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6763343 No.6763343 [Reply] [Original]

Is Zizek full of shit? I just listened to his discussion of Christianity and it seems like he's just scrabbling together various vague phrases and throwing them out. And then he just says "....because there is no God", as if these strands of words were connected in any sense. Plus he defended Calvinism.

>> No.6763354


>Is Zizek full of shit?

yes but that's the fun of it

>> No.6763382

I would consider Zizek's writings on Christianity some of the most cogent and legitimate theory he's done.

His "Kung Fu Panda isch precishely contemporary ideologiesch" stuff that gets published in the Guardian or wherever and gets popular online is often pretty tenuous and he frequently admits to not watching/reading what he's talking about but his less meme theory, Hegel-Lacan stuff like The Most Sublime Hysteric and his writing on religion, is the real thing and great.

>> No.6763384

Sometimes. He says a few very lucid things and he's a very entertaining speaker, but like most people he has moments of absolute bullshit.

>> No.6763387

Yes, that's the point of continental philosophy. Be as obscure as possible, so no one can tell that what you're saying is either quite simple or total nonsense.

>> No.6763388

>I would consider Zizek's writings on Christianity some of the most cogent and legitimate theory he's done.

This. What specifically about his stuff on Christianity did you have reservations about, OP?

>> No.6763392
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>the real thing

But what is Coke, "the real thing"? Coke "that's it"?

>> No.6763393

What is the point of analytic philosophy? Please also provide an equally strawmanned example.

>> No.6763402
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To make clear and logical statements so they will not be misunderstood.

>> No.6763409
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That it took 4 whole replies for this to descended into Analytic Continental shit-flinging is pretty good for /lit/

>> No.6763530

So continentals are niggers?

>> No.6763539
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The real evil of imperialism is that in so attempting to debase the negro, Europe in and of themselves became the Primeval Negro.

>> No.6763540

>Primeval Negro
What is it with continentals and their inability to properly use capital letters? Is it because Hegel liked to randomly capitalise words?

>> No.6763545
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Yes, Precisely.

>> No.6763546

all he does is say "both sides are wrong" and sniffs a ton

>> No.6763550

What a Problematic, Abelist word.

>> No.6763553

The real answer is it because undue capitalization provides easy emphasis without the need to improve a sentence's articulation, and in situations where more crude tools such as italics, bold font, brackets, and spoilers, would attract backlash.

>> No.6763559
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No, It Is Because As A Marxist I Recognise That Every Word Is Of Equal Value, As They All Contribute To, And Are Necessary For, The Overall Sentence.

>> No.6763563


No, thats not it at all.

Its literally just to distinguish the metaphysical/ontological sense of the word from the every day sense of the word.

For instance "for the being with dasein Dasien is at issue"

This is necessary because its actually a moment of value swapping in the use of the term and its absolutely necessary to indicate which you are referring to

>> No.6763566

It's kinda annoying when people take someone's words out of context and make retarded "hurrrrrrr look she wrote dumb thing"

>> No.6763576

>out of context
Unless she prefaced that piece with 'only a total moron would say...' then there is no context that could justify her stupid comment.

>> No.6763584

quote mining is for sure retarded, and i would even go so far as to read that quote in context.

But being entirely real with you, I have a legitimately hard time believing that quote could be in any context that did not read as fundamentally retarded.

>> No.6763602
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Why do I hate these people so much?

>> No.6763620

Zizek is better when he writes. In public, he rambles a lot, makes jokes, he's nervous and sneezes and drools all over his shirt.
He can say a lot of meaningful things though but you gotta pay real attention cause with his accent and his speedy pace, it's hard to pick up a lot of substance.

>> No.6763640

Material theology is the most contradictory phease continentals have found since body without organs

>> No.6763642

That quote might be the most retarded bit of theory ever written. Some things can't be saved by context.

>> No.6763659
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>200 years later, still misunderstood.

Git gud.

