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/lit/ - Literature

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6771190 No.6771190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too intellectual for gf

>> No.6771195

<3 I know that feel.

>> No.6771200

Many great philosophers were married, you are just a failure

>> No.6771201

>tfw too intellectual to get a gf

>> No.6771203

>tfw too boring, shy, cowardly, reserved and uncharismatic for gf

"maybe if I keep lifting weights I'll get a gf"

>> No.6771204
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>tfw too intellectual for companionship

No one will ever understand me. I'm a lost soul.

>> No.6771210

>tfw just intellectual enough for an intellectual gf

>> No.6771212

Show me one who was born after 1970.

>> No.6771215
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>tfw manipulate a gf to go out with me

>> No.6771223

I'll be your friends

>> No.6771225

tfw too intellectual for words.

>> No.6771238


>> No.6771247
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>circa 6th century bce
>last 50~ years constitutes a trend

>> No.6771252
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>tfw intellectual prowess is strong enough to manipulate women into touching your penis or even into loving you.

>> No.6771255

I'm as permavirginal as ever but i just looked at some old posts of mine on here and I was definitely worse off mentally 2-3 years ago. The journey is more important than the destination amirite?

>> No.6771257

sounds exhausting

also how would I be able to sulk all day by myself if theres someone else who wants to see and be with me all the time? I can't handle that kind of commitment. plus it would all end eventually anyway

>> No.6771262

Yeah and 150 years ago you could buy a slav 8/10 off her dad for tree fiddy rubles.

Sorry but I'm not impressed by your original post and logic.

>> No.6771268


>> No.6771270

Kierkegaard managed to get a beautiful young girl to fall in love with him despite being awkward as fuck. What's your excuse?

>> No.6771273

I prefer the phrase, mentally ill.

I live in a city, so the bohemian lifestyle might actually be possible, but I live with my mother, so there goes that. And I can't move out because I own half the house, I'd be paying rent AND property taxes for two separate locations.

>> No.6771278


I've done that loads of times. It's just that when it comes time to consummate, I realize I can't love her the way love ought to be given, and break off all contact.

Nobody ever sees it in these altruistic terms, they just think I'm an asshole. I'll probably end up with the first girl who just claims me on facebook. I'm too cerebral to get into a relationship, but at the same time I'm incredibly loyal and would probably never initiate a breakup.

>> No.6771286

>I've done that loads of times


>> No.6771307

Where can I meet smart girls

Don't say Uni

>> No.6771314
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> tfw she said yes

She's a 6/10 tbh, but her personality is everything I need to get out of my self-indulgent pitiful hole.

>> No.6771324

Strip clubs tbh

>> No.6771326

If I became a female I'd go out with you.

>> No.6771335


>> No.6771342

Do you know my feel?

>> No.6771346

>tfw too bad with women for gf

>> No.6771353

>some of the sharpest and most inventive literary criticism I’ve read online

>> No.6771358

>Describing his mind as both “a blessing and a curse,” local man Benjamin Walker, 27, told reporters Thursday that his intellect was probably just too intimidating for most women to engage with romantically.

>“I’m a very, very smart guy, and I guess most women are pretty scared off by that, you know?” said Walker, confirming that women often seem extremely uncomfortable and agitated around him, most likely because of how cultured and well-read he is. “After I’ve been speaking to a girl for just a few minutes, she’ll usually start to get this look in her eyes like she wants to bolt and I can just tell that she’s feeling so intellectually inferior that it’s impossible for her to continue with the conversation.”

>“Which is understandable,” Walker added. “I am able to speak confidently and at length about a wide range of subjects, so it’s probably hard for most women to follow along.”

>According to the Milwaukee resident, whenever he is talking to a young woman and begins to expound at length on one of the many topics he is well versed in—such as Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers or the British graffiti artist Banksy—she begins to appear highly overwhelmed by his mental capacity and quickly grows visibly restless and distant.

