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6767957 No.6767957 [Reply] [Original]

Find a flaw

PROTIP: you can't

>> No.6767992

rational self bump

>> No.6768014


>> No.6768015

She hurts my slave morality. We are all equal and need to share.

>> No.6768019

What's more interesting than proving her wrong is whether her writenings helped you to achieve your goal of whatever.

Protip: Just do it

>> No.6768023

>proving her wrong
proving what wrong, exactly?

>> No.6768025

Atlas Shrugged is about a man uncovering a international corporate conspiracy to avoid making a profit.

>> No.6768026

>Believed smoking tobacco was good for you

>Thought every other philosopher except Aristotle was wrong

>Believed Relativity was a made up fairy tale purely because she was too stupid to understand it

>Objectivism hurr durr

Oh and to top it all off she took the classic free market fundamentalist position of ignoring market externalities.

>> No.6768028

>Believed smoking tobacco was good for you
[citation needed]

if straight faced making shit up and summarizing complex arguments into contemptuous slander is the best bantz you have to throw at rand, you're not going to do well in this thread

>> No.6768034

>ignoring market externalities
That's a good thing. Go hug a tree, faggot.

>> No.6768041

She believed smoking was symbolic of man's control over nature. Honestly, I shouldn't need to cite to someone who has actually read her work because huge sections of her books describe her views on smoking.

>> No.6768043
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>> No.6768047

Read some Economics and Enviromental Science faggot. Or are all those numbers 2spooky4u?

>> No.6768051

she believed smoking was beneficial in the way stims were beneficial. She recognized they were destructive, healthwise, but ultimately allowed her to produce more value than she would have without them.

>> No.6768053

>waaah save tha environment!!!
*puffs on joint*

>> No.6768054

Honestly though the fact that she doesn't appear in any respectable journals or courses in Philosophy should be an indicator that her views aren't taken seriously. People outside the States grasped this concept long ago, but Republicans just cannot let her ability to answer none of the important questions in philosophy ever go.

>> No.6768057

So as I said, she thought tobacco use was good for you.

>> No.6768061

Do you believe amphetamine use is bad for you?

>> No.6768062

Because People are too concerned with Spooks like Equality and Identity Politics, a true sign that we are in the times of the Last Man.

>> No.6768063

You're a moron. Pick up an environmental science journal or go take a community college science class and learn about the scientific method, then come back. Or you could produce evidence that Global Warming isn't happening.

Hint: youtube videos are not evidence.

>> No.6768064

Aristotle was a faggot

>> No.6768065

pretty sure socrates' ideas didnt show up in the daily tablet in ancient greece

>> No.6768066


>> No.6768072

What does that have to do with anything? My original point was that she thought tobacco was good for you, which is true. She believed the benefits of using it outweighed it's effects on your health. Ergo she believed tobacco was good for you, making me right and the person who called it slanderous and asked for a citation wrong.

>> No.6768074

Only if I want them to be.

>> No.6768075

>implying I think global warming isn't real
You totally misread my point, you are absolutely blinded by Ideology. I'm telling you that the environment is unimportant to the Self, concerning yourself with it is nothing more than Life Denying. When you allow your Self to be ruled by contingent Externalities you hand over your own Autonomy to the faceless abyss left in the absence of God. You are a slave to your World, when you should be your own Person.

>> No.6768077

Pretty sure this is not Ancient Greece and renowned Philosophers can easily submit their ideas to a well established academic community. Nice false equivalency though, dumbass

>> No.6768079

IT doesn't matter if it's true or not. Do you think amphetamine use is detrimental to ones existence? That is the question. Do you think smoking is detrimental to ones existence, fundamentally?

Smoking provides a calm, a high, do you not think that this has a greater benefit in some peoples lives than the 1/70 chance of getting cancer?

>> No.6768082

so because other people aren't telling you she's got valid ideas, she doesn't have valid ideas

nice one, really making anti rand morons look great, do yourself a favor and take a logic 101 course at your local cc

>> No.6768086

so because most people feel one way about something, it is ultimately the right way to feel about it

you a democrat?

>> No.6768088

Now you're switching topics. I made a single stand alone point that she believed tobacco was good, which is true. End of discussion. In order to say anything of value you need to prove that she disliked tobacco and that my statement was wrong.

>> No.6768092

If you think academic consensus and popular opinion are the same thing, I'm not surprised that you think objectivism is a valid philosophy.

>> No.6768093

no I'm not. Somebody says that smoking has benefits that can outweigh the costs, and you use it as a criminalizing statement without justification

>> No.6768094

So you don't believe people should be held accountable for the conditions they force on others via negative externalities?

I bet you drive a Hummer and go to non-smoking areas just to smoke don't you?

>> No.6768095

sorry name a significantly more academically reputable philosopher born in the last 80 years with a similar scope on philosopy as rand

oh wait youre just tossing buzzwords around

>> No.6768097

Ayn Rand
I-n Rand

Ein Rand

An edge

>> No.6768098

How retarded do you have to be to believe that teaching people that focusing is better than lung cancer isn't a valid criticism of Rand? You want a better way of focusing? Sleep well and eat something with decent iron content. Or you know, get lung cancer instead.

>> No.6768099

>So you don't believe people should be held accountable for the conditions they force on others via negative externalities?
No, I do not. Imposing laws one the Self, the Ego, is Life Denying and a Signifier of Slave thinking. Debasing the Self with these regulations, allowing for contingent Externalities, rather than for the eternal Ego, is destructive to the noble Civilisation and is surely to blame for our current Cult of the Last Man.

>> No.6768100

>my ego is really weak so I need to be recognized as an egoist in the society
>I would like to masturbate in a room where everyone is masturbating

>> No.6768101

Because the value and achievement that can be attained with things like stimulants can bring a greater quality of life than an extra 5-10 years when you're senile?

This is why objectivism doesn't sit well with you, you think your life inherently has equal value at all stages. It's the same situation, would you rather try to make it big and follow your dreams, knowing you could end off worse than when you started, or live a life of mediocrity?

>> No.6768102

What does that have to do with anything? She writes on all of the main areas of philosophy therefore she's a great philosopher? And I need a course in logic?

