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/lit/ - Literature

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6758743 No.6758743 [Reply] [Original]

write whats on your mind

>> No.6758757

Teleology invariably leads to nihilism

>> No.6758762


lol getting your BA in philosophy I see.

>> No.6758763

i wonder how much german i will get to study tomorrow.

>> No.6758770

I can't deal with days off.

>> No.6758774

hi derrida, i see you looking at me every so often
do you want me to fuck your arse?

>> No.6758778

I got a job editing, which is what I told myself I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I disliked it, so I tried freelancing for a "culture" magazine around my hometown. Got stuck doing ads.

I was debating whether to stick with it or to go find a minimum wage job tending for a graveyard and living in a garage on-site when I found that that was the central plot of a movie. This initially turned me off from it, but then I realized that I was letting a desire to be absolutely original get in the way of what I really wanted to do. As all I am is electrical firings in a meat-doll, this should not matter. But I won't do anything about it, as I am too busy staring at a particular spot on my wall to do anything else of consequence.

>> No.6758779

why not?

>> No.6758785

how do i talk a girl into letting me piss in her mouth?

>> No.6758787

i wonder how to make myself more interesting and less apathetic and how to appreciate life more

>> No.6758797

Unstructured, time gets away from me, I feel pressured to do all the thousand things I could in one day which means I don't do them. I prefer having a busy day working and then coming home. I just feel like useless at home. It's ridiculous.

>> No.6758842


I remember those conversations about how our life was suppose to go. I remember those cold nights on the beach, sitting on the sand. Your warm slim body laying back against my chest, my arms wrapped around you—small cold kisses finding their way to your neck—half asleep half awake. I remember smelling flowery shampoo when I kissing the back of your head, my lips feeling your silky black hair. I remember the nights we made love, your beautiful slim sexy body contorted in aphrodisiac pleasures. I remember how cute and playful you were, how hungry you were after we made love. I remember your eyes—looking with hopes and dreams—“googly" eyes I called them. I remember making love to you in summer hammocks and the walks we took through the winter rains. I remember when I asked you to marry me, how you lifted me up off my knelt knee and said with tears, “Yes!" I remember our wedding—how beautiful you looked in your gown—how happy you looked, and the slow sensual time we shared that night as husband and wife. I remember our stay at home dates, watching movies and tasting buttered popcorn on your lips. I remember that day when I came home from work and you told me I was going to be a father—when we went to the doctor and he told us it was a boy—a future son. I remember we agreed to name him David after our fathers—both named David. I remember inviting our parents to dinner, telling them the good news— they were going to be grandparents. I remember our mothers cried with happiness and our fathers hugged us. I remember the tears of joy my father had when I told him we were about to have another fishing buddy. I remember how you hugged my arm that night at diner—you kissed my shoulder—you whispered to me, “You are going to be a great Daddy." I can still smell your perfume. I remember the car ride back home from dinner. I remember listening to you sing in the car, humming the lyrics you forgot or didn't know.

>> No.6758845


I remember the last time I saw your eyes alive, looking forward at the road. I remember the loud chaos when the car struck us—the screech of car breaks—glass, smoke, and fiberglass . I looked down at you while your body hunched over. I remember lifting your head off the dash board. You were unrecognizable. You were covered in blood.

I remember Alexandra. I remember you. I remember us. My God I remember what we had and what we lost. I don't want to remember any more baby. It's been almost 9 years, and I can't stop thinking of you, and our unborn son. David. Little Davey we were going to called him. I was going to take him fishing. I was going to love him. I sometimes imagine what he would have looked like, like you and me.

I miss you baby. Oh God I miss you. I don’t want to cry anymore. I don't want to hurt anymore. I don't want to dream about you anymore—I want to be with you again.

I'm coming Alex. I'm coming home to you, and Little Davey. I'm coming home.

>> No.6758848
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>> No.6758878

look at all these pretend literary lifestyle neet plebs, and I've been writing all day. Thousands of words, and I like them all. I'll probably have this novella finished by next week. Fuck, feels good...
oh dirty message on grindr.

>> No.6758880

Israel did 9/11

>> No.6758881

I'm a huge idiot

>> No.6758882

shit poop penis poop shit penis penis poop shit penis poop poop penis shit poop penis

>> No.6758892

The last couple of books I have read were not very good, and made me reëvaluate the authors of the novels that wrote them. Libra by Don DeLillo is boring, Island by Aldous Huxley was insulting.

>> No.6758906

I enjoy having physical copies of books way too much, eventhough I always bitch about people being materialistic.

>> No.6758923
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I want to fuck that girl again
She said she would see me again on wednesday night
she had an actually perfect ass and tits and fucked like a whore
I left her house apartment sunday morning telling her I was going to mass. I was. I wanted her to know because I'd hope she'd think I was different and a thoughtful person.
I couldn't get an erection the night before because of nerves (she was so sexy) but morning came we we fucked twice. Really sweaty.
She approached me at the party, not the other way around. She was playing ball with my boring-as-fuck conversation for what seemed to be like an hour, so I knew she must have been interested. The party was really really fun. It was a huge house party thing where all the cirt's journalists were.
She asked me if I wanted to "walk her home" and I obviously obliged. Our walk was interrupted by us passionately kissing here and there. At the door to her apartment complex she asked if I wanted to "have a drink." I really like how she (we) kept up decorum and didn't just say "Lol want to come fuck." I think having tact is important. Keeping those things under wraps and not talking about them is important. Doing them is a different story.

