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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 125 KB, 872x1200, Colapinto-Woolf-Wharton-872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6773453 No.6773453 [Reply] [Original]

"Wow, Ulysses has so many references, it MUST be deep"

Oh, you like reading too? What’s that, a Joyce novel? I bet you’re a real bibliophile. I bet you spend minutes every day “reading” whatever "doorstopper" was just recommended to you by Emily in Sales Planning. I bet your idea of purchasing art is picking up a copy of Water Lillies at Bed Bath & Beyond.

Let me make one thing abundantly clear. Unlike you, I do not love looking at references to greater works than the one I'm currently reading. I do not love sucking some Irish hack's cock, while it gets harder and harder until I can no longer hear Woolf's desperate cries for a literate, caring society over Joyce's moans of ecstacy. But you certainly don’t have to take her word for it, you fucking pleb.

>> No.6773456

Woolf and Joyce are my two favourite novelists; it's possible to like them both, in fact they're very similar.

0/10 troll

>> No.6773480

jesus christ she was fucking ugly dear lord god how revolting can one person be

>> No.6773493

What do i need to read before I read Ulysses?

>> No.6773497

Catch 22

>> No.6773503

Dubliners, Portrait, Hamlet, The Odyssey, Irish history and politics around the turn of the century. Basic starter kit.

>> No.6773557

Attractive women don't need to be intelligent.

>> No.6773566

I actually love V-Woolf and she is my lit waifu.

But for me Literature is about chasing beauty, not just fucking tingles.

She ended up killing herself, maybe if she didn't try to find salvation in a book buzz she could have seen that its okay for people to strive for something more than themselves even if its futile.

>> No.6773580


>> No.6773852

OP will freak out when he discovers Proust.

>> No.6773869

>reading women

Into the trash it goes.

All women are whores.

They can't think, they have no real grasp on existence.

Take the redpill

>> No.6773905

10/10 post m8

>> No.6774163
File: 1.38 MB, 2200x3037, 1407193230500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Wow, Ulysses has so many references, it MUST be deep"

Oh, you like reading too? What’s that, a Joyce novel? I bet you’re a real bibliophile. I bet you spend minutes every day “reading” whatever "doorstopper" was just recommended to you by Emily in Sales Planning. I bet your idea of purchasing art is picking up a copy of Water Lillies at Bed Bath & Beyond.

>Let me make one thing abundantly clear. Unlike you, I do not love looking at references to greater works than the one I'm currently reading. I do not love sucking some Irish hack's cock, while it gets harder and harder until I can no longer hear Woolf's desperate cries for a literate, caring society over Joyce's moans of ecstacy. But you certainly don’t have to take her word for it, you fucking pleb.


gee whiz, I j-j-just like to read

>> No.6774179

Women seem wicked, when you're unwanted.

>> No.6774188

I thought it was dude.

>> No.6774193

Women seem strange indeed when you're a stranger.

I'm a b-boy.

>> No.6774194

Women are not even wicked. It is meaningless to ascribe moral values to them, for they have no agency.

>> No.6774208

It's a reference to a The Doors song you uncultured swine.

>> No.6774212

Sorry, I don't listen to plebian trash like The Doors. Forgive me for not knowing the reference.

>> No.6774223

I even like the doors but calling them culture lol common dude

>> No.6774227

Not listening to then is fine but if you haven't heard them at least once you're uncultered as a swine. Pleb brain.

>> No.6774233
File: 48 KB, 499x499, Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Woolf used the phrase "avant-garde men and women" unironically

>> No.6774239

ivan pls

>> No.6774242

The Doors are the shittiest famous rock band in history excepting maybe AC/DC

>> No.6774247

Isn't all music and literature culture? Especially such popular bands?

>> No.6774250


>> No.6774252

Technically, but it is shitty culture.

>> No.6774256

>not liking the song The End

>> No.6774279

usually calling something "culture" indicates its a high water mark.

its all technically culture you are right in the same way everything written is technically literature.

>> No.6774290

>Nigger can't into Thunderstruck.

>> No.6774294

>She offed herself because she was constantly being cucked by Joyce

>> No.6774299

Who is worse than them and as famous?

>> No.6774319

turn on your radio

>> No.6774325

I accept your concession.

>> No.6774347

ulsses? yeah i read dat book. op cant get on my level

>> No.6774357

>"a junkie said thing so its true"
Low culture

>> No.6774361

>not liking The Doors

>> No.6774365

More like she killed herself realizing that the Joyceplebs over in Germany were bound to win the war

>> No.6774394
File: 130 KB, 1256x919, Andrei_Tarkovsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>shittiest famous rock band in history

>what is led zeppelin
>what is europe
>what is every glam rock act ever
>what is foo fighters
>what is queen
>what is aerosmith
>what is the eagles
>what is gun's and roses
>what is u2
>what is creedence clearwater revival
>what is van halen
>what is lynyrd skynyrd
>what is deep purple

you're honestly the worst fucking namefag I have ever encountered. every post of your screams edgy teenager. can't you just off yourself already? this board has enough shit opinions as is.

the worst thing is i love cats. my cat has better taste in music than you do. you're being misrepresentative of a great species.