>> No.6768104


>> No.6768105

no, your argument is literally "nobody important says shes a good philosopher", I am asking you to provide me somebody from the past 80 years (from the time period she was born) that is an example of a good philosopher being recognized to the levels ayn would if she were a "great philosopher" as you say

youre the one who provided the standard, flesh it out you incompetent turd

>> No.6768107


>> No.6768108

So actually then you're an assailed. Who saw th one coming. Honestly, basic economics as well as environmental science all offer sound logical reasons as to why your philosophy is wrong. I can lead a horse to water but you have to make the effort yourself.

>> No.6768109

Don't be silly, he's just a pop-psychoanalyst and cultural critic.

>> No.6768111

>Why does ayn rand not revered among marxist philosophers?
>"Show me somebody who is"
>posts marxist philosopher

>> No.6768113

Rand is just a butthurt Russian

>> No.6768120

Really? Shall I start with A? I'll be here until tomorrow. In logic, computer science, neuroscience ect. There's renowned work all over the place. Pick up a journal and find out for yourself you lazy fuck.

>> No.6768123


>> No.6768124

ayn's position on smoking is the same as her position on dexedrine (stimulants), that they can bring an enhancement to ones ability to produce value and abide by objectivist doctrines, for a minimal or even nonexistent cost

paul erdos felt the same way, look at where he'd be without coffee and stims

>> No.6768125

You can state your 'facts' about the Environment, but they do not state why the Environment needs to be helped. It doesn't because it can't. Your appeal to some vague, Utilitarian Morality is just a sign of your Last Man-ness, projecting Idols and Spooks in defence of the Ideology that blinds you. You can turn yourself in and be a Slave to the Environment, surrendering your Autonomy to a faceless entity like a Christian Slave. I, on the other hand, am a free Thinking Individual, I do not allow myself to be ruled by Spooks, I do not Worship and I most certainly do not grovel to the faceless abyss like you, the sad Slave of the decadent Society.

>> No.6768127

Is this a troll?

>> No.6768128

>make the argument for me, you lazy fuck

>> No.6768133

Again, the argument hinges on the idea that one needs tobacco to focus, which is nonsense. If you do, fine, but she advocated it as a way of focusing generally, not just to her. If you don't think that's a flaw in thought you really do need to get your tongue out of her ass.

>> No.6768134

Utilitarian Slave.

>> No.6768135

cite the place where she made the blanket statement that everybody can benefit from cigarettes, and didn't just explain her own benefit from them

>> No.6768136

Again proving that all objectivity end up being assholes. The environment needs saving because man is not above nature. He depends on it and therefore should protect it for himself and the future. If you see no value in helping future generations you betray what you are at your deepest roots: an animal who wants to spread his genes and protect his offspring.

>> No.6768138

why are you even discussing this? objectivism has no position on smoking, this thread is about objectivism

>> No.6768139

Not even a utilitarian. You're just an idiot.

>> No.6768141

Ludwig Wittgenstein, Saul Kripke, Jurgen Habermas, Herbert Marcuse, Martin Heidegger

>> No.6768142


>> No.6768145

No it's about finding flaws with Ayn Rand.

>> No.6768148

but none of these people have received as much praise as rand


you know this thread isnt about rand, shes a cunt

>> No.6768149

Her fucking novels you idiot. She believed smoking was ultimately good as it was symbolic of man's control over nature regardless of its effects on health or concentration. Have you read Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.6768150


not him but nobody benefits from smoking. Her health was "objectively" damaged by smoking. People who are addicted to something will make up all sorts of rationalizations about their substance use, often making the argument that they couldn't work as hard without it.

>> No.6768151

Her head is shaped weird.

>> No.6768154

Read the OP you thick fuck.

>> No.6768155

you're a moron
>The alertness that smoking can induce is a very useful state to be in for most productive tasks, and so if one had no reason to think smoking was otherwise harmful, one would have good reason to conclude that smoking was likely to be beneficial, and that smoking was essentially virtuous. This is the basis for Ayn Rand's treatment of smoking in her novels, besides the fact that she liked the symbolism of a person being able to hold fire at his fingertips, representing man's control over nature.

you just spliced two ideas and put them together to make a false statement

>> No.6768156

Difference between Rand and Stirner in one sentence?

Hard mode: No spooks

>> No.6768158

>nobody benefits from smoking
so you're saying a man who discovers great value in his life under the influence of stimulants, who dies at 65 as opposed to 70 because of it, did not benefit from stimulants?

That's what you're saying right now

>> No.6768159
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>Her health was "objectively" damaged by smoking.

>> No.6768162

>but none of these people have received as much praise as rand
You're saying that, of all people, Ayn Rand should be judged not by the quality of her work but by the opinion the general public has of her?

>> No.6768163

Honestly how is it possible to be this much of a total cunt.

>> No.6768165

Yes, that's what he's saying, you dolt. If you think smoking cigarettes actually makes your life more enriched you should probably just chainsmoke for the rest of the moments you have available to you.

>> No.6768171

>Again proving that all objectivity end up being assholes.
Ah, so now you make the Moral claim that I am an Asshole. You see, this is nothing but an Idol you follow, a faceless one, unlike that of the Royalty, the Republic or the Judeo-Christian God, as they are all absent in our World. You are simply claiming that all who do not follow your Ideology are in some way wrong or mean, just as a Jew, Christian or Mohammedan might claim that those who contradict their Ideology are Heretics or Infidels. You are also similar to the Abrhamics in that you desire punishment and torment for those outside of your Slave Ideology, this shows that you are a Zealot.
>The environment needs saving because man is not above nature.
This is not a claim you have backed up at all. It tells me two things, that you are a Misanthropic individual, who debases Man in an attempt to distance yourself from Man-ness and the responsibilities associated. Secondly it tells me that you only view the issue from a Collectivist point of view, you are a Slave, therefore, to numbers. You, making these bold claims, says that you are concerned with the Other more than the Self, a product of the bastardised Christian slave morality still lingering in the West. You later debase man by stating
>an animal who wants to spread his genes and protect his offspring.
Dragging your Human responsibility down to that of Biological Praxis, self evident to the Animal, but alien to the Man. You are a modern Nihilist, convinced that you hold values, but a Nihilist none the less.
>He depends on it and therefore should protect it for himself and the future.
Man depends on the Self, again you are attempting to stave off the buzzard of Responsibility by liberating yourself from Man-ness. You have a great misconception for what Man is. Man is not a biological machine, Man is the Individual and Ego contained within the body.