>> No.6758929
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The better you look, the more you'll see

>> No.6758934

And always remember the longer you live,
The sooner you'll bloody well die.

>> No.6758936

Visit Germany

>> No.6758949

Visit Arizona

>> No.6758957


Visit your mom

>> No.6758979

I saw two grey-brushed old guys when I walked from the liturgy yesterday. Both were fitted in some semblance of a suit, the first all unkept in the way that he might've been a tenured professor if he weren't so far from a university. The kind of person that tastes all metallic and off-putting after you get out of church or temple, because they seem so opposite your divine feelings but remind you that the things you said in there didn't reach that far in your person, like few things are wont to. The second had a close enough image, probably both polish catholic or some such. He had a better suit, or a better fitted suit, but a more worn face, Maybe one that seemed more worn next to his worn aesthetic.

I thought about how that messed me up more than thinking about the eucharist, and how I was scared of being either one of them or the more grim alternative. I felt annoyed that being out of winter meant the weather was going to trick me into being less sad and feeling what I should feel by the time I made it back from mass. It was an appropriate time to reflect, which doesn't come often, but I couldn't get a full breath of mental recognition out before the heat and light made me, and probably them, think fewer full frightening thoughts before I went to walking my retriever and the flowers I can't name that grew by the hand of the lady who lived next to parish parking. I felt robbed and then I forgot about it until you asked me, though it doesn't feel nearly as hearty or heartfelt as it did walking back. That was sincere though, whoever's reading, even though It's hard to speak like something is.

>> No.6759070


>> No.6759087

Some lady living on my neighborhood lives with her two granchildren, they're like 1 and 3 years old. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them ends up retarded and the other collects pieces of prostitute corpse in his freezer becaue the old cunt shouts at them hysterycally every, and I mean, EVERY FUCKING MORNING. It's like god provides some old people (specially menopausic ladies) with extra enegry to create chaos and havoc. I swear that lady waking me up everyday with her stupid high-pitched crummy voice is starting to affect my mind nocivelly.

I think I feel a little better now that I got it out of my chest.

>> No.6759135
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And the silence is searing
Reaching after change and silent simplicity
Places, illusion, stupidity
Time-like mechanisms, meandering dreams and dark/bright manifestations….
A multitude of simultaneous placement
Sing-song glisten network cataclysms scream chilling lashing shadows
Becoming like the half-remembered idols of a dying race

>> No.6759172

Angry and drunk I couldn't really handle her stroking her ego thinking I still loved her. I imagined her laughing with friends, "oh this asshole won't leave me alone," while she relished in the attention a preacher's outcast daughter so longingly yearns for.

And while I know that drinking passed my limit has lost me countless friends, I felt pretty confident relieving myself of this one. I found myself rattling the building of every door on the 2nd floor of her run-down apartment complex, until I got pulled inside. Grabbing handfuls of my novels and movies, some continuous shouting about "having to work" and "being a drunk" echoed around her studio. Her furious minuscule voice exploded and shook the walls, and that raving toy sized dog pranced yapping incessantly by her side. They had similar qualities, particularly in the face.

Once I had gathered everything, I at least thought belonged to me, I walked through the door. Greeted by concerned neighbors, I made my way to the stairs, attempting not to drop what I had left with. Her voice carried vicious threats all through the parking lot; tear chocked and hoarse from a mixture of rage, fear, and cigarettes.

The walk home consisted of dropping my possessions and attempting to stay on the sidewalk. But, with my things no longer hostage, I could finally abolish the number that toxic number from my phone.

>> No.6759174
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I've got another chick lined up after months of no sex... what's more, she's six years younger than my ex.

>> No.6759357

I keep telling myself that my self imposed solitude is temporary but every day that goes by makes me less sure.

>> No.6759365

I'm stood on a precipice as always but this time it is different. The abyss below me isn't a void but a dizzying swirl of millions of possibilities. I'm more afraid than I have ever been. Time is the gun digging into my back telling me to jump.

>> No.6759383
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The sad fact of the matter is approximately thirty percent of /lit/ is filled with normie faggots, sixty percent yuppie assholes and only ten percent of people that aren't retarded.

I know that at least half browse /pol/, /tv/, /mu/ and /b/ or them all. I detest you losers.

>> No.6759391

What does anonymoose browse?

>> No.6759402


>> No.6759405

Just /lit/.

>> No.6759408

>I'm smarter than 90% of you btw

her name is forcer may may

>> No.6759414

her name is "regan" and she is apparently a booktuber that a bunch of newfags from reddit and /b/ like to post on this board.

>> No.6759419

God damn, I love being white.

>> No.6759430

I wish I could deal with not getting laid better, or you know, just get laid more often

>> No.6759433


I've walked the path of the still and quiet sage, and then turned back. I prefer the caged lion. I think I always will.