>> No.6763664

Did you listen to an actual lecture, or just his comments on The Last Temptation of Christ? The latter is good, but he simplifies his standpoint, since it's for a pop movie.

>> No.6763701
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>> No.6763706

>analytic philosophy
>literally make up a logical symbol and make a career out of justifying it

Literally this has happened

Analytic philosophy is far more obscurantist than continental

>> No.6763718

Analytic philosophy is logical, actually. Logic precedes analytic philosophy, by the way.

>> No.6763725
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>analytic philosophy is logical

>> No.6763727

Unless he's full Lacan, Zizek is still pretty comprehensible, even when discussing The Spook King Hegel.

You're probably retarded.

>> No.6763733

Even Baudrillard, D&G and others aren't that hard to grasp.

>> No.6763742

It's not about them being hard to understand, you idiots, it's about them purposefully obscuring simple concepts, concepts which aren't even grounded in evidence and science. They are posturing charlatans and nothing more.

>> No.6763745

Well to be quite frank, I think he's the end product of the post-modern intellectual zeitgeist. He's exotic - can you imagine more hipster place then Slovenia? Remember, it is not hip to push it too hard. Also his accent and the peculiar way of speech and mimics make him even more of an interesting character. He's also extremely difficult to understand and what he says is mostly extremely vague and unclear - therefore, anyone can claim to understand his profound thoughts and get a one-up in the ego-game. He deals a lot with pop-culture, which is again appealing to the contemporary intellectualist pseudo-elite (since it's fresh and 'novel' - the ultimate value right now in our society).

In fact, I don't think Zizek was born. I think he crystalised out of the atmosphere of conceptualistic fetishism at the turn of the millenia. We now live in the Aeon of Zizek, and when his powers come to full blossom, numerous plashtic penishes shall be bestowed unto us.

>> No.6763747

Haven't read that much Baudri (intend to, but I have a sore taste about his ideas, I feel like he's just giving a negative or, should I say, passive analysis to what Debord - and even McLuhan - had already discussed and attacked to death), but I gotta say, I was skimming through Anti-Oedipal the other day and I felt somewhat dumber than I felt I should.

I mean, I can read D&G, I just can't do it without pestering friends who read them before.

Sorry about the english, I just woke up to work, found out I didn't have to today, and it's cold as fuck and life sucks.

This need for "concepts to be grounded in science" is one of the most sublime ways the Spectacle finds to keep it's validity. It's clearly there, it's your main tool of interpretation in the late capitalist world, but you can't put it under a microscope or anything, so it must not exist.

>> No.6763752
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>waaah science is le evil
>everything I don't like is capitalism

>> No.6763758

>it's about them purposefully obscuring simple concepts
They do not

>They are posturing charlatans and nothing more.
Prove it. Use logic and prove they are posturing charlatans.

Go, give me your premises, a couple definitions, use logic to prove quorum est demonstratum

>> No.6763760

>this is literally how ideology functions

>> No.6763761

What, I don't even dislike capitalism this much, but you can't deny it still has many faults.

>inb4 USSR, the workers didn't control the means of production there either.

>> No.6763762
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>xd i'm a good troll

>> No.6763763


>Clear and logical statements.

The entirety of the cosmos is in flux - the image of the boolean universe is a fake. Trying to communicate outside of meta-linguistical structures can never be clear, logic (aristotelian, the way we understand it) is just a very comfortable illusion.

>> No.6763765

Comment, trash, etc.

>> No.6763770

I enjoyed your post anon, well done.

If anyone else found his post amusing do a kindness and congratulate anon on his post.

>> No.6763774

>believing in the working class

>> No.6763786

>There are still people working sweatshops to build my computer filled to the brink with Quine and Ayn Rand fanfics
>but there is no working class guise :^)
>Let me just put on my new balances and sweatpants produced in Mexico or some other shithole, gotta go to the market to buy more doritos

>> No.6763797

>ideology is a singular concept
Kill yourself

>> No.6763805

Aristotelian logic has been obsolete since the 19th century, you fucking moron.