>Walker, who acknowledged that his imposing cleverness and quick wit likely caused women to feel insecure about not being as smart as he is, confirmed that females frequently displayed an averse reaction to his impressive mind by noticeably “checking out” of the conversation or attempting, no doubt in fear and awe, to exit the discussion as quickly as possible.

>> No.6771361

fuck off Jacob this board was always shit.

>> No.6771421

>stealing from the onion

>> No.6771439
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tfw overdeveloped intellect with retarded emotional skills

>> No.6771471

Law schools.

Most of them are horrid cunts though.

>> No.6771665

>is a k-pop fag
>identifies as intellectual


>> No.6771674
File: 102 KB, 960x958, terrible_day_tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been alone so long that I have trouble interacting with people in a non-professional setting
>tfw I will die after having read thousands of great books, seen thousands of great movies, listened to thousands of great albums, seen thousands of great pieces of art, and I will have never shared the experience with anyone
>tfw I have spent the past 8 years of my life on 4chan
>tfw I'm not sure I actually regret anything

>> No.6771682

What's sad about that article is that it is written by a pleb about a pleb, ultimately. The author isn't well-read or well-studied enough to actually know anything about art, so he made up this character that is hilariously plebeian, yet allegedly represents "us," as if we're supposed to have some revelation reading the piece.

Just makes me think plebs gonna pleb, really.

>> No.6771708
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Pretty much the same. Only with even more sperg in professional settings. I feel like I've finally worked through what was probably a nervous breakdown at the start of the year so right now I'm just happy to be alive. Yeah my life is fucked, but I'm just thankful to be experiencing moments of happiness again.

>> No.6771717 [DELETED] 


>whenever he is talking to a young woman and begins to expound at length on one of the many topics he is well versed in—such as Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers or the British graffiti artist Banksy—she begins to appear highly overwhelmed by his mental capacity

wow you weren't kidding. it reads like satire.

>> No.6771727
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Good on ya lad

>> No.6771751

>tfw totally fine with dating and casual sex with pleb girls
>hate the constant communication required to maintain a relationship
>hate the awkwardness of one night stands

I think I just like to be left alone.

>> No.6771756

My problem is not that I CAN'T get a gf. I've had several gfs in the past. My problem is that I can't get a gf while being SINCERE. I want to have friendships that could progress into romance after enough time together, I want to speak about my interests and opinions openly without censorship, and ultimately, I actually want to just be myself.

But all girls want is a movie experience. They want a guy to be PERFECT, who says all the right lines at all the right times, without realizing the impossibility of such a thing. So in order to get women I have to pretend to be something I'm not. There's no romance in this at all. It's an act of performing for each other, saying dumb lines from the dumb script, and eventually you fuck whoever's the best actor.

It gets really tiring. I'm sure there are girls out there that might be interested in the real me, but we're just conditioned to have relationships in this way. Lightning quick, instantly sexual, practically anonymous. It's ridiculous.

>> No.6771757


>> No.6771762

>tfw she just didn't respond

she's everything you said, but nothing happened

>tfw i have no face

>> No.6771768

tfw your parents actually nurture you and you don't become a social outcast

>> No.6771770


>> No.6771774

being an autistic apathetic sperg is not directly correlated with intelligence

girls don't like you because you're ugly and you haven't showered in 4+ days. you're boring and self-centered when you speak and you don't know how to hold a proper conversation anyways, even if you think you do.

>> No.6771780


if only they could have winning personalities like yourself

you tell 'em, sunshine

>> No.6771815

Are there any fellow autists (literal autists) here who have found fulfilling relationships?

I've had a few short relationships, but I've never really found the experience worth the effort.

I won't deny that the companionship thing has its pluses (I'm not a complete, unfeeling robot), but I'm extremely, extremely introverted and prefer to spend most of my time alone reading, exercising, browsing the internet, or whatever else; and when I say most of my time, I mean I'd honestly prefer not to see anyone outside of work, family, friends, lovers or otherwise, any more frequently than one day every week or three.