>> No.6768172

then I have nothing more to say to you if you're straight faced trying to tell me that somebody who is for sure able to produce a higher quality of life in exchange for taking a small risk at a few years of shortened lifespan is not a benefit

we have kids like you in my engineering program, whining about us who are able to outperform all else because we abuse stimulants

in the end I get the job, I get the position, I get the career and I am ultimately happire and more successful than you

and what do you get? Actually, with stims, you don't get anything, LOL! We'll live the same amount of time and I'll just be more successful!

>> No.6768174

You aren't Nietzsche, stop pretending you are

>> No.6768178

This is how Scientist, Humanist Analytics react to the Abolition of Idols? Not surprising in the least tbh.

>> No.6768180

Do you have no rebuttal at all? I have learned from Nietzsche, he was a Great Man and Thinker, but I do not imitate him.

>> No.6768191

You aren't abolishing any idols, you're claiming that global warming is a myth.
I don't need to rebut you, you haven't made substantial claims beyond 'What you're doing resembles Judaeo-Christian moralizing,' which isn't even a proper criticism.

>> No.6768198


m8 smoking can take a lot more than 5 years off your life, and can make your last years a painful hell. What value can you discover under the influence of stimulants that you could not discover while healthy? It's not a small risk either. One of my friends died in a police station because he had been abusing stimulants, namely cocaine.

Shit's not good for you. But I'd almost rather die from cocaine intoxication than lose my jaw to mouth cancer or be paralyzed by a stroke.

>> No.6768202

>You aren't abolishing any idols, you're claiming that global warming is a myth.
I am not. I am claiming the fact that the climate is changing is not grounds to succumb to Collectivist Slave Morality.
>I don't need to rebut you, you haven't made substantial claims beyond 'What you're doing resembles Judaeo-Christian moralizing,' which isn't even a proper criticism.
Yes it is. Can you not see through your own Ideology even with My help?

>> No.6768203

>What value can you discover under the influence of stimulants that you could not discover while healthy
>what value could you discover while under the influence of something that makes you able to focus and concentrate more, as opposed to when you're not under the influence of these drugs?

>its not a small risk either
><inserts anecdotal experience>

>more blanket statements

you're an idiot and you just put rand critics into a grave they're never going to climb out of. goodbye

>> No.6768213

>I am claiming the fact that the climate is changing is not grounds to succumb to Collectivist Slave Morality.
Boo hoo. Someone initially mentioned climate change in relation to economic analysis, not in relation to combating the phenomenon democratically. This objection doesn't even make sense in this context.

Why do you capitalize so oddly? Is English not your first language?

>> No.6768215

do mankind a favor and please dont breed

>> No.6768217

I forgot how awful objectivists could be until I opened this thread

>> No.6768219

too bad objectivism is the philosophy of alpha males

now fuck off outta here little hapa dweeb

>> No.6768223

Stirner isn't proscriptive.

>> No.6768226

>combating the phenomenon democratically
Again, Collectivist Slave Morality.
>This objection doesn't even make sense in this context.
How so? You are obviously a Moralising Last Man bent on attaining the Fruit of your Nihilism, as you pray for power to the Abyssal Vacuum of Collectivism.
>Why do you capitalize so oddly? Is English not your first language?
Not a student of Philosophy? Unsurprising.

>> No.6768227
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>being this haunted

>> No.6768229
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>> No.6768238

Read my post again. You're obviously illiterate. Most Philosophers don't capitalize every single Technical Term they Use, not in English and not for several centuries now.

>> No.6768242

You haven't amounted a single Argument for why your Morals are so important that Humanity needs to bend to your whim Collectively, to dispel Climate Change.
>Most Philosophers don't capitalize every single Technical Term they Use, not in English and not for several centuries now.
Are you an Analytic, Anglo Meme Master?

>> No.6768244

>I need to abide by the alph/beta dichotomy to justify my belief that objectivism is correct

>> No.6768251

Global Warming isn't happening. There has been no warming in the last 20 years and the impact of the previous 20 years of warming has been oberblown, neglecting other causes.

Even in the apocalypse rhetoric, "Climate Change", a much more fluid notion, has replaced the infamous "Global Warming".

>> No.6768254

>Someone initially mentioned climate change in relation to economic analysis, not in relation to combating the phenomenon democratically.
You're right, I haven't put forward an argument in favor of my morals because my claims are about your misunderstanding of someone else's claim about the uses that environmental science's tools can be put towards in economic analysis, and not about an ethical or moral obligation to fight climate change.
>Meme Master?
I appreciate the analytic method. Philosophy isn't just about overturning idols and exorcising spooks.
If anything, you're the meme master. Are you an objectivist?

>> No.6768256

>our misunderstanding of someone else's claim about the uses that environmental science's tools can be put towards in economic analysis
No, their claim was that because of what we can 'deduce' from Scientific 'facts' we can see that we are Duty bound to act against Climate Change Collectively.
I appreciate the analytic method. Philosophy isn't just about overturning idols and exorcising spooks.
>Are you an objectivist?
Self applied Labels are Dogma.

>> No.6768271
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>Self applied Labels are Dogma.
Do you generally approve of Ayn Rand's philosophy?

>> No.6768274

ITT : confirmation that Rand is an amazing pleb filter.

I'm triggered by how some /lit/izens can't go above Ayn Rand but by screaming "you're an asshole" in a more or less refined way.

Rand was against anarchists, and yet her political views can't grasp the friend or foe distinction and the problem of the occupation and organisation of land.
>Her esthetic theories are underwhelming too.
>A bit heavy on the fedora scale.
>Her following quickly became a cult.
>Her conception of architecture, btfo by Le Corbusier

>> No.6768279

I approve of Individualist Egoism, so I do in parts. I identify more with the Strong Business Owner than the Poor, Weak Worker. The Business Owner does not let Money rule him, he rules it. The true sign of a Great Man is how much He is Controlled, the Greater the Man, the less Control he has over Him and the more He exerts over Others.

