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/lit/ - Literature

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6754805 No.6754805 [Reply] [Original]


Holy shit we have a fan.

> 4chan, which loves to be hated only up to the point where it squirms away and insists it was just joking, has a board devoted to literature that has produced some of the sharpest and most inventive literary criticism I’ve read online, in threads that improvised their brilliance then disappeared.

>> No.6754812

Lit(phi) is pretty cool mang

>> No.6754820

The Daily Beast is OK but they lean incoherently leftist too often for me.

>> No.6754824

Too bad he's a limp wrist, SJW, bourgeoise, last man.

>> No.6754825

/lit/ is objectively the best board in 4chan, I've been on a lot of them and it's not the same

>> No.6754826

You're all last men.

>> No.6754832

/sp/ would like to have a word with you, nerd.

>> No.6754833

>a board devoted to literature that has produced some of the sharpest and most inventive literary criticism I’ve read online


>> No.6754836

I guess shitposting about Harold Boom from Ulysses passes for GOAT literary criticism these days.

>> No.6754837

So we're the acceptable face of 4chan? What about all the Stalinists and Evola fanboys

>> No.6754840

Why do these fags keep lurking here and writing articles about us?

Is it to impress Tumblr bout how they went to le boogeyman website?

Also Jacob, I'm going to harass your family now

>> No.6754843

I think TV is the real 4chan maymay factory these days

>> No.6754844

Little do you know /sp/ is the 2nd board I spend most time on, hothead. As I said, not the same.

>> No.6754846

They're what make it interesting.

>> No.6754848



>> No.6754851

Evola's just a meme


Grind away that edge over there, you petulant child

>> No.6754853

/sp/ is definitely the funniest but /lit/ is the best overall

>> No.6754855

he must have read my deconstruction of Shakespeare

>> No.6754858
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>I am le defender of board culture
>petulant child

>> No.6754859

I would like to see some blog or some site that offers interesting literary criticism. Where are all the literature students from the best universities? WHERE are they?

>> No.6754860

Pinecone stahp you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6754868
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>nothing matters to me, only lulz, maximize lulz
>why don't girls appreciate my lack of moral fiber

>> No.6754878

Flipping burgers. They have debts, they can't NEET their lives away.

>> No.6754880

I found the reddit user.

>> No.6754882

Poor quality op-ed shit buying into rights-discourse and the correction of the deviant proletariat through the correct ordering of names.

As expected of the US media apparatus. He's no Penny Red and I wouldn't fuck his bottom.

>> No.6754884
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>heteronormative assumptions
>I am a supreme gentleman with supreme moral fiber

>> No.6754898
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>> No.6754901

>> 4chan, which loves to be hated only up to the point where it squirms away and insists it was just joking, has a board devoted to literature that has produced some of the sharpest and most inventive literary criticism I’ve read online, in threads that improvised their brilliance then disappeared.

I have never seen these threads, all I've seen are /pol/ threads, and naval gazingly bad debates and philosophy and religion

>> No.6754908

Maybe you don't know enough about philosophy and religion to appreciate the banter

>> No.6754909

>the moment that Roof writes in his manifesto that he was reborn
Is this now considered acceptable writing?

>> No.6754916

For "journalists"?

>> No.6754920

/tg/ would like to have a word with you, jock.

>> No.6754921
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>thinking women care about moral fiber
>thinking anyone cares about moral fiber

>> No.6754924

meant for>>6754868

>> No.6754928

At least we can be grateful that the author didn't instantly demonize 4chan culture like some writers do.

I feel like many go into this site already opinionated and that leads to a really one sided article.

>> No.6754934

What's the origin of this meme?

>> No.6754937
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>Internet banter is serious business

Online "journalist" just go

>> No.6754942

This is a joke right? This board sucks besides DFW posting and the "I became an avid reader" meme

>> No.6754945

Louis CK did a comedy routine where he demonised white people and praised black culture as 'superior'.

>> No.6754957

Louis CK talks about white privilege so /tv/ started forcing the CUCK meme

>> No.6754959

/lit/ used to be the best board, but holy christ the shitposting here has grown exponentially

Besg boards are /k/ and /out/

>> No.6754969

Strange to see a compensating redneck on a literature board.

>> No.6754979

No need for stereotypes and generalizations, friend. Guns are fun, and /k/ is one of the few boards where people know what they're talking about. Mostly.

>> No.6754984

0/8 b8

>> No.6755010

dyou remember a few years ago when there were like 10 posts/day here? /lit/ was a ghost town.

>> No.6755016

>not arming yourself to prepare for when a Baltimore style chimp out comes to your town

>> No.6755024

Funny that the only real 'chimp out' was from a white boy in Charleston.

>> No.6755026

Hey /pol/

>> No.6755030

No, Baltimore was much less efficient than Flynn.

>> No.6755041

>dat sharp and inventive criticism tho

>> No.6755042

>4chan’s trolling culture didn’t just birth Guy Fawkes hacktivism—it also inspired the racist and neo-fascist
No shit, retard. Being racist and offensive is what got us media attention in the first place. Hackers on steroids, remember? What sort of weird online rock do you have to live under to think that the hacktivism is what we're known for, and that the offensive shit is relatively unknown?

>> No.6755053

Stalinism doesn't really offend anyone. The people who should get offended are the Russians, and most of them seem to love him.

And Evola isn't well-known enough to be offensive. Also AFAIK compared to people like the Nazis he was pretty much a harmless crackpot.

>> No.6755058

The ones who do it for free ruined /sp/. It was GOAT until about 6 months after Mootdusky

>> No.6755069

He's right. We do have one or two good criticisms a year.

Plus, we have Pynchon and Tao Lin

>> No.6755073

The "hackers on steroids" shit had nothing to do with racism.

>> No.6755081

All the more reason for a gun, what's your point?

Hello white liberal living in a gated community

>> No.6755085
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>> No.6755088

not me I'm a last manchild

>> No.6755092

>through the correct ordering of names
Huh, I never realised how Confucian political correctness was. Sharp and inventive/10.

>> No.6755093

>third rate pseudo-intellectualism impresses the daily beast
what a surprise

>> No.6755103

Actually the LGBTQ discourse is highly anticonfucian. The invention of new genders is a nightmare, as far as the rectification of names goes.

>> No.6755106

It had to do with being offensive and trolling people. I was here when that happened too.

>> No.6755111

It's difficult to categorize the mentally ill by asking them to make up the definitions themselves.

>> No.6755120

Which is why we should shame them for causing the bureaucracy a headache.

>> No.6755128

This makes me sad.
He probably won't even move out of his home town, let alone the country.

And if he does he is just going to become homeless, can't even teach english with an associates degree.

>> No.6755139

Anonymooose, if it has a linking ideology through time, was always more Libertarian than anything, I think. Maybe Left-Libertarian in some cases but I don't think there were openly Leftist cases that called themselves Anonymous.

Good article though, actually knows what he's talking about. Now we just need mods that will perma-ban stormfucks and their fellow ideologues on sight. Nuking their board would also be nice.