>> No.6763822
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>Through The Praxis Of Global Transnormative Calvinist Christianity We Can See How Hermenutive Practices In Privilege, Not Non-Privilege, But Rather The Succeeding Forcefully Introduced Meta-Psychoanalytic Heideggerian Dasein, Show, Not Through Mathematical Power Structures, But Through Femocentric, Anarcha-Femino-Normative Workers Revolution, Global Capitalism, With The Aid Of Virtue Ethical, White, Cis, Male Dominance In Science Is Life Denying Real For The End Of Historiographical, Grammatological, Subliminal Real, Denial Of The Trans-Other.

>> No.6763826

>singular concept

I honestly can't tell if you just don't know what that term means, or if you are retarded and can't read.

>> No.6763827

You just don't understand it. Read Nietzsche first.

>> No.6763832


>> No.6763835
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>if i pretend to be them, i'll destroy them!

do you have a life?

>> No.6763839

Don't force you westero-normative conceptions of the Life on me.

>> No.6763844
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>> No.6763847

stem fag is having a meltdown.

this stopped being funny im out.

>> No.6763851

Ah, I see the Oedipus is acting out his Subconcious DESIRE to correct The Other.

>> No.6763859
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>> No.6763883
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This is what happens when, the STEMfag who just graduated and still haven't received muh 20000k starting, tries to engage in the critique of capitalism.

>> No.6763894

>believing that an ideal society contains working class uneducated fuckwits

>> No.6763896

>waah white privilege!!!
>if you don't accept my morals you are a racist, homophobic, islamophobic shitlord!!!

>> No.6763906
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You seem upset my friend, I believe you should meditate on some logical axioms and come back here

>> No.6763916
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Of course.

>> No.6763921
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not suspect at all friend :^)

>> No.6763931
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I knew tumblr was behind all of this continental bullshit. Only teenage girls could bother with that tripe.

>> No.6763955

That's not very logic at all, friend :^)

>> No.6763960

>I just listened to his discussion of Christianity and it seems like he's just scrabbling together various vague phrases and throwing them out.

This is basically Zizek on every subject. He's frequently criticized for being incoherent and ambiguous, more qualitative pop appeal than any real superior alternatives or clear direction against the systems he attempts to dismantle.

>> No.6763966

How so?

>> No.6763991

I congratulate you anon on writing the only intelligent and (surprisingly) witty reply to this shitty thread.

>> No.6764005

Continental is the only thing holding back the tide of bullshit inside the humanities.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

Analytic are all beta cucks like mathematicians, they just bow their heads as long as they can work

>> No.6764021

It's amazing how you're all quick to blame this on continental philosophy when every new SJW cuckoldery we get comes from anglophone students, while you have people like Zizek constantly btfoing these people.

>> No.6764040

How? By telling them everything is a social construct and that blacks and Muslims are to be accepted?
Yep, Marx is keeping the SJWs out. Top kek.

>> No.6764045




>> No.6764178

"SJWs" are liberals though. When they talk about class its in the liberal income sense and not the Marxist/leftist sense. If "SJWs" had actual class struggle analysis then maybe they'd actually get something done other than getting big corporations to put more minorities in pop media.

>> No.6764197

No, they're socialists and Marxists. That is their Ideology.

>> No.6764201

There is nothing remotely "Marxist" about that block of inane text.

>> No.6764202

>celebrating how the STATE legalizes gay marriage is socialist

oh murrika, how deep you are down the rabbit hole

>> No.6764209

Saying anything beyond fucking trees, dogs and butterflies is a social construct = nothing.

That is the sort of inane bullshit liberal, analytical trained people spout when trying to engage in critical theory.

>> No.6764213

>"SJWs" are liberals though

They're as illiberal as it gets. Anti-liberal, even.

>> No.6764214

How? You can't be a Marxist if you have a liberal class analysis. "SJWs" are at most social democrats trying to make a more humane "fair" capitalism.

