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/lit/ - Literature

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6776805 No.6776805 [Reply] [Original]

What book turned your life around?

>> No.6776806
File: 131 KB, 334x500, Krishnamurti freedom from the known.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the better, and I am forever grateful.
>pic related

>> No.6776824

Camus' The Rebel. Got me into reading and literature when I was in highschool.

>> No.6776826

The gOD Delusion

>> No.6776832
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>> No.6776833

Marcus Aurelius's Meditations. I am not a good person but for the first time in my life I am trying to be one. I am not going to wax poetically about the benefits of trying to become a good person, but you should read it. It's nothing original or mind-blowing but it really will help you become a better and happier person.

>> No.6776839
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I gotta hand it to Fahrenheit 451. Got me back into reading, and at that time I absolutely dreaded books.

>> No.6776843
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So turning your life around means getting you to start reading? Huh... I didn't know that.

>> No.6776846

>Jiddu Krishnamurti
Put down the pipe

>> No.6776850

Ah, a fellow cardsie! Gotta love that devious Frank Underwood. His reactions -- so good!

>> No.6776852

What's wrong with K?

>> No.6776854

Paradise Lost

>> No.6776856
File: 21 KB, 207x330, fbbb7fdbba0550cefe50cf8b75d8ad92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This masterpiece

>> No.6776861

ur moms sex diary

>> No.6776864


i dont read, im too busy consuming media content and i come here to talk about philosophy i know nothing about, i read nietzsche when i was a teenager, and his teachings are to me what must have been the greeks to the medieval europeans, forgotten in all but name

>> No.6776872

Ride the Tiger changed my life.

I was angry about liberal modernity to the point that I didn't want to live in it. I'd given up on everything for a couple years. RTT taught me that it's pointless to care about things you can't change, and that living a life of introspection and deference to the universe is worthwhile.

I've faltered a lot since then, but I've come farther than I ever thought I would.

>> No.6776885

Hesiod's Work and Days; I never really trusted women, but now I KNOW they're just after my granary.

>> No.6776918

anything endorsed by Chopra is automatically garbage

>> No.6776935

>anything endorsed by Chopra

I don't know even know who that is. I'm actually surprised anyone here even knows who J. Krishnamurti is.

>> No.6776964

This. It elevated my consiousness to see above all the other sheep.

>> No.6776967

Delirious New York by Rem Koolhaas

>> No.6776969
File: 70 KB, 800x515, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-E0406-0022-001,_Russland,_Kesselschlacht_Stalingrad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it was a documentary about Stalingrad.

>> No.6776971


Thanks for visiting us.
Here you go >>>/tv/

>> No.6776972

>if you like books you can't ever enjoy other media
How's it like being 6?

>> No.6776977


I never said you couldn't enjoy other media. I'm happy you enjoyed your documentary. But that wasn't OP's question was it? I believe OP's question is:

>What book turned your life around?
>What book

>> No.6776991
File: 485 KB, 1246x2035, Terl Shrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6777062
File: 406 KB, 882x1379, thediceman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dice Man. It's sad I never see it being discussed, but it's a delightful counterculture piece that actually made me look at how I deal with society at large. It also made me reflect on personality and how is it constructed.

Furthermore and a bit unrelated, it was the book I lent to this girl who was more interested in the sex scenes, I suspect, and she was the first girl who fell in love with me.

That fucking book, many memories.

>> No.6777071

Deepak Chopra is a godamn lunatic. I don't know who Krishnamurti is, but his name is clearly a clue to how he's a nutcase hippie

>> No.6777077

>I don't know who Krishnamurti is

Guilt by association, association with a dead man who can't defend himself...

Seriously m8, wtf is wrong with you? Are you a child?

>> No.6777348
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>> No.6777353

the bible. it made me an atheist

>> No.6777360
File: 12 KB, 300x300, Outsider Wilson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good book to read when you're just getting into philosophy and philosophical lit.

>> No.6777368


>> No.6777381

Why not? Literary fictions have had a huge impact on my life.

>> No.6777383
File: 117 KB, 500x399, 1433804088065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The iliad.
>mfw Achilles is pulling hectors body around on a chariot

>> No.6777385

the bible. it made me a theist.

>> No.6777389

I'll check it out at least... faggot

>> No.6777390
File: 26 KB, 319x499, 41J2GqX7WmL._SX317_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non-memingly this

>> No.6777402

This looks like it, is it only ~70 pages? http://www.didier-artault.com/05_JK_htm/20-freedom%20from%20the%20known.pdf

>> No.6777403

I concur, it's an amazing book, but it made me feel like a failure - here's this book by an amazingly well-read unknown 20 year old kid who believed in himself so much that he practically became homeless to write his book, and yet here I am, 5 years older, shitposting on the internet

>> No.6777430

>O most ingenious Theuth, the parent or inventor of an art is not always the best judge of the utility or inutility of his own inventions to the users of them. And in this instance, you who are the father of letters, from a paternal love of your own children have been led to attribute to them a quality which they cannot have; for this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality.