>> No.6755140

>Where are all the literature students from the best universities?
Academia or somewhat orthogonal (or whatever a better word is) jobs, like probs the highest paid I know of went into investment banking, management consulting, big law firms and all that kind of thing. A few did things they did at uni like photography or theatre. A handful went into journalism but usually they had some kind of combined degree. Actually a fair few became teachers too

>> No.6755145


damn right

>> No.6755149

>I hate oppression
>I hope the new mods ban anyone who disagrees with me :^)

>> No.6755154

He has a bit where he goes on about being white and how that's awesome. That's from nearly a decade ago tho

>> No.6755155

We're a part of the "internet subculture," most people aren't so they don't know any better. /pol/ is THE online counterpoint to modern race movements but most of their side is unrepresented in the mainstream media, whereas hacktivism is a timeslot filling bogeyman with a logo. Be happy that /pol/ is finally getting called out for the cesspit it is.

>> No.6755156

>The people who should get offended are the Russians, and most of them seem to love him.
Russians and people of former Soviet -- now capitalist -- States.

>> No.6755157

lit is pretty based.

The only board on 4chan that criticizes the identitarians of both right and left, and advocates destroying the bourgeoisie.

>> No.6755165

No, we like the bourgeoisie. We want aristocratic, warrior philosophers (us) to rule.

>> No.6755173

Overall we appreciate every class' potencies. We really only care about how good your banter is.

>> No.6755175

Anonymous is into SJW shit now

>> No.6755176

I'd agree. I think /fa/ can be pretty great too.

>> No.6755178

>I hate oppression
I'm 100% okay with you idiots being oppressed by social norm or by laws, up to the point of incarceration and death. One of the greatest mistakes in history was the world allowing the US to save and protect Nazis in the post-War period, as well as protecting Confederate loyalists. Should've placed you all on a line of pikes stretching from the edge of Florida to the edge of Maine.

>> No.6755179

/lit/, you honestly don't know how cool and intelligent you are. Six years of /fit/ and /g/ here.

>> No.6755181

I think generally we don't hold Bourgeoisie-ness against people who were bourgeoisie, but in general i don't see anyone applying any merit to the position.

Its kind of retarded that this is a somewhat uncommon position.

>> No.6755182
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i kekked heartily

>> No.6755183
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>> No.6755188

Rofl what a spooked cuck

>> No.6755189

Stop pretending, >dribblekid.

>> No.6755190
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Everyone thinks you look like a doofus

>> No.6755194
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Common m8, it is undoubtedly /r9k/. Pepe, autism, chicken tendies, etc.

>> No.6755196

>being this mad

>> No.6755199
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>> No.6755200

We acknowledge that workers need leadership and that work is for the stupid, so naturally the intelligentsia, us, should be the ones who determine what is acceptable culture for the workers. Otherwise they would listen to Bruce Springsteen and 50 Cents, rather than baroque.

>> No.6755201

Pepe as a meme originated on krautchan.

>> No.6755203

>libtard racist calling anyone "spooky"

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6755205

>I became racist because my wife was killed by a nigger in an urban area while coming home from work. I was left to raise my only son by myself. I am not that well off financially. It caused a great deal of hardship. I was already pretty racist though.

That was a guy explaining to a non-racist traditionalist why he mostly focused on blacks as a problem.

>> No.6755208
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>> No.6755207

Wow, so much for pluralistic democracy

>> No.6755211

Which isn't Leftist.

>> No.6755214


>naval gazingly

i love looking at boats tho

>> No.6755216

Yes it is. The whole 'save poor people from oppression' is a leftist movement.

>> No.6755218

/fit/ has the best board culture and I don't even lift

>> No.6755220

Honestly, he's not wrong.

>> No.6755221

Class cucks pls go

>> No.6755223

He's definitely not much of a thinker, if that should come as a surprise.

>> No.6755224
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They popularized it though; I thought pepe comes from some random internet comic? I know poland ball comes from krautchan, but I didn't think pepe did.

>> No.6755225

>not being a racist


>> No.6755230

Creating new categories isn't an overturning of categories.

>> No.6755231

Read Nietzsche, you uncultured swine.

>> No.6755243

Identity politics is a neo-liberal reformist movement. It's only Left in the sense of being to the Left of Hitler.

>> No.6755245

Marxists are the true cucks

Monogamous relationships are patriarchal and based on outdated power structures

All true revolutionaries should also be cuckolds :)

>> No.6755250

It's an affront to the correct ordering of names. These categories don't actually exist. There is more medical evidence to indicate that gender identity issues are a form of mental illness that can and should be treated than there is to indicate that it's purely a matter of preference. Transgender suicide rates are probably so high because they're literally insane.

>> No.6755251

Krautchan popularised it to the extent of their reach, it spread from there to here. It's from Boy’s Club by Matt Furie, the original one was the frog saying "Feels good, man" which was popular on Gaia. KC made it into sad frog (Feels bad, man) and then it came here.

>> No.6755255

>hitler wasn't far left

>> No.6755258

>White Boys should be Castrated, so the evil, oppressive White Genes won't be able to create more bourgeoise Whites.

>> No.6755259

>desperately wanting your wife to be led by "strong" economic and poltical leaders
>not the highest form of cuckery

Well memed, class cuck.

>> No.6755261

>no need for generalizations
>generalizes /k/

>> No.6755263

Where has Pluralistic Democracy ever existed, and why are you pretending like stormcucks even want such a thing?

>> No.6755267

/lit/ is legitimately great. On other boards there is the constant meme of meaningless dismissal and hatred (ex. /v/ hates video games, and at any post referencing one, there will be people that day it sucks with no constructive discussion). On /lit/ people actually know something about literature and when they say something sucks it usually comes with either reasoning or reference to something they are saying is better. This makes the /lit/ culture less mindlessly contrarian than most of 4chan.

Also the philosophy threads have some of the best banter on the internet, because they're full of people that have actually read at least some of what they're talking about and are familiar with most of the rest, and philosophy is the subject most conducive to bantz.

When I started using 4chan regularly (around 2010) I was on /mu/ exclusively. Since then I've had stints on several boards, and none have been as stimulating as /lit/. It's not surprising that some random guy that considers himself an "intellectual" and hates the rest of 4chan would like /lit/. It's more self aware about its memes and less aggressive than other boards.

>> No.6755271

So what are we the noble savage of the internet or some shit?

>> No.6755272

Well thanks for the explanation; someone needs to coin a neologism for the etymology of memes.

>> No.6755274

Here's a tip: no categories exist.

Now read Foucault on the order of things you cross-boarding scum.

>> No.6755276

>I aggressively defend violent negroes online

Good boi

>> No.6755280

>wanting your 'wife' to fuck every African immigrant in the name of progress
>not a cuck

>> No.6755283

>Strong leader genes should be proliferated so I can watch my wife be fucked by the bourgeoisie while he laboring for his profit

>> No.6755286
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Foucault was an SJW faggot.

>> No.6755290

This, they're so cucked they aren't even aware of it. Marx is right yet again, "they don't know they are doing it, nevertheless they do it."

>> No.6755291

daily reminder that there is inherently nothing wrong with being a cuck and Stirner would approve of it

>> No.6755297

Your assumption of yourself as subservient shows your internalised cuck mindset.

