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[SPOILER] No.6774964[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have one good reason why you aren't a stirnerist egoist insurrectionary anarchist?

>> No.6774969


meaningless violent uprisings go against my stirnerist egoist philosophical stance's desires. I'm more interested in exploiting society as much as I can instead.

>> No.6774978
File: 375 KB, 639x910, Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6774983

daily reminder marx bodied this fool

>> No.6774991

Because its a garbage philosophical view that leads to inefficiency in society and is only attractive to NEET neckbeard that post on the internet all day in hopes they can justify their utter worthlessness which they themselves are partly responsible for.

>> No.6774999

nice meme

Marx's critique was one long as fuck straw man and argument from authority that made baseless utilitarian claims.

>> No.6775019

Sounds like butthurt to me. Nice digits.

>> No.6775071

>that leads to inefficiency in society

The "if everybody would do that" argument isn't actually an argument, if we have no reason to believe that the if-clause would even happen.

Here, voluntary egoism doesn't lead to notable decline as almost nobody knows of it and even less drop their beloved morals.

>> No.6775345

If I understand you correctly and not everyone goes egoist youd be relying on the morality of others to game the system. This is a logical inconsistency in a system that claims to be amoral

>> No.6775560

Yes I do. I haven't read Stirner and I don't know what it means to be a stirnerist egoist.