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6754337 No.6754337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>novel by a woman or a minority
>is about the hardships of being a woman or a minority

>> No.6754384

It's harder being a man than it is being a woman.

>> No.6754390

>you think being a woman or a minority is tough?
>try DEALING with women and minorities all day every day!

>> No.6754404

>a minority
>hello, my name is anon, and i am a minority

>> No.6754408

top kek
funny because it's true.

>> No.6754432
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>post by a white male anon
>it's about the hardships of being a white male

>> No.6754444

>"different perspectives "
>it's always a white woman writing family drama like the classics but she's fucking more men

>> No.6754460

No, that's not how it works. The white male is only recently being forced to be conscious of such a stupid thing as race.

>> No.6754472

Yeah right, they are being "forced", while the women and minorites are merely self-serving. That's quite an amazing lack of self-awareness.

>> No.6754482

Just get prepared for another dark age thanks to multiculturalism. spoiler literally spoiler

>> No.6754487

This. People writing about what they know it nothing new.

>> No.6754505
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>it nothing new.

>> No.6754511

Oh yes, it's multiculturalism that will bring us down, not the imminent collapse of the global economy that will sweep up the sorry remnant of the rule of law.

>> No.6754515

One in the same innit

>> No.6754522

No, not at all. Economic collapse has fuck all to do with multiculturalism.

>> No.6754528

Multiculturalism combined with economic failure will lead to mass violence though. They are not one and the same, but both will facilitate the collapse of the west.

>> No.6754531

Women between the ages of 16 - 25 have it easy as fuck

Male privilege only applies to boomers.

>> No.6754535

You just said global economy. We should be stealing other peoples shit and genociding them, not trading.

>> No.6754538

Economic collapse without multiculturalism leads to mass violence, too, as demonstrated here: >>6754535

>> No.6754559

Isaac Asimov.

>> No.6754576
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>collapse of the west.

>> No.6754611

I want to say this is edgy, but it might be closer to the truth in 21st century America. I think it's more likely that the genders have it equal, but feminism keeps circulating memes to keep us thinking otherwise.

>> No.6754619
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>Holocaust memoirs
>Author was born in the 60s

>> No.6754624

>called a minority
>there's more of them on Earth than there are white people

The only real minority is Native Americans.

>> No.6754637

Four fours of truth

>> No.6754638

Examples of such a book?

>> No.6754643

>book about the plight of women/minorities/gays etc
>main character succeeds in the end

>> No.6754658

I'm pretty sure there are more whites than blacks or arabs (implying arabs aren't white). Only asians are more common

>> No.6754671

Non-whites are so united in their butthurt resentment that they consider themselves one.

>> No.6754673

I don't consider Arabs white. I also don't consider Indians Asians.

>> No.6754702

It's all about what you define as white, I go by the traditional racial types (Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, and whatever the fuck Native Americans are) and Arabs are definetely in the caucasoid category.

Hell even if you go by skin color, most people in the Levant are white

>> No.6754806

Native Americans are Mongoloids