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6760289 No.6760289 [Reply] [Original]

What's it called when you don't believe in anything not even that the earth goes around the sun but you use models of reality to make living and doing things easier? That's my position and it would be nice to know if there's a name for it

>inb4 faggotry

>> No.6760298

Epistemological anarchism I dunno I'm making shit up.

Why don't you believe in anything?

>> No.6760302

edgy teenagerism

>> No.6760303
File: 73 KB, 800x478, The_nihilist..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We believe in NOTHING, Lebowski, NOTHING!

>> No.6760314

Because I can't know anything so it would be silly to believe anything

>> No.6760316


>> No.6760332

Nonsenseism or neo-autism

>> No.6760340

Who is this mayo ayyo?

>> No.6760341

What do you mean you don't believe in anything? What the fuck does that even mean?

I can understand if you doubt the absolute and transcendental truth of any claim, so that would align you with some form of pragmatism. But, your claim seems more radical than that.

>> No.6760342

But that isn't true. Your rationale may lead you to think so but you intuitively trust what you feel and you make predictions: you believe that pressing your keyboard will produce words.

Hume's moderate skepticism may be the next step for you. I'd skip Descartes if I were you, because I'm not too into ontology, and I suspect you won't even touch it.

>> No.6760345

extreme ignostic

>> No.6760346

That is quite literally why everything in science is a theory.

You are a scientismist

>> No.6760357

Claire Boucher

>> No.6760366
File: 56 KB, 594x396, grimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean that you personally use models of reality to make living and doing things early? Your post is pretty vague and weird. As in, do you think that you've made up everything outside of yourself to make your life easier or something? that would go into the realms of solipsism. Though me telling you this, well, lol.

Ur the P-zombie.

Oh Claire, when will you stop relying on layering of vocal samples with intense reverb and actually get skilled with EM software. You have so much potential.

>> No.6760370

I thought Grimes was a vegan

>> No.6760374


>> No.6760377


> you believe that pressing your keyboard will produce words.

No I do not. I think it's extremely likely that pressing my keyboad will produce words, but if it didn't then I would make adjustments to the model of reality in my head. But I can't know anything, I can't know that such thing as a keyboard even exists, I just do things based on predictions.

>> No.6760385

Science isn't about disbelief.

You maintain a degree of skepticism but you don't deny the possibility of truth. You just accept that you can be wrong.

It's about rigor, empiricism, moderate skepticism and such. It's trust in the scientific method.

>> No.6760389

>Leave it to the mind to think it isn't grounded via the body. Silly mind.

>> No.6760391


>As in, do you think that you've made up everything outside of yourself to make your life easier or something?

I'm open to the possibility that my model of reality is accurate (e.g. the Earth may go around the sun, I don't know if it does) but since these are all assumptions and predictions I'm making, I don't have any beliefs about reality. Reality could be fucking anything, I don't know what it is and I never can.

>> No.6760393
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muh khaleesi

>> No.6760396

What's your point?

>> No.6760398

> I think it's extremely likely
You have belief but not absolute.

>> No.6760406

top kekchup

>> No.6760409

You can either believe something or not. I don't believe anything about the keyboard, I'm just making my life easier by doing what's worked before.

>> No.6760428

oh shit dude are you just beginning to come to terms with the vast possibilities residing in perceived reality? you're in for a wild but shitty ride.

here you go.

>> No.6760434

Yes, your choices are something or nothing. But there can be varying amounts of something.

Here, it is the degree of belief, conviction, trust, whatever you wanna call it, you know what I mean.

>> No.6760440
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sorry forgot pic

ffs she should put down long addictive novels and work on her EM software skills fuck. Her musical concepts are so good but her control over specifics in sound are so bad.

>> No.6760443

You believe that you can either believe something or not.

>> No.6760448


I agree with you. I've always thought of my beliefs as existentialist, but I'm not sure if that's accurate. I think it's useless for any human being to assert their opinion because in the end it's impossible to gain a proper understanding of the world over the course of a human lifespan. Even if all of your experiences on Earth point to one conclusion, there is undoubtedly evidence elsewhere that completely invalidates your perspective. Only a hypothetical omnipotent God is qualified to say they "know" anything.

>> No.6760457

Or is it?

>> No.6760464
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>> No.6760516

Don't listen to all these stupid people, it's called fictionalism.

>> No.6760527


>> No.6760531

willful ignorance

>> No.6760537

It's called Pragmatism. Look up Rorty.

>> No.6760543

>Because I can't know anything

How do you know?

>so it would be silly to believe anything

Do you really believe that?

>> No.6760565

Chicago School?

It's a gross over-simplification.

Basically, it's about systems of knowledge being adaptive. Very related to symbolism, if I recall.

>> No.6760569

Retarded solipsism.