>> No.6768283
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You don't have any academic sources that say cigarettes and other stimulant drugs improve concentration. So don't lecture me about anecdotes. It's simply a medical, scientific, fact that cigarettes, cocaine, amphetamines etc are very bad for the health. Next time you buy cigarettes look at the warning labels - they're not bullshitting. These drugs are dangerous, unhealthy and addictive, and whatever nebulous "benefits" they offer are negated by their toll on the body.

Grow up.

>> No.6768293
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>Subjugating yourself to concepts like the "Great Man" and the "need" to exert control over others.

Why do you hold spooks above your own interests?

>> No.6768294

I think that overall we're on the same page; we probably have identical objections to Marxism.

>> No.6768304

I can see that you totally misunderstood Stirner. Stirner does not support the Total Abolition of Spooks, He supports the Recognition of Spooks, but supports the utilisation of them to fulfil the Ego in pursuit of Self desires.
I hope so. I see Marxism as a Collectivist Slave Morality with no firm Basis for its underpinning assumptions. Like Science it is built on Sand.

>> No.6768314

>I can see that you totally misunderstood Stirner. Stirner does not support the Total Abolition of Spooks, He supports the Recognition of Spooks, but supports the utilisation of them to fulfil the Ego in pursuit of Self desires.

Hardly I never said that spooks are inherently wrong or that you should discard them just because they are spooks. What I criticized was how you hold these interests above you own which is demonstrated by your notion of the great man.

>but supports the utilisation of them to fulfil the Ego in pursuit of Self desires.

Yep which is something you just cant do when you cling to fixed ideas, holding spooks above yourself.

>> No.6768352

>What I criticized was how you hold these interests above you own which is demonstrated by your notion of the great man.
It is not at all. The Great Man is the personification of the fulfilment of the Ego, Great Men are those who lifted themselves above Morality and Collectivism. I would sooner call Myself a Nietzschean than a Stirnerist.
>Yep which is something you just cant do when you cling to fixed ideas
That is not true, One requires Goals, otherwise One becomes blinded by Ideology. By setting the Ideal of a Man, the Overman, One clears, from the Path of Life, the Fog of Ideology.

>> No.6768363

If you think you need something beyond yourself to fullfill your ego chances are you are serving its interests and not your own.

> Fog of Ideology.

Notions of control and an ideal man represent a far greater fog of ideology than the thought of Stirner.

>> No.6768367

>If you think you need something beyond yourself to fullfill your ego chances are you are serving its interests and not your own.
Ah, but can the Ideal not be set by the Ego, no? The Pursuit of Overmanhood is Rationally Egoistic in of Itself.
>Notions of control and an ideal man represent a far greater fog of ideology than the thought of Stirner.
No, they are the Absence of Ideology, the Sun shining through the Fog.

>> No.6768370

>Pursing an 'Ideal'
You call yourself a Nietzschean?

>> No.6768374

No, I Said I am closer to a Nietzschean than a Stirnerist. Nietzsche had no problems with Ideals, though, you probably didn't even understand Him.

>> No.6768380

Yoga would outweight smoking both in health and psychological benefits - promoting smoking over the million of alternative methods that give the same benefits without the health detriments is a simple but clear failure on her part.

>> No.6768385

Explain your whole understanding of Nietzsche. Now it's on you to show that you actually get him.

>> No.6768387

>Ah, but can the Ideal not be set by the Ego, no? The Pursuit of Overmanhood is Rationally Egoistic in of Itself.

Of course but the fact that it is couched so strictly in another terms and definitions tends to suggest otherwise.

>No, they are the Absence of Ideology, the Sun shining through the Fog.

Just because I call a dog a duck does not mean that it will quack. There is nothing in the terms you described above that suggest it would be an absence of ideology. The strictly defined ideals that are external to yourself certainly do not indicate an absence

>> No.6768388

He's probably being paid by a cigarette company.
>Standing up for the brown Jew

>> No.6768389

>I'm telling you that the environment is unimportant to the Self, concerning yourself with it is nothing more than Life Denying.

Maintaining the environment is essential to life itself. Your self is dependent on society, which is dependent on the biosphere.

>I'm telling you that the environment is unimportant to the Self, concerning yourself with it is nothing more than Life Denying. When you allow your Self to be ruled by contingent Externalities you hand over your own Autonomy to the faceless abyss left in the absence of God.

Your self quite simply IS ruled by these things. You have no autonomy in matters of things this high above your scale.

>There has been no warming in the last 20 years

There has been a consistent warming trend that has continued since the late 90s. The "noughties" (I hate that word) were the hottest decade on record.


>Even in the apocalypse rhetoric, "Climate Change", a much more fluid notion, has replaced the infamous "Global Warming".

They're virtually synonyms, dude. Global warming denial is the creationism of geology. The fact that you faggots whine about being "persecuted" in the scientific community instead of presenting decent peer reviewed opposing evidence is a big red flag that you're on the same level as alt medicine hippies and every other bullshit peddler.

Ayn Rand isn't a philosopher, just a plagiarist with a cult of personality.

>> No.6768390

You're defending Nietzsche's ideas with Plato's terminology, which doesn't make sense at all

>> No.6768399

Just read the Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche, I co-authored it.
>Of course but the fact that it is couched so strictly in another terms and definitions tends to suggest otherwise.
Are you saying that, in the absence of Ideology, the Ego cannot set its Own Ideal? You are laughably naive when it comes to Theory.
>There is nothing in the terms you described above that suggest it would be an absence of ideology
I hope you realise I am Speaking of Ideology in the Althusserian sense.
>Maintaining the environment is essential to life itself. Your self is dependent on society, which is dependent on the biosphere.
That is Life Denying, Self imposed Totalitarianism. Your Life is Yours, You need not limit the Ego with Imaginary concepts such as the necessity for Life to inhabit the world.
>Your self quite simply IS ruled by these things. You have no autonomy in matters of things this high above your scale.
A Spook is all you speak.

>> No.6768401

You obviously Understand not Nietzsche nor Plato.

