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/lit/ - Literature

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6752936 No.6752936 [Reply] [Original]

>know socially awkward qt3.14
>pump and dump
>she desires to remain friends after
>reveals deep seated neuroses and fears to me
>figure I'm versed in Lacan, decide to psychoanalyze her
>turns out her fears stem from childhood, fear of being pariah by her peers, fear of being autistic because she was told that by a counselor once, fear of disappointing her stern father, fear of being ruined by psychiatric drugs
>as she reveals things to me she unravels further and further and seems to desire me romantically more than ever
>I figure this is just transference phenomena and wait for it to subside
>it doesn't subside
Help. Anyone versed in psychology to help me with this patient?

>> No.6752958

I forgot the last part:
>realize I'm a pseudo-intellectual who doesn't understand Lacan
>decide to ask for help

>> No.6752972


just take her out to dinner and get to know her better

pretty soon you will realize whether you want to be in a serious relationship with her or not

>> No.6752995

>you will never have sex

>> No.6753003

I don't want to be in a relationship with her. I want to be her therapist and help her get better. I think she might be bipolar or bpd. I know I can't prescribe meds but I thought talking could help. How does a good therapist talk to their patient?

>> No.6753007

>girl likes you
>girl likes you more after you appear to display a deep emotional interest in her
>must be transference

No, man.

There's a reason you have to go through years of school and practice to be a psychotherapist. And there's also a reason why what you're doing would be considered hugely unethical if you were a therapist. And psychoanalysis is shit.

>> No.6753030

So what should I do? Cut all contact with the bitch? I think that would make her worse.

I'm just curious the theoretical course of progress for an analysand.

>> No.6753040

/lit/ - literature

>> No.6753056

You are extra retarded. Whether or not you're making this up.

Why are you on lit?

The idea that perhaps those that have read upon what is essentially the essence of human interaction might be able to tell you how to get this girl whom we know virtually nothing about to "dislike" you?

I bet she's your sister.

>> No.6753064

You are a pleb and a dilletante, OP. Leave your shitty hypotheses with your literature, you cocky sack of shit, you just tried to treat a burn patient with cotton balls. Stop playing doctor and just kill yourself. Congratulations, you probably just fucked this girl up even more.

t. professional psychiatrist

>> No.6753065

Do you have autism?

>> No.6753078


Dude, you take Lacan seriously ?
The poor girl.

>> No.6753081

Yes. Why?

>> No.6753098


No, I think he's just a profound dilettante like previous anon have said.

He's delving into this girl's neuroses and stringing her along out of idle curiosity.

He's a piece of shit.

>> No.6753103

>I don't want to be in a relationship with her. I want to be her therapist

Yep. Sure.

>I want to be her therapist and help her get better.

Nobody gets better. First rule of therapy.

>> No.6753111

Why am I on /lit/? I see threads about Freud and Lacan and Deleuze and Guatarri and Jung and Adler all the time. I thought someone here might be able to explicate the process.

No, she is not my sister.

>> No.6753112

What you did was a huge mistake. There's no clean way out, OP. You know what to do.
Ghost her

>> No.6753117
File: 4 KB, 375x237, CIA spurdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not playing amateur psychologist, getting in over your head, asking the genre fiction board of a Formosan fresco forum for advice.

>> No.6753119

You're a sociopath and you should kill yourself.

>> No.6753121

You've created a bad situation and leaving or staying is going to hurt her deeply.

On the plus side, if you ever decide to quit playing pretend and become a real therapist (probably not a good idea) you'll have a cogent example of why dual relationships are such a bad idea.

Yep, I can't help but see this as a demonstration of how /lit/'s widespread dilettantism makes them embarrassingly uneducated in anything related to the real world.

Real or not, I hope this puts an end to the psychoanalysis threads. They're always painful to read.

>> No.6753125

Describe her interests and proclivities so I can decide if I hate her and tell you to break it off or not.

