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File: 53 KB, 709x900, wtf 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
677360 No.677360 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy Grimm's fairy tales
>Realize that the unnamed stories you remember your mother told you when you were younger came from them.
>Tell a friend about it
>They tell you that they didn't even realize that the stories were originally theirs and not Disney's.
>My face

>> No.677364

Disney was fairytale.

>> No.677367

Oh shit don't get me started on this kind of thing. Apparently Square Enix invented fucking Odin

>> No.677371

I had one of these moments too OP...
people get pissed when they realise the original stories are not so pretty happy. damn Disney's what have you done??!!!

>> No.677378

Technically, they're not originally Grimms', either. The Brothers Grimm collected and edited stories people had been telling for generations. They wrote nothing of their own.

>> No.677392

I was brought up with the original fairy tales, it gave me a loathing of watered down Disney's adaptations

>> No.677408

Isn't walt disney's frozen corpse locking in the disney vault?

>> No.677425

OP here, and it was really the fact that they didn't know that made me "wtf?". It made me wonder what kind of life they could have led, and why the fuck I'm even talking to them.

>> No.677429
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Taking this as an opportunity to greentext.

>go to bookstore
>ask for bukowski
>"is that the guy who wrote master and margarita?"
>my face

>> No.677432

I do know what you mean
It's the same with film and video games too. I bet there are idiots out there who think Beowulf is simply a movie that came out 2 years ago that ripped off the LOTR films.

>> No.677439

The Brother's Grimm just pretty much wrote down all the stories that have been told for ages...

>> No.677441

Wasn't Bukowski american and Bulgakov russian?

>> No.677443

Well someone had to.
Or well, they didn't really... I'm glad they did though

>> No.677449

OP here, and I'm sure that people aren't that stupid...

>> No.677446

this didn't happen.

>> No.677459

They are that stupid. Many of them are worse.

>> No.677462


believe me , they are.

>> No.677463

Please, just let me have faith in humanity.

inb4> faith in humanity >4chan

>> No.677465

Maybe not. I know that when I used to play an MMO (FFXI), a depresslingly small amount of people knew the true origins of Fenrir, Odin, Leviathan, Titan, etc...

I actually even knew some people who (granted, they read the books at least) thought Tolkien invented Elves.

>> No.677471
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>thought Tolkien invented Elves.

>> No.677503

I remember being shocked by some of Grimm's Fairy Tales. Like the one about the woman who ends up becoming betrothed to a cannibalistic murderer('The Robber Bridgegroom', it even has a nice description of a nubile young woman being stripped, dismembered, and eaten).

>> No.677508

I liked that one. I remember my mother reading it to me....

>> No.677542

Rumpelstiltskin originally tore himself in half after she guessed his name.

That was the version my primary school teacher told us. We thought nothing of it at the time, but now I realie my teacher was fucking badass.

>> No.677543


And how about that other one, 'The Poor Boy in the Grave', about the boy who's parents die, and he has to live with his abusive aunt and uncle to under-feed him, and he ends up killing himself?

>> No.677547


Wasn't tolkien the first notable author to portray them as beautiful and noble rather than evil enchanter types though?

>> No.677557

Grrrrr.... those bad ass teachers you never appreciated. Hate myself sometimes

>> No.677577

No, she hadn't read that one to me. I remember my favorite one had been "The Golden Bird".

>> No.677634

I wish my teachers had been that badass.