>> No.6759438


>makes retarded post

>calls 90% of /lit/ retards

typical of a self-styled cognoscenti/ literati who is almost certainly nowhere near as intelligent or interesting as he/she thinks they are

>> No.6759444

Does she have any good videos or is this just a waifu obsession? Are there any good booktubers?

>> No.6759603

When she is your whole life but you are only an afterthought and you don't want it to end even though that fantasy is all you can get a hold of.
Futile fantasies, meandering memories, misplaced disappointment.
Is it sorrow? Is it frustration? Is it hurt?
It hurts.
Its hurts to be merely a shadow.
I lie, I cry, I try.
I'm just a shadow in plain sight.
Losing sleep I internally weep.
Just a creep I eternally weep.
Theoretical paramour, with my mind at war.

>> No.6759609

I need to go take a shit.
Goodbye /lit/.

>> No.6759618

puggle suggle wilson brand

straw fucker

I'm a claiborne milt

>> No.6759619

I need to sleep.
All this shit posting has left me in a heap!

>> No.6759634


>> No.6759658

goodnight mr pizza

>> No.6759673

>all normies are stupid


>> No.6759737

how come all these plebs itt post their thoughts with perfect grammar it makes no sense our thoughts are so rapid theres no reason to use punctuation fucking cucks gonna read some hemingway tbh

>> No.6759745
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I'm supposed to be reading, or studying, or programming.

What I actually want to do, is draw some cutesy surreal comic. Alice in Wonderland vibes. Unfortunately, I'm afraid this would just be an attempt to relive my childhood and escape reality, just like so many other ideas.

I don't have the courage to go from day dreaming and brainstorming to actually sharing something. Sharing never happens, likely to protect my ego from criticism.

>> No.6759755

If you use 'tbh" in your thoughts you might be retarded.

>> No.6759758

I actually am retarded.

>> No.6759760

>likely to protect my ego from criticism.
Pseudonym use it.

>> No.6759762

Visit my mom

>> No.6759767

Post-breakup depression can be switched to a self recovery process, a form of cleansing.

>> No.6759795

The sheer superhuman stupidity of humanity itself is really the only thing part of us that sublimates out and becomes like a crystal cloud of climate change and not so great reflex flashes shutter closing like a shield or a curtain on the sudden blinding illumination of the hydrogen generating nexus stillness and slaughter and dark laughter in my final moment of true happiness

>> No.6759800

Well gee, now I feel like a dumbass. I'm whining about shame, and not being able to share something, while I'm right in the middle of what amounts to a confession thread on an anonymous image board.

>> No.6759801

I want to write a tv show/ book where the main character is a young college student who drops out due to anxiety after surviving a school shooting at UCLA. Having a father who was an architect and carpenter, he decides to take some time off just work as a way of coping with his problems. He finds an ad in a newspaper of a superintendent needing help fixing up an old building. He goes to see the grey haired hippie fellow and the guy tells him he'll give him free room and board in one of the apartments to be renovated and a small salary. The kid agrees. He has two roommates who also suffer from social anxiety. A Wiccan/granola chick named "fig" who spends every waking moment watching Jeopardy reruns in her room to improve her chances of getting on the show and a guy trying to set the world record for standing perfectly still but because of social anxiety he wears a big stupid bear mascot suit to feel confident. There's a girl across the hall he likes but has trouble talking to her BuT there's also a girl who is more forward with him but has some issues of her own.
TLDR: the guy is imagining all the other people and steals mannequins from a. Warehouse next door. When the one girl with baggage is being too much, the girl across the hall (make believe) answers her door. I'm still working the kinks out

>> No.6759817


>> No.6759847

Sounds fun. Keep at it.

>> No.6759876

this reminds me of some weird old film I vaguely remember seein, which was a bunch of mannequins that were slowly moving around in some abandoned building.....

>> No.6759913

Have you ever seen someone so beautiful you can't speak? You just want to stand there and gaze at them for as long as beauty means anything? I was like that with you. If you lean in closer you could make my dreams all manifest at once in one of those magical moments you always hear about. If our lips meet you'll find out your old boyfriend was a better kisser than me. Although I love the way your hips wave when you walk away, I think you should stay. I promise to be the light of your life, to be your darling, to be a human being like all those healthy happy people outside my window. I'll never see you again.

>> No.6759943

Thinking about why some posters hate it that others don't use only /lit/. You guys don't really think that experiencing low art and other mundane things destroys the mind, do you? If these things do destroy the mind, why do you have no empathy for people who appreciate them? If they are truly the unwitting victims of a scheme to satiate them at their expense, then why hate them? If you see yourself as above them, then aren't the creators of the scheme that preys on them your compatriots? If somebody who you think is foolish browses /b/ and you think it harms them, you spurn them because you think they are foolish and harming themselves. If you hate the foolish, why don't you rejoice in their harm? Why do you not celebrate the success of their captors, your peers?

I think those who cringe at the sight of a poster from /pol/ or /b/ do so because they see themselves in them and are hurt sympathetically.

