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/lit/ - Literature

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6768471 No.6768471 [Reply] [Original]

>someone on /lit/ praises your opinion about a book
>haven't even read it


>> No.6768480

They probably haven't even read it either. So you have people circlejerking over books they haven't even read.

>> No.6768486

Still boosts my ego man. I also add the book I posted about to my "have read" list.

>> No.6768750


What book

>> No.6768761

I've done it countless times, most recently with Pynchon's "V".

>> No.6768817

>Argue about book
>Someone points out that it sounds like I haven't read it
>I haven't
>Close thread
>Hide it
>Pretend it never happened

>> No.6768825
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>argue about book
>sounds like he hasn't even read it
>point that out
>no replies from him now
>mfw I haven't even read the book either

>> No.6768831

>Always praise Kantian idealism
>Haven't read more than 100 pages of the first critique
>Haven't read more than a few paragraphs of the Prolegomena
>Still BTFO Humefags on /lit/

>> No.6768834

If you think anyone actually reads book on /lit/ your literary an idiot.

>> No.6768855

feels like university all over again

>> No.6768857

Getting no response is truly the greatest victory in a 4chan argument.

>> No.6768866

No it isn't

>> No.6768910

>visit /lit/ for a minute
>some retard obliviously going on about shit he knows nothing about
>call him out
>I quit browsing in order to read
>retard thinks he's won the argument because I've already forgotten about the argument by now

>> No.6769327

>hear of an author for the first time
>call him a hack
>get approval

>> No.6770397

I've done this a million times with Hemmingway.

>> No.6770413

>tfw losing an argument
>"I'm not him(me) but..."

>> No.6770433
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>tfw someone makes fun of your bookshelf for being "too /lit/"

>> No.6770453
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>someone wants to know your favorite books
>pick books you've enjoyed the most and that has been with you and helped you since childhood
>"lol plen go back 2 reddit, expand your horizons ffs"
>be a little more objective and pick some of the most well-written and profound literature
>"read past your school cirriculum and /lit/core you pseudo-intellectual pleb"
>tfw both sides get to you and make you doubt your own taste

>> No.6770462

>no responses to this post

>> No.6770489

You should really learn that all 4chan is is a bunch of shitposters trying to make themselves seem authoritative by denouncing nearly everything.

>> No.6770501

Tune it out, no matter what you do or read just know that it's better to keep doing what you want than listening to the faggots here, be it "/lit/core" or "plebshit".

>> No.6772168

I stop replying whenever I realize the other person is so set on their argument that there can be no reasoning.

>> No.6772441

Great post dude

>> No.6772483


>> No.6772491
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.6772510
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>the stranger
>blood meridian
>white noise
>infinite jest
>the crying of lot 49
>gravity's rainbow
>pale fire
>they only actually read the stranger and blood meridian

>> No.6772521

>Go on /lit/
>Never actually read books
>Finally decide to read some books I already own
>Realise I spent a year praising a book I actually didn't like when I read it

>> No.6772543

Which book?

>> No.6772560


>> No.6772844

>someone else is into your niche interest in literature
>find myself in argument with them
>get shattered right in my shitter by their superior knowlege and well developed opinions
>only talk about /lit/ core for fear of running into them again

>> No.6772859

I think the stranger, TCol49 and lolita are all either short or intriguing(or both) enough to be, at this point, read by everyone on /lit/

>> No.6772861

?? shouldn't it be on your "pretended I read" list?

>> No.6772876

Nope, I count it as read. If anyone asks me to prove it I'll just repeat what I posted.

>> No.6773016

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

>> No.6773017
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>tfw only ever post sincerely about books i have read and liked

>> No.6773018

I think Lolita and the Stranger are very widely-read books. Most people I know who read at all have read them, they're by no means obscure books.

>> No.6773066

Me too, I like to talk about books I've actually read, so when I say it's shit, it's shit.

Would never touch infinite boredom or gravity's rainbow.

>> No.6773073
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>mfw this is what retards actually think

>> No.6773260

>tfw you forget to log out of 4chan and that person knows you're still online

The worst feeling tbh