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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 913 KB, 400x300, Daydreamers detected.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6761927 No.6761927 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I gotta ask, do you have extensive internal fantasy realms that you can turn to? Or just any fictional world. How old are you?

I'm 20 and have kept a continuous fantasy world going since in was 15. Do we ever stop dreaming at some point?

>> No.6761940

I used to do this while listing to music when I was like 13-15 but I stopped doing it because it seemed unhealthy.

>> No.6761941

Yup. I've honestly felt more for the characters in the fictional story in my head than most people IRL.

Too bad I'm too shitty a writer to put it on the page in any way that even closely resembles the world in my head.

>> No.6761946

I'm 21, btw. Since everyone is talking ages I guess I should include mine.

>> No.6761960

It's nice to have an outlet that you can lose yourself in. To relax etc. Usually it's listening to or playing music for me (banjo, mando, guitar). Reading or watercolors. A favorite movie or hiking. I think it's unhealthy when it gets in the way of relationships and work though.

Oe's a personal matter is about a young man deciding to let go of youthful fantasies for a more grounded reality as part of a coming of age thing.

>> No.6761970

This is me. Im 33 if it makes a difference.

But at 21 I generally romanticized/idealized my artistic notions way more than I do now. A part of me misses that kind of naivety but another doesnt. I say enjoy it until you get into career or family mode.

>> No.6761974

I'm 18, for two years I've been day dreaming about being a provincial Russian aristocrat in the 1840s. It's comfy as fuck. There's a girl I'm courting (we're planning on marriage), and I have a Bazarov-type best friend but who takes the nihilism thing much less seriously.

>> No.6761981

Yes, though I'm trying to stop it now, I have one where I have a successful football career, one where I'm in the syrian army fighting isis, I recently had one where I was a reform minded North Korean general who takes power in a coup.

I also can't listen to music without pretending in my head that I'm performing it.

I'm 21.

>> No.6761987

I think they call this Maladaptive Daydreaming.

>> No.6762021

>Or just any fictional world.
Yes. They're called "books".

>> No.6762034

Anon, who is the sprite in the gif?

>> No.6762036

When I was younger I would retreat into a kind of fantasy world that was a smorgasbord of different fictional worlds and I'd like make up stories in my head and shit about it.

it was cool but then I stopped when it was getting way too autistic

>> No.6762072
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He is a russian actor and artist, I don't know his name and I only have few. His pictures are part of my "magical realm". I have a weak spot in my heart for fauns and fable-animals. In fact, I have bought antlers from a flea market just last month and will build a support frame, so I can wear them on my head. I'll post pictures as soon as my fantasy novel is finished and my mekaup skills on par. So, not before 2017. Have another picture. I'l post some more of them after a good night's sleep.

>> No.6762077


You're a very depressing person. I'm glad you can't write because we don't need any more final exitcore books

>> No.6762081

A namefag from /tg/ named "Gropey the Clown" fucked that faun one time.

>> No.6762084

Yeah but then I try to put it into writing and realize how gay it is.

>> No.6762085

Don't listen to >>6762077

>> No.6762124

> cant listen to music without playing it in your head.
Holy fuck this. Since I started playing music 15 years ago this has been happening. Sometimes I walk around and make wierd fucking faces while I'm zoned out, look like im schizo or something.

>> No.6762132

everyone in this thread had autism fuck

>> No.6762138

that sure is a lot of freedom, anon
seems unhealthy

>> No.6762143

the only way i can fall asleep is by telling myself some story in my head usually consist of scifi or fantasy worlds, or any other thing i can come up, its literally the only way i can fall asleep, unless im dead tired, it makes me feel like a manchild

im 23

>> No.6762147

Yeah, I'm 20. It's been happening since I was 11. My enneagram is four with a five wing and that's apparently common to do have an ideal/fantasy world. It's just the self I wished I was.

>> No.6762152

Stop thinking and put it to roll, write and draw the whole thing. Don't plan anything, just don't let an idea go without record, because you'll learn it is not a record of an idea, but the growth of an idea. By putting it down onto paper, without concern for a final product, you'll be able to get the best out of your thoughts.