>> No.6759971

make her let you shit in her mouth, after that it should be easy

>> No.6759998

Elitism is the answer to the initial question. In these people's minds if people enjoy something associated to stupidity, grey masses or generally things they believe to be bellow them, they who enjoy them are stupid, grey mass or "bellow them, the elitists". This then forms into either their desperate attempt to convince themselves of these facts and/or trying to make these things seem lowly just to elevate their own status/ego among peers.

>> No.6760196
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girls are overrated, tbh

>> No.6760202

I can say with certainty that every day spent with her in person or mind is a day filled to the brink with passion, wit and beauty.

>> No.6760230

i'm bleeding lollipops it's that time of month again

>> No.6760233
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>> No.6760249

My dreams and reality are starting to seamlessly intermingle.

>> No.6760295


that's the inner voice of my magnum opus' female protagonist

im bleeding lil kafkas it's that time of week again

>> No.6760327

I wish I could talk about feelings in a way people can relate to, actually -feel- the emotions, rather than just understand and empathize.

>> No.6760427

tell me more

>> No.6760453
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Don't fall too hard anon this has happened to me before

>mfw I leave parties early and girls wonder where I'm going to early

>> No.6760460
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You and me both, friend.

>> No.6761371

I' am edgelord and I love anime

>> No.6761406

if wishes were horses then beggars would ride too.

>> No.6761411

I know the logical things I have to do in life to get by, but somehow I keep getting plauged by the idea that I'm not doing what I want. The funny thing is I don't know what I want and it almost sounds plebian to say that right now I just want to party and fuck, but a part of me knows that that only amounts to so much until you have to get back to doing things properly again.

>> No.6761415
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I dont understand why am i happy right now.

>> No.6761428

Addiction rotting my mind
Peppermint oil rotting my gut
Soap on my gums
I want to hide
I want to die

>> No.6761453

shit in one hand,
fish wish the other
to set a man on fire
stay hungry for life

>> No.6761585
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I'm about to hang out with my friend, some girl I groped on transit and I guess her friends

I've never been the type to meet people and I usually talk to girls in some vicarious way through talking with a mutual friend in front of them. So this will be a first
It's not a huge deal, but I plan on getting good and drunk, ideally drunk enough to black out and make out with this girl for hours before I come to and we're just getting in her bed, but I don't have enough cash for that and I'm willing to settle for getting a decent buz from a couple 40's, kissing her and trying to force a blow job

I'm looking forward this to this weekend when I get my first check and I can afford to buy new clothes (so much of my wardrobe has been ripped or lost) for the first time in I think a year; I'm really looking forward to being a normal 20 something in that regard

The intro to infinite jest by eggers was extremely flattering and I've committed myself to finishing it before I get a tv. I'm really hoping I'll gain ~something from it, though I don't plan on writing fiction any time soon

I wish I could state a dictionary definition like Hal; I think it's the theme of my life right now

>> No.6761633

I want to go to a bar downtown and smoke by the bathrooms.

>> No.6761718

>intro to infinite jest by eggers was extremely flattering
wat. are you DFW? if so
>force a blow job
hang yourself.

>> No.6761735

i should spare time for myself sex i don't need her sex i should call her sex sex sex no i need to finish this book sex sex at least this movie sex fuck her

>> No.6761781
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I recently read Saint-Just said "That which produces the general good is always terrible."

I realized that this comment should not be taken as a warning against violently imposing the general good on society, but on the contrary, as a bitter endorsement of the truth.

>> No.6761828

Should I stop using the computer entirely because it leads to too many distractions and just start playing the piano non-stop

Or should I use the computer to create electronica music via reaktor, with its unlimited sonic potential

One is limited, the other isn't,
but through the limited medium the restrictions are felt rather liberating and more visceral and immediate than the purely mental process of electronica creation

Either way I'm going to need to make money doing one or the other

Music is fuckin hard to make money with nowadays

How many more years am I going to have to bus tables

Either way I need to commit all of my time, every free minute of every hour to a single project

To create music: the piano or the computer?

>> No.6761856

>that feel when I've been shitposting nonstop for the last three days

>> No.6761864

lost my glasses in my own house

>> No.6761878

Man the fuck up. Crying won't change anything. Leave the town for few weeks and come back determined to get her back.

>> No.6761880


>> No.6761882

whats on your mind

>> No.6761905

Hopelessness, utter hopelessness. The worst kind, where you cringe away and attempt to forget it even exists. I've been doing nothing but watching anime for two weeks straight, hundreds of hours, and all I can think is "I absolutely hate anime". One good series among the all. And now I'm talking to myself about anime I hate but watch anyway. Utterly hopeless; drowning; intellectual and prospective death.

>> No.6761909

I kept writing in my sleep last night after sending email to a friend backpacking in Europe right now. He updated me on his trip and how it is shaping his mind and outlook on everything. Before he left a few months ago he asked me to recommend him a few 'big question' books to read throughout- by now he's already read them all. I'm quietly very pleased to have been an integral part of one of the most important events in his life in that way, and not in an egotistical way. He's my friend and I'm just happy that my friendship means as much to him as his does mine and that he trusted me enough to shape his experience. inb4 greentext 'friend' normie get out reee.

>> No.6761910
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>> No.6761919

are you gay

>> No.6761920

>tfw no friends with qt butts to shape

>> No.6761921

/pol/ and /r9k/ are the most I think, and /b/ but /b/ is default.

