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6765995 No.6765995[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you have social life? I believe being a litfag, over the years, has lead me to a solitary life. everyone i meet IRL seems always very uninteresting.

>> No.6766008

I have two. IRL I'm friends with a handful of writers, artists and dancers. Online my friends are a mixture of trolls, programmers and hackers.

>> No.6766010

for a long time I think I lived life like I was reading a book. Sitting and watching everything, observing as an audience might a play. I still do somewhat.

>> No.6766017

how do you live it know?

>> No.6766019

me and my gf work so much, we get tired and just hang around the apt most of the time, watch Netflix, read, I write. occasionally get together with her fam or ppl at our work, but not often.

nothing wrong with it OP, if you're worried about it. idk how old you are but when you're an adult you don't make friends left and right like as a kid. just be open for it when you do meet somebody cool.

>> No.6766051

My desire to socialise has been steadily diminishing over the years, and it sort of alarms me because the desire may return but by that time I won't have any friends left.

Maintaining those friendships just in case would lead me to spend a vast amount of my time doing what I don't want to do though.

I hope the digital waifu age will save me.

>> No.6766079

where did you meet them

>> No.6766088

Stop being autistic and realise that being "interesting" does not make someone worth to spend time with, necessarily. Have you ever considered that you may be the uninteresting person?

>> No.6766089

I had a girlfriend once for many years and some friends who I spoke to online. Almost never met them in person.

Matter of fact, the last time I actually went out with somebody other than my gf might have been... almost 10 years ago. Shit.

>> No.6766104

I participate more now. More the character in the book than the one reading.

>> No.6766113

4chan people are the best interaction for socializing, that and a gf. all you need. Before you call me a normie i've only met her once i'm still lame.

>> No.6766120

University and the internet.

>> No.6766133

Uninteresting is good.

An ancient gnarled tree
too fibrous for the logger's saw
too twisted to fit the carpenter's square
outlasts the whole forest

>> No.6766144

I've just finished uni and I didn't have friends / acquaintances all throughout it and I don't have any now. I haven't had close friends since I was about 12 or something.

Do people even make close friends in adulthood?

>> No.6766171
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Same here, anon.

>> No.6766176

i feel like no one wants to post on here saying 'i have a ton of friends'

but i have a ton of really great friends and a great social life i think, i don't necessarily go out to parties much anymore, but my friends and gf are always down for shows, museums, exhibitions, camping and such.

>> No.6766181


Video games are destroying your life anon.

>> No.6766194

The friends that people make in adulthood are usually made through a mutual friend. Without a solid friendship base you're fucked

>> No.6766208
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Same tbh. I can't wait for magnaball and catskill chill.
>tfw not reading as much as I would like this summer
>tfw not giving le fuck

>> No.6766215
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>I am entitled to a social life

>> No.6766231

>I am entitled to sex
>I am entitled to a job
>I am entitled to a house
>I am entitled to rights

How dare they, anon. How dare these people think that in this day and age they're worth receiving the basic conditions of liberty and happiness.

These people make me sick, wanting communal ties rendered obsolete by our mass post-industrial society. I hate them, anon. I truly do.

>> No.6766239

I have no friends, but that's not something I worry about because I'm generally very happy by myself. I'm able to get along with people, and occasionally I have pleasant conversations, but I grow tired of people if I spend a lot of time with them, which makes maintaining friendships difficult. I have a lot of acquaintances whom I'm on great terms with, though.

>> No.6766243

I try to stay close to some people, but it's been difficult recently because they haven't been that responsive. Mostly because of work and responsibilities, I guess. Shit kinda sucks.

>> No.6766700

I haven't had a friend since I was 10

>> No.6767520
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I had a friend. One. Then he moved.

>> No.6767535
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What a time to be alive.

>> No.6767648

I have a few friends scattered throughout the country I live in. Because they all live reasonably far away (far enough so that I don't see them every week), I don't see them much, but they are all friends who I can not see for months and then meet again like we saw each other yesterday.

>> No.6767712

>everyone i meet IRL seems always very uninteresting.
I was with you (and very much like you) until there. There is no other way to put it: You are the one who is uninteresting. It's not because you're so smart and le different. It's because you suck at people. Two different things.

And stop being 18.