>> No.6768405
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>Just read the Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche, I co-authored it.

>> No.6768407

>Are you saying that, in the absence of Ideology, the Ego cannot set its Own Ideal? You are laughably naive when it comes to Theory.

Nope just that the way you define/describe your ideal gives reason to belived that its a fixed idea that has not come from the ego.

>I hope you realise I am Speaking of Ideology in the Althusserian sense.

It wasnt clear, a fact made a bit harder by your haphazard use of capitalization

>> No.6768413

>Nope just that the way you define/describe your ideal gives reason to belived that its a fixed idea that has not come from the ego.
It is a Fixed Ideal, a Perfectly placed Ideal. Placed strictly in the absence of Ideology and the fulfilment of the Ego.
>It wasnt clear, a fact made a bit harder by your haphazard use of capitalization
Do you not know the popular Philosophy of 20th Century France?

>> No.6768415

>That is Life Denying

It's the purest affirmation of life there is.

>Self imposed Totalitarianism.

An oxymoron if there ever was one. This literally means "stop liking things I don't like, you're not free!"

>Your Life is Yours

Property is a spook. In reality, there are many natural and social forces that exert influence and brute coercion over your bodily autonomy.

>You need not limit the Ego with Imaginary concepts such as the necessity for Life to inhabit the world.

It's not "necessary", but it's what most people want, and the many are stronger in power than the few. The continued existence of human society and a diverse biosphere is pleasurable to me, I don't need to justify these preferences to force them onto you if enough people agree with me, especially powerful people.

>A Spook is all you speak.

Nothing is less of a spook than power.

>> No.6768418

Hottest gargolye ever.

>> No.6768428

>It is a Fixed Ideal, a Perfectly placed Ideal.

Then it sense it seems identical to Christianity, Humanism and all those other haunted constructs.

Placed strictly in the absence of Ideology and the fulfilment of the Ego.

How does what you say represent this absence in the Althusserian sense.

>Do you not know the popular Philosophy of 20th Century France?

I do not, can you explain its relevance to you capitalizing the word speaking in >>6768399?

>> No.6768433

>It's the purest affirmation of life there is.
No, it is slavery. It is Living Your Life for something else rather than for Yourself.
>An oxymoron if there ever was one. This literally means "stop liking things I don't like, you're not free!"
No, it means you are, due to your Judeo-Christian Morals, grovelling to a faceless abyss and spending your life in subservience to a non-sentient entity.
>Property is a spook.
Property is power, the Ego is property of the Self.
>It's not "necessary", but it's what most people want, and the many are stronger in power than the few. The continued existence of human society and a diverse biosphere is pleasurable to me, I don't need to justify these preferences to force them onto you if enough people agree with me, especially powerful people.
Simply a Weak Utilitarianism.
>Nothing is less of a spook than power.
Power in numbers is a Slave Morality Spook.

>> No.6768442

>Then it sense it seems identical to Christianity, Humanism and all those other haunted constructs.
No, as those value the Ideal of the Slave, not the Individual.
>How does what you say represent this absence in the Althusserian sense.
Because the Ideal is breaking free from the subconsciously imposed Rules of the Culture to Identification only with the Self.
>I do not
I recommend you start with Hegel and Nietzsche for background then read the Existentialists, the Structuralists, the Post-Structuralists and the Feminists.

>> No.6768443

The individual-collective dichotomy is much more Randian than Nietzschean.

>> No.6768450

It is not a Dichotomy, but a Spectrum.

>> No.6768453

So why do you have such a knee-jerk objectivist reaction to anything that acknowledges that groups aren't always purely negative entities?

>> No.6768456

>No, as those value the Ideal of the Slave, not the Individual.

If the ideal of the slave brings greater fulfillment of desire than alternatives why should it be looked down upon?

>Because the Ideal is breaking free from the subconsciously imposed Rules of the Culture to Identification only with the Self.

But cannot those ideals associatied with master morality constitute rules of culture?

>I recommend you start with Hegel and Nietzsche for background then read the Existentialists, the Structuralists, the Post-Structuralists and the Feminists.

That seems a tad excessive to merely understand why you capitalized the word speaking.

On an unrelated note what are your thoughts on Schopenhauer and Wittgenstien?

>> No.6768469

Because they are Life Denying, Nihilistic entities that only destroy the Greater Individual.
>If the ideal of the slave brings greater fulfillment of desire than alternatives why should it be looked down upon?
Do you seriously not Know the Failings of Utilitarianism?
>But cannot those ideals associatied with master morality constitute rules of culture?
No, they are Opposed to Ideology, the Culture is not that of an Individual, Culture is formed by the Collective.
>On an unrelated note what are your thoughts on Schopenhauer and Wittgenstien?
I can see the Merit in his Will, but not in the Bitter Tripe he spewed due to his jealousy of Hegel. Wittgenstein was an autistic, blind Analytic who could never appreciate Theory of Culture, Genealogy or Psychoanalysis no matter how much he tried.

>> No.6768475

Are you sincerely linking to the "ocean are keeping the heat" theory? This is the creationism of geology.

Anyway it won't matter long since you will die from baddies like me consuming power and finding ways to circumvent your precious special taxes.

Feels great bringing Armageddon.

>> No.6768479

>Do you seriously not Know the Failings of Utilitarianism?

I wasn't referring to the fulfillment of desire of the collective but of the individual which is quite against utilitarianism.

>I can see the Merit in his Will

He covers a fair bit in those two books which areas in particular hold merit?

>Wittgenstein was an autistic, blind Analytic who could never appreciate Theory of Culture, Genealogy or Psychoanalysis no matter how much he tried.

Is there anything to be gained from reading his work?

Another tangent any thoughts on aquinas and aristotle?

>> No.6768493

>I wasn't referring to the fulfillment of desire of the collective but of the individual which is quite against utilitarianism
Uh, no, it is a form of Utilitarianism.
>He covers a fair bit in those two books which areas in particular hold merit?
His criticism of those who Claim that simply controlling their Will is Freedom. This blends nicely with the Idea of Attainment of Will.
>Is there anything to be gained from reading his work?
>Another tangent any thoughts on aquinas and aristotle?
Total butchers. One is a Life Denying Christian slave, desperately twisting what he knows into a defence of Ideology while Aristotle systematically set back Western Thought For 2000 years.