I would say forty percent are normies, forty percent of them are yuppies, ten percent aren't retarded, and the other ten are you autistic cunts who feel the need to try and defend an internet board that you waste your pathetic life on.

>> No.6761989

"i'll make your ass brackish with cum"

>> No.6761992


>> No.6761998

What's your problem?

>> No.6761999


>> No.6762007

everything is boring and pointless

>> No.6762017

Shit i hope i'm not terminally ill.

>tfw only 60p into The Brothers Karamazov.

>tfw no time to read cause i actually have a gf.

>> No.6762026

too much inward reflection has lead to nihilistic feelings
I feel like Dr.Manhattan without the cool powers

>> No.6762060

I had invited her to social events on more than one occasion, since the night we met but she'd always declined, or cancelled in good time. Suddenly she takes me up on my invitation to visit me at home. We slept together, which she initiated. Shortly afterwards she told me multiple times that she wasn't looking for a relationship and is seeing multiple people, she very definitely doesn't want to be in a relationship. I said that was fine, I hadn't suggested we start one anyway. I only invited her to visit in a friendly capacity in the first place. Friends-with-benefits isn't a problem for me. She said something about how she doesn't like ambiguity in relationships and it would be a problem if we kept having sex. I told her okay, let's not let ourselves get into situations where we'd be tempted to have sex, because she's an intelligent and genuinely interesting person who I'd like to know. She went home to see her family, who caused her to have an emotional breakdown which I talked her through over the net, while I was tripping on mushrooms. She said a couple of times during that conversation that she wanted to see me again. A day later she gets back from the trip and tells me she now has a "boyfriend" [sic]. Again, fine, but it felt like a punch in the gut that she'd been so afraid of having a relationship with me she'd tell me she just wanted to be single, then would turn around and start one with someone else, it's just insulting. Then today she mentions she's going out to see a friend, and that it was someone she'd slept with before. I said okay cool but I'd rather not know about who you have or are sleeping with, you're cool but I'm not very sexually active right now so hearing about your sexcapades makes me feel bad about myself, to which she calls me self-centred. It was good pussy but fucking hell. Whatever, I have a theatre date with a thinner, more easily impressed and saner girl this month.
If only writing fiction came as easily as whining.

>> No.6762064


>> No.6762067

it's so fucking hot. maybe i shouldnt have this coffee

>> No.6762088
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I sometimes wish that I was terminally ill.

>> No.6762093

Just fuck my shit up

>> No.6762098

i know that feel, that's why you have to pick something and JUST DO IT

>> No.6762113

Modeling the way I act on fictional/non-fictional characters to compliment my self sustaining delusions is gradually destroying me through passivity and apathy. While my body is physically regressing as well as a hernia that plagued my mid-teens with insecurities, coincidently re-occurring while a relationship with my first love breaks down while she is in another country. In spite of this the familiarity of feelings I often attributed towards the unsavory loveless years of my life are some of the most comforting I have experienced. I only feel my general apathy and passivity towards someone who manipulated the language of our relationship to bury the guilt and insecurity from her own infidelity will leave me with intimacy issues.

>> No.6762121

As the last mightious barge of jazz-fluid rained down from supreme Lofts, I marveled at the ravings of a long dead Chris Rock who screamed of the dead-eyed whales who inhabited the curious corporatous jazz-river. This is where I live. This is post-jazz.

>> No.6762296

dipshit on amazon acknowledges that he sent me the wrong text book.
was it on purpose?
is he autistic?

i have little faith left in the human race when i can't get a 15 dollar book from amazon without shit going wrong

>> No.6762319

I lost $200 and not even my country about to win 6-1 in the semifinals is capable of cheering me up. I really needed that money.

>> No.6762322


>> No.6762419

Yuppie asshole reporting in.

I'm not sure if I'm retarded though. I read /lit/core books but my other board is /vp/.

>> No.6762428

Are you just trying to pick apart my post
Something flattering, like a flattering statement doesn't necessarily mean it's flattering to you
>if so hang yourself

>> No.6762737

Every time I find myself attracted to a girl I seem to just idolize her until she resembles perfection. If/when I work up the courage to approach and manage to succeed I suddenly find her hideous to the point of disgust.

I am Prufrock's utter disappointment

>> No.6763608

am i stuck in a cycle of my own failures or am i part of a culture which has dictated what my failures are.

>> No.6763631

Olanzapine idleness. Can't read, can't think, can't sleep.

>> No.6763644

I decided to check out a new board on this website I frequent. I feel like I may have made a mistake. I'm already fairly jaded in general, and I feel that this will take it a step too far. But I've been here for an hour or two and I'm going to troll some used book stores in my town.

Not to be cliche but I'm excited to see the depth of this rabbit hole.

>> No.6763656

can't sleep, 330 am, sore throat, gotta get up early tomorrow

>> No.6763663

I should be writing, not browsing lit.

>> No.6763776

Hear, hear.

>> No.6764173

i didn't get the teacher job i interviewed for.

must keep trying but damn does it feel defeating. i have back up plans but it would be nice if my plan A went through.

