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6774569 No.6774569 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like sharing something silly and self-conscious I wrote, just to see if it will make anyone else laugh, even if its at the piece itself. Moreover, let's make this a silly one-off type thread; share whatever pieces you have that were spur-of-the-moment pieces. I finished a rather large project yesterday (100,000 words ) that's part of a much bigger intended set of outlines for a novel, and I'm feeling pretty demotivated and post-partem today as a result. Anyone have any advice regarding being in a similar rut at some point? I have a book I can start outlining today and I'll probably crack into it, but I'm open for any other advice. Anyways, the piece, entitled "Man(un)kind (I do think that at the time I was toying with the idea of New Sincerity, so that might tell you a little of my motivations):

(1/2) Man-Man could always have fun by himself. Yes, I know how that sounds. Well, Man-Man also had his penis cut off by his crackhead mother at 13, so how do you feel now? That’s right. Shush.
Man-Man could always have fun by himself. When he was a child and his mother was whoring herself out for drugs, he would sit quietly in his room and play with his toys, which mainly consisted of several raggedy old girl dolls with piece of shit hairdos made out of that fiber that you can only really guess is a bunch of frayed carpet strands. Man-Man was also funny. He used to do this thing with the dolls where he would pull their dresses up over their heads and move them around, pretending that they couldn’t possibly get disentangled and kept bumping into each other. Sure, it was childish stuff, but don’t you even dare tell me it’s not funny. I’m serious, I’ll find you.
Well anyways, I should probably break into a story right about now where his playing with the dolls got him into an absurd amount of trouble with his crazy mother, but I’m not going to tell you that story right now. You’ll get it when I feel like it. So let’s skip all that set-up type stuff and talk straightaway about the dick thing. Yes, Mom-Man (that is her name) chopped her poor little son’s manhood off. You see, when your childish father is too busy giggling in whatever brilliant hiding spot he’s in to just give up the damn game already and come home, these things can happen. So it happened. His penis got chopped off because his mother was kicked to the curb by one of her Once in a Blue Moon boyfriends who decided he was off the whole gummy beejay craze. Her mother was also white trash, and would always say that chintzy old saying when she found cartons of her favorite cigarettes at the store. I haven’t read too much of the history, but I do know that the name of those cigarettes was Blue Moon. Well, it doesn’t take much of a brain to realize that creativity was probably never the thing for poor Man-Man’s ancestry. But why are we getting sad and shit?

>> No.6774577

Man-Man didn’t understand school. But he stayed there like a gauche little boy instead of doing what real men do and saying fuck you and I quit. Perfect attendance, perfect behavior, perfect play-time record of ZERO time-outs. It’s not that Man-Man was well-liked by his peers, it’s just that he wasn’t a person to them and easily blended in to the garishly painted walls. He never got to adjust to that because when he was 8 he was basically pushed out of a moving truck as far as expulsions go. Where Man-Man is from they don’t DO special ed; violence from the autistic was a huge problem in ‘dem parts. So he was home schooled. Every John that would come over was a new teacher for him, as he peeked out his door to watch the action happen. What? It’s not like they had a TV.
Mom would compulsively smoke crack to the extreme that she didn’t have time for anything but smoking and fucking. She slept maybe 4 hours a day if her sleep was good, and all in small bursts between customers. 11 was the hour that she would walk about 3 miles away from the house to find her crack dealer, after smoking a gigantic amount to keep her going on the road. It was strangely prudent of her to leave the crack at home. None of the scholars I’ve gone to have been able to puzzle that one out. I guess you could call it one of her quirks.

>> No.6774646

Man man is a band

>> No.6774676

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.6774790

This thread is hilarious >>6774646