>> No.6768504
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>Uh, no, it is a form of Utilitarianism.

So any ideology that maximises self pleasure is a form of utilitarainism?

>His criticism of those who Claim that simply controlling their Will is Freedom. This blends nicely with the Idea of Attainment of Will.

Do you agree with Schopenhauers metaphysics?

>Total butchers. One is a Life Denying Christian slave, desperately twisting what he knows into a defence of Ideology while Aristotle systematically set back Western Thought For 2000 years.

Are there any good works on this subject? which writers or essays caused you to form this opinion?

How do you deal with metaphysical arguments like pic related. I have a hard time distinguishing between genuine reasoning and word games/sophistry.

>> No.6768516

>Aristotle systematically set back Western Thought For 2000 years
No one but John Green and people obsessed with spooks like 'progress' takes this argument seriously in 2015

>> No.6768544

>So any ideology that maximises self pleasure is a form of utilitarainism?
Yes, as Pleasure is bunk.
>Do you agree with Schopenhauers metaphysics?
No, but they are well argued.
>Are there any good works on this subject? which writers or essays caused you to form this opinion?
Robert Anton Wilson is a good start.
>How do you deal with metaphysical arguments like pic related. I have a hard time distinguishing between genuine reasoning and word games/sophistry.
He makes too many Assumptions and applies Rules to that which he doesn't Understand.
Only Analytic Scientismos sheep like Aristotle.

>> No.6768556


Timothy Leary.

>> No.6768560

>Only Analytic Scientismos sheep like Aristotle
The coauthor of the Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche has to resort to ad hominem attacks on people who aren't Aristotle to make a point about Aristotle's philosophy? I'm quite surprised by this.

>> No.6768563

Aristotle's Philosophy is Life Denying, Totalitarian and Presumptuous. It started the Cancer of Knowledge known as Science and has done nothing but Decay Man.

>> No.6768569

That's weird because most scholarship attributes Aristotle with the effective invention of libertarian politics while accusing Plato if totalitarianism. Not even just analytic philosophers, libertarians, individualists, and egoists acknowledge this. It's immanent in their politics. You're objecting to Catholic uses of Aristotle's system, not Aristotle himself.

>> No.6768581

Science is Totalitarian, you Last Man. I don't care what Libertarians think, Collectivism is a Scourge.

>> No.6768586

>Robert Anton Wilson is a good start.

You dont mean the Illuminatas and promethius rising author do you?

>> No.6768594

Who would have thought a thread about Ayn Rand would be the most intellectual thread on /lit/...

>> No.6768595

>Science is Totalitarian
What's wrong with totalitarianism, from a Nietzschean perspective? It isn't necessarily collectivist. Can't a 'great man' use the state to further his own greatness?

>> No.6768601

That's Him. Read His Essays, they are sound.
You idiot. It is Totalitarian in the Sense that it claims to Be the only source of Knowledge.

>> No.6768608

>It is Totalitarian in the Sense that it claims to Be the only source of Knowledge.
I don't really think that's true. Science itself can't make any claims, and the people it speaks through usually acknowledge that it's only one way of knowing about the world. The only people who don't acknowledge that kind of thing are either posing epistemological obstacles on purpose or idiotic. I think you're setting up a strawman.
Define 'totalitarian' and define 'science,' please; you've been using the terms rather broadly.
>inb4 "lel >definitions" or "lel >analytic"

>> No.6768629

Science as in the Scientific Method and Totalitarian as in all encompassing.

>> No.6768639

Explain to me the scientific method. It doesn't claim to be all-encompassing, it draws explicit boundaries between what it knows and what it doesn't know, as well as what it can and can't do.
A large part of the purpose of analytic philosophy is criticizing the scientific method and its results. By writing off that entire side of an artificial divide that barely existed in the first place and is at this point nothing but a meme on /lit/, you're doing your own position (the scientific method is all encompassing) a great disservice.

>> No.6768661

>Explain to me the scientific method.
>It doesn't claim to be all-encompassing, it draws explicit boundaries between what it knows and what it doesn't know, as well as what it can and can't do.
It is used as an all encompassing Ideology when in reality it is NOT Objective, NOT Human and Not Useful. It can only say what happened when they performed Experiments, not what will Actually happen, see the Problem of Induction. Science is Wrong on Everything.

>> No.6768669

Your reluctance to offer your own explanation seems to indicate a lack of comprehension.
>It is used as an all encompassing Ideology when in reality it is NOT Objective, NOT Human and Not Useful
So your issue is with an ideology and not with the method itself? Why are you complaining about the method, then?
>It can only say what happened when they performed Experiments, not what will Actually happen, see the Problem of Induction
Like I said, analytic philosophy, which you write off, acknowledges this both implicitly and explicitly. Hume is an analytic saint.
>Science is Wrong on Everything.
Then how are we posting on a website that only exists because science made personal computers and the Internet a reality? This claim seems really overblown.

>> No.6768687

>Your reluctance to offer your own explanation seems to indicate a lack of comprehension.
Why should I have to explain a rudimentary concept we both understand?
>So your issue is with an ideology and not with the method itself? Why are you complaining about the method, then?
My issue is that the Method is Totalitarian and that it reduces the Human to the Inhuman.
>Like I said, analytic philosophy, which you write off, acknowledges this both implicitly and explicitly. Hume is an analytic saint.
Hume totally rejected Science.
>Then how are we posting on a website that only exists because science made personal computers and the Internet a reality? This claim seems really overblown.
The Self of an Other made that possible, not Science.

>> No.6768705

>Why should I have to explain a rudimentary concept we both understand?
For the sake of clarity, it makes sense for us to try to talk about the same thing.
>My issue is that the Method is Totalitarian and that it reduces the Human to the Inhuman.
This is why I want you to explain your understanding of the method more. I don't know what your premises are; how did you come to this conclusion? I literally want you to walk me through your reasoning.
>Hume totally rejected Science.
No, not really. Source, please?
>The Self of an Other made that possible, not Science.
But that self used the scientific method to do so. You can check pretty much any source you want, this is an established and unarguable historical fact. Computers wouldn't be possible without the scientific method.