>> No.6764199

I've been called on three promising dates, I can't be bothered with these people and I don't have social aptness to tell them to go away so as not to hurt them. This is bothering me more than I expected.

I'm gay. Just bringing it up before slut shaming happens.

>> No.6764205

i wish i didnt have to go to work today. i wish i could just stay home and look at the ocean while stoned out of my mind.

>> No.6764227

Black sand
black beauty
unbroken silence.

>> No.6764255

am I addicted to amphetamines or do I just really like them

if I'd prefer to be tweaking out am I addicted

I'm gonna do a bunch of amphetamines and fap

>> No.6764344

Modern life is sweating everywhere except my armpits.

>> No.6764381

I have way too much dissonance. I realize death is inevitable and therefore living any longer is worthless but I feel like I must just "live". I don't ever want children but I am drawn to women. I have low self esteem even though a fair number of girls flirt with me, I never feel like she is worth going after or I am worth her time. Life is just as worthless no matter what you do but so few people agree I am compelled to do shit just because people my age are completely ignorant. I come from an anti intellectual background but I really enjoy learning things.

Also the massive amounts of suffering that take place daily and we don't care because the radiation doesn't hit out eyes.

>> No.6764392

You need to ruminate on these things further and they'll start to fall apart.

For instance, you can argue that just as much happiness and pleasure occurs all the time that we do not acknowledge. Your focusing on suffering, in this context, is extraordinarily arbitrary

>> No.6764404

no, people tend to think everything is fine, or getting better. I'm not wrong. I am extremely realistic, I notice good things but shitty things are WAY more prevalent outside of "first world" hug boxes.

>> No.6764422 [DELETED] 
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is that you norm?

>> No.6764462

Whether it's a vain pursuit to resist indulging in porn and masturbating. The benefits to nofap are hardly noticeable, let alone able to justify the effort required to resist yet I still feel remorse after orgasm. Is the remorse a result of the act being inherently bad and therefor able to provoke guilt as a means to deter my committing the act again, or is it a result of my having been conditioned to consider the act as one that is bad. But if the latter were the case, is it not so that simple awareness of the influence of conditioning can eradicate, if not completely then surely significantly, the conditioned response? Just as if a man conditioned to fear that which is incapable of harming him contemplates the irrationality of such a fear and is rewarded by diminishing the fear, if conditioning were the cause of my certain remorse, would I not be able to rationalize by means of acknowledging the harmlessness and the pleasure of the act and therefor justifying it's being committed? My inability to do this, as I have done so with other irrational responses, successfully diminishing them to allow myself unhindered enjoyment, suggests that the act is inherently detrimental to some, if not all, aspects of my being but if that were the truth, would it not be as easy to avoid as those other substances naturally harmful such as a flame or rotten food? This is my dilemma: I wish to masturbate but do not wish to know the accompanying remorse. I can neither rid myself of the desire not am I able to sever that knot that joins the act with the contrition it is joined to so I ramble here in hopes of being distracted but it is in vain for the desire and apprehension persist and leave me with a debilitating dissonance.

>> No.6764483
File: 421 KB, 700x525, 5xuaXWY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm homeless. I'm sitting in the middle of the city waiting for a guy to get back to me on an apartment I want to move into. I work full time, but get my check in a week. I'm scared. I slept in a homeless shelter for the last two nights and they say I can't come back until I get my TB card, which would have to be Thursday. Essentially, if this apartment deal doesn't work out, then I'll be on the streets tonight and likely until I get my check, at which time I could feasibly get a shit room for the night for 20 bucks.

I'm scared and a little angry. My parents kicked me out and I don't have any food, other than what I had at the shelter and what little I can scrounge at work. I don't want to ask my parents for help, as they'll use it as a leash like they've always done in order to control me. I've essentially told them to fuck off, but will return briefly after I get a place in order to collect the rest of my things and then cut contact until I'm mature enough to apologize for smoking weed in their apartment. Yes, stupid, but I don't feel as if the punishment fit the crime. Who am I to talk? It's not my property. It's theirs. And they treated me as if I were any other tenant that violated the rules and had me leave.

Thanks to the amount of free time I've gained, I've finished a few more books. I feel just a little more aware of the world but I know it's not helping me any until I get my check. I received a membership to the local library and use the wifi there, or at the park square. Outside of that, I have no phone, no keys, just a laptop with two changes of clothes and some toiletries so I can maintain the appearance of having a home.

So /lit/, I admit that I'm a fuckhead. I need advice to get my shit together. Help.

>> No.6764542

I love the fuckheads and I would offer my home to you but you're probably not in Thailand. Check out couchsurfing, you might find someone willing to let you stay with them until you're back on your feet. I wish I could help you myself, truly I do, but all I can say is that I love you and that you're already treading at the bottom, up is the only direction left for you to go. Good luck brother.

>> No.6764704

Thank you anon, I'm looking into couchsurfing as I type.

>> No.6764913

I'm at the dealership waiting for them to change my oil. I've brought a book with me to read, but there's too much noise going on right now, so I'm just sitting here shitposting next to a decently attractive girl. But I probably won't say anything to her and just continue playing on my phone.

