However the fact that you think you can is a little telling.

>> No.6778229
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>having known the touch of a woman

Too bad they don't know the touch of good taste.

>> No.6778232

owned rekt

>> No.6778234

euphoric post my gentleman

>> No.6778248

>do you have any basis for this assertion?

Yeah, real life.

>you know how many posts on this board are ironic or post ironic?

oh come on bruh it's 4chan there's no dearth of weebs and euphoric gentleman trying to cling to whatever flotsam of validation they can after the SS Self-Worth went under sometime during high school.

give some of the weebs here To Kill a Mockingbird and he thinks he's part of the fucking cognoscenti

>> No.6778256

There is no such thing as a good book written by a woman.

>> No.6778263

>you should worry more about becoming well-rounded, interesting people

Define "well-rounded" and "interesting," then explain why someone should worry about that?

>> No.6778270

>tfw extravert, socially skilled and literate

>> No.6778287

Me too, i just lack money and education. Oops.

>> No.6778316

'social skills' don't exist
when i was fat and depressed and my life sucked, i weirded out everyone that i talked to
when i got in shape, got my life together, and started making money, people were fine with me
it's that fucking simple
'social skills' is a momscience concept that doesn't real

>> No.6778348

I mean who cares. I'm probably going to die alone and destitute. So what does anything matter

>> No.6778349

Not really, but i suppose that most people are generally so shallow & forgiving that an idiot, lest he is a loser in addition is "good enough".

>> No.6778414


No he speaks the truth.. You get away with a lot more just be looking nice or at least looking like you take care of yourself outside. make money, dress nice.. Look semifit etc

It's easy to be social in that sense.

>> No.6778419


>> No.6778429

No, women are not attracted to men who read both YA lit and Shakespeare. Being "well-rounded" in the sense OP is talking about basically just means read shit along with good books.

In my experience, women actually like men who read great works of literature, enjoy art films and the fine arts. Yeah, women themselves read YA-lit a lot but no one can have a conversation about that shit, except to themselves on Youtube.

If you read literature and appreciate the fine arts, etc., the real reason you might not be pulling ham is because you have some other shitty, consuming hobby like sweating in a dirty chair naked playing videogames. Stick to the ivory tower. Women love art and philosophy, even ones who don't engage in it.

>> No.6778433

why do my /johngreen/ generals get pruned but not this shit? mod explain yourself?

>> No.6778447

If there's something I would like to get away from it's the desire for women. I'm an anti-social fucking retard and I've given up on hoping for something to happen because everytime I get the feeling a girl shows interest it's all bullshit.
But yeah, well, I guess I'm the fool for trying to avoid it, especially on a retarded fucking website like this, because it's the only thing that everybody chases after, so I guess I'll just have to keep being a sad fucking virgin, or learn live with it.

>> No.6778503

come now anon, cheer up. you can probably still become a hipster and try to impress some girl with your knowledge of shitposting- I mean Shakespeare.

if not, keep reading anyway. not being outgoing should open up oceans of free time.

no seriously, go fucking read something. the only thing people on 4chan can agree on is that we probably shouldn't be on 4chan right now.

>> No.6778518

Motivation to read is not something I lack, I've read all day and I'm taking a break.

>> No.6778524

Why are you projecting? My fiance turned 16 today and I'm a member of several communities.

I've even been published.

>> No.6778532
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On the other hand it's the one who lacks spiritual wealth who is forced to seek out company, always running from his internal emptiness. You wanna know why? BECAUSE HE CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. He is the true boring unoriginal cunt and he does it for free. He will never be happy with just himself, always chasing social approval and material goods to compensate. HE DOES IT FOR FREE.

>And this is why I'm staying in my basement. Thanks soapandshower :3

>> No.6778538

As a gay guy who reads a lot I honestly have to admit that talking about literature tends to get tiresome really fast, and I don't find anything particularly attractive about other guys who read a lot. I don't get very far with people who try to impress you with how many books they've read. It doesn't make them interesting.

>> No.6778541

16? And how old are you?

>> No.6778542

You know 4chan was never good but the flavor of shit it was really changed as underagedb& went through puberty and the userbase changed from 'anime weirdos' to 'bitter, alienated normies trying to fit in with the weirdos'

>> No.6778545

>real life.
so you have drawn conclusions from experiences in your life, which others should take on faith as fact?
>oh come on bruh it's 4chan
I won;t deny there is no shortage of pathetic pseudo intellectual posturing on this board but it's become a staple of board culture at this point and because of poe's law it's impossible to know who is, and how many of them, are serious.

>> No.6778548


>> No.6778553

Isn't the point maybe that the thought "I read literature, therefore someone will find me attractive" comes more from people finding intelligence attractive? And because people who read high brow literature are (seem) attractive?

>> No.6778564

Nah, women want a good story teller.

t. virgin

>> No.6778572
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>> No.6778576


Intelligence on its own isn't attractive. Application of that intelligence can be. For instance, I might find someone who teaches interesting or attractive, or someone who's doing research and working on a book of his own. But I'm not inherently impressed by someone just because they've read a bunch of books.

>> No.6778582

Good point, you convinced me.

>> No.6778583

>Stick to the ivory tower. Women love art and philosophy, even ones who don't engage in it.
Yes. Very contradictory but it's true. They won't understand it but they'll appreciate it at at least. Or maybe they just say those these because I look so good.

>> No.6778590

Social skills don't really have a lot to do with getting women per se. Being hard working and outgoing will bring you friends, something pinnacle in making you a well rounded person and increasing your chances. Even if you have all that you're only going to get a women through power play. When it comes down to it you need to know what a women wants and be ahead of her in suggesting what that is.