>> No.6762184

Interesting question I just thought of:

Do people have these fantasy worlds as a means of escaping the world or understanding the world?

>> No.6762198

Mine's a zombie apocalypse scenario, I'm still constantly re-working the beginning where I drive through a horde of zombies to save the group of Korean girls who used to sit together during lunch in high school.

>> No.6762203

>all this genre shit

My world is basically a sequel to Henry James's The Wings of a Dove

>> No.6762262

Honestly, my "fantasy realm" has been a constant thing, but also inconstant. It builds on itself and rebuilds itself as I have new experiences and viewpoints, so it's become a reflection of myself, but also an outlet for half-formed ideas.

What this means, essentially, is that the characters all act like a different part of myself, but exist alongside Deities, governments, and people groups as I experimented with writing them.

>> No.6762280

A bit of both. You can't experience all of existence at once or your mind will explode. You basically have to use some surrealism (fictional aspects) in order to help your mind digest the real world.

>> No.6762311

Yeah, I have an entire life-story of a character I made this 15 years old, I continiously live out the same scenarios in his head at different points, my favourite being the middle.

He's a police officer who joined the force in 1930's, fought in WWII, worked alongside the FBI and was instrumental in capturing a large mob boss in the 1960's. He died peacefully as a teacher of the history of Organized Crime.

>> No.6762332

This is pretty much exactly my situation except the setting is different. It's a slightly fantasy world (Think low-fantasy set in Soviet Russia with an ancestor-worship monarchy) and follows two characters from adolescence to old age and irrelevance.

>> No.6762353

Yeah. Mine's about living in a totalitarianistic necropolis. The king is a ghost who has long exceeded his term limit. It doesn't matter though because everyone knows he doesn't hold the real power. You see the king is kept alive by striking a deal with the demon Malegon who leads the church of Malegon (a cult of religious zealots).

The aristocracy are all vampires so blood is a valuable and sold commodity.

Humans are around middle class. They are super protected though because humans are an incredible resource. (blood for vampires, bodies for necromancers, souls for Malegon)

There's a lowerclass made of necomancers (also called blackbloods) who can raise the dead. Since their blood is black vampires can't drink it and they are looked down upon. Plus the necromancers sometimes bring vampires back. No one wants to see their favorite uncle used as a tool. Necromancers typically do dirty jobs like cleaning sewers or construction (with the help of their undead servants of course!).

Let's see what else... Gargoyles are the strong protectors of the city. They keep the degenerates from exploiting the humans. They are silent sentinels.

>> No.6762366

This. On the one hand I'm terrified by it on the other hand I need it. It's ridiculous.

>> No.6762376


>> No.6763025
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Yes. I created a country, and even wrote out a constitution for it, irl. It has its own legal system and customs that I'm constantly revising in my head.

At the moment, a provincial governor is planning a coup. I'm 22 and had this autism going since I was 20.

>> No.6763032



oh dear

>> No.6763036


don't care about your weaboo fantasy nonsense, I would put it in this dude's pooper though

>> No.6763493
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That's alright.

>> No.6763515
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20 and I often dream of being in command of the Black Templars chapter as I cleanse the planet of human filth, bring order and rule with an iron fist.

>> No.6763522
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>not even knowing how to Mind Game

step up, neurotypical

>> No.6763569

my internal fantasy consists of me writing the next Great Novel, being invited on talk shows and getting interviewed and stuff, and generally having an audience for my controversial opinions

>> No.6763571

sell your soul first
and also sacrifice any earnest admiration from /lit/
welcome to YAL muthafucka

>> No.6763575

Can you guys describe one particular place from your fantasy world in concise detail?
Don't worry about bullying, we're all unbelievably autistic friends here.