>> No.6777490

Around implies forwards and backwards.

Anyways Tao Te Cheng

>> No.6777499

the kybalion

>> No.6777563
File: 14 KB, 193x300, Mein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein Kampf definitely changed my life. I read it and live by basically every word the book has to offer. I recommend this to everyone for a life changing experience!

>> No.6777573


Be honest anon what was the desired effect of your post? I mean, it will not shock anyone here, nor will it convince anyone that you're for real, and it is certainly not funny. It just smells like utter boredom on your part, I bet you had a tired smile on your face while writing it but it is not funny at all.

So what was it? What effect did you seek?

>> No.6777635

Nice. I'm tired of these little boys making fun of themselves.

>> No.6777661


Nah, Chopra isn't even interesting enough to be a lunatic. He's a mundane Gucci-glasses wearing dolt.

>> No.6777690

Gonna copy this and use it on some idiots on /jp/, thanks.

>> No.6777692

anybody got a pdf or epub of this?

>> No.6777700


>> No.6777891

Wonder the same so very often

>> No.6777900


Vitamin K?

>> No.6777915


>It's nothing original

>> No.6777953

how did this mundane book affect your life in any way?


>> No.6777959

Gutenberg Galaxy

>> No.6777970
File: 445 KB, 1660x2500, 16482_Barbara_Bui_F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For real

>> No.6777978

Read the sticky

>> No.6778009
File: 103 KB, 366x488, 220176-zyzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myth of Sisyphus and Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.6778017

Can I press you on this? I'm considering reading Beyond Good & Evil and wondered what the result will be.

>> No.6778032


Nietzsche's philosophy is an infinitely more sophisticated version of this video.

>> No.6778033

I feel like such a memer but that video got me pumped as fuck when it came out, so yeah, I'm on board.

Where should I start?

>> No.6778039

Read his works chronologically and if you get to Ecce Homo and you now want to know about Nietzsche himself, read it.

>> No.6778056

The greenscreen is a perfect metaphor for how Nietzsche's writings can be (and are) juxtaposed with all sorts of ideas views or visions that Nietzsche himself most certainly didn't predict, and nevertheless gets credit for.

>> No.6778565



>> No.6778612

I might have to check this out; I've only heard good things.

>> No.6779071

It's just seeking a reply. There's a reason behind ignoring certain posts, it doesn't make the poster feel that you've
>been rused

>> No.6779189


How exactly?

>> No.6779212

It's a short book, worth reading.

>> No.6779311

journey to the end of the night #rekt me as a teenager

> my fifteenth year ... was to be a year of thick internal dialogue ... and swearing! ... and lots of ellipses

>> No.6779330

underrated post

>> No.6781181

Infinity Jest

>> No.6781245

Tao Te Ching

>> No.6781255

I'm actually reading it at the moment and I'd have to agree

>> No.6781257

Reading what?

>> No.6781260

Meditations, i forgot to add the reply to >>6776833

>> No.6781263

Which half, the first or the second? Scholars say the Tao Te Ching is actually 2 books separated by hundreds of years. That is why the last half sounds more political, where the begining is more simplistic and philosophical.

>> No.6781264

I return to passages from the first half more often.

>> No.6781267

That makes sense. If there was a Lau Tzu, he most certainly would have wrote the first half.

It is the most simplistic book one will ever read, yet, would probably take several lifetimes to master.

>> No.6781303
File: 153 KB, 320x538, russell320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For years I tried to intellectually situate myself to change, to be happy, as though convincing myself how, or that it was even possible. It was empty procrastination.

Russel helped. Simple but weighty book.

>> No.6781306
File: 14 KB, 464x464, 1406296633421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You told him.

>> No.6781351

Mein Kampf really let me see things as they are

>> No.6781355

Some faggot already made this joke. Kill yourself

>> No.6781356
File: 2.06 MB, 150x173, Well Done.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6781358
File: 151 KB, 424x318, 7190 - pointing smackdown smiling suit vince_mcmahon wwf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said it buddy boy

>> No.6782170

Ask the Dust showed me what a massive piece of shit I am and allowed me to reject the poser persona that led me to be that way.

>> No.6782179

I cannot recommend this book enough. It is monumental and manages to replace huge swaths of psychology.

>> No.6782268

excellent shutdown anon, copypasting for future use