With friends, I've been able to find a select few who can tolerate my hermeticism, but, with romance, I could never find that balance. I've since come to conclude that my preferences are just antithetical to love, and, as such, I haven't dated anyone for like three or four years.

Honestly, I don't care too much either way as my past experiences have taught me life's usually less boring alone (for me), but if there was some way to have the cake and eat it too (relevant captcha), I'm all ears.

>> No.6771823

As if girls are any better. *yawn*

>> No.6771833

I understand this feeling. Sex is great I'm sure, but what I really want is someone who I can just "be myself" with, totally. A complete connection where I can unburden my entire ego and share it with another, and share in theirs. Problem is that I'm afraid of being judged negatively. I'm a coward.

There was one girl who battered her way into my life and I made such a connection with. Several months we talked for hours on end every day. Predictably, I fell in love with her. Had to break the connection to avoid romantic disaster (she had feelings for me too but a relationship would have been car-crash). A couple of years on we're talking again occasionally and I've just started to realise what I had and what I lost. An actual friend, who knew me and understood me, the interior me, and liked me for me, not what I presented to the world, and I the same for them. Ah I'm rambling now.

God, I'm so lonely. Send help /lit/

>> No.6771845

Every successful and fulfilling relationship is initiated by the female, prove me wrong.

>> No.6771847

I had a relationship initiated by the female that did not work out.

>> No.6771859
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If a woman rejects you, is it possible to ever change her mind?

>> No.6771871

Some girl approached me at the bus depot one day and asked for my number. six months later she's calling me telling me I'm a worthless piece of shit and calling the authorities on me telling them I stole from her... and all this because I told her the fingers too thick

>> No.6771874

girls have warm mouths, warm asses, warm vaginas, and they smell really nice all the time.

And then they actually open their mouths and speak, piss right beside their bleeding vagina, and shit out of their ass, and then they ruin you and make you wish you could kill yourself after they gave you feels and it ruins everything.

relationships with whores dont last
if women initiate anything they are whorish goons who should be burned at the stake

>> No.6771879

Did you ever change your mind about a girl who you thought was unattractive?

>> No.6771882

Depends how you define initiated. Women are generally the ones to display interest first, the first to toss out the sultry looks of invitation, and the first to keep 'accidentally' turning up where you happen to be. They just don't do the explicit "hey, why don't you and I have a go at fucking each other" step.

A man doesn't have to be the first to make that move, but if he can't, he's probably not equipped for a relationship.

>> No.6771885

>implying I've ever been approached by any girl

>> No.6771887

Lift weights and don't be yourself so much. You're a dumbass with an incomplete understanding of the human condition and what it means to be an intellectual.

>> No.6771898 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 500x384, 1435900179933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this is what betas actually believe

>> No.6771903

>replies to shitposts in earnest
>"You're a dumbass with an incomplete understanding of the human condition and what it means to be an intellectual."

>> No.6771909

The play is for the audience, not the actors. I don't give two fucks whether this guy was shitposting; somewhere, someone is browsing /lit/ and thinking "this guy gets me" instead of being confronted with reality.

>> No.6771915

>implying you understand OP's condition and what it means to be a mega shitposter

>> No.6771924
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and it's more heart-breaking than you'd imagine

just move on my g

>> No.6771944


I once dated a girl who didn't know what a telegraph was. I told her and she goes "anon, sometimes you make me feel so stupid," to which I replied "but you REALLY should know what a telegraph is."

I eventually let her down easy, poor girl.

>> No.6771950

Don't be ridiculous, the choice in allusions are perfect. Who but Banksy and Malcolm Gladwell would be admired by uncharismatic pseudointellectuals?

>> No.6771956

anyone else feel like their will has evaporated?

>> No.6771957

>tfw too obscure hobbies for gf or friends in general

People bore the fuck out of me, so instead I just live in the woods.

>> No.6772033

I'm probably jerking off way too much

>> No.6772038
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I know this feel...

