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/lit/ - Literature

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6754623 No.6754623 [Reply] [Original]

> time you spend on /lit/ every day
> time you spend reading [books] every day

no bullshitting

>> No.6754627
File: 529 KB, 717x400, Screen Shot 2015-06-07 at 19.22.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1 – 2 hrs
> 30 minutes

> the literally lifestyle

>> No.6754653

Pic related. How do I get one of those? I want a Buttercup.

>> No.6754657

what? that's not butterfly, if that's what you're saying.

>> No.6754675

Who then?

>> No.6754696


>an hour, sometimes longer
>between an hour and donut

I spend most of my time listening to music and refining my cooking skills.

>> No.6754713

Go away Murakami.

>> No.6754715

no idea, was posted in a "faces of lit" thread yesterday

>> No.6754723

Yes. By buttercup.

>> No.6754733

no, it was anonymous. pretty sure.

doesn't look like butters either. buttfly doesn't have sexy eyes like this

>> No.6754734

>1 hour
>2-3 hours

>> No.6754736

I commented on it with "wth?" No one ever got back to me. I think it was a fake.

>> No.6754742
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>> No.6754747


That's >>6746961

>> No.6754758
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2 hours

I'm not lying. I fucking hate myself, I'm so lost that I can't even watch a movie. All I do is sit in my room all day.

>> No.6754766

>I think it was a fake.
eh? was it, or was it not you? i mean the person. in the picture.

also a statement about homo marriage and gay pride day, maybe? first thing i thought after they legalised it was i wonder what butters thinks about that not even joking i go here too damn much

>> No.6754777

Pretty sad I missed that and I can't find it on warosu, anyone have the link?

I like to visualize the sperglords I argue with

>> No.6754778

try short stories and essays, blogs, stuff like that. go easy.

haven't watched a movie in forever either b/c it feels like a 'waste of time' but i got back into reading a little

>> No.6754782
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>> No.6754788

it's right above you blind fuck

>> No.6754789

Maybe 1-3 hours a week on lit.

Almost absolutely no reading.
I have 3 decent sized stacks of books but I'd rather play Oblivion for a couple hours instead

>> No.6754804

5 scrolls through the frontpage + usually 5 min per every interesting thread(usually 2-3 such threads, so 10-15min per 'visit')

4-8 hours

>> No.6754813

Ah, good way to start the morning. Ty

>> No.6754815

Damnnnn nigga, you work?

>> No.6754818

> time you spend on /lit/ every day
1-2 hours
> time you spend reading [books] every day
1-2 hours

>> No.6754822

Nope, I'm a student on vacation.
I'm going to work some later and then I will probably end up reading for like 2 hours a day.

>> No.6754926

I'm not fake aunt Butty ;3;
please stop using my picture for your threads I didn't give you permission to do so

>> No.6755037

>please stop using my picture for your threads I didn't give you permission to do so
idgaf. don't fucking post your picture on 4chan.

>> No.6755875
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>please stop using my picture for your threads I didn't give you permission to do so
>implying we need permission

>> No.6755911

You have to ask first, the when permission is granted you Thank Lori

>> No.6755924 [DELETED] 
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face reconstructed

>> No.6755933
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face reconstructed

>> No.6755934

Cecilia Gimenez learns photoshop.jpg

>> No.6755939
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lip fixed

>> No.6756119
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face smoothed

>> No.6756126

>maybe an hour
>between one and three hours

>> No.6756269

about an hour throughtout the day on lit and maybe like 2 or 3 hours reading at work, and about an hour at home

>> No.6756628

I spent four hours reading yesterday. Today I haven't gotten out of bed and have been sitting on /lit/ since I woke up three hours ago.

It varies.

>> No.6756759

You're so sad I actually feel the need to hug you.

>> No.6756771


>> No.6756812

LOL no thx.
I'm just stuck in a little rut rn because I have a minor injury from basketball and I can't move too much.

I'll be back to exercising and studying in a bit

>> No.6756817

5 hrs

less than 1 or 1

>> No.6756832

>go on /lit/, see some ideas/philosophers talked about
>read for 5 minutes
>rush back on computer and spend 6 hours reading online about philosopher/idea

>> No.6756842

>time you spend on /lit/ every day
45mins to an hour
>time you spend reading [books] every day
between 4 and 10 hours depending on my schedule

>> No.6756883

I think I spent 30 minutes listening to an audio book while doodling, 30 minutes reading a book on programming and 3+ hours on 4chan today. Jesus Christ how horrifying.

How do you face the disappointment /lit/? Starting to think I should stop pretending to be cultured and just go draw yiffing disney characters for peanuts.

>> No.6756885

it's the porn mods, isn't it anon

>> No.6756896
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>time spent on /lit/
Most days? About 90 minutes [early morning and late at night]
When I'm in a real funk, upwards of three hours in a single go.
>time spent reading
Good days, about three hours
Really bad days, sometimes I'm lucky if I can manage 30 minutes

>> No.6756913

>not "that's some hot audience pussy"

>> No.6756939

2 hours maybe

1-3 hours unless i'm busy, it's hard as I'm living with a girl and she's either yapping on the phone in a foreign language or watching tv/make up video on youtube.

>> No.6757608

> about 15-20 minutes while I drink coffee
> 3-6 hours

Granted, I'm in between semesters at the moment, so I have a lot of free time.
Rest of the day is cooking, cleaning, running errands, researching, or writing.

>> No.6757642

I check on /lit/ at different times of the day
5/8 hours

>> No.6758288

On /lit/: Hard to calculate. 3 to 6
Reading: 2 to 9. Weekly 11 to 19

You may have already seen the comments made about marriage in general in the warosu link >>/lit/thread/S6746607#p6748088 , 6748100
but to the recent SCotUS ruling; I am as happy as a single woman can be. Really nice progress even though it is just distraction identity politics, and another feather in the cap of someone who at the moment appears to be supporting a disastrous trade bill. But I'm not bitter. I can smile a bit.

Okay then. Welcome.
Did you take part in the fight thread? >>/lit/thread/6756914#p6757049
>You have to ask first
That's to be broadcast in national television. The internet is a different story
>the when permission is granted you Thank Lori