>> No.6763596

>There is SF because the human brain craves sensory and intellectual
>stimulation before anything else, and the eccentric view provides unlimited
>stimulation, the eccentric view, and the invented world. It is written because the
>human mind naturally creates, and in creating the world of an SF story the
>ultimate in human imagination is brought into use; thus SF is an ultimate product
>of and for the human mind. The function of SF psychologically is to cut the reader
>loose from the actual world that he inhabits; it deconstructs time, space, reality.
>Those who read it probably have difficulty adjusting to their world, for whatever
>reason; they may be ahead of it in terms of their perceptions and concepts or
>they may simply be neurotic, or they may have an abundance of imagination.
>Basically, they enjoy abstract thought. Also, they have a sense of the magic of
>science: science viewed not as utilitarian but as explorative. The writer of SF has
>in his possession ideas not yet committed to print; his mind is an extension of the
>corpus of already written SF. He is SF's probe into the future, its vanguard. There
>is not a vast difference between reading SF and writing it. In both cases there is
>a joy in the novel -- i.e. new -- idea.

>> No.6763616
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>I'm 20 and have kept a continuous fantasy world going since in was 15. Do we ever stop dreaming at some point?

I used to be the same way, now i'm 29 and I can't remember those worlds.

Write them down before you lose them, or else your job will erase them for you.

>> No.6763714


>> No.6763769

I thought up some kind of stupid sci-fi scenario when I was like 12 or something and bored in school.
I tend to think about it mostly at night before going to sleep.

>> No.6763933
File: 262 KB, 446x456, be sure to get your battle rops and dtm on onnit.com, bryon redboon cue the salsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I put on some Yung Lean and pretend I'm an urban samurai in neo-Tokyo anno 2099

>> No.6763937

Autist reporting in.

An old manor built atop a hill in a summery northern Italian setting, far away from any infrastructure. A path curves down the hill, through the manors unkempt garden to the nearby lake, and a range of mountains cover the horizon. On the inside, the house is not at all neglected. In each room there is old fashioned and rather luxurious furniture, and despite the ground floor windows giving out into the garden and the lake, the whole interior is quite dim, yet welcoming warm and comfy. It's where satan, in the figure of a high profile business woman, temporarily lives and for the time being imprisons her maid.

>> No.6763987
File: 918 KB, 400x300, 1402889250332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write them down before you lose them, or else your job will erase them for you.
Perfectly formulated.
That's the last .gif on my harddrive, there might be more out there.

>> No.6764020

I hope you can deal in German:

Wenn ich an die Glocke denke, baut sich vor meinem Auge das Haus auf, an dem sie befestigt ist. Es ist nämlich keine große Glocke, etwa für Kirchen (die in dieser Welt eh nicht vorkommen), sondern eine Glocke zum Klingeln, eine Glocke, mit der um Einlass gebeten werden kann, eine Glocke, welche die eigene Ankunft ankündigt. Sie misst im Durchmesser etwa eine Handspanne, und ist auch etwa eine Handspanne hoch. Sie hängt etwas über Kopfhöhe, ein Erwachsener könnte sie erreichen, befestigt an zwei eisernen Nägeln, welche in die Ziegel des Mauerwerks eingeschlagen sind. Sie sind geschwärzt, aber schon etwas flugrostig, im Gegensatz zur Glocke. Das Kupferstück verlor im Lauf der Zeit den Glanz, er wich einer ehrlichen braunen Tönung, braun wie trockenes Fichtenholz im roten Licht einer Ofenglut. Von der Aufhängung läuft eine Eisenstange herab, halb so dick wie ein kleiner Finger, durch das Auge eines dritten Nagels auf Handhöhe. Wird an dem Stängel stark genug gezogen, schwingt die Glocke in ihrem Lager und sendet ihren Gruß an die Bewohner des Hauses - ein Haus, welches schon seit etwa 200 Jahren an dieser Stelle steht, gemauert aus Ziegeln und gefasst von einem kleinem struppigen Garten mit Kürbissen und einem Kirschbaum. Der Haushut ist auch aus Ziegeln und windet sich langsam zu einer Spitze empor - das Haus ist weder ganz rund, noch ganz eckig. Über zwei Stufen geht es zur Eingangstür. Sie ist hölzern und der Sturz aus schwarzem Fels, dessen Herkunft niemand so genau kennt. Links von ihr die Glocke und zwei kleine Fenster mit Butzenscheiben, wie Schießscharten so klein. Das Moos und der Efeu teilen sich die Wand ringsherum wie Brüder. Wenn man um das Haus herumgeht, findet man vier weitere Fenster und eine Ecke im Garten, voll mit Moder. Bei genauer Betrachtung fällt auf, dass kein Stein dem andern in Form oder Farbe gleicht.

