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/lit/ - Literature

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6767205 No.6767205[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

General stuff about how you came to realize you're sexuality, gender, etc. How did you figure out you were LGBT? Any major events that contributed to it? In retrospect, do you think you were probably LGBT from the start? Stuffs like that.

>> No.6767210

Wrong board, degenerate scum

>> No.6767213

Wrong place queer. We don't like your type round these parts.

>> No.6767215
File: 82 KB, 437x437, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you see I'm a pretty uninteresting person so I decided to craft my entire identity around my sexuality and now people call me a hero for it XD

>> No.6767216
File: 88 KB, 800x600, 1435640941638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, just when you think you're in /lgbt/ but you're not. Great. Just. Fucking. Great. Blue backgounds. Greeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaat.

>> No.6767222

sure you're in the right board friendo?

i'll play along though

i'm pretty sure i was always the "G" in LGBT. confirmed through sex

pretty interesting, huh?

>> No.6767226


heh ya i was always lgbt XDD i once took it up the butt but i got aids, i loved him so much :(

>> No.6767229

You had sex with a man? Wow that's like super deep. You must be pretty emotionally mature and complicated. Have you talked to a newspaper yet?

>> No.6767232

i talk to my newspaper every morning, yes

>> No.6767236

On a serious note I really do hate the mindless glorification of homosexuality and affiliated things. Tolerance is one thing but acting like it's some sort of wonderful thing that everyone has to be excited about is bullshit.

>> No.6767241

when I sacrificed a goat and converted to atheism, the void in my life where God once was became filled with an insatiable lust for cock. That's how I figured out I was LGBT

>> No.6767242

Weird. I just read mine. You really are a special snowflake. Not that I'm judging you for doing it or anything.

>> No.6767243

it was better without the serious note

we all got the implication

>> No.6767248

There is a containment board for sick people like you. Go there.

>> No.6767249

Same, people are people

>> No.6767252

What's with all these reactionaries and /pol/-types in this thread? Has Christposting evolved into fascist-posting?

>> No.6767254 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 625x634, 1435810028835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realised I was homosexual after starting high school, I felt a sense of attraction towards other men--but was now only **feeling** it as I was pubescent. Throughout High school I was referred to as "that gay kid", I also enjoyed dressing more feminine which can be quite obvious if you saw me. So I guess thats what attracted, lets say some "not so nice people"... I only graduated a couple years ago and im now working on getting a degree in gender studies. It is so liberating to see all the positivity towards LGBT people now a days. I hope more and more people can come out and be treated as equals, as they deserve.
Did I mention my father molested me as a child?

>> No.6767255

quite frankly, i dont see the difference between reading it and talking to it.

thanks for understanding bro

>> No.6767263

we're all actually gay here on /lit/

christposters and all

>> No.6767269

>implying celebration of homosexuality has anything to do with economic theory

>> No.6767274

>implying fascism is an economic theory.

>> No.6767279

two sick bustards and one conditioning thread what a fucking losers

>> No.6767281

It actually is

Read a book kid

>> No.6767297

Does anyone have any recommends for trans literature? The only ones I'm aware of are Nevada, which sounds too lightweight, and Whipping Girl, which is just a blog rant. A Safe Girl to Love was described as 'hard hitting', but it's a collection of short stories so that's probably bullshit.

I want something that takes an unflinching, apolitical look at the affliction. Something worthy of the word 'dysphoria'. I get the feeling that trans writers may engage in some self censoring since they're kind of a political hot topic, they might be sensitive about revealing anything that may frighten or disgust normies.

>> No.6767298

It actually isn't.

Stop reading books written by idiots who want to wrongfully revise history.

>> No.6767302

When you make a thread as stupid as OPs on a literature board you aren't going to get serious posts.

>> No.6767305

I'm not him, but it isn't. There are some in the history community who say it is, but it has yet to become official.

>> No.6767311

Mussolini said the fascism should be called corporatism because it is the merging of corporations and the state. Maybe it wasn't a fully fleshed out theory but there were some theories of economic planning. I know this because I study actual history, you should too. I'm not supporting fascism either, I'm explaining to you that there was a political theory there before it became a buzzword for anything oppressive.

QED m8

>> No.6767320

You'd probably be surprised to know how many of these posts are entirely serious. Even people who don't necessarily hate gays find them a lot more annoying than they'd be willing to publicly admit these days.

>> No.6767323


I realized my feelings toward my bi internet dwelling roommate weren't just based in friendship but sexual and romantic infatuation. It took me a while to come to terms with this, especially because I was living with my girlfriend as well as him at the time. She and I are still dating and I'm more or less over him at this point, but it did make me understand that I like oysters and snails.