>> No.6772039
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>tfw she literally just said no
>know cute booky Christian girl
>she does that thing where it seems like she rehearsed what she was going to say to me
>I figure she's interested b/c of this + some other weird behavior
>text a bit, see her again, ask if she's interested in me
>"just as friends"
Now I look stupid for simply trying to reciprocate. I never even thought much of her. But worst of all I'm going to be going to an engineering University which is 40% female, 58% white, and most likely full of Godless heathens. Prospects are not looking good.

>> No.6772053

>tfw talk about books we read with gf

>> No.6772073

I know that feel. Sry, brah. Just start lifting and get over it. That's all you can do.

>> No.6772075

>tfw too lethargic for a gf
There's a girl in a class who is rather friendly and touchy-feely with me, but I just don't feel like it. She's pretty damn fine, too. But I have books to read, man. Ain't nobody got time for that gf shit anymore

>> No.6772133

>practically anonymous
This is my biggest peeve about girls/dating/casual sex. I hate that you simply are not allowed to know other people outside your mind. That is, you can date a girl for years but never know the entirety of her person. You can't just spring into deep ass conversations about life with people you barely know because you have to dance around with small talk for a few minutes, hours, days, months.

I kind of just wish everyone was rolling on ecstasy at every waking moment tbh. I think that's more or less my ideal world, but of course it's just a bizarre fantasy. Instead I just have to keep meeting people with boring "oh wow you like x band?" small talk and hope to wedge myself into parties, hanging out chainsmoking in backyards, because in my experience that's where the better conversations tend to happen with random people. I blame the Internet and faggot smartphones for the impersonality of today, which is awful because I am myself complaining on the Internet. Pretty sure 4chan just made me autistic and shrooms and acid and ecstasy have just made me a weirdo hippie nutter

>> No.6772142

But he's gorgeous.

>> No.6772143

Nah dude, I shower every day, and I must look decent enough because I've pulled my share at parties in the past. It's just I spend all my time in uni classes staring off into space and rubbing my eyes, looking like a fucking jackass zooted out of his gourd.

>> No.6772147

Any 'love' not directed at a child is misdirected 'love'

>> No.6772161

>tfw read too much Romantic poetry that I can't appreciate girls today
It's 2015 and I'm 21, so every girl near me has already been deflowered. What's worse is they all wear fucking pants. Jeans are bad enough, but yoga pants are disgusting. And worst of all is that all girls are uncultured, secular whores. Even if a girl happens to be Christian, she's probably some gay ass modern Protestant offshoot. I just want a qt traditional Christian girl who wears light dresses in the summer.

>> No.6772170

>girl at uni is avoided by everyone because she's got a whiny voice, fucked up teeth and the intellect of a tuna can
>tries to write her dissertation on some YA fantasy garbage and gets BTFO by professor and forced to write on something else; she chose Julian Barnes
>tries to read theory for that but doesn't understand Baudrillard's examples bc she unironically doesn't know what Watergate was
>tfw she's talking about men with a friend one day and says she can't get a bf because she's too smart and they get intimidated

>> No.6772174

>you will never have sex

>> No.6772176

does real love only exist in hindsight?

>> No.6772187


>> No.6772198

top cuck

>> No.6772199

>Women in their hearts think that men are intended to earn money so that they may spend it, if possible during their husband’s lifetime, but at any rate after his death.

>As soon as he has given them his earnings on which to keep house they are strengthened in this belief. Although all this entails many disadvantages, yet it has this advantage—that a woman lives more in the present than a man, and that she enjoys it more keenly if it is at all bearable. This is the origin of that cheerfulness which is peculiar to woman and makes her fit to divert man, and in case of need, to console him when he is weighed down by cares. To consult women in matters of difficulty, as the Germans used to do in old times, is by no means a matter to be overlooked; for their way of grasping a thing is quite different from ours, chiefly because they like the shortest way to the point, and usually keep their attention fixed upon what lies nearest; while we, as a rule, see beyond it, for the simple reason that it lies under our nose; it then becomes necessary for us to be brought back to the thing in order to obtain a near and simple view. This is why women are more sober in their judgment than we, and why they see nothing more in things than is really there; while we, if our passions are roused, slightly exaggerate or add to our imagination.

