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6774961 No.6774961 [Reply] [Original]

So i was discussing actions with a friend of mine, and he claimed the follwoing:

Every action we have made, is an action we wanted to make.

Action meaning a conscious disission we decide to act upon, exluding automaticly controled bodily processes like blinking and growing hair. "Wanted to" meaning something we belived was the best thing to to in the moment of making the disission. We might regret it later, but when we decided to act, it was what we wanted to do.

At first i thought it was a childish and unjustified claim, but then i tried thinking of counter examples. Seriously, is there anything you have done in the past that you did not want to do?

>Inb4 My mom told me to take out the garbage and i did not want to do it, but i still did.

When you did it you realized it would make your life easier if you just did it, so you actually wanted to.

>> No.6774994


depends on your definition of want

>> No.6775010

Your friend defined the concept weakly.

Every conscious human action is made in self-interest.

Think up human actions that go against this and I will prove you wrong.

>> No.6775011

You ever read Notes from Underground?

>> No.6775012

A man throwing himself on a grenade to save his comrades

>> No.6775023

he wants to protect his friends that he values and decides that it his the best decision for him to make. It is within his self-interest.

yes, I've read all of based fyodor's works.

>> No.6775024


Yeah sorry about that im drunk and english is not my first laguage


>Every conscious human action is made in self-interest.

think this is very similar to what he wanted to say

>> No.6775030

based off an intrinsic biological urge to sacrifice one to save the majority so the species can continue to reproduce and survive

aka kin selection

>> No.6775035

>Seriously, is there anything you have done in the past that you did not want to do?

Loads of stuff; break up with a girl I had no ultimate future with but cared about and didn't want to hurt, had orthodontic treatment even though it would ultimately be worth it, not eat shit every day because I know it'll make me fat, etc. etc. etc.

All of these things are things I do not want to do. Doing what we want is not the same as behaving in line with what we know is best for us. It's a retarded claim.

>> No.6775040

well, he's not wrong. if a conscious decision was not within at least the immediate self-interest of a human, they would not act.

Read up some Stirner for a good comprehensive look into the concept.

>> No.6775049

Refer to the notes for a better critique of you rational egoist beliefs than I can give.

>> No.6775057

none of these actions you made contradict immediate self-interest.

The thought you have that eating fattening food before you will make you fat later makes it not within your self-interest to do so at that moment.

>> No.6775070

I'm aware that Fyodor sees moral actions separate from desirable actions, but this is a baseless claim that has no observable evidence supporting it. It's basically faith disguised as secularism, but that's Fyodor. Badass writer though.

>> No.6775111

Shooting your self in the leg before killing yourself

>> No.6775116

Why the fuck would anyone do that?

>> No.6775123

if someone actually makes this decision it would likely be in self-loathing and it is within their self-interest at that moment to torture themselves because of how much they hate themselves.

If they had no interest in the matter, why would they do it?

>> No.6775179

ey tært mann hva skjer