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File: 23 KB, 350x320, chimamanda-ngozi-adichie-zadie-smith-schomburg-feat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6776470 No.6776470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about these two WoC?

>inb4 Zadie sucked DFW's cock

>> No.6776478

I never read anything by either of them. Zumbaba the dreamweaver's books sound boring.

>> No.6776483

Wait, do you think Zadie actually sucked DFW's cock?

Holy fuck thats so hot.

>> No.6776485

Zadie Smith is pretty cute. I like a couple of her essays but I'm not going to pretend she's some sort of literary wunderkind

Adichie is a shit writer IMO. Also very unattractive. This WoC could use a little less color if you ask me

>> No.6776490

I dunno, she looks like a fucking skeleton in Opie's pic. Not what I'd call cute or attractive at all.

>> No.6776498

Wow, I would say the opposite. Chimamanda probably has an ass that never quits.

>> No.6776501

I feel sorry for her if she had to suck that tiny white cock.

>> No.6776504

I doubt he would've consistently gotten that much audience pussy if it was small.

>> No.6776511

The fact that he needed desperate fans to fuck is indicative of how big it is.

>> No.6776516
File: 117 KB, 500x649, tiziano-martini-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some story that's needs explaining here? I know Mary Karr took it regularly, but what do you mean?

>> No.6776526

>But it’s still something of a shock to see the extent to which Wallace—the perspiring, softly spoken and tortuously sincere figure of popular affection—could himself be a Hideous Man. Sure, his friend Jonathan Franzen felt compelled to point out that Wallace was never “Saint Dave,” but it’s another thing entirely to see him walking through the Amherst campus as an undergraduate, remarking on the springtime “smell of cunt in the air.” We later learn that Orin Incandenza’s penchant, in Infinite Jest, for seducing young mothers is in fact something he shared with his creator. We learn about DFW’s womanizing, about his book-tour fondness for “audience pussy,” and that he once wondered aloud to Franzen about whether his only purpose in life was “to put my penis in as many vaginas as possible.”

>> No.6776553

I've been reading White Teeth. It's not bad.

>> No.6776570

Incredible...is this from the D.T. Austist bio?

Also, do you get the feeling that Franzen is honestly just a huge jackoff and he sort of does the same thing, what with his having a partner when he's "on the West Coast" ?

>> No.6776579

I bet you two are a hit with all the ladies

>> No.6776619

White Teeth was a good and important book. I feel like she "gets" London today. Zadie's said some pretty insightful things about multiculturalism (like it or not, this is what's relevant - the intersection of cultures is one of the things that defines the era we live in now).

Also seems to be way more sympathetic to American lit than most euros, based on her essays. I don't think most /lit/izens know how unliterary and patrish most of its favorite authors seem to the rest of the world

>> No.6776622

*many of its favorite American authors seem to t

>> No.6776625

So your saying she did most likely fuck DFW?

>> No.6776626

I hear he was real into AEA

>> No.6776632


Wait, what? Explain yourselves.

>> No.6776634

He fucked a lot of fans on his book tours. Brief Interviews with Hideous Men is pretty clearly semi-autobiographical at moments. I remember one bit about how easy it was to manipulate "granola-cruncher" hippie girls at festivals, for instance

>> No.6776639

Above Elbow Amputation?

>> No.6776649

Of course. What else could AEA possibly mean?

>> No.6776660

Zadie Smith wrote White Teeth when she was 23. Makes me feel inferior

>> No.6776665

Oh. Well that's depressing D: Where did you hear about this?

>> No.6776686

I don't think you realize how little Americans care about the rest of the world

>> No.6776715

I'm aware. And it comes off as insular and ignorant. Ephemeral. Kind of like pop culture

>> No.6776739


>multiculturalism (like it or not

I choose "not" you european cuck

>> No.6776810

You don't get to choose. It's happening

>> No.6776825

literally, unrionically who?

>> No.6776840

>it comes off as insular and ignorant. Ephemeral. Kind of like pop culture
I'm going to have to strongly stress this: Americans really do not care very much about about the rest of the world, most especially the rest of the world's opinions about America. You're using the word ephemeral incorrectly btw

>> No.6776842

>You don't get to choose. It's happening
Fuck you, defeatist scum. You deserve your shithole

>> No.6776847

I would whack those WoCs

>> No.6776910

>I would lynch those WoCs

>> No.6776963

No way did Zadie fall for dfw's creepy pick up artist shtick

>> No.6776995

What's got your pussy in a ruffle?

>> No.6777001

Ephemeral as in lasting a short time. They usually don't age well.

>> No.6777013

Defeatist? I just seems inevitable as tech, communication, and means of travel become more widespread, advanced, and accessible. Cultures that used to have much less contact with one another suddenly are affected by one another, and react to one one another, at a rate that seems to increase exponentially. I mean, you could live in a shitty town and close yourself off from the world but even then the media will get to you. You're fighting a losing battle

>> No.6777420

Zadie's sex scene writing is literotica.com-tier.

>> No.6777446

I'm starting to think she did.
DFW was known to be more alpha in person and really goofy/loser looking for effect in photos and interviews.

Also Black girls usually like to try a white guy at some point in their lives.
DFW had around 10 years on her which is supposedly the "magic number" for that kind of thing. He was an impressive artist by the time they would have met. . . international acclaim as someone who had written something hard to understand. He was in another league, head and shoulders above the others and that kind of thing. . . well it writes itself. Oh and an expert in being sad, which is certainly Zadie's spot.

>> No.6777449

I like Chimamanda. Never read Zadie before.


>> No.6777565
File: 30 KB, 620x413, 125126306__400862c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also very unattractive.
anon please

>> No.6777576

>I would impregnate those WoCs

>> No.6777651

>tfw no african gf

>> No.6778792

>DFW was known to be more alpha in person


>> No.6779122

Video related got me to buy 'Changing My Mind'.
I've read most of it and so far I think I would love a Zadie Smith novel, will probably read a couple before the year is over.
I heard Adichie give a reading once and thought... I'll wait for her to get older and write about something else.