>> No.6774401

What the fuck is wrong with David Bowie, you faggot?

>> No.6774414


>I don't listen to plebeian trash
>judging it as plebeian trash without ever having listened

this mentality is the reason why 4chan is cancer. people who take pride in being ignorant are the worst.


all music is culture, even the shittiest of popular music. maybe you mean "cultured"?

>> No.6774420

fuck, I liked you for a while, but you're now being filtered for not liking the doors or ACDC

>> No.6774427

>>what is led zeppelin
Really though?

>> No.6774429


I love Bowie, I even love his glam-rock phase, but I wouldn't go as far and call him a "glam rock outfit". He spans a broad range of rock-subgenres, why needlessly narrow it down to one? Can you honestly listen to a song like "the secret life of arabia" and say "yup that's glamrock"?

>> No.6774435


I like the doors more than I do led zeppelin. I don't know why this is so outrageous. they're not my favourite rock band, not even my favorites 60's rock band, but they're a better band than led.

>> No.6774436
File: 48 KB, 469x463, 1387397056421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock music? Ha! What's next, are you going to tell me that negro jungle rhythms ("Jazz," if you will) are high art? I only listen to superior, European music. Mozart, Beethoven, the list could go on...

>> No.6774439

Fuck off christian you can't even comprehend art.

>> No.6774457

/lit/ fucking sucks. You are all dumb and terrible people.

>> No.6774471
File: 210 KB, 652x716, 021_virginia_woolf_theredlist[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me, I always thought Woolf was one of the most attractive authors, nay, people, I've ever seen.

Look at them waif-like features. She could have been a fashion model in the late 90s.

Also I just noticed her ear is super-weird.

>> No.6774480
File: 2.04 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this board is pretty dad-rock, why don't you guys listen to some SHOEGAZE?

>> No.6774486

A meme genre with only two good albums. The rest are derivative trash.

Fuck off back to >>>/mu/

>> No.6774516

>Listens to most influential albums
>Surprised when the genre takes inspiration
Granted there's tons of derivative and boring shoegaze, but you should listen to more shit, try the goslings or skywave, if you like twee check out rocketship, if you like metal listen to the angelic process, Jesu, coaltar of the deepers, planning for burial. The genre is expansive as hell and you should check more shit out dude.

>> No.6774523

Ulysses is brilliant and I don't get half the references. It's filled with them but it is also pretty self-sufficient. Like in Simpsons when I was a kid I didn't get half of the political references, but I was able to laugh at them. I knew a joke was being made, and I limited myself to observing how the joke was being made, what sort of change of rhythm or flow it provoked in the episode or in the scene, what sort of impact it could have.

And if I didn't understand any of the jokes I could study the animation, the interplay between voices, the progressions in characters, the choices in music, the production behind it, etc.

>> No.6774529
File: 53 KB, 564x376, zolajesus_white .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks great from the side but terrible from the front imho
a lot of dolichocephalic faces are like that

>> No.6774581

>not liking the doors

>> No.6774866


>> No.6774877

great in profile certainly, but fuck ugly from the front.

>> No.6774907

Was there some feud between Joyce and Woolf?

>> No.6774913

I prefer actual psychedelic rock I'm sorry

>> No.6774919

Woolf, like all women and christian authors, was a complete fucking hack.

>> No.6774929

Woolf didn't like Ulysses, that's it.

>> No.6774942

>I finished Ulysses, & think it is a mis-fire. Genius it has I think; but of the inferior water. The book is diffuse. It is brackish. It is pretentious. It is underbred, not only in the obvious sense, but in the literary sense. A first rate writer, I mean, respects writing too much to be tricky; startling; doing stunts. I’m reminded all the time of some callow board [sic] schoolboy, say like Henry Lamb, full of wits & powers, but so self-conscious and egotistical that he loses his head, becomes extravagant, mannered, uproarious, ill at ease, makes kindly people feel sorry for him, & stern ones merely annoyed; & one hopes he’ll grow out of it; but as Joyce is 40 this scarcely seems likely. I have not read it carefully; & only once; & it is very obscure; so no doubt I have scamped the virtue of it more than is fair. I feel that myriads of tiny bullets pepper one & spatter one; but one does not get one deadly wound straight in the face--as from Tolstoy, for instance; but it is entirely absurd to compare him with Tolstoy.

She was just tsundere as fuck

>> No.6775263
File: 117 KB, 320x263, neckbeard1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6775277
File: 569 KB, 640x636, 1428163992013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6775296

Was she younger in that one?

>> No.6775310


She couldn't get over the fact that a crude little Irishman took stream of consciousness modernism to heights that she would never be able to approach.

I love both writers but it's always amusing to read her mental gymnastics about it and see how badly she was trying to downplay her annoyance over him completely outpacing her at her own game.

>> No.6775358

Do you even Savitri Devi?

>> No.6775550

likes tarkovsky and hates shitty classic rock, my man.