>> No.6755298

>immigration is not a result of capitalism
>the bourgeoisie don't like cheap immigrant labor

>> No.6755303
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>immigration is not a result of bleeding heart, anti-white Marxists pushing their race mixing agenda

>> No.6755304

Yes because it is Marxists that started the subservient cuck meme and not class cucks like yourself.

>> No.6755307

Interesting, I also started with /mu/ but moved here eventually.

>> No.6755309

Read Kongzi and Wittgenstein if you don't understand the significance of calling things by the right names. Foucault was barely a scholar. If your only arguments are based on his premises then you're not even worth responding to.

>> No.6755312


>that pic

Is that really what philosophy students in the anglo-saxon world think of continental philosophy...?

>> No.6755315

Are you seriously this retarded? The more sophisticated fash recognize capitalism as being the main factor of immigration.

It was some fash who said; "If you criticize immgration without critizing capitalism, then you need to shut up."

>> No.6755316


>> No.6755320

You Are Not The Real, In The Non-Heteronormative, Hermeneutical, Post-Hegelian Dasein!

>> No.6755321
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He wants to depict the whole thing as some kind of racist organization that's using 4chan (mainly /pol/) to spread "hate" and "breed racists" in order to establish some kind of new Nazi reactionary group. I'm not denying there are people eager to start a radical right-wing movement, nor that in general people are getting more anti-liberal, but the whole article is just idiotic.

I have absolutely no idea where and how do these people grow up and if they've ever developed a social awareness at all, and if someone could explain it to me it would be pretty cool. I don't live in America and while I've met my fair amount of neurotic landwhales and of course many leftish ideas (nothing outside the norm for Europe) I've never had the misfortune to meet anything that could resemble what you call a hardcore "SJW"

>> No.6755322

As an American student at a staunchly analytic school, the answer is no. That pic is a meme. But Foucault actually is trash.

>> No.6755324

>rightists actually believe this
>pro capitalist parties actually get these people to vote for them

>> No.6755327

>so inundated in cuckporn that you can't even think straight anymore

Good cuk

>> No.6755328

Poor people are the cucks, I will continue to oppress you limp wrist, immigrant loving, college students.
Go import more refugees, kid, that will cure your white guilt.

>> No.6755329

It's more of a meme than a reality, most philosophy departments in the anglo world will have at least one specialist for continental thought.

>> No.6755332
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>board devoted to literature that has produced some of the sharpest and most inventive literary criticism I’ve read online

>> No.6755338

>white nationalist
So, he is from the nation of white?

Fucking americans and their false sense of what a nation is.

>> No.6755339

haha a hick with books

>> No.6755340

>Read Kongzi
You don't even know the situation of the names before Kongzi, nor have you apparently read Wittgenstein if you believe he supports the idea of true names.

>> No.6755343

Why do continentals think their 'revelation' that life is, like, so absurd, dude. Like, what if, like, stuff was different. So absurd, dude, like, my hand is so weird, it's crazy.

>> No.6755345

>Read Kongzi and Wittgenstein if you don't understand the significance of calling things by the right names.
It's clear that gender isn't dichotomous, even in societies that aggressively propagate dichotomy. Ergo, the Confucian should indeed call things by their right names and drop the idea of gender dichotomy.
>seriously implying Confucians weren't celebrators of boipussy

>> No.6755352

>He wants to depict the whole thing as some kind of racist organization that's using 4chan (mainly /pol/) to spread "hate" and "breed racists" in order to establish some kind of new Nazi reactionary group.
But he's right.

>> No.6755353

>But Foucault actually is trash.

Of course he is, but not in the way the retarded neo-Confucian thinks.

>> No.6755354

Gender is a dichotomy, though. XX or XY chromosomes. It's not fucking hard, m8.

>> No.6755356

These people develop in the self reinforcing bubble of liberalism that occurs when you keep beating down people and ideas that don't march lockstep with identity politics

>> No.6755357

We're all doomed.

>> No.6755359

Like the worker identity?

>> No.6755361

Are you a time-traveler from the 1800s? You've got some reading to do.

>> No.6755365

Since when do /pol/ or /r9k/ ever say they're "only joking" when things go too far?

On a side note, I'm excited to see how /pol/ reacts when their new hero gets the chair.

>> No.6755368

honestly, the rampant racism and homophobia on this site is really disconcerting. while most of the time i pass it off as high school kids being idiots, nearly every thread - mostly on /b/, /sp/, and /tv/ - ends up with posters calling each other niggers or faggots, and i highly doubt it's all done by kids. i take it 4chan is an outlet for such behavior but then it bleeds out into the real world like the dylann roof imbecile and fuck all if i can't find a reason to continue return to this site. so mainly i just post on /lit/ b/c there's less of that kind of thing here.

>> No.6755373


>I don't understand these terms because I haven't bothered to try to understand or even thoroughly read the authors

>Just keep it 'simple', that's what philosophy should do.

>If I can't understand a random sentence from a random work of a thinker IMMEDIATELY it is unclear and just bullshit to sound deep.

>We should not use language innovatively and originally to try and grasp things, anything that can't be described with plain, clear and English terms is horsecrap.

>Germans are nazis, French eat snails and Greeks fucked boys.

>Philosophy should be the bitch of modern science, which is totally objective, universal and is the only way to truth and progress.

>> No.6755375
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>if continental feminists invent bullshit, artificial distinctions about gender they must be true, as to correct them would be mansplaining and using my privilege

>> No.6755377

>/lit/ is a place with excellent literary critique
>this entire thread has turned into cuckposting

>> No.6755378

>Like the worker identity?
Chapter on the length of the working day you idealist dickhead.

>> No.6755380

Go read Fashionable Nonsense, you contrarian pleb.

>> No.6755382

I dunno, dude, chromosomes objectively determine someone's sex. Sex and gender are connected. The claim that they aren't doesn't have much medical or psychological basis.

>> No.6755383
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>> No.6755385

>Since when do /pol/ or /r9k/ ever say they're "only joking" when things go too far?
Back in the day, 4chan would say racist things (generally just the word nigger) for the sake of contrarian giggles, but newfags took it seriously, 4chan was invaded by stormfront, and irony became sincerity.

>> No.6755390

Are you for real? Answer sincerely

>> No.6755391

>waaah 12 hours is too hard
I bet you actually work in an office, a job intended for women.

>> No.6755393

Dont go on b sp and tv. those are like legitimately the worst boards on the site. what the fuck is wrong with you?

This shit does not spill out into the real world, its just how people think in their heads sometimes and its harmless. The only people who get damaged by 4chan are people who spend time on the boards you mentioned and also r9k

>> No.6755394

Any article arguing the positives of 4chan will be immediately disproved by the thread it's posted in.

>> No.6755397

>and irony became sincerity

>> No.6755398

Maybe a website like Tumblr would be better for you

>> No.6755403

>I bet you actually work in an office, a job intended for women.
Also you might benefit from reading the history of feminisation of occupations, because here you're wrong in theory and in fact.

>> No.6755405

what i love most about /lit/ is that its mostly leftist but still disdainful of the SJW ethos of the bourgeois left like the rest of the 4chan.