>> No.6772218


This is kind of like me. I'm kind of shy to I have trouble getting girls to like me initially but I'm decent looking and the ladies tell me I have a big dick so girls will usually stick around for a while, longer than they ought to at least. The problem is I'm fucked up and can't express myself and show affection well. I'm generally very loyal as long as the women in my life aren't crazy, trying to cheat on me, or driving me insane. So often my long term relationships end when the girl gets sick of banging her ahead against the wall trying to squeeze any affection out of me. My girlfriends eventually move on and I'll sooner or later I'll sucker some other girl into being with me until shes an emotionally abused husk of a woman. It sucks not being able to love other people the way they love you.

>> No.6772222

>not asking her out in person

>> No.6772226

i think i might one day but it may be a few years

>> No.6772236
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bullshit. i bet you just lord your self-appointed Mensan i.q. over people. if sartre could pull de beauvoir, then i'm sure the intellectual powerhouses on 4chan can pull becky-lou

>> No.6772248

Holy shit are you me

>> No.6772253

it might sound slimy, but you really do have to play the numbers game sometimes - getting hung up on one girl is a disaster when it works AND when it doesn't work. go out with friends to bars, clubs, whatever you feel comfortable in, play it laid back and cool, don't go looking for a gf, and eventually one will come to you once you build up a rep. as a safe pair of hands and not the clingy type.

>> No.6772258
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tfw no de beauvoir gf to make a philosophy power couple with

>> No.6772273

>tfw not intellectual

>tfw not pseudo-intellectual

>tfw just some guy

>> No.6772282
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>given choice between heightening ones awareness to life or becoming more blind to it and settling down with girl
>choose the obvious
>i've now become so detached from regular relationships with the opposite sex i've begun to fetishize them

this is truly the twilight years of western civilization, friends

>> No.6772291
File: 194 KB, 500x375, Messages Image(1585941087).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no intellectual jewish gf

>> No.6772293

I think the small talk is kind of necessary because people (human beings) aren't equipped to deal with a rejection of their true self by someone whose opinion they value. If you bared your soul to someone you looked up to or whatever and they stomped on it that would be crushing. You'd think that you are less valid, etc.. So that's why people throw out the fake/insignificant bits so that when you do decide to be emotionally intimate with someone there is a smaller chance of being crushed. And a bigger chance of being validated.

I'm trying to decide if the validation is the end goal and people are narcissistic by nature or if the validation of your emotional self is necessary groundwork for a good relationship with someone and growth and love and blah blah.

>> No.6772308

I'm the same way. The last girl I became intimate with complained that I neglected her even though I talked to her/saw her two or three times a week, and even that took a lot of effort on my part. Once a fortnight would've been preferable, but she wanted to talk every day, and for a considerable length of time on most of those days. Some weeks I obliged her, though during those weeks my mind often wandered and I'd find myself wishing I were somewhere else doing something else.

>> No.6772309

I think I see what you're saying but it seems narrow-minded. What if by 'loving' some girl you are inclined to 'love' the child (her and your offspring)? What if 'love' is a great way to get people to have babies?

Even coming from the purely evolutionary/animalistic angle there seems to be more possibilities/uses for love that what you present.

>> No.6772316

No, I'm saying grown women are unlovable.

>> No.6772326
File: 64 KB, 204x288, vishik_inna_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick's pic was on /sci/ yesteday

>tfw no qt jewish stanford physicist gf
Why live?

>> No.6772360

oh, ok

>> No.6772388

>tfw too intellectual o be pseudo intellectual
>too dumb and pleb to be a real intellectual
Life is suffering

>> No.6772548

Has anyone ever told you that if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room?