>> No.6768719
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Deluded Ideologue. I needn't argue with you. You can have your Autistic Science, I will have Real Human Feeling.

>> No.6768721

Cool, you've resorted to pure memes. I guess that means I win.

>> No.6768735

No, it Means you have a different Opinion and I wish not to Convince you of your wrongdoing. If you can't see past the obvious failure of Science then I see no Point in in engaging in a Discourse with you.

>> No.6768740

>the obvious failure of Science
The scientific method does exactly what it claims to and nothing more. You're a memer. Enjoy your continentalism, it's obvious that you define yourself in contradistinction against analytic philosophy, which you see for some unsubstantial reason as a tool of scientism.

>> No.6768742

>The scientific method does exactly what it claims to
No, as it does not view anything objectively.

>> No.6768759

I really don't think you understand how 'science,' as you broadly understand it, actually works or what its aims are. If you'd explain your understanding more, I might change my mind and we might be able to come to something like an agreement.

>> No.6768760

She looks like a man

>> No.6768762


Just stopping by to say that this person sounds incredibly autistic. Reminds me of looking at a comments section and seeing that weird internet archetype of a profile picture of a 50 year old woman typing things like "the WRITER of this article is a FIEND who doesn't understand basic PRINCIPLES of knowledge. I don't waste my TIME with such PHILISTINES because I have UNDERSTANDING and self-respect."

>> No.6768763

She didn't know that she knew nothing.

>> No.6768769

No, I don't need to Justify myself.
Nice one, Bertrand. Go play with you Trains now.

>> No.6768771

>No, I don't need to Justify myself.
I guess you're fine with me judging you to be a philistine then, Bernd.

>> No.6768772
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Constitutional Anarchocapitalism only works if everyone is honest in their dealings.

Is everyone honest in their dealings?


Then there is your flaw.

Also, objectivity as a characteristic of a fiat marketplace. LOL.

>> No.6768774

Scientists are Philistines. I am well read in Philosophy and The Humanities.

>> No.6768775

Nice pic

>> No.6768779

That doesn't mean you aren't a philistine. And I'm not claiming scientists aren't philistines. You seem to be really hung up on quite a few abstractions.

>> No.6768780

Will you guys stop saying the word 'philistine'?

You're making my penis go soft & I'm trying to masturbate.

>> No.6768782

I am not a Philistine, My posts prove that.

>> No.6768794

They pretty much prove the opposite. If you're not a philistine, you're at least an obscurantist and a contrarian. Neither is much better than a philistine.

>> No.6768810

>you're at least an obscurantist and a contrarian.
Such is the criticism from an Analytic on what he does not Understand.

>> No.6768811

>not a philistine
>last 7 hours spent arguing on the internet

I've got some bad news for ya, Phil.

>> No.6768818

Yes, engaging in Intellectual Discussion makes One a Philistine. Solid Reasoning right there.

>> No.6768827

You're one to talk about not understanding.
From engaging in a particular discourse on a basic level, it does not follow that one is knowledgable about that discourse. You've continuously failed to demonstrate anything resembling an ability to argue. When asked to back up a point, you can only insult your opponent; calling someone an analytic isn't even an insult, and dismissing the scientific method while refusing to explain your understanding of it is strong evidence of your stupidity.
These aren't ad hominem statements; at this point, I just mean these things as insults. You can't be reasoned with. You're probably a troll. 7/10.

>> No.6768840

Suggest a brief reading list to help me shed my slave mentality and achieve apotheosis.

>> No.6768879

Stop reading and start conquering.

>> No.6768895

Nice reading list. What does the act of conquest as such have to do with intellectualism as such?

>> No.6768939

Power is knowledge.

>> No.6768949

So the most powerful man on earth is necessarily an intellectual? What if he's illiterate and has no interest in learning?

>> No.6768957

He can do whatever he wants.

>> No.6768962

Yeah, but is he an intellectual?

>> No.6768989

>jewish nose
>doesn't smile
>masculine face
>nasty hair
>couldn't even write a sentence worth reading if her life depended on it

Would not bang.

>> No.6769025

If he wants

>> No.6769047

But he doesn't, in this hypothetical scenario. Your claim that power is knowledge seems to be one that you admit is accidental, and not essential, to the nature of power; otherwise, you wouldn't claim that it's a matter of his wanting to be an intellectual, rather than a matter of his simply being one. It also seems like knowledge is an accidental and not essential element of power.

>> No.6769054

Absolute Power allows for absolutely anything. That is the Ego at Will.

>> No.6769065

OK, but is this man an intellectual? It's a simple question, can you give me a yes or no answer?
>That is the Ego at Will.
You haven't used this term before, could you explain the concept a little?

>> No.6769083

If he so wishes he is an Intellectual. The Ego at Will is The Ego achieving Total Dominance.

>> No.6769084

>rudimentary concept
It's not rudimentary. At the very least one should provide an operational definition.

>> No.6769098

>If he so wishes he is an Intellectual.
The answer is no, then.
>The Ego at Will is The Ego achieving Total Dominance.
Could you expand on this a little more? Why do you now refer to the 'will' as being the thing or state that the ego has to be 'at' in order to 'achieve' 'Total Dominance?' Total dominance of what? Everything that exists? Surely, only a Hegelian Absolute Ego could actually attain this state, and I doubt you buy into Hegelianism that much.

>> No.6769107

The End Game of the Ideal Man is to achieve Dominion over all things. To assume the position of God.

>> No.6769110

>The End Game of the Ideal Man is to achieve Dominion over all things.
What does this mean, in practical terms? Doesn't that seem a bit life-denying and totalitarian?
>To assume the position of God.
This sounds like literal insanity.

>> No.6769134

Sounds like busy work.

You should focus on your studies and make friends for now. Those might take to high places when you are big.

But it's summer, so I get you want to chill with your internet pals, and that's OK.

>> No.6769221

No, the Will to Power is Life Affirming. Read Nietzsche.

>> No.6769503

>No, it is slavery. It is Living Your Life for something else rather than for Yourself.