>> No.6755406

Sex and gender are the same thing.

>> No.6755407

Or you could just go to /b/ or /pol/, like you're supposed to

>> No.6755408
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halfway through reading this, and I just feel the need to say, I hate this guy's writing style. The flow is terrible and each paragraph feels like a chore. The content isn't rich in information, and there is a lot of redundancy.

>> No.6755409

Men work manual jobs, women work prissy office jobs.

>> No.6755415


This is an anonymous place where there are no names attached to your opinions so no one can dox you and ruin your life for saying you don't like blacks or think that women are inferior.

This all racism is a product of storm front shit needs to stop

>> No.6755419

lit definitely taught me a lot about Marxism/Anarchism. Before I just thought the typical boogey man stuff you hear in the mainstream and even on the rest of 4chan. I'm still not sure where I stand on the political spectrum but there's some legit stuff there.

>> No.6755420

No one cares about the tendies meme outside of your shit hole.
Pepe originated on Krautchan.
Autism is general 4chan collaboration.

>> No.6755421

immigration is one issue where the elites on the right and left come together to fuck everyone over. the right loves immigration for cheap labor and because creating a heterogeneous low-trust society makes it easier to cut social programs and the like. the left loves it because they have a boner for "diversity" and want to shove it in the face of socially conservative reactionaries, and these bourgeois leftists don't have to deal with the negative effects like the working class does.

>> No.6755422

SJWs aren't left wing. They are bourgeois liberals conducting a rights discourse to police the proletariat.

>> No.6755425

>all the homos are just making it up! If someone doesn't think exactly like me they're just wrong!!
Not very Confucian, friendo.

>> No.6755426

Holy fuck where do you people come from
Please someone enlighten me

>> No.6755427


Fags like you constantly crying about people who use naughty words crack me up.

I'll go out on a limb and say no one respects you in real life because you are weak and emotional, like a woman.

>> No.6755432

You have an atypical gender structure that isn't shared widely. You might need to watch that.

>> No.6755433

You could say, it was a New Sincerity.

>> No.6755434

i ask myself that question often. however, if you think repeating such insults and derogatory terms on a daily basis is harmless and does not effect the world outside this little electronic enclave, i think you're mistaken. however, you're definitely correct in advising me to quit going to those boards. i may just take your advice on that b/c i should know better than to go there.

>> No.6755435

>If someone makes a claim about their identity then that claim must be true!

>> No.6755436

Sorry you're a newfag, but you can't change it.

>> No.6755437

>We need to listen to these mentally ill lunatics! Legalise paedophilia!

>> No.6755440


what's your point?

>> No.6755443

immigrant enrichment is the result of global capitalism

>> No.6755444



>> No.6755445


Dude you're such a fucking pussy

Just get off this website all together

>> No.6755447

I think that "us" who thought that all the racism on 4chan was just trolling were wrong. I mean, if you think about it, /n/ was established in what? 2006, and racism was present on 4chan since then. Nuking /n/ just moved racism to shit lik /b/ where it became a meme.

Also please don't say Foucault is trash, it's triggering me. But seriously I have no idea why anyone would think he's all trash.
And gender is a cultural categorisation of supposedly things that are specifically of one sex.

>> No.6755448

Go back to your feminised city and wash your small, soft, weak hands.

>> No.6755450

SJWs are clearly left wing, just the bad part of the left wing. you can't say they're not left wing when that discourse has taken over all of 'leftist' academia and much of its small grass-roots organizations.

>> No.6755451


>> No.6755453

suck a nigger dick, cuck faggot

>> No.6755454

Foucault is an anti-scientific charlatan pandering to butt fucking sickos.

>> No.6755456

Please tell us how to differentiate claims into true and non-true categories. Specify in relation to deduction and induction separately. You may take the rest of your life.

>> No.6755458

I don't see what's difficult to understand about this

>> No.6755459

It's a fact though. Back in the day people were racist, sure, but not to the point where it would really influence anyone's life beyong the ocassional Habbo raid. It was without form or direction, just some lighthearted racism. But then it suddenly turned into this weird kind of online activism. And yes, stormfront is definately involved in that process.

>> No.6755463

>arguing against trips
Check out this cuck

>> No.6755464

Because Foucault is an inferior historian of ideas, a poor counter to the structuralism of french thought, a deficient generator of revolutionary ways of thinking, and redundant and unacceptable as a historian of sexuality.

Those small things we anglophones and german scholars consider as rigour.

>> No.6755467

The scientific method allows for no absolute truth but is a good way to create a basis of understanding to work off of

>> No.6755469

Axiomatic reasoning, inquiry based in methods that have historically proven to yield useful and accurate results like the scientific method, data-based research, you know, the kind of things that apparently happen in every area of academia other than English departments.

>> No.6755471
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>> No.6755473

Actually this was my sincere opinion until I learned about /n/. I guess who ever wrote that, just don't know 4chan history.
(I'm here since late 2008, came from Uncyclopedia)

You probably never read much Foucault. If you'd read Society must be defended, Security territory population and Birth of Biopolitics, you wouldn't say that.

>> No.6755475

He wasn't an historian, he made claims without evidence, inventing a history only to suit his agenda. He was just an ideologue.

>> No.6755477


Then what the hell brought you to 4chan?
I mean, I figure someone dependent on positive feedback and "disdain for discrimination" would go for Reddit or something?

>> No.6755478

SJWs do not stand for the abolition of the value form or the self-liberation of the proletariat.

I don't see how it is that difficult to understand that a bourgeois movement for great charitable rich which people granting us rights we don't need nor want cannot be "left."

Get a job
Join the union
Shoot your boss.

>> No.6755486
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>> No.6755488

You don't understand what Left means. FDR is Left of Hitler but that doesn't make him sit alongside Marx. Identity politics doesn't challenge capitalism and the class system, it doesn't seek liberation, it's a reformist movement that values the wage system, the value form, and FULL INTEGRATION into those categories. Why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.6755489

Foucault fans are really so pathetic that they insult the validity of science with fedora memes

>> No.6755491
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>I hate science because a continental philosopher told me it's always hegemonized, or because I'm afraid the STEMfags might be right about my hobbies and degree

>> No.6755492



Additionally, your answer is an argument from authority, and one with a necessary historical context. Have you perhaps been reading Foucault on epistemes? Because he makes exactly the same argument that you just made: that knowledge is entirely contingent upon historical power structures.

>> No.6755497


>> No.6755499

>newfags asking where the oldfags came from

>> No.6755500

My point is that no one is going to censor the naughty words for you here boy-o so grow q pair or fuck off

Are you really that dense?

>what's your point

My point now is that you're a fucking idiot if you can't grasp my point

>> No.6755502

I've been assured by historians of ideas that he passes muster for that sub-discipline. What do you think the term "unacceptable" means?

