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File: 23 KB, 305x500, Kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6753951 No.6753951 [Reply] [Original]

What was Josef K. even charged with?

>> No.6753986

Don't know, probably sex with your mum.

>> No.6753989

Original sin, that's why he was arrested on his birthday

>> No.6753990

Being born.

>> No.6753992

Like, society, man

>> No.6754051

My parents bought me the collected Kafka for my 21st birthday. It was nice, but those penguin covers are tacky as shit. There's a point where cutely kitsch costumes start to look like post apocalyptic attempts at setting broken bones.

>> No.6754612

doesn't matter

>> No.6754615

The font looks like shit as well.

>> No.6754620
File: 40 KB, 229x270, 1348520836426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No one but you could gain admittance through this door, since this door was intended for you. I am now going to shut it"

>> No.6754628

That's the idea.

>> No.6754659

He raped his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.6754810


>> No.6754866

Is this the new meme?

>> No.6754877

Pleb tier.

>> No.6754897

This is the WORST translation

>> No.6754904

So Josef = Joey Tribbiani?

>> No.6754914
File: 9 KB, 266x214, EInsteigsbild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, here we go.

K was charged with being phlegmatic and passive, yet arrogant and cocksure about himself. This becomes really clear when you compare him to all the other accused. The humble and persistent seem to get away better than those who show up overconfident only to achieve nothing.

Josef K. is the king of apathy. He does at no point realize his own faults. He fails to form meaningful relationships, he fails advancing with his job and in the same ways he fails his trial. But he does not realize and remains stubbornly overconfident. He keeps this up until the last chapter of the book where he's still passive while actively being dragged away to his execution. Only in his last moments does he show any refelction of his self.

Some say that at the end K. doesn't die. He just realizes in his last minutes that all he has done was wrong and only the apathic Josef K. dies, while the actual person remains unharmed. But in my opinion that's not how Kafka works.

>> No.6754915

shitposting on /lit/

>> No.6754917


>> No.6754952

Intelligence, nihilism, possession of a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.6754985

>charged with being phlegmatic and passive, yet arrogant and cocksure about himself.
so wrong
you can't into some wider allegory or what

>> No.6754988

I've never read the Trial, is it essentially the same character in the Castle? His name was K if I remember but if I remember the book just cuts short at the end.

>> No.6755008
File: 261 KB, 640x547, tetsuya_ishida_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Trial? You mean the sequel to The Castle?

K was charged with homosexuality.

Think about it.

>> No.6755095

Please tell me how this is wrong. Of course the entire novel is an allegory for the Über-Ich/Ich/Es-struggle (no idea how Freuds ideas were translated), but that's not what the plot is about.

The entire story is essentially summed up in the parable "Before the Law" contained in the Trial.

>> No.6755114

Do gay people really read faggotry into everything they parse? Damn. You do realize Josef banged that dudes maid for like hours and was all about the bitches for the whole novel?

>> No.6755626

Generally translated as super-ego/ego/id

>> No.6756174

No, he's obviously Joseph Knecht from The Glass Bead Game.

>> No.6756282
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>>6753951 Existence.

>> No.6756964

>K was charged with being phlegmatic and passive, yet arrogant and cocksure about himself. This becomes really clear when you compare him to all the other accused
So, why aren't other arrogant people charged?

>he fails advancing with his job
Doesn't he had an important position at the bank and was going to be promoted?

I like your death opinion, even though I disagree.

>> No.6756970
File: 524 KB, 2186x1426, ernst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnostic turpitude

>> No.6757114

Who says they aren't charged. He does not exactly walk around telling everybody either.

Also I don't think he was going to be promoted. But that's just my opinion. I just got the book out again. In the unfinished fragments he even has a scene called "Kampf mit dem Direktor-Stellvertreter", fight with the vice director. The best thing about it is, theres no real fight at all. More of a slaughtering.
There's also the fact that instead of concentrating in the one thing he's good at, work, K. just stops being unproductive there too. He devotes his work time worrying about the trial without acting.

>> No.6758551

basically yes, Joey admitted it in a interview already. Kafka was a great influence for Friends scriptting in general, you can notice it in the details