>> No.6764051
File: 348 KB, 991x1287, 1430762056752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow up

>> No.6764112

I imagine this alternate reality centered around a young girl who, immodest as she is, frolics around naked and experiences little flack for it. She eventually forms a troupe of sorts with other neighborhood girls who hang out with her, and together they take a boat to the high seas, completely careless and not caring where they are going; pure adventure.

They end up on an island that is being developed into a resort, and the people who currently reside there are taken aback by these girls who run around naked without a care or shame. The main girl soon has an effect on all, and instead of setting up the resort, the people on the island come to live a much simpler life as naturists, centering their attention around the main girl, who I call the Unbridled Girl. They see her practically as royalty, practically a god. Eventually outsiders come to the island and a division of ideologies causes much conflict, and battle eventually breaks out, the island turning into a quasi-medieval-fantasy setting.

>> No.6764161

Unfortunately, that's *not* a trap. The person in the picture really is, biologically speaking, female; they just look a bit boyish and go by male pronouns on their Tumblr.

>> No.6764168

I have a continous fantasy world that is a mixture of Naruto, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Dragon Ball and Inuyasha. I pretty much just make up characters with different powers and battle them, there is not much of a story. Had this since I was like 10, I'm 19 now.

>> No.6764175

Also I don't really think about it anymore.

>> No.6764229

It's not really about dreaming, it's about creativity. Making fantasy worlds is just a way of being creative. I used to do it was well. For whatever reason, as time went by I became more interested in the real world, probably because I started realizing that reality is stranger, and often more interesting, than fiction. With my creative focus now shifted to more real matters, which I find more rewarding and interesting, I simply have no need for making fantasy worlds. I imagine the shift in focus may also have been largely due to that I stopped being as affected by "bad" things in the real world. I had a lot of stress when I built fantasy worlds, it was a way of stimulating myself creatively without being put down or saddened by the outside world. I would like to emphasize that building fantasy worlds did not make me unable to deal with more real matters, rather it was a result of my inability to do so, which was a result of other things. If anything, building fantasy worlds helped me, because without such an opportunity to explore myself, the world, ideas, my problems etc. I would've had a much harder time developing to the point where I no longer needed to seclude myself from real life matters.

>> No.6764301


I'm the like the Emperor in 40k in mine, ruling a space empire and fighting against aliens and separatist scum while building infrastructure and working to make my citizens happy.

This morning in the shower I was thinking about how my party came to power. What I was thinking was humanity had an old space empire before we made first contact, but after we did there were competing groups of aliens vying for galactic control and the first group started sending in "advisors" and gradually started exerting more and more pressure on Earth and many citizens and government officials collaborated. But there were splinter groups who preached that humans should make their own destiny in space and not be subservient to aliens. Anyway this group decided that human planets were better for their own living space and there was buzz of this and the splinter group that I was a member of urged everyone to go to underground bunkers because of the incoming genocide.

More than half of humanity was wiped out in the first wave of attacks and in the resulting power vacuum is when the human separatist groups began gaining power and coalescing into one faction. This new federation of humans started becoming more centralized and started rebuilding Earth and her colonies in a new image along with massive kinetic guns, so when the second extermination fleet came by, what was supposed to be a rag tag group of surviving savages turned their fleet into Swiss cheese.

Now the tables are turning and humans are leading a campaign mostly based on revenge but also to free other aliens who were enslaved by this collective and let them find their own destiny.

I know it's cliches, but that's what I think about when I'm bored.

>> No.6764305

I wouldn't say I get lost in my own fantasy but as if one is thrust upon me. I fall asleep and I'm there doing things, completely aware of the real world, as if I'm leaving 2 lives. It's exhausting, no rest from sleep anymore.

>> No.6764310


man, that's actually a big disappointment. As a dude that'd be pretty attractive, but for a girl that's kinda gross

>> No.6764328

You're gay.

>> No.6764345
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I just don't care anymore.