>> No.6764966


>I was debating whether to stick with it or to go find a minimum wage job tending for a graveyard and living in a garage on-site when I found that that was the central plot of a movie.

please, please, please tell me you are referring to "cementary man". have you seen it? it's one of my favorite movies of all time

>> No.6765037

I wish that one guy would give attention to my story. I actually respect his opinion.

>> No.6765056

>please, please, please tell me you are referring to "cementary man". have you seen it? it's one of my favorite movies of all time

Cool blog post, faggot

>> No.6765097

I can't write what's on my mind because I don't think with words, just by quick conceptual associations that are gone before I can word them

>> No.6765109

i bet you think you are unique

>> No.6765114

>I'm a s-special s-snowflake

>> No.6765127

I never implied so, I was just making an observation.

>> No.6765130

I miss her ;_;

>> No.6765202

how fucking stupid it is that I'm browsing this website instead of doing something less pathetic

>> No.6765225
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iktf, anon

You've just inspired me to do something with the rest of my day.

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.6765263
File: 52 KB, 599x449, B1dUxhR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldve been anyone, i couldve become any kind of person based on the way my parents would raise me, the people in my direct surroundings, the events that would occur in my life. I could consider losing my memory equilevent to dying as your memories of events in your life have formed the person you are. To put it simple I'm just like clay, formed by 2 important components and shaped by influences of life. I cant imagine how it must be to stop existing and cease to be.

>> No.6765269


>> No.6765283

>on /lit/

>> No.6765290

>cry harder fuccboi

>> No.6765297
File: 18 KB, 320x240, eat_a_dick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad
thought this was lit
clearly its b
ill be on my merry way

>> No.6765302

You could have been a contender.

>> No.6765335
File: 193 KB, 1024x1016, 1430526438602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel tired and hot.
I'm starting to feel like I'm slipping into a grey fog of a life. Each day blends into the last, I have no plans, my aspirations to become a video game designer has dissipated. I still struggle to wake up in the morning. I'm still nervous in most situations. I still resent my family. I still feel lonely. I still hate myself. I am thankful that I still believe that it will all work out though, I still chip away at my goals, becoming healthier, becoming inspired, finding joy. I think I'm just too short-sighted, I rely on bursts of inspiration. I live on those moments of intense realisation, where something awakens inside of you and a new phase of your life starts. As the years go by, these realisations are becoming more subtle, and less frequent. Yesterday I read a line in "meditations", the one written by the roman emperor, it explained that all chronic pain can be overcome, and that fatigue is just another form of pain, I hope the next thing I overcome is my slavery to greyness and fatigue.

>> No.6765367

There's some thread where a guy is claiming to be smarter than everyone else or something, and he has an avatar picture that keeps getting smaller and smaller with each of his posts. Who cares how smart you are, if you're fading into oblivion?

>> No.6765383

>implying that isn't the best thread on /lit/ right now

>> No.6765395


>implying there are any good threads on this board,

>> No.6765400

you implied you are different than all the other posters since you can't describe what they all tried to

you did imply so

>> No.6765412

why are we always tired?

>> No.6765426

freedom is paralyzing

>> No.6765521

I'm disappointed in women. I don't know if it's something i don't get yet...i've learned a few things, but i keep ending towards the same conclusions.
Are there still women who love men just for what they are? Who actually try to be loving?

>> No.6765552

If they do, they're lying and just desperate for the dick. The instant a girl finds an attainable guy that's better than her current partner, she immediately begins to stray. Personally, I love meeting couples and subtly wooing the girl, helping a girl to cheat gives me a rush like none other.

So no. Women (like all other people) are pragmatic in their dating selection. Love is the forging of chemical bonds, merely an illusion meant to keep couples together for the sake of survival. All else is seeking superior mates.

>> No.6765586

> for what they are
What is there to be

>> No.6765594

Thankfully I think it's something that becomes easier to deal with as you get older.

>> No.6765596

It would depend on the man.

>> No.6765616

What you identify yourself as is a banal collection of habits and preferences, largely bothersome ones. There is nothing to love.

>> No.6765634


How do you define yourself?
What do you feel is worthy of love?

Not trying to be a dick; I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6765645

I trust you don't believe in love then?

>> No.6766022

On the one hand I could probably be doing a much better job and I kinda feel bad about it, on the other hand everyone around me needs to pull their fucking weight more and damn right I mad.

>> No.6766031

I'm waiting for the ideas to make sense. They're converging, somehow.

>> No.6766046


>> No.6766077

Philosophy is literal nonsense. This pains me.

>> No.6766148

i feel like there's something lurking above us and behind it is the void. i believe in eldritch horrors and ghosts in my stomach but my head almost refuses, but it follows timidly. i'm probably on my way to a psychotic episode if i keep thinking like this but i feel like i may end up making something important, at least to me.i've probably read too much house of leaves is all

>> No.6766744

Fuck you dude

>> No.6766749

Damn, steve reich absolutely destroys philip glass

>> No.6766762

>being a christian
>fucking whores

how does that akrasia feel?

