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6754669 No.6754669 [Reply] [Original]

> "The horror! The horror!"
What was the horror?

>> No.6754676

P.S. I didn't get much of what happened, expect:
>Niggers getting raped and worked to death out of their own land
>Some crazed Kurtz worshipped by tribes
>"The horror!"
Fuck. I don't get it.

>> No.6754682


Also reread this book if you missed the most important theme.

>> No.6754688

The horror is that all people are, at their core, niggers.

>> No.6754691

They raped his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.6754697

Ok ok, the horror is not being able to control the darkies without horrible treatment of them, After all they come at them throwing spears at them. Imagine a veteran deep into the vietcong jungle for modern comparison.*wink* As you go deeper into the jungle and further from civlization the phrase "stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back". It should be noted that these dark feelings that come back are more embracing DARK feelings inside our HEAAAAARTS

In fact, "stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back" best describes the book.

>> No.6754701

I didn't get it either.

I just finished this book and I can't understand what's so amazing about it. Maybe I wasn't paying attention but the caracther development was almost non-existing, there's no suspense, nothing really unique.

>> No.6754704


>> No.6754721


Kurtz was by all description a great man - good at all the civilized pursuits like music and writing and religion. Greatness is tied deeply into ambition and its vices, but ambition is checked and disguised by competition and circumstance. (You can get a feel for this in how the Manager is conspiring against Kurtz, scheming for his own advancement. Remember that London is rendered by figured equivalent to the Congo.) When Kurtz goes into the wilderness, his greatness is totally unchecked, and that reveals its true nature: grandiosity, ruthlessness, perversion, overwork, etc. Realizing this is the "horror" both Kurtz and Marlowe experience: the best of civilization is rooted deeply in its worst.

>> No.6754724

>reading for suspense

Literally plebbier than reading for plot

Pls go

>> No.6755034

kind of a more simplistic interpretation, but I figured he said that because he realized the darkness of Africa was nothing compared to the darkness of the true abyss. (death) He saw that the abyss was a darkness even he couldn't conquer, the great 'civilized' man Kurtz.