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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 277x350, TheSecretLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6768386 No.6768386 [Reply] [Original]

do you think the secret is real or fake?

>> No.6768397
File: 40 KB, 425x345, 1435677517851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew that you guys had a secret and you didn't want to share it in with me.
Exclusive club eh?

>> No.6768402

The secret is fake but synchronicities are very real. I soar you could stay with Carl jung like everyone else. 444

>> No.6768408

It's like every other self help book.

>> No.6768411

>talking to some girl
>conversation goes on about something i'm doing
>wow anon you are assertive
>I know that if i want something and work towards it then it's only a matter of time until i get it
>OMG ANON! you use the secret? XD

Skimmed the wiki after this.

I've seen this book before i assumed it was some davinchi code shit

>> No.6768422

>talking to some girl

yeh right cunt.

>> No.6768434

I'm post-power. Sheep can flock to me if they like but it doesn't concern me. More into innocentcore nowadays.

>> No.6768458

I think I've heard it's essentially a self-fulfilling prophecy mediated by confirmation bias.

>> No.6768474

>self-fulfilling prophecy
>confirmation bias

So many leddit buzzphrases in such a short post

>> No.6768491
File: 50 KB, 548x365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>through the power of quantum physics you can attain whatever you want, ESPECIALLY MONEY, through the power of wishful thinking!!!!1!1111

The secret is people are getting rich of scamming plebs looking for non-ideological ideology.

Fuck this life.

>> No.6768533

Real, not magic

>> No.6768712


Positive thinking has positive effect through results.

The universe does not bend to your will on a macro level. You bend the universe to your will by action.

>> No.6768718

/lit/ probably hates it because they're a bunch of contrarians but actually if you read it and implement it into your life it's a really useful and quirky book.

yes useful, you know, like all those philosophy books aren't?

>> No.6768720

it's like any other self-help book, pseudoscience and bullshit to sell you shit

>> No.6768819

It cites the quantum theory as a reason why having a positive attitude will make you money. Why don't you shut up retard.

>> No.6768824

It's some of the most stupid shit I've ever read. I didn't read all of it; a couple of pages was enough for me.

>> No.6769278

Positive thinking correlates with positive experiences.

Woah man, must be quantum mechanics.
I'm not some die-hard atheismo, if any sort of reasonable argument/proof was presented I'd critically look into , but this is just stealing money from retards.

If an /x/ tard wants to provide some argumentation for why this should work, please do.