>> No.6778598

I just want to write a great novel dude.

>> No.6778602

>My fiance turned 16
Tell us more.

>> No.6778607

Why? She's losing her youthful charm, it isn't pleasant.

>> No.6778610

wow this is great

>> No.6778611

I know right? Fucking normies everywhere.

>> No.6778622


>> No.6778625

Tell us dirty stories of her in her prime then. Don't leave us dry Anon.

>> No.6778628

There are none, we have only gone as far as bathing together.

>> No.6778629

got any lewd stories or word pictures?

>> No.6778630

I'm losing confidence in your validity in truth Anon.

>> No.6778634

See: >>6778628
Why? Don't you understand prudence?

>> No.6778637


I sure understand making up bullshit online though

>> No.6778641

Not in this case. No.

>> No.6778642

You mean asexuality?

>> No.6778644

I have adequate social skills except when networking or going somewhere alone like a gallery or club. I can't chat up people I don't know without an introduction. Envious of people who can.

>> No.6778649

You're coming to assumptions because of a website and your own lack of self-control, great.
No, I don't.

>> No.6778653

ow the edge

>> No.6778654

Since you keep taking the time and effort to keep replying to worthless responses, maybe you can also say something (it doesn't have to be much) to convince us you are not bullshitting.

>> No.6778660

>I have no self-control so you're just lying!

>> No.6778673


>> No.6778681

I always considered my social skills to be bretty good but apparently I don't bind people to me in the long term. I think it's because I don't look them in the eyes enough plus I have bad teeth. My face is kind of handsome so I attract people in bars and such and I generally bring the lulz and can talk to anyone so I don't know where else the problem might lie.

As for girls they pretty much stopped paying me attention when I stopped lifting weights and lost over 20 kilos. Nowadays I just stare at their feet and leave it at that.

>> No.6778697

>face is kind of handsome

>> No.6778703

/lit/, I'm in a mental crisis. A few days ago the weather was nice and I decided to go out and read in a park a few hundred meters from my house. After a while I left to pick a friend (female, maybe important later on) up from the trainstation and I saw a girl reading, she didn't notice me. When we (friend and I) entered the same park, the reading girl was still there, all of a sudden noticing me. She didn't even just glance, she fucking stared me down.
Is this how I will woo someone? Should I just befriend a bunch of hot girls first, to proceed by walking around with them until I see I catch a cute girl's attention and then ditch the friend I was with before and go talk to the new girl?

>> No.6778740
File: 17 KB, 493x402, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a socially anxious type, have always been. I went to a all boys boarding school too, and that didn't help. For a while I didn't know how to talk to girls. But I came over some personal anxiety hurdles and can talk to anybody nowadays. What helped me was actually me being removed from everybody socially for years, it was great for reflection and perspective. I still get a little anxious when I'm supposed to talk to new people but at least I'm not so awkward now. Still a virgin but that's not a problem, it's only a matter of time now. Also part of the problem was that I was living in an emotional cocoon for most of my life, just getting by by appeasing peoples' expectations, now that I've got a more individual will it's not relevant anymore. Ironically what helped me through it was less social interaction to cultivate myself as an individual. People like talking to me now, but I don't have much interest in any of them. Still I have minimal social needs that urge me toward some if not much contact and social gratification. I'm actually trying to get rid of this base desire which I find superfluous, but have no idea if it can actually be done. Too close personal relationships is unwanted, and this aspect of myself is actually to the detriment of my brother who I no longer desire to be as close to as we once were, and, sadly, I think it might be hurting him. But he's actually got a life and such so I hope he learns to cope with it. I'm much too distant a person. Like I said people like talking to me but I won't reveal much of my true self, this might be some of the anxiety lingering but also a non-desire to connect with people I find basic.

>> No.6778741

If you're prepared to approach a girl and talk to her, why do you need to go through all that awkward preparation just for some confirmation that likely means nothing?

>> No.6778744

Sorry man. Just picture some slightly above average cunt with bad teeth and boi lips and a pronounced jawline. It doesn't matter anyways, I don't socialize anymore. I just wander about the streets and stare at girls feet. Something needs to change. Maybe if I started reading more I could join some book club. Everything else seems kind of lame right now.

>> No.6778749

Lack of confidence and fear of being rejected I guess.

>> No.6778752


>> No.6778754


>> No.6778765

Where you from

I need friends

>> No.6778776

Write me some poetry about your dark soul and suffering

>> No.6778780

The Netherlands.

>> No.6778826

More like plebberlands. Basic bitch get out my face.

>> No.6778833

Woe is me
But why can't you see
That that's not really me?
All I want is to be

>> No.6778848

I know right. Getting out of this shithole as soon as possible.

>> No.6778855

I'm a spurdo spärde ebin le pepin neetfag and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

>> No.6778857

All the places are equally shithole-y.

>> No.6778875

You know what my grandmother used to say?

"Als je het hier niet leuk vind dan ga je toch lekker in Noord-Korea wonen."

>> No.6778884

>"Als je het hier niet leuk vind dan ga je toch lekker in Noord-Korea wonen."
Fair enough.

>> No.6778902

Did she also say something along the lines of:
"Ik ben echt geen racist hoor, maar als er wat aan de hand is zijn het altijd die kut turken."

>> No.6778956

If you're trying to draw funny stories out of me to confirm some kind of old people stereotype then I'm going to have to disappoint you.

>> No.6778972

Too bad. My grandparents were like that, so I was just basing it on that.

>> No.6779244

>tfw you type out a big paragraph and nobody even acknowledges your post

>> No.6779263