The existence of SJW identity politics is a result of the lack of a strong modern socialist movement. It's no surprise that it rose to prominence after the fall of the USSR and when socialism was said to be entirely discredited and the only thing possible thing was to try and make a "fairer" capitalism.

>> No.6764218

I'm not American, learn to read.
So all those SJWs who cite Foucault, Lacan and Derrida are still the Enemy to You?

>> No.6764221

Just because you don't like the Contemporary Socialist Movement doesn't mean it isn't Socialist.

>> No.6764233

Progressives/social democrats are not socialists.

>> No.6764235

You really think all SJWs are social democrats? How naïve of you.

>> No.6764237

They're not The Enemy, they're just somewhat misguided people hellbent on hyper-analyzing shit as if "problematizing" = revolutionary praxis.

While I do like Derrida and plan to read Foucault very soon, I don't think it's the texts fault, it's the readers.

You haven't put anything in the text to suggest you're not american, while also replicating the typically american idea that "If you're leftist you're necessarily a marxist", there was no way for me to read your un-americaness from what you posted.

>> No.6764245

Isn't capitalizing "God" the same thing as what he was doing? Asserting it a greater inflection of importance?

>> No.6764246

The overwhelmingly vast majority of SJW are left liberals/progressives/socdems, definitely.

>> No.6764248

Also, your conflation of these three very different authors (who could only be gathered within the vague term of post-structuralism) suggests you've read Foucault pretty much the same as the typical american SJW (none)

>> No.6764251

>They're not The Enemy, they're just somewhat misguided people hellbent on hyper-analyzing shit as if "problematizing" = revolutionary praxis.
So you haven't even read Foucault and you want to Mansplain to everyone else? You aren't an authority on what is Revolutionary Praxis, grow up.

>> No.6764256

Nice generalisations. You clearly know Nothing of the Social Justice Community.

>> No.6764261

What, "mansplaining" means nothing in this context.

It's not like you've read Foucault either, since at zero points he cares about anything as "mansplaining" or "revolutionary praxis", he's mainly preocuppied with the genealogical history of some aspects of society.

Please, point me anyone engaged in actual marxist analysis that's preocuppied with your typical identity politics bullshit.

>> No.6764268


>> No.6764272

I know plenty about the social justice movements, a minority of socialists in the movement trying to agitate the left liberals doesn't make it a socialist movement anymore than Bernie Sanders and other progressives in the Democratic party make the Democrats a centre left party.

>> No.6764273

>mfw when the whole idea of SJWar is becoming a new axis for contemporary capitalism

Jokes on you pal

>> No.6764276

oh, you're just baiting
i see

>> No.6764281

Jokes on you, white boi, the revolution starts with the most oppressed people, People Of Colour. America, and then the world, will become like white women in a few years, Black OWNED.

>> No.6764320

I'm reading his "living in the end times" right now and it's not bad but he could really use some heavy editing.

He lays out a clear thesis at the beginning of the book saying society is going through the 5 stages of accepting death of global capitalism.

An interesting premise that he spends about 5 paragraphs each chapter on and than rants about Christianity, Kung fu panda or relating it to Lacan.

Now he has some real good insights and I'm enjoying it but it's more a collection of mini essays on random topics than what he laid out in his introduction.

>> No.6764332

Weirdly, none of these tumblr posts are SJW, a few aren't even marxist-influenced (like the subcomandante Marcos / EZLN ones) and the only ones that dabble (remotely) in identity politics are more for inclusion against capital than whatever boogeyman the SJWs typically attack, not to mention there are quite a few against liberalism.


>> No.6764429

>mulholland drive
>nice, anon

>> No.6764596

is this person real

>> No.6764605

This seems basically accurate. Even among that subset of intellectuals he isn't noteworthy aside from his antics.

>> No.6764735

Yeah he admits that's how he writes; just ramble until you have a product. Pretty dishonest for a critic of capitalism.

>> No.6764923

>not marxist-influenced

>> No.6764928

The EZLN has always been closer no anarcho-syndicalism than marxism