>> No.6764354

Stop trying to be whimsical

>> No.6764413

You mean a fully fleshed out fantasy world with a history or just settings and situations you constantly yearn for? Because I have the latter going all the time:

>walking on an abandoned nature trail in the rain
>the gravel pathway is largely eroded
>gulleys everywhere
>my qt right beside me

>in a derelict kind of suburbia, like the decaying parts of Flint or Detroit
>completely alone
>always raining
>the water is ankle-deep outside
>cuddling with my qt on the kitchen floor of one of the abandoned houses, looking out the glass door at the rain
>up the road is a bridge
>an embankment we got to underneath it to feel the cool breeze and watch the water below

>an abandoned barn in the middle of a field, surrounded by trees and mountains
>it's raining
>I'm alone
>eating chocolate pie by myself

>what Japan looks like in anime

>a sunny, Venice-type town, but much smaller, and semi-abandoned
>still pleasant
>lots of rusty banisters and vines
>friendly locals who give you free fruit and pastries

>an old house at the top of a mountain in the autumn

>roasting and eating hotdogs in an old mountain graveyard just before noon in the autumn

>graveyards in the winter

>basically Iceland

Fuck, I hope I never lose them. They already inform most of my artistic themes, particularly in drawing and music.

>> No.6764417

I should also mention that the qt I'm referring to is not my qt irl, and that is also partially why I yearn for this world so much.


>basically Scotland

>basically Wales

>> No.6764557
File: 269 KB, 1280x1920, Ill write that book someday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't be stressed enough
I started writing down all my stories and ideas when I was around 19. Just simple writings in a text document. Years later they evolved into a multitude of documents and stories hundreds of pages long.

It is great to read these stories and ideas, especially after you have forgotten. I still mourn the worlds I lived in and dreamt of when I was younger, as they are but just scattered fleeting memories now.

When you write, write it ALL down. Even the most important parts and plots of a story will one day be forgotten. Trust me, you will forget just about everything even if it seems clear as day in the present.

>> No.6764567

>I still mourn the worlds I lived in and dreamt of when I was younger, as they are but just scattered fleeting memories now.

This happened to me, I used to have a vivid fantasy world years ago, lost it, and have a new one now. I've been trying to write down the new one, telling myself I'll turn it into a huge sci-fiish novel.
I never will though.

>> No.6764578
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>walk up to get a coffee at night
>bring umbrella because it might rain
>streets empty
>pretend umbrella is sword
>pretend I'm leading D&D party to explore haunted town and retrieve an item left behind by a refugee
>pretend street is river running through centre of town and cars are eerie abandoned boats
>walk all deliberately
>imagine bantering with party
>coffee is item
>get coffee
>walk back
>meet raccoon
>raccoon is monster
>meet garbage can
>garbage can is also monster
>tfw getting home and realising I am mentally 7 years old
>tfw I go out the next night and bring the umbrella with the hook handle and this time it's a gun and I'm a S.T.A.L.K.E.R

>> No.6764593

nice description, I wrote something similar in style (but about an entirely different topic) some years ago, see below. I also wrote a fantasy fiction, loosely based on the Elder Scrolls, though without explicit references. However that story is also in German and far too long to post here.

Gegenüber sitzt eine ältere Dame, sie holt etwas Gebäck hervor. Dunkelbraun und vom Zucker glitzernd, scheint es duch das gedämpfte Licht. Eine etwas unregelmäßige, matte Zuckerschicht, mit Tropfen und Vorwölbungen, intakten sowie zerplatzen Bläschen scheint gerade eben noch über das Süße geflossen zu sein.
Die Dame bricht ein Stück ab.
Kleine Bröckchen sind nicht ganz gleichmäßig im Inneren verteilt, sie werden für den Essenden nicht unerwartet sein. Erst auf den zweiten Blick fällt die ungewöhlich dicke Zuckerschicht auf, von außen nicht sichtbar. Scheinbar wurde das Stück doppelt übergossen, ungewöhnlich.
Die Dame beißt ab.
Ihr faltiges Gesicht verbirgt nichts, jedes bisschen erfreut sie in höchstem Maße. Zufrieden legt sie den Rest in ihre Tasche zurück, sorgfältig eingepackt. Langsam und träge erhebt sie sich, verlässt den Ort. Der Kaffee wird kalt.