>> No.6767750


You're not worth shit. You're as small and replacable as a microbe. You're one part of a 7 billion cell organism that's thoughtlessly devouring all the resources on this planet while perpetrating terrible cruelties upon itself. You sit here on your computer with everything in your life handed to you and somehow feel that you deserve more? Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.6767759



>> No.6767762
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>> No.6767765

Of course I have a social life. I love people, but only in short bursts. If someone wants to hang out everyday or every other day, red flags start to go off in my head. I'm a weekend kind of guy, lets leave it at that, and sometimes, I really enjoy being along on certain weekends.

The only people I have no problem seeing everyday is the family. Other than that, set something up for the weekend and we will hang out. I honestly don't think I'm THAT far gone for an introvert.

>> No.6767767

I'm so glad I'm not a moralist. The guilt you feel every moment of your life must be unbearable. I prefer to enjoy myself and assume all along that I'm important.

>> No.6767770

>tfw moderately friendly with few school and work colleagues but only in that context

>> No.6767790


I don't feel guilty for being unimportant. Just because I don't matter doesn't mean I can't quietly continue to enjoy life. I'm just aware that I'm not really accomplishing anything except my own temporary pleasure, but that's all I want anyway.

>> No.6767796


>> No.6767814

This. If you're bored, you're the boring person

>> No.6767833

Spooks, monsieur. Spooks.

>> No.6767835

how is assuming you're important not a spook?

>> No.6767856

Conceptions maturity and immaturity differ from person to person. They're meaningless, like the word wisdom, like good, like bad, like evil.

Perhaps I shouldn't have used the word 'assume'. That I am important is an undeniable fact. Plus, it's worth pointing out, it does not follow to say that because there are 7 billion people and counting, each individual is unimportant. And while we're at it, 7 billion is an awfully small number when the entire universe is concerned, and who knows if there is any life out there as intelligent as we are. I am important! I am entitled to a good life! To have not admitted defeat, to think that I deserve a good life -- that, to me, is maturity! But maturity, we must remember, means nothing.

>> No.6767875

Throwing a tantrum and insisting on your self-given right when things don't go your way is immature. Taking action to impose that right is mature.

It's not a difficult concept.

>> No.6767877

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.6767878

Says you. I disagree. See how that works?

>> No.6767880

well memed

>> No.6767884

I have four proper friends, and then at university I'm sort of friends with most of the people in my classes. Thing is most of my friends are autists, so its up to me and my other normie friend to force the rest of us to actually go out.

>> No.6767889

M8 I'm a full on bantersaurus rex when with the lads down weatherspoons, and I still have time to head a Neoplatonist Nandos club

>> No.6767893

Umm, ok, wow. Where to start? First of all I'm a girl and I can tell you right now that most girls, including myself, aren't attracted to guys as pompous and arrogant as you. You may think you're awesome now but one day you'll realize you're not all that. There's more to life than writing books and dating, but I don't expect a kid like you to understand that. Ugh I'm so sick of guys like this. i can't believe I used to date people like you all the time. Like what the heck was wrong with me?

>> No.6767899
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No I don't tbh. When your life goes to shit and you just respond to that by strengthening your narcissistic resolve, what does that amount to? You might as well call yourself God already but that's too risque apparently even for you.

>> No.6767920
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>gave in to the bait

>> No.6767921

I wouldn't expect you to understand this concept. You seem young. Hope fully you learn with age that entitlement leads to nothing but disappointment and bitterness.

Deflecting it doesn't make it disappear either.

>> No.6767946

I'm one of the older /lit/ users, actually. It's why I know concepts of maturity are all bullshit. When one calls another immature, what they're really saying is "you're annoying me" or "you're offending me". As you and >>6767899 age and develop intellectually you'll begin to understand what I'm saying.

>> No.6767973

>When one calls another immature, what they're really saying is "you're annoying me" or "you're offending me".
Annoying and offensive? You mean like an immature person?

I bet I'm twice as old as you seeing how I don't contradict myself.

>> No.6767988

My dad's older than your dad

>> No.6767995

Well, most of you were born after 1990, I gather. I was born before 1980.

Immature is a useless word. When you say someone is immature it tells us nothing about that person. If what you meant to say is that the person is annoying you or offending you, just say that.

>> No.6768000

No. I had some friends who i occasionally did stuff with but everyone has moved location or just moved on with their lives.

Then i was a NEET for a few years and basically went cocoon mode so i have no one now. I can't make friends at work because my social skills are pretty bad.

I don't really mind too much, but it would be nice to talk to people and occasionally go out rather than most of my social interaction being online.