>> No.6755501

The mistake people make here is in attaching this sense of 'community' to 4chan in the first place. It has always been a soap-box for individuals to impose their views and actions on to. It was likely used by some serious hackers as a platform to cause confusion among authorities, just as private companies have caught onto to artificially encouraging memes and therefore discussion of their product. I find it hard unless some has recorded their thoughts and impressions when first coming across the site back then, to be able to actually recognize if this site has changed at all, rather than their perceptions. I can't honestly recall if when I was a 18 year old years ago if /new/ was any more ironic than /pol/. I guess the fact it was deleted proves that it probably wasn't.

>> No.6755503

Genealogy is a method first developed by Nietzsche, so if you have problem with it, you should criticise him. Foucault only developed it further and make it a bit more systematic...

>> No.6755504

If I say an apple is there and an apple is there, then "an apple is there" is true.

if not then not.

extrapolate from there

>> No.6755508

>ancient people were bisexual communists who shared everything
>p-please believe me

>> No.6755509

What can I say I was 19 and thought it was funny. There's no defending that, I was always a bit infantile.

>> No.6755513

citation, please.

>> No.6755514


Yeah, ha ha, the guy's never been here... but it goes to show the cachet literature has. People represent an interest in literature to appear intelligent, but don't actually participate. This is the kind of attitude (books are for smart people, hurrr) that allows frauds like DFW to flourish, despite being shit writers.

>> No.6755517

Because even leftist movements have become entrenched in identity politics.

>> No.6755518

You've claimed absolute knowledge of the world without observation. Hello god.

Hey, do your doctorate in the history of ideas and publish enough monographs until that sub-discipline reforms its practices.

>> No.6755520

It's still retarded.

>> No.6755521

This is why i like this site. I think you are wrong, i think words are just words. Honestly you can say nigger, try it. You wont go out and commit some racism trust me. But, on the other hand while im telling you to try not being such a pussy i think its okay that you tell me to stop being such a faggot.

Its great. But yea, stick to lit and some of the other more low key boards. TV is fucking retarded, even if you like movies there is 0 reason to ever go there because they are all cucks with shit taste.

>> No.6755524

>citation, please.
Well that Greeks were property-sharing bisexuals is substantiated in any history of the Peloponnesian Wars regarding Sparta's male citizens.

>> No.6755526

>you have to have a phd to question the lack of evidence in historical assertions

>> No.6755528

While I haven't read History of Sexuality, I'm pretty sure that's not what Foucault claims in it.
And if you truly think you can just inscribe victorian sexual relations to a culture that lived almost 2000 years prior to it, then you're the one who's in the wrong.

>> No.6755529

Not even a proper response. Please articulate an argument.
>argument from authority
Not really. The scientific method proves its own validity time and time again as it allows us to produce new technologies that operate on newly discovered principles, or allows existing technologies to change in consequence.
>Have you perhaps been reading Foucault on epistemes? Because he makes exactly the same argument that you just made: that knowledge is entirely contingent upon historical power structures.
Knowledge of facts != facts themselves. The prison system would still exist as a potential object of study if Foucault had never studied it. The same principles would apply to it that apply to it in this world where Foucault did study it. Through study, these principles have been brought to light, assuming Foucault was correct about anything, and this basically applies in every area of study. You place so much faith in Foucault's theories, but your own arguments seem to undermine them.

>> No.6755532

Groups that fail to meet the category are my evidence that the category now includes those groups.


>> No.6755533

Yeah, that total lack of currency, slaves and monarchs.

>> No.6755538

Of course not. But it is harder to strip him of the accreditation that the discipline of the history of ideas affords him. You might try Kuhn and Lakatos on the idea of commensurability in science.

>> No.6755539

>history of ideas
Passing muster there basically just means that an idea was written down or influential, not that it was correct.

>> No.6755540

So now I'm the one making the claim? I never mentioned Victorians, I simply stated that Foucault was an ideologue, not an historian, as he had no evidence to back up his assertions.

>> No.6755542

The scale tips heavier on being proidentity politics

>> No.6755543


reddit can be just as racist as 4chan. the difference is that 4chan is honest about it while reddit will swear up and down that they're not.

>> No.6755545

>The scientific method proves its own validity time and time again
No, it doesn't. See Feyerabend.

>not even a proper response
Indicates you're sufficiently unaware of the debate over the validity of the scientific method that anything further you say should be discarded until you've actually bothered to read Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend.

>> No.6755546

>The scientific method
What, in specific, are you referring to? "Barrack Obama" refers to the first black president. What does "the scientific method" refer to?

>> No.6755547

So if they say he's cool, you haven't specified who, he's fine? Fucking idiot.

>> No.6755548

Not really, but I see why this confusion is made. Leftism wants what IP claims to want, the liberation of oppressed minorities (identities), but IP is a development of the "hippie movement". The Beatles and the BPP maybe agree on a certain attitude, per se, but the lackadaisical 'drop-out' movement has no continuation with revolutionary praxis as found in socialist, communist, and anarchist movements.

>> No.6755550


and of course the idiot brigade entirely misses the inference, which was: GROW THE FUCK UP! i'm neither offended nor insulted by the racist or homophobic shit-posting. i condemn it for it's lack of progressing any thread. it's playground mud-slinging and has no place in a debate.

>> No.6755553

>"Barrack Obama" refers to the first black president of USA.
Sorry about that.

>> No.6755554
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You're welcome, guys. You're welcome.

>> No.6755555
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>I hate science, I'm so deep and Human

>> No.6755557

I'm aware of the debate. I'm asking you to formulate an actual argument rather than just telling me to read books by people whose theories I'm already familiar with. If you can do that, I'll take you a little bit seriously.

>> No.6755559

He's only half black, by the way.

>> No.6755560

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6755561
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ebin get ;-)

>> No.6755562

The problem is this is neither playground mud-slinging nor a debate.

>> No.6755563

i think maybe it's the redundancy of such name-calling that has me at wits end. yeah, my days here are coming to an end. there's rarely any insight here anymore, if there ever was any.

>> No.6755567

Not the one you responding to. But I always saw Foucault not as end-all theorist, that explained everything and we should just follow that and do nothing else. He merely provided a toolbox with which we can try to critique any situation.

What I meant with that is, that ancient Greeks don't have same ideas about sexuality as we do. And I'm pretty sure what Foucault meant to show was just that back then sexuality and gender were seen differently as they're seen now. And that both gender and sexuality were more fluid than are now. That's pretty obviously attested in the historic sources remaining of that era.

>> No.6755569

You're apparently not given that you put abstract faith in an undefined scientific method, and when I cite someone known for demolishing the possibility of method you show no further awareness.

>> No.6755573

indeed. i may have confused it as such, as a forum for debate and sharing like-minded or opposing ideas, which makes me the leader of the idiot brigade, i guess.

>> No.6755574

A particular mode of inquiry which uses peer review of data uncovered by empirical observation to produce models of the world.

>> No.6755578

He was talking about pre-Greek sexuality, he couldn't know that they had different beliefs about sex, he had no evidence. He just acted like he did to further his faggot agenda.

>> No.6755582

>he had no evidence.
Contemporary writing and archaeological evidence existed for the Greeks at that point in time. I'm not defending Foucault as I haven't read him but this seems like a bad argument.

>> No.6755584

Your definition of the scientific method is identical with the practice of theology and elder induction into traditional culture.