>> No.6764671

I believe this is called "Maladaptive Daydreaming" and there are many people who do this. I bet if you googled that term, or "world in head" you'll find people like you.

>> No.6764715
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Sometimes I dream that I'm not such a tedious procrastinator. When I close my eyes and visualize a stable life, looking back at a possible past where my mistakes were trivial and redundant, were I still had the friends I lost due to my stupidity and carelessness.

I dream of having the comfortable house that is ample, filled with sunlight and has a constant influx of friends. With laughter always filling the air and happiness being the norm, were everything goes with everyone. I dream of a lax attitude towards failure, to accept it as an inevitability rather than a major blow to my hopes and dreams.

Maybe that's what heaven's like.

>> No.6765415

Oh god yes, In fact, I did many of them. I had a really cool otherworldly one going on between when I was 14-16 years old. Then I started making worlds that were a bit less flashy and rooted in reality, but still... different.

I started focusing on law and routines of hte daily lives of the world s inhabitants, made more complex stories and timelines and such.

I guess your imagination does truly mature with you.

>> No.6765508

It s official. I m gay.

>> No.6765544

I thought it was common, but this thread has disproved me.

I had a few running since I was a kid, and I always felt it was more healthy to make my own than to dive in other form of escapisms such as drugs or YA shit.

I use it as material for writing, and I honestly can't fathom my existence without intense imagination whenever I'm idle.

>> No.6765550

Warhammar is a really weak universe

>> No.6765564

Belyar is a great victorian city painted in white and gold. It sits atop a very rocky, dusty mountain in the middle of the desert and is kept alive by the trade of cloth and the nomads that bring their merchandise to the noblemen.

After a political putch, the city became more and more stranded, becoming a ghatsly, desert place where only the Cannibal dwelves, cleaning what was once a noble place from the bodies of the once-wealthy aristocrats.

>> No.6765609

It's interesting to see people in this thread opening up about the private worlds they would have both younger and currently, and then compare it to the commonality of /lit/ discourse revolving around being above reading fiction and mocking those who enjoy entertainment in any form.

Does /lit/ suffer from cognitive dissonance or is this thread just full of a niche of people on this board who don't really post outside of the scifi/fantasy general?

>> No.6765618

I just think the posters are a really broad bunch.
I enjoy escapism to an extent, but I must also concede that it is mostly of lower quality than "high brow" literature

>> No.6765638

Just taking a short break from angry elitism and shitposting for some real human bean talk.

>> No.6765642

m8, 4chan is banter general.

People just like to talk shit.
(Genre) fiction produces shit like Harry Potter and it's easy to make fun of that and assume some kind of elitist attitude.
This becomes board culture, where such a response is then almost summoned by reflex.

I'm pretty sure we have a fiction general on this board, fiction is discussed plenty of times.
/lit/ is also not one person.

I wouldn't take things too seriously on a German Pessimism bulletin board.

>> No.6765833

You must first know the abstract to define the concrete.

>> No.6765853
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Yes, I frequently fantasise about a communist revolution where I get to kill members of the bourgeoisie ,as a general of the communist militia.

>> No.6765855
File: 1.91 MB, 2388x2071, modern tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept my fantasy internal fantasy world going for about a decade and I think it is in marketable shape by now.

Soon I shall rise to be hailed as modern G. R. R. Martin.

>> No.6766421

Keep coming back for the picture.

⊲Well played OP

>> No.6766437

Yeah, and it's not even my world. It's from a show with colorful equines.
I'm stuck in it constantly and it's done a lot of damage. I've been trying to move away recently.

>> No.6766778


Need a name/tumr for the deer person, whatever their genitals might be

>> No.6766784

>I also can't listen to music without pretending in my head that I'm performing it.

Ah man, me too.

>> No.6767250

Don't you mean 'oh deer'?

>> No.6767261

This was my favorite word and I used it as username on a forum before I even know what it meant. Yes, to answer the topic title.

>> No.6767278

Be still my beating heart