>> No.6767324

It existed as a real world system, in a real world country.

Did this country not have an economy?

If it did, then there had to be some economic theory to fascism.

>> No.6767331

I'm not joking, I really dont like most gay people

Like faggot OP for not deleting this off topic thread

>> No.6767339

>ayy yo there were some elements of economics because that is thing state do right? So yeah, yeah it is an economic theory.

This is how you sound.

>political theory=/=economic theory

You could maybe push political theory as a definition (which I would also have issues with, but that is a different debate that is more complicated and I don't care to have), but calling it an "economic theory" is an outright falsehood. The fact that you are using the two interchangeably proves you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.6767340

Neither do I.

>> No.6767353

I know exactly what I am talking about and you have been proven wrong beyond all reasonable doubt. If the state had an economic system then it had an economic theory behind the system.

Was fascist Italy communistic or capitalistic? Something else? How would you describe the system? It dosent matter, because as a fascist state it had a fascist economic system.

>> No.6767352

That is not how it works, friend. Forms of government and economic systems are independent of each other. Although certain forms of government tend to be associated with particular economic systems, as I said, they are not set in stone.

>> No.6767359

I get it now: you're a troll. Move on everybody.

>> No.6767364

I agree, you can have a capitalist dictatorship and a communist democracy. But fascism in the historical sense is tied to corporatism, unless you mean fasicsm as a catchall for any oppressive regime. Or as that one guy was saying anyone who dosent like gays.

>> No.6767366

You're an ignorant dogmaticist who refuses to learn new information.

What economic system did fascist Italy utilize?

>> No.6767377

Caring about what you or anyone else does with their genitals is for basic bitches.

>> No.6767382

fags shouldn't be able to adopt kids

>> No.6767387

I'm all for learning, friend; maybe if you cited some evidence I would be more willing to believe you. I'd guess fascist Italy was a mixed economy which is characteristic of fascist states.

>> No.6767389

>le it's gay to care what other people do with their penises meme

Stop this

>> No.6767390


>> No.6767391

You're not a gay. Just a basic bitch who cares about basic bitch issues.

>> No.6767395

>basic bitch
Am I on college humor or something?

>> No.6767407

Well I know Wikipedia isn't the best source, but it does give a basic outline.

I guess you could argue that what is presented here isn't enough to call it an economic theory, but then we'd just be in disagreement.

Sorry for mobile link


>> No.6767411

Okay, I appreciate it.

>> No.6767412

Kill yourself

>> No.6767413

>Even people who don't necessarily hate gays find them a lot more annoying than they'd be willing to publicly admit these days.
What, I'm not allowed to even find gay people annoying? It's these kinds of comments that turn people toward /pol/.

>> No.6767419

No problem

>> No.6767423

Calling fascism an economic theory because there were certain trends native to fascist governments like calling the United States body of water because it has lakes. You're an idiot. I bet you are one of the most asinine people to talk to in real life.

>> No.6767426

>campus safespaces
Go to one of these echo chambers, cunt.

>> No.6767430

I'm a troll, stop talking to me

>> No.6767455

No. I'm saying it's retarded to say "lel people aren't responding seriously" because they are. There's nothing wrong with finding them annoying or disliking them.

>Elementary school English class
>Middle school English class
>High school English class
Go back to any of these so you can learn how to read again, retard.

>> No.6767620


>> No.6767652
File: 400 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever lived their whole life completely straight until they brush up against their bro at a party and realize they want to fuck dudes?

>> No.6767764

Great question OP. When I first realized I was sexuality, it swooped my ethereal archetypal body down over the world of men in pure ecstasy of being, causing major disturbances in human and animal behavior throughout.

>> No.6767771

sexuality is an act, not an identity

>> No.6767779

Foucault said this, right?

>> No.6767783

that's only true if you're a robot who has sex with other robots.

>> No.6767804

I saw reason in the marriage conflict since there where legal and financial implications from it, but today on NPR the people whose sole occupation was gay rights protesting talked about "what was next on the gay agenda" (actual words). It involved implementing gay affirmative action, installing gay leaders into infrastructure, and "teaching children in schools a gay friendly curriculum and about gay heroes and leaders in history."

I'm now starting to realize how fucking crazy these people really are.

>> No.6767828

>Mussolini said the fascism should be called corporatism because it is the merging of corporations and the state.
That quote was completely fabricated by Marxists to validate their bullshit theory about fascism's relationship to capitalism.

>> No.6767832

And it was called corporatism because that is the term syndicalists used to describe their system fascism evolved out of.

>> No.6767903

Why don't you ask this in the /lgbt/ board?

>> No.6767914


If majority of people had your mentality we would have been extinct by thousands of years now
I can assure you that