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/lit/ - Literature

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6766991 No.6766991 [Reply] [Original]

Any fantasy/sci-fi readers read any Micheal Moorcock? I saw him in a Hawkwind documentary and he seemed like an interesting bloke. Wondering if his books are worth a geez.

>> No.6767109

I have a feeling you'd like moorcock, op.

>> No.6767148

I highly enjoyed his earlier Elric of Melnibone stories. Hawkmoon and Corum stories were pretty good. It gets weirder from there.

>> No.6767150
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Great fun for what they are (New Wave SF-style fantasy with antiheroes and huge cosmic underpinning). Start with early Elric and enjoy. Newer stuff tends to be more long-winded and less entertaining.

>> No.6767838
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The first is fucking impossible to find, I'd really like to read them though.

>> No.6767865

The Elric saga was a lot of fun, and I remember enjoying some of his other novels (Count Brass I think?)

There's a larger cosmology that relates all of them--the Eternal Champion thing, with many incarnations of champions. The old Elric stuff was probably the most fun, though.

>> No.6767870

Keep in mind that Elric is heroic/swords&sorcery fantasy, not epic/expansive fantasy.