>> No.6755585

Look, moron, read my posts again. Saying that the scientific method is a valid form of inquiry isn't the same as saying that no other form of inquiry could possibly be valid. I don't ha e blind faith in it, I trust it to do exactly what I describe it to do in >>6755574 and nothing else. For fuck's sake, you don't even understand the argument I'm making. There may be debates about the validity of the scientific method, but that method isn't as controversial as the genealogical method, not by a long shot.
Now, please, articulate an actual argument.

>> No.6755588

What does that mean? Bronze age?
Anyway I'll read the History of Sexuality and then form my own opinion of it.
Also History of Sexuality is just one book, he wrote, there are countless others, and in my opinion he is best not with books, but when he's doing a lecture. Read some of the transcribes of his lectures, to really get his ideas, way of thought and more.

>> No.6755589

Your definition of the scientific method is exactly identical to a definition of the genealogical method.

>> No.6755590

Fucking idiot.

>> No.6755595

>his ideas
That's why he's just an ideologue. An historian presents facts backed by evidence.

>> No.6755600

So what? My argument isn't that only the scientific method is valid and it never has been. For some reason, people on this board get very upset when you mention science and immediately assume that believing in the power of peer reviewed and data-driven research is the same as thinking that no one can know anything g that hasn't already been proven scientifically.
I didn't know the genealogical method involved peer review. No description of it that I've read, and no example of it that I've encountered, has given me the impression that it does.

>> No.6755601

>An historian presents facts backed by evidence.
No we fucking don't you horrible useless cunt. Do you know anything about historiography and its limitations?

>> No.6755608

You don't seem to know much about scholarly publishing in the humanities.

>> No.6755609
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Archeological evidence exists for "pre-Greeks" too, boyo.

>> No.6755612

He was a "philosophy" professor who took up a chair called history of systems of thought. It's obviously connected to what's known as history of ideas. It's obvious that ideas play an important role in it.
Also history can't ever be completely void of "authorial intent" of historian. Especially if the primary sources are lacking and you have to theorise on how it all fits.

>> No.6755613

lol, go fist your ideologue boyfriend.

>> No.6755614

I didn't know that making claims without evidence was big in the historiographical community

>> No.6755618

You call me an idiot yet you missed my point the first time tantrum Tommy

>> No.6755621

I'm not sure Foucault is very well-regarded there, to be honest.

>> No.6755622

>everything is biased, so let'd do away with rigour and evidence and just posit our vague, misguided musings.

>> No.6755625

/sp/ is the loading dock for stale tumblr memes

>> No.6755628

You gotta learn to ride the tiger anon. The energy is all here, if you want discussion you need to learn to bring it out of people.

The same thing that makes this place to great is what makes it so fucking bad at the same time.

I don't want to fap on romantically about 4chan like some people do. But this place risks all order, and in doing so allows for the most natural things to arise when they happen to arise.

besides being a salty fuck is part of the rhetoric. It honestly disappears for me. I don't think my brain even processes the word faggot anymore unless i concentrate

>> No.6755629

your point?



>> No.6755630

History of ideas isn't history, and it definitely isn't supposed to present every idea it deals with as fact

>> No.6755633

Since Ranke we've known that we work with language objects, and the documentary records of the past aren't "evidence" for "facts" or even for "claims" but rather required elements of the construction of new narratives according to rules where negating the documentary record without good argument results in less pleasing accounts. The less pleasing the account, the more likely you're ejected from the profession.

The requirement to produce new narratives in harmony with the known documentary record and methods of reading is a limitation on novel accounts, largely because we require very large amounts of documentation to reach firm conclusions.

"fact" and "evidence" give far too much weight to what we can say about the past.

>> No.6755634

Science is based on peer review not blind faith captain stupidhead

>> No.6755637

>I'm not sure Foucault is very well-regarded there, to be honest.

Texts of close commentary are published by OUP and CUP. His works are cited approvingly in peer reviewed journals and monographs published through major (top 100) University presses.

>> No.6755639

>The requirement to produce new narratives in harmony with the known documentary record and methods of reading is a limitation on novel accounts
>novel accounts
>Caring about novelty so much that you throw out the possibility that an artifact can serve as evidence that the society that produced it existed

>> No.6755642

I never said that. I believe that if you do mix your original ideas with history, that is factual it should be clearly distinguished what's what.

I do agree with you. I mean history of ideas is "multi-discipline" field, but it still uses loads of historical methodologies and uses history for its basis.

>> No.6755643

So, the scientific method refers to any instance of the following series of activities: {uncovers data by empirical observation, submits this data to peer review, produces models on the basis of the data}.

The question thus arises: are these activities ordered? Or may they be executed in any order for the activity to count as an activity of the scientific method? Because these six versions of "the scientific method", while containing the same activities, are completely different things if we take order into consideration:

Let U = "uncovers data by empirical observation", S = "submits this data to peer review", M = "produces models on the basis of the data", then

<U, S, M> ≠ <U, M, S> ≠ <S, M, U> ≠ <S, U, M> ≠ <M, S, U> ≠ <M, U, S>

Moreover, you do realize that your senses alone do not extrapolate the data observed? It is your job to articulate the observed phenomena.

I could, of course, go on, but I would like you to answer these questions first.

>> No.6755645

Theology and traditional cultures involve peer review.

I'm not sure you think in the least critically about the aborted dinner foetuses you birth from your face cunt.

>> No.6755644

>warrior philosophers (us)
Oh christ, you really think this, don't you?

>> No.6755646
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>mocking based /fit/

It'll be okay little guy

>> No.6755647

>Science is based on peer review

Kek, Yea and Islam means peace.
Feminism means equality.
Communism means everyone is equal

>> No.6755650

Mate, if you can "know" a "society" from an "artefact" then prepare to overturn everything we know about empirical research and inductive reasoning. Fan girl boipussy and memephilosopher status await you.

>> No.6755652

It was a ghost town, but it was a ghost town devoid of pepes and shitposts
That's not a generalization, it's an observation. You don't have any evidence that says I'm a redneck, you're only inferring that using the idea that gunowner=redneck. I live in Seattle, possibly the least hick-tolerant place in the US

>> No.6755654

All that money spent on your liberal arts degree and this is the level of discourse you manage?

>m-muh feelings are hurt

Stop getting so personally involved in these arguments kid

>> No.6755668

We could go on like this, or we could both acknowledge that an institution or set of institutions currently exists in the world operating on a method I've been attempting to define which has been described, for centuries, as 'the scientific method.'
You're being unnecessarily difficult. I'm not advocating that this method as the singular valid mode of inquiry. I'm pointing out that technology, and presumably the state of abstract human knowledge, has noticably progressed as a consequence of this method's application to certain questions asked by certain disciplines like physics, biology, or chemistry. I'm not even going to continue arguing about this anymore because I know how touchy this board is about the fact that science can make objective progress.

>> No.6755674

Are you denying that the ancient Greeks made urns, or that the Pyramids were built in the lastm

>> No.6755676

You've not managed to refute the action of peer review in traditional cultures of theology. You've not managed to clarify in the least what you believe the scientific method is.