You're the only one making imperatives here, bucko. It's a very convoluted way of saying "stop liking what I don't like."

>No, it means you are, due to your Judeo-Christian Morals, grovelling to a faceless abyss and spending your life in subservience to a non-sentient entity.

If I aim to preserve the condition of my car, am I grovelling in subservience to it?

>Property is power, the Ego is property of the Self.

Property is power, and other people have enormous power over you. You can try to magic it away with your mind all you want; the state doesn't tremble at your egoist worldview.

>Simply a Weak Utilitarianism.

Hardly, it's explicitly anti-human.

>Power in numbers is a Slave Morality Spook.

Hardly, or else collectives wouldn't be able to coerce individuals. I am willingly in line with this system because it suits me, you protest because it's not in your preferences, but I hardly see the movement getting weaker and things get more desperate. To be overtly selfish as an "omega male" is only possible in an environment of relative prosperity.

>> No.6769527


>> No.6769536

She and all her disciples are horribly cruel. Possibly even directly Satanic.

>> No.6769831

Life-affirming actions can be signs of insanity.

>> No.6769833


>if you don't agree with me you must be mentally ill

hello Scholmo

>> No.6769843

I'm Catholic, actually.

>> No.6769849

Besides, my initial claim was that for a human being, aiming to
>To assume the position of God
is probably a sign of insanity, or at least some kind of mental imbalance. It certainly doesn't seem like a healthy goal.
And you still haven't answered my questions from >>6769098 satisfactorily.

>> No.6769880

>You don't have any academic sources that say cigarettes and other stimulant drugs improve concentration. So don't lecture me about anecdotes. It's simply a medical, scientific, fact that cigarettes, cocaine, amphetamines etc are very bad for the health. Next time you buy cigarettes look at the warning labels - they're not bullshitting. These drugs are dangerous, unhealthy and addictive, and whatever nebulous "benefits" they offer are negated by their toll on the body.


>You don't have any academic sources that say stimulant drugs such as ADDERALL and DEXEDRINE improve concentration.

>> No.6769885

Post some sources, then

>> No.6769899

im not evenm that guy you fucking retard,but u cant seriously be saying adderall/dex doesnt temporarily enhance your cognitive capability

>> No.6769903

sure you dumb fucking idiot

if you were oblivious to this god damn you must be fucking retarded

>> No.6769931

Way to get mad

>> No.6770430

Define 'cognitive capacity'

>> No.6770445

>smoking feels gud so it is gud
How are people this stupid?

>> No.6770464

strawmanning his point invalidates your own, he's being reasonable. His point simply runs contrary to the anti-smoking propaganda maschine

smoking tobacco absolutely does things in the brain that can be useful. It can stave off hunger and keep the mind sharp when it otherwise might dull. Whether or not its advantages outweigh its costs is a difficult calculus that changes in each individual instance.

>> No.6770476

Do you have data to back up your claims? Do you think those very minor benefits (tobacco costs more than rice and other stimulants are less dangerous) make up for the risks of tobacco, which include stroke, blindness, death, etc.?

>> No.6770496

Existence precedes essence

>> No.6770503

you're assuming everyone has access to/knowledge of other stimulants, among other assumptions.

to say that tobacco is 100% across the board net negative every time no matter what the context is pretty fucking absurd mate.

a hunter drinks a dilute concoction of nicotiana rustica once in the bush in order to aid his hunt and provide for his tribe, which of late have gone hungry. The hunt is a success thanks in part to the CNS stimulation of the herb. He suffers no ill health effects and never uses the herb again.

there's a thought experiment example


>> No.6770508

>in the end I get the job, I get the position, I get the career and I am ultimately happire and more successful than you
Nice standard. Typical STEMfag, disregarding everything but money and equating eudaimonia with employment and financial success.

>> No.6770510

Literally everything she did was garbage. She's so easy to destroy and it's been done so many times that I won't even bother.

>> No.6770514

>to say that tobacco is 100% across the board net negative every time no matter what the context is pretty fucking absurd mate.
Not as absurd as claiming that it's never negative, which seems to be what you're doing.

>> No.6770516

I'm a different dude, dude.

was my first post ITT

at the end of it I said: "Whether or not its advantages outweigh its costs is a difficult calculus that changes in each individual instance."

>> No.6770529
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>> No.6770549

>free will exists

top jej

>> No.6770569

Nietzsche fanfiction written for used car salesmen.

>> No.6770573

She's kind of backwards in her knowledge of psychology to me. The data has shown that kindness, compassion, and charity lead to happiness better than having a lot of money. There are poor people who've had fantastic, immensely happy lives because of their giving personalities and their connection to other people, and there have been people who have committed suicide even though they were rich, and kept everything they had for themselves.

>> No.6770908

>Fanfiction tier writing
>depth of a 15 year old
>Only insight comes from 1920s Russia bending her over and fucking her
>Generally just edgy and entitled
>"Hurr sweat of my brow don't owe anything to anyone else"
>Collected Social Security

Like really just watch interviews of her or read some of her more personal writings, she just comes off as clearly retarded and so dead set on this philosophy 101 idea that she can't understand how stupid it sounds when you take a step back.

Objectivism is basically the philosophy of jamming your fingers in your ears and saying "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" when someone tells you the town is on fire.

>> No.6770918

That means so little. I hope he's better than John green too.

>> No.6770931


Why not just exercise, eat healthy food, and get more sleep if you want concentration rather than running the risk of getting addicted to amphetamines?

>> No.6770952

Because, anon!
>muh stimulants
>muh concentration
>muh nutrition

>> No.6771071

Look at it this way: when you are all on the same lifeboat, you best not be poking holes in the raft. Animals and plants are important because they help stabilize the planet's O2 content so that we can, among other things, breathe and eat. If we destabilize the environment which plants and animals live in the the point where they cannot or will not adapt, then the plants and animals die. Do this enough and there will be no more plants or animals left to restabilize the environment.

>> No.6771099

For the same reasons people take shortcuts through dangerous neighborhoods.

Time can be a factor, the alternative to not using can be worse.

>> No.6771116

But what about cost?

>> No.6771321

I'll Do what I Want.

>> No.6771327
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