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6760479 No.6760479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does nationalism have a place in 21st century society?

>> No.6760485


>> No.6760492

Borders are dumb.

>> No.6760494

Of course it does, lad, especially in developed countries.

this, tbh

>> No.6760500

Yes. Turk rules! Greek pay debts!

>> No.6760502

Le medecins sans derrieres

>> No.6760506


Corporations and Syndicates should take over.

>> No.6760524

>inb4 a diverse series of irrational opinions derived from possessing limited scope and perspective.
>inb4 people argue with each other while staying within the narrow context of these ridiculous, farfetch'd opinions, neither side of the argument realizing the fool's arena they're fighting in
these threads are always the same.

>> No.6760525

I know that pol is not really a good place to search for answers but I'd like to ask you to delete this thread before it becomes complete cancer and ask this question on pol or somewhere else.

And to answer your question: Nationalism is quite retarded.

>> No.6760533


>before it becomes complete cancer

Look around, John. We ARE the cancer.

>> No.6760536 [SPOILER] 
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Butthurt little bitch tits from a mudslime country was >pic related

>> No.6760544

well the 21st century is just an abstract thing that we give our own qualities to and it seems like there are still a lot of nationalists. Whether it is right or wrong is entirely subjective

>> No.6760546

Ihab Hassan has a pretty good essay called Janglican that discusses whether national literature can still be considered a genre in the 21st century. If memory serves, he believes it's going by the wayside and we're moving to a more globalized culture rather than one belonging to any specific nation.

>> No.6760549

Only Jewish nationalism.

>> No.6760551
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Who wants to talk about politics with me?

>> No.6760552

>does X have a place in the 21st century
History isn't a straight line where the further we get in time, we automatically become more progressive or egalitarian or whatever it is that you leftists desire and that things will stay that way with no interruptions, reactions, or reversals.

>> No.6760553

If you want my comeback you'll have to scrape it off your moms teeth.

>> No.6760567


You're a cancer on this website

>> No.6760570

I know. Isn't that fun?

>> No.6760572

>left-right dichotomy

>> No.6760575

>left and right wing politics don't exist
You've been smoking some bad granola, hippie.

>> No.6760589

not him but it's an oversimplified flawed system of organizing political factions. It exists in the public mindset, but only because nothing better has been invented to water down this already uncomplicated information to plebs. You shouldn't pay it any heed when discussing political ideology. (which you shouldn't be discussing on /lit/)

>> No.6760595

So, you think you can apply your political perspective to all nations?

Tell me how the left is always made up of social liberals and never authoritarians. Tell me how there aren't nationalists on the "left". Not every country is the USA with your vanilla-or-chocolate workings.

>> No.6760619

Not really. No.

>> No.6760637

In some countries and to foreign policy-makers maybe, but globalization is slowly phasing it out

The majority of youth don't care as much

>> No.6760647
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>> No.6760738

>The majority of youth don't care as much
They will when their economies are even more pitiful than they are now and mass immigration warps their cultural identity.

>> No.6761019

Nationalism is a norm everywhere, except for in Western Europe, were it is considered Fascist. This stance is however being challenged.

>> No.6761036

Considering the far right resurgence in Europe in response to Globalism, this is pretty much bullshit.

>> No.6761048

Well as an Irish Nationalist (Belfast here) who also see's worth in european surpa-nationalism as a way of consolidating Europe into a stronger more integrated entity. Yes I do

>> No.6761144

You underestimate the power of apathy

Maybe it's cause I live in multicultural Canada, but the only people who car about their cultural identity are immigrants

>> No.6761145

National is a healthy, sane and logical response when you live in a European country that imports tons of impoverished immigrants that are hostile the native population and culture, drain the states finances through all going on welfare without working and cause an epidemic of rape, assault and robbery.

>> No.6761151



>> No.6761171