>> No.6766923


>> No.6766926

hmm, thats quite an intriguing post you wrote there, anon

>> No.6766982

need a poo tbh

>> No.6767501

i feel so goddamn hopeless about my future. then i realize how privileged i am and i try and kick my ass into gear or whatever. that works for about a week or so, then i devolve back into my usual routine of struggling to fall asleep when i'm in bed and having an even harder time trying to get out of it. usually this reaches some sort of peak and i put my belt around my neck, tie the other end to my doorway chinup bar, realize what i'm doing, start crying, take the belt off, then start drinking. i need to see a psychiatrist.

>> No.6767547


Or you can just wait until you're 18 and the phase blows over.

>> No.6767565

one of my teachers says when people come up to him and say they want to become writers, he tells them well hard knock life blah blah get the chops.
He says to me he's seen maybe five people on my tier in 20 something years, yeah this is good, but everything I do I think is assesed to this standard, and everything I do is fucking highly scrutinized by my peers, but I'm not that guy, really, and I try to see what he sees in this shit that I write, and I know it will never hold up in the real world, so I practice harder, but shit on more shit. It's all shit.

>> No.6767568

I misspelled assessed, case in point

>> No.6767593

Human nature is just... so bad. It's just the same tired old story over and over and over, why hasn't anyone started hacking around with our genes out of existential boredom?

>> No.6767655

Top kek you're that guy from two weeks ago who said he was only going to read books for the rest of his life or something. Admit it

>> No.6767661

nah wasn't me

my dad died recently and i'm having a shit time coping

>> No.6767673

you feel like a jackass now don't you, admit it

>> No.6767678


International Laws. We could already be playing around with human clones and other shenanigans if we wanted to but "muh ethics" is putting everything on hold.

>> No.6767689

What is all this word salad bullshit?

>> No.6767736

Dude ditch that guilt, you ain't privileged and you can have genuine problems and a hard life even if you are genuinely privileged, which you aren't. You needn't compare your suffering to any other persons plight, your suffering is completely valid and real.
If you are anything like me, and I think you are, you have a lot of anger towards yourself for not being able to hack it. In actuality it is less you, and more society. Look into it.

>> No.6767738


Maybe its people following the OP prompt literally.

Internal thoughts often don't relay in clear readable format.

>> No.6767749

Implying they haven't.
In any case history is the nightmare, and we are trying to awaken. Can't you feel it, aren't we verging on something?

>> No.6767805

im just hoping these feelings pass before i do

in all likelihood they will

for now, i'm just holding on the best i can

thanks for caring

>> No.6767808

anon is mostly correct, but shifting your anger from yourself to your society isn't constructive either.

>> No.6767813

im not angry, i feel empty and weak like a cog made of cookie wafers or something, i don't know

>> No.6767825

thanks for reading my bleak little words, it's nice to have shitty feelings acknowledged by other humans but i dont want to take up any more posts in case someone is going to write some great poetry or prose or something here

>> No.6767850

>isn't constructive either
But that is where you are wrong, if it is more true it is more constructive. If it enables anon to see something a little clearer and understand what he has been through and how it has affected him it may lead to the more unburdened conscience that our many of us deeply crave; this general guilt I am speaking of does not really align with reality you see, even though it feels very real.
Of course you are also right, in that it is not constructive to for example do the Breivik, we are talking about personal development here.

>> No.6767851

How did Catdog poop? Did it come out of the other's mouth? Was eating a dreaded occurrence in their everyday lives, knowing the consequences? Did they ever starve themselves to put off each other's misery for as long as possible? Has someone jerked off to this scenario?

>> No.6767859

Is disassociation from self healthy? Should I try to expose my consciousness for the fraud that it is even if it's just for a few seconds when meditating? How come I didn't sleep tonight? Is lack of sleep a good way to test your emotional stability? Is it always repression when you don't act out? What happens when you repress everything and just scream while working out or something? Is it healthy to never hate? Is it detrimental to your health to not have sex? When will I lose my virginity? Do I want to lose my virginity? Not really. I should go outside, I'm hungry. Bye nerds who I secretly admire.

(please don't actually reply to this post)

>> No.6768190

im wasting away. What am i doing? Why am i still on this website?

>> No.6768201

It seems substantially clear to me that Marx's assertion Communism would naturally result from Capitalism was flawed. Although, it actually has been a long time since I read either the manifesto or Kapital, and I really should read his other notes and papers and such.

I'm such a huge fucking pleb, I hope I'm not *too* eviscerated for tossing this up.

>> No.6768212

can't sleep again, 340 am, sore throat, gotta get up early tomorrow

>> No.6768768

4 years since you left on the end of a rope.
4 years since I became incomplete
4 years since, I have begun to suceed
Every success reminds me of you
Every success is in spite of you
Every success leads me further from you.

I'm not born to hang
I'm born to fly.

>> No.6768776

are there any reasonable situations where shine->upsmash is the optimal punish? it's so cool but it's rarely guaranteed and when it's a viable mixup other things are better mixups

>> No.6768838

Marx's "communism" is exactly equivalent to "post-scarcity society".

In that sense Marx was right: "post-scarcity society" is more likely to come out of Apple and Google than North Korea.

>> No.6769271

I need to buy a cap, so I'm going to read and study German for a few hours, then I will force myself to go to the mall, where plebs congregate.