>> No.6755678

You haven't even given an example of peer review occurring in traditional cultures' theology or given a good reason not to think of theology as scientific

>> No.6755679

I'm denying that you can know who the "ancient Greeks" were, what their extent was, and what the content of the culture of the people involved was.

Tell me, did resident foreigners have dike? Why did slaves not row in Athens before one date, but did afterwards? Why weren't Trojans Greek?

>> No.6755682

nah, i'm done here. this place is just dumb. the only reason i come here every now and then is b/c boredom at work. i have much better debates with colleagues at bars or coworkers in the break room.

>> No.6755683

Because shitposting deserves shitposting in response

You've already showed what kind of a child you are with your last post, there's no point in discussing anything with you.

>> No.6755684

Am I challenging your narrow views and categories?
>wake up
>check bathub, make sure shine distillation is still going
>fuck sister
>clean guns
>finish reading Foucault's Pendulum
>shitpost on /lit
>fuck sister
>go to bed in a hay bale

>> No.6755685

Elder induction is a form of peer review. You need to meet peer standards prior to having your status as an elder accredited.

Theology is peer reviewed through a variety of scholarly journals listed in Ulrichs, and through the reader approval processes of University Presses.

Given that you've not managed to explain what "science" is, your appeal to science by claiming theology is not science despite meeting your definition, is a tautological argument containing a contradiction.

Bother to keep up.

>> No.6755686
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It's more of a maymay, though there are extremists (mostly rebbit STEMfags) that think philosophy is a dichotomy between
>l'empirical falsifiable cold hard REASON AND LOGIC
>muh pussy feelsfaggotry unfalsifiable art religion
with little overlap between the two, and further that the latter has no application and science is just fucking omnipotent and infallible.

But those people are just a vocal minority. I hope.

>> No.6755689

>Especially if the primary sources are lacking and you have to theorise on how it all fits.
Then your history is flawed, no historian is denying this. That doesn't mean the institution is brought down to nihilism.

>> No.6755692

>muh communism red scare boogeyman

You're not on pol anymore, boy. This is lit.

>> No.6755696

I don't have anything to go on with any of that. But that doesn't mean I can't come to any conclusions about what happened in the past. Propositions like 'this urn must have been crafted by someone' and 'the Pyramids must have been built by someone' seem fine to me. But I totally get your point.

>> No.6755697

your point?




>> No.6755704

Or maybe we shouldn't hold history up to standards that it can't attain? History isn't a hegelian slow rise to absolute knowledge, it's bunch of random events that brought us to now.

>> No.6755705

>For centuries
I think you mean since Popper.

>has noticiably progressed
wew lad.

You haven't made the least argument as to why science is "True" or supplies certain knowledge.

You've retreated to historicism and power-contingency, which are exactly the methods Foucault uses in describing systems of power knowledge.

You have taken to arguing like Foucault in order to defend science because you're incapable of defending science's capacity to make true knowledge. Because nobody can defend the production of truth (outside of the tautologies of mathematics and analytical philosophy, neither of which produce novel (as it is tautological) nor applicable (as it is non-empirical) truths). You can't even secure that knowledge has been generated.

>> No.6755710

>peer reviewing oppinions on baseless assumptions

Keep up with what? The going ons of your glorified fan fiction club?

>> No.6755712

>You need to meet peer standards prior to having your status as an elder accredited.
Peer review of empirical data != peer review of oneself.
>theology is not science
Not my claim. I'm asking you why it seems odd to include theology under the umbrella of science. It seemed like you were objecting to it earlier.

>> No.6755715

Any information you would wish to know about "the greeks" or the urn involve you creating an imaginary entity ("the greeks") and more imaginaries, greek society, Athens, dike, slavery, imagination upon imagination.

None of which connect in any secure way to the past. And when people start saying "of course the Greeks existed," historians start asking, "Were those people we call Greek actually Greek? What is Greekness, Were they a people?"

>> No.6755717

>everyone here has to circle jerk communism

And you're not in your hugbox either

>pol bogey man


>> No.6755718

>You've retreated to historicism and power-contingency, which are exactly the methods Foucault uses in describing systems of power knowledge.
A claim backed up by institution s protected by power isn't invalid because those institutions are backed by power and Foucault never claimed they did, to his credit. He was smarter than his fanboys.
You're an idiot

>> No.6755721

I restart the starting point:

demonstrate the difference between truth and falsehood. Peer review, which is used in the "oppinions" of traditional cultures isn't sufficient for them, so nor can it be sufficient as an argument that science produces truth.

>> No.6755723

You're equating all historians with philosophers. This is a category mistake.

>> No.6755727

You seem to have a strange separation of knowledge and individual and treat it as self-evident.

I don't have an opinion on science beyond being a funding power discourse invented largely in the 1950s. I know NIST doesn't give out $20m grants for theology.

Then again, I know (thanks Hume), that no inductive system can produce Truth and don't try to argue for some special treatment for some discourses in this regard.

>> No.6755728

>on 4chan


>> No.6755729

>they did
It was*

>> No.6755733

Foucault denied validity existed outside of contingent historical systems.

>> No.6755734





your point?

>> No.6755736
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As if it wasn't bad enough having /pol/ and /r9k/ shitting up the board, now our name is making some weeaboos column.

Fuck this shit. I'm out.

>> No.6755740

>tfw imageboards are postmodern coffee shops

It's weird knowing that we're the intelligentsia of this generation. Even if 4chan is mostly privileged highschoolers now

The author didn't mention (I assume he's browsing this thread if it interests him) that WN sights targeted 4chan for recruitment and spammed a lot of the racist memes here, as well the mods that sometimes censor political opinions (which did create a decent amount of backlash). A lot of the racism here is coming from political campaigning. I wouldn't be surprised if the libertarian spam we had a few years back was being funded by think tanks. The IDF has also issued statements about 4chan, and I wouldn't be surprised if they also have helped propagate anti-arab sentiments.

After /new/ got deleted years ago, there was a splinter site with about 500 or so unique posters started. Although this number gradually dwindled down, the site turned into an unusually close knit community for an imageboard (while preserving a lot of the racism) and has inspired several acts of terrorism/semi terrorism (several posters advocate genocide, several posters were arrested mailing ammunition to each other across state lines, one poster from the UK recently walked into a grocery store with a machete and hacked an indian man to death, and so on). It's interesting how a small echo-chamber can radicalize people. This is also how ISIS is recruiting people.

Anyways it's becoming increasingly clear that I need to quite my day job so I can devote myself to spamming pro-NEET manifestos on imageboards 24/7. The future belongs to whoever can exploit memes the best.

>> No.6755742

>correcting a misspelling

Tip harder redditor, it was a slip of the key.

I'm not the guy you were debating and I don't care about your original point, I'm saying that theology is all baseless and a theological journal has as much validity as a Naruto Fanfiction on Deviant Art

>> No.6755744

Did he deny that those systems could yield useful information? Because my claim is literally only that they can field useful and occasionally accurate information, and that some methods are better st this task than others.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6755754

You're saying it, but you're not demonstrating that what you're saying is true.

