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6757401 No.6757401 [Reply] [Original]

I have noticed that I hate every person around me, that I'm not empathetic, but rather I like to antagonize and be rude. I have undone sarcasm by becoming overtly and blatantly insulting. I want to know if you can recommend books that talk about how to be a good person. Please help.

>> No.6757409

There are no books you can read to become a good person.

Let me ask you this: have you ever experienced something truly traumatic? Maybe you just haven't been on this earth long enough to have a humbling experience that makes you reassess how you treat the people around you.

>> No.6757410

You've most likely become elitist thanks to 4chan. Take a break and try to connect with other people and give them a chance.

>> No.6757414

Why do you want to become a good person? Why do you want to change? Why do you want to be convinced to change?

Why don't you take the other option, and decide to be the same person on a higher level, become an intellectual, and be rude and insult in that fashion?

>> No.6757456

Freud very explicitly outlined your particular type of psychosocial defense mechanism. It's called reaction formation.

You feel anxious and inadequate when faced with the challenge of connecting to others, so you subconsciously attempt to subvert the process altogether to gain control of your social interactions. If you cannot be liked, you can at least control being a hateful little shit and convince yourself that you're deliberately orchestrating your destiny.

I recommend seeing a psychiatrist.

>> No.6757468

>I recommend seeing a psychiatrist.
I don't want to be medicated.

>> No.6757481

I'd normally drop a heavy shiggydiggy with Freud (much of his shit is not within the realm of true science, what it being unfalsifiable, and psychology being a very soft and fuzzy field within science proper) but this sounds like the nail's been struck on the head.

It's behaviour that I've identified within myself and in others, and although this is all anecdotal, I reckon it's probably true.

>> No.6757493

dude I totally feel you, recently I have been exploring my rude asshole side and it's pretty great.

I think part of the key is keeping it humorous. It's way better to heap funny abuse on someone than to just cuss em out or silently steam at them. Funny is its own excuse.

>> No.6757507

If you react that much to other people maybe you actually care too much about them. The easiest way to be empathetic is to imagine everyone else like little children that can barely tie their shoes.

>> No.6757511

aren't psychiatrists the ones you talk things over rather than sit for 10 minutes and get a bag full of drugs?

>> No.6757524

Freud was greatly rejected for many decades but whenever they test his theories either in practice or with neurology he ends up being pretty spot on. Even completely silly stuff like freudian slips have been proven a reality.
When you read him you have to understand that he isn't just proposing ideas out of the blue but he also colleceted a lot of popular knowledge and added justifications. Studying him is like studying the natural traditional remedies to make aspirin, there is a reality that got recognized after centuries of human evolution but science has to understand what is going on in there.

>> No.6757539

psychiatrists give drugs
psychologists are what op needs

>> No.6757541
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>Be burdened with tendencies to want to be an asshole to everybody around me because I know that I'm so much better than them in anyway whatsoever (things that matter).
>Be burdened by an inexplicable desire to want to drop on my knees and beg the plebs for just a little social gratification like a pat on the head.

>> No.6757546

I always mix them up.

>> No.6757560
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you could watch evangelion

>> No.6757565

I'm interested in the freudian slip neurological proof if you have it at hand or can point me in the right direction.

>> No.6757586

wrong pic, i wanted the one about allowing one self to stay in a place that makes one happy.

Not a decent source or anything but you can take from here and do your own research

>> No.6757591
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>> No.6757597
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I really can't tell what this animu reaction images mean.

>> No.6757598


Make male friends. Not low-T English lit classmate friends, meet some coal miners or longshoreman or something.

>> No.6757604

Watch Taxi Driver. You're like Travis Bickle. He talks constantly of the scum of the earth, how terrible the people are around him, etc., and yet he spends all of his times in the worst parts of the city, among those he loathes. When he meets a woman he thinks is different from the horrible rabble, a woman who is pure, he brings her into his world to try, perhaps subconsciously, to corrupt her. He may not realize he's as bad or worse than those he hates, he may not realize that hates himself, and that his isolation is the result of his behavior, but on some level these are all truths. After you understand Travis's psychological turmoil and the contradiction between his conscious beliefs and his behavior, then you'll see the error in your ways and try your best to avoid being like Travis.

>> No.6757620
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Me neither. And only half the time I'm posting them. I think that one went something like "Are you fucking serious? I'm gonna burn you in your sleep tonight."

>> No.6757670

I don't know if Scorsese was being ironical when Travis took his gal to watch a porn movie. Or if the character was just plain retarded.

>> No.6757718

Scorsese didn't write the screenplay - Paul Schrader did. But that was a very deliberate decision he made when he wrote it. It shows us further how isolated Travis is from society, how little he understands the proprieties of the culture. It's also worth pointing out that by bringing her there he is inviting her into his own lonely world.

>> No.6757724
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>> No.6757745

>Scorsese's best films are the ones he didn't write.

>> No.6757888

you'll get what's coming to you eventually

>> No.6757896

No. That karma shit is fucking spooky yo.

>> No.6757907

tbh this was 100% true in my case. i hated everyone until i deadlifted 585 and started making lots of money. now i like people because i'm the BOssSSss

>> No.6757913

i mean, that if you like to antagonize and be rude, then that's what you like to do. when you don't like it anymore, you'll stop. its that simple

>> No.6757919
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Reading Schopenhauer and assorted pessimists leads to someone or something merely being alive being sufficient reason for empathy towards them tbh.

Open yourself up to the suffering of the world.

>> No.6757924

/pol/ should really watch taxi driver a lot.

>> No.6757925
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>Mfw I think you're serious.
I don't think these sub-conscious presses influence my desires and actions as much. Thank god for that.

>> No.6757930

>these are the people who post in Freud threads and discuss psychology on /lit/

>> No.6757936


> then you'll see the error in your ways and try your best to avoid being like Travis.

>implying errors

>> No.6757939

can go blow himself

>> No.6757950


>> No.6757982
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>> No.6758038

Hey it's like Notes from Underground

>> No.6758064

Steinbeck made me more appreciative and understanding of other people, even the stupid ones.

>> No.6758102

Hori shet this was totes me in my preteens.
Th-then in high school I gradually stopped trying to control shit alogether and nowadays, where people mistook my standoffishness with confidence, I'm an overtly creepy cucklord.

>> No.6758326
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>gradually stopped trying to control shit
>people mistake my standoffishness
>I'm an overtly creepy cucklord

Anon, I...

>> No.6758453

Agreed. My only worry is that they'd misunderstand it and idolize Travis.

>> No.6758529

You shouldn't. Humanity is rotten. Look at any child and realize how easy it could be for him to be a remorseless murderer. Realize all empathy is insincere and stems from what someone can personally gain from it.

>> No.6760355

dont come here with that low-t bullshit, its all shills


>> No.6760369

wasn't going porn theaters a popular thing in the 70s tho?

>> No.6760769

I believe they already to.

>> No.6760805

>all empathy is insincere
I like to think that my mom did love me when I was a child.

>> No.6761877

hahahahha if these drives are 'sub-conscious' to you you're either not paying attention or you're very unobservant