It's also true in a social sense. If you're the smartest person you're hanging out with by far, you need new friends. If /lit/ has taught me anything, it has taught me that I'm not the only guy younger than 25 who reads literature.

There are plenty of intelligent girls out there, you just have to be in the right environment to meet them.

>> No.6772586

>they just think I'm an asshole
because you are one. you are just a scared little kiddo who thinks he is too cool for school
this autism belongs on it's containment board >>>/b/

>> No.6772592
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>likes different things than i do
>literally retarded
you sure got him, pal

>> No.6772594

>I think I just like to be left alone.
A boy can dream

>> No.6772600

Uni a shit. Buran a best.
(Might have some luck with online dating, but that only really works if you can set up a decent profile with a good enough pic)

>> No.6772603

What the fuck us an emotional skill

>> No.6772607

Actually yeah.
The girl I've loved more than any other girl, and one of the most attractive girls I've known, was unattractive to me when we first met. Once I got to know her her personality and intelligence made her extremely attractive to me. She even became more attractive to me physically, I think because I started to focus on the attractive parts of her appearance (her hair, her butt).

However this was the only time something like that's happened to me.

>> No.6772616
File: 46 KB, 550x413, smug lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intellectual to want a gf

>> No.6772625


>It's also true in a social sense. If you're the smartest person you're hanging out with by far, you need new friends.

I'm so tired of this heartless utilitarian bullshit.
Friendship has nothing to do with intelligence.

You should also find friendships that are intellectually stimulating, sure, but you shouldn't just drop all your other friends and find "new" friends. What kind of sociopath shit is that?

>> No.6772628


Same here. It was especially her hair and butt. It's to the point she's the most beautiful person I know, to me, though I hope it's mostly cerebral.

she dumped me

>> No.6772640

Something autists don't have.

>> No.6772646 [SPOILER] 
File: 218 KB, 1024x681, 1435919670264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am dumb as all hell
>Have been in relationships since 16 but never have sex with them. Excuses up the ass all the time
>Wonder if gay
>Try gay and turn out to be not gay
>Wonder if just a plain boring coward
>Keep reading. Still just as dumb.
>Attempt courage. Still cant tell
>Begin to fantasize constantly about this made up girl
>Hope desperately that I will find her one day
>Begin to think she haunts me, that she is the source of my constant Saudade
>In a dream her name is Sophia
The Muses will not sing for me

>> No.6772657

>tfw too ugly to see yourself in a relationship with someone

>> No.6772658


STEM autists maybe. but lit ones tend to have a lot of empathy and emotional understanding. they're just neurotics.

>> No.6772663


>> No.6772665

> I spend all my time in uni classes staring off into space and rubbing my eyes, looking like a fucking jackass zooted out of his gourd.

Fuck it's the same for me. How do I even work

>> No.6772672

>It's to the point she's the most beautiful person I know, to me
Shit I know that feel.

We never even dated. We became very close friends but she had a boyfriend. Eventually told her how I was feeling, we decided to stay friends, and she stopped talking to me within a couple of months.

This was a few years ago so I think I'm mostly over it. Never met anyone else like her, though.

>> No.6772673

>every sheep is a mammal, prove me wrong
>i had a mammal once that was not a sheep so you're wrong

>> No.6772677

It's really just another effect of capitalism, this all-pervasive attempt to profit in some way.

>> No.6772684
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>> No.6772687

>If you're the smartest person you're hanging out with by far, you need new friends
What kind of bullshit is this? Friends just happen, you don't pick them based on something as superficial as intelligence. And if you think you're the most intelligent person in your group, you probably aren't.

>> No.6772693

favorite books/albums/movies?

when you say art do you mean you travel to museums, or know of artworks from pictures/replicas?

>> No.6772701

You do pick them based on how funny, intelligent or similar they are to you generally.
>And if you think you're the most intelligent person in your group, you probably aren't.
What makes you say that?

>> No.6772703

this tbh