>> No.6755761

sure dude sure just go back to >>>/tv/ and discuss the "miracle" of pre-teen pussy

>> No.6755762

>The future belongs to whoever can exploit memes the best.
Sadly this is true. Only now I'm beginning to see how powerful memes can actually be. I mean gamergate meme got a large part of gamers into traditionalism and shit. It's fucking crazy.
If anything /pol/ is good with memes and using them to indoctrinate others. I mean, I hope that in most cases /pol/ is preaching the choir and it's not that much about changing "leftist" or "SJW" to their side, but rather radicalising of those who were right and conservative to begin with, but still. It's both amazing and scary how efficient memes can be with indoctrination and radicalisation. But then again, that's how parts of tumblr got to what they're now. So maybe I'm praising /pol/ too much, they just used the same tactic as tumblr did, just for the other end of political spectrum.

>> No.6755763

>I'm not demonstrating what I'm saying to be true

Just like the basis of all theology


>> No.6755764

Foucault denied the idea of transhistorical use. Knowledge was a means to maintain power relations. The very idea of "use" outside of maintaining an epistemes power flows is meaningless.

The fuck I am talking about is how you're really fucking underread in epistemology.

>> No.6755769

The argument against theology is true because it is a theological argument and theology is false?


>> No.6755772


No :^)

>> No.6755777

Theology has never been demonstrated to be more true than Naruto fan fiction and as such deserves the same level of academic consideration.

>all these mental gymnastics to defended an undefendable position

>> No.6755786

Science has never been demonstrated to be more true than a Naruto fan fiction and as such deserves the same level of academic consideration.

Please feel free to demonstrate science produces truth. You'll need to overturn Hume, but there you go.

>> No.6755795

This is obviously a false flag troll

>> No.6755799

>I can't articulate what Hume claimed consistent so ill name drop

Science is not based on absolute truth, every theory is subject to review, but it builds off of previously demonstrated theories when forming and testing new hypothesis.

There is no universal absolute in science, if you can prove that a currently accepted theory is based off of incorrect premesies then it would have to be corrected.

It's ridiculous that I have to explain this to you, you should have learned this in elementary school but I hardly expect better from someone trying to elevate theology to a science.

>> No.6755801

concisely Not consistent*

>> No.6755803
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It's nothing that hasn't been going on since Goebbels. What's really scary is that lots of these memes are created with clear political intent in mind, then left to fester into radicalism. The libertarian movement, support for Israel, even those youtube channels who get spammed here are all being pushed with varying degrees of success onto public channels in the form of memes.

My favorite meme going around now is the 'wagecuck' one on /r9k/.Us left wingers on /lit/ need to start pulling their heads out of our theory and start making shitty jpegs about the glories of communism.

>> No.6755807

I'm trying to make a nazicuck a maymay on /pol/.
Even though I'm pretty sure I wasn't the first to use it. It's far from anything revolutionary, but at least if it takes hold various stormfronters and other neonazis will stop using /pol/ as their safe space.

>> No.6755815

So the point is that science doesn't produce truth, am I correct? Science is no more true than a Naruto fan fiction, necessarily. Therefore in the matter of truth, Science and Naruto fan fiction and Theology are identical.

I shouldn't have to demonstrate this reasoning to you. And I'm not trying to elevate theology to a science, I am defending the proposal that someone who could prove empirical things to be true would have made an amazing (and remarkably counterintuitive) contribution to human knowledge. And the first thing that happened is two cretinous STEM fucks claimed that "scientific method" produced truth.

>> No.6755816

Or you should get a fucking job
Build the fucking union
And work towards shooting the bosses.

>> No.6755825

Science approaches truth. When you take what you know for granted for truth, you may close yourself to new data that could correct your perspective.

>> No.6755829

If you can't know what truth is, how can you say you're approaching it? You claim to have big balls, where's your Popper?

>> No.6755833
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Recently I've been toying with the idea of starting an insurrectionary shitposting group to try and force pro-intellectual memes and take back /lit/. It's probably the only way to establish world wide communism at this point.

This is a good one too.

>> No.6755842

Foucaultian epistemology is trash.

>> No.6755848

I don't understand what power flows have to do with the accuracy of knowledge about, for instance, the fact of my bed's solidity.

>> No.6755857

The assumption is that truth will be compatible with the data we find.

We gather data and revise our theories so they fit the data better. We make predictions based on our theories, test them, and that new data will either reinforce the theory or force us to revise or discard it.

Basically, we can dismiss theories and accept alternatives as possible truths then repeat the process. It's a process of elimination' in a way.

And I'm a different guy. The post you quoted is mine but I arrived 10 minutes ago.

>> No.6755862

But you've just said we can only ever approach truth. The assumption would be crippling for the use of science to access truth.

Your account of science is verificationalist by the way, you need to read Popper badly.

>> No.6755870

Holy shit
Popper is one guy
His theories aren't even in vogue anymore
Stop namedropping, you pretentious fag

>> No.6755871

Hahahaha the antiSTEM circle jerk there it is

Why are you peasants always so salty?

>> No.6755873

Listen you cretanious STEMfag maybe you should read some Hume before debating me

>> No.6755880

Not even a STEMfag
Read Kant before yelling about Hume

>> No.6755883

Popper is one guy.
Popper's writings demolish verificationalist attitudes towards scientific production of knowledge.
Popper's demolition of verificationalism is so basic, anyone who hasn't encountered it, and makes a verificationalist argument in favour of scientific method is basically showing that they're too ignorant to play.

Because we don't claim to produce truth despite what is known about knowledge.

Yes Doris, if you don't have the tools to work an area, you'd better get them before coming around to play.

>> No.6755889

>relevant to induction

>> No.6755890

How can you demonstrate that there is no absolute truth?

>> No.6755897

Popper states theories should be falsible. You are still verifying, you just aren't looking for confirmation.

Like I said, process of elimination.

Science is useful as long as the theories allow predictions. We know Newtonian physics don't explain the very little stuff but it sufficed for a very long term and is still more generally used than more recent theories.

>> No.6755902

I don't need to demonstrate that there isn't an absolute truth, I only need to rely on Hume's demonstration that we can't know truth empirically.

>> No.6755906

You're not verifying, you're just failing to disconfirm. These are very different things.

>> No.6755926

You are verifying if it holds up or it does'nt. Popper says we should looking to find it doesn't.

You are just being pedantic. He isn't a complicated man. He just opposes dogma, as it is conductive to scientific stagnation.

This fucking tablet.

>> No.6755936

His central fucking point is that you're not proving anything. If he's that uncomplicated how do you manage to fuck up his central point?

>> No.6755951

His central point is that science doesn't give definite, final answers.

>> No.6755973


>> No.6756033

Stirner is the cuck king and you his fluffer

>> No.6756050
File: 840 KB, 1920x1080, gaygaygaygaygay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.6756107


>> No.6756295

>>tfw imageboards are postmodern coffee shops

I've had this thought a bunch

>> No.6756337

You're just validating him and allowing to sharpen his abilities to be generally insufferable

>> No.6756536

>arguing for communism
You're a fucked who doesn't know what he is talking about. Foucault is one of the few French intellectuals to actually criticize Marx quite well (see his structures of power and counter to Marxist center on the state)