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/lit/ - Literature

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6775584 No.6775584 [Reply] [Original]

So with the absolute dogshit that was season 5 of GoT i decided not to give a shit about >le spoilers anymore and started looking up book theories over the past few days.

It seems like there's allot of shit in the books and i can't figure out if half of the shit i'm finding is actually intentional or just fans reading too much into details that aren't actually relevant, which raised an interesting question for me regarding literature in general.

Is this theory shit unique to asoiaf or is it done in other books, and if so how common is it in literature, and what are some good examples?

It seems like quite a task for a writer to weave all these really subtle easy to miss hints into an entire series of books, all pointing or not pointing to different unrelated, but at times related, plot points and revelations in the story, its legitimately impressive and these are the first books i've actually considered reading, ever.

But is it though, like does it just seem impressive to me because i've never read a serious book or is that fat fuck a legit genius?

>pic unrelated

>> No.6775593

back to reddit

>> No.6775613

Eat a dick nigger.

>> No.6775664

Game of Thrones is considered to be shit here and only a handful of people will talk about it. You'd have better luck on /tv/ honestly.

>> No.6775673

fuck off retard

>> No.6775685

Seriously, fuck off. We're sorry Reddit is being immolated right now because of modding drama, but don't bring your shitty subpar posting here.

Or if you are going to stay, lurk moar.

>> No.6775692

get the fuck out moron

>> No.6775717

start with the greeks you fucking normie pleb

>> No.6775721


>> No.6775735


>> No.6775738
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George R.R. Martin will die before finishing the series, so I don't know why you care.

The books will end according to the whims of some faggot the publishing house hires to finish them.

>> No.6775748


>> No.6775750
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Sit & spin nerds.

>> No.6775751

If someone else is hired to finish it I can't see that being anything other than an improvement because GURRM is fucking terrible.

>> No.6775759

They're going to write it in his style, though.

>> No.6775763

I'm just gonna assume this is bait b/c there's no way somebody can be both this fucking stupid and operate a computer without injuring themselves. cut the malarkey OP

>> No.6775764

dumb frogposter

>> No.6775766

A competent take on his style would still be an improvement over the real thing.

>> No.6775780

Normies get off my /lit/


>> No.6775822

It's called foreshadowing faggot. Now fuck off

>> No.6775945

yeah op it's done a lot
it's kind of important to the whole literature thing
grrm is not a genius and his books are drivel

>> No.6776143
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So books are actually cool and shit?


>> No.6776199

good lit crit should enrich your reading of a book. shoehorning pet topics into an interpretation stinks like you shit your pants

it's tough to create objective criteria over what's a good, legitimate reading into something and what's wanky fag shit but you can usually tell yourself.

good reading: "in 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening', Frost is enticed by the prospect of letting his life and worries slip away forever by the seductive darkness of the forest, but he refuses the impulse because he has 'miles to go before [he] sleeps', ie he's still got shit to do in life'
bad reading: 'the dark knight trilogy is an allegory for the bush administration"

>> No.6776209

that's a shitty "reading" of Frost, simply retelling the poem in prose. the dark knights one is an actual reading and sounds interesting.

>> No.6776210

if you want to talk about GoT there is a board that already has 1/4th of it's threads dedicated to the subject, I recommend you go there.

If you want to talk here, first you have to read the greeks.

>> No.6776220
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>with the absolute dogshit that was season 5 of GoT
Where have you got up to with the books? Season 5 was loosely (in many cases very loosely) based on book 5 and some parts of book 4. Depending on what you disliked about season 5, you might go sour on the books too.

Anyway, that intricacy that you're talking about is standard for many large novels. You won't find many on /lit/ who consider GRRM a good writer, though, as everyone's falling over their fedoras to gush about Pynchon and DFW instead. I'd say GRRM is pretty good for the fantasy genre, but his writing is only mediocre when compared to the best prose writers. Still pulpy fun anyway.

>> No.6776224


>> No.6776227

that "shitty reading" was made by a colleague of my lit prof and the speaker contemplating suicide was not something that occurred to any one of us in class.

sorry you think some tumblr-tier reading of batman is a good reading

>> No.6776229

>implying anyone here has actually read the greeks

>> No.6776230

Dude greeks are fags lol, they bankrupt.