>> No.6753126

b8 and meme pseudoscience psychoanalysis aside, do not date crazy girls who are emotionally unstable

After awhile they start to blame all of their problems on you, and it puts you in an untenable situation. Its going to end with you feeling like shit and having a crazy girl hate you who is capable of anything.

>> No.6753128

you should mentally damage her. youre in a position of great power my friend!!! use it

>> No.6753151

just give her the D

>> No.6753159

She's twenty years old. Redhead. About 130 lbs, 5'7''. She likes cats and longboarding and weed.

>> No.6753162

dilettantes, when will they learn?

>> No.6753166

she's intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humor

>> No.6753167


how qt is she

>> No.6753168



>> No.6753170

Ya, I'm afraid this is where it's going to end up and I'm not even dating her.

>> No.6753174

end it

>> No.6753176


>> No.6753177


>longboarding and weed.

>> No.6753182

You deserve to be blamed here though.

>> No.6753192


>> No.6753195
File: 112 KB, 500x387, tumblr_nka7wv8l5R1qb0n4ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god. it seems no one is giving you an answer.the part about therapy many don't understand is that you can talk and talk all day but at the end of the day you've just been sitting on a couch. these discoveries (about her past, the root of her fears and such) need to be applied constructively to her life. that is the route. things need taken on a piece by piece basis. psychiatric drugs for example...is she on any currently? do alternative methods exist? dosages changed?re accessed? Point out differences. "true autism is this"
point out accomplishments she's made, qualities she's had that impress her father.
truthfully, the romantic interest never went anywhere. it has existed since before she was pumped and dumped. despite this whole "therapy" angle, the process of detachment is the same. there is no "correct" way to distance yourself from somebody, as the act itself will always be undesired. that being said, you need to draw lines clearly. you need to make it known that "this won't happen again" AND STAND BEHIND THIS, AND PROVE IT AGAIN AND AGAIN. she needs to learn that she won't make progress romantically with you. like i said, there is only so much you can "talk" about. do not mince words. good luck, and good day

>> No.6753196

you have a savior/superiority complex

>> No.6753207

she needs to go to the fuckin army, that'll straighten her out

>> No.6753215

Thank you.

>> No.6753224

just get her some lithium and xanax. thats all a psychiatrist would do anyway. keep her doped up the rest of her life and see if that don't fix her.

>> No.6753226

>my god. it seems no one is giving you an answer.
Because no one here is retarded enough to think OP should keep playing therapist. Well, until you showed up.

>> No.6753242

no, im saying that many people's problems are self perpetuated by them to eternity. the therapist can only provide a perspective and a possible change. this is why I will never be a therapist.because these "problems" amaze me. she used to think she was austistic, or feared she was. well IS SHE? IS SHE FUCKING AUTISTIC? isn't this the more relevant question? i'm telling you that girls loved to be listened to. but the sad truth is they aint that deep.

>> No.6753250

>being so insecure with yourself that you need to manipulate and control weak willed individuals around you as your playthings

cut all contact and start reading the greeks

>> No.6753276
File: 22 KB, 208x250, 1432605711323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew you would post this.

>> No.6753277

What you're going to want to do is sell tickets to fuck her.

>> No.6753292

the greeks are old hat chap. c'mon now

>> No.6753300


if you don't want a relationship with her you should tell her about your feelings and fears. nothing will turn her off faster

hi tumblr

>> No.6753490

ya whatever dude. blow me. i gave him good advice

>> No.6753500

not a psychologist or anything, but i have bpd among a few other personality disorders. i could give advice on that if that would be any help.

>> No.6753509

Go for it.

>> No.6753519

Use this power to get her to do whatever you want. Cum on her face, humiliate her, keep her from leaving the house. She's yours now.

>> No.6753523

OP are you in australia
OP are you me right down to the 20 year old nihilist redhead holy shit this might be the same girl

>> No.6753526
File: 640 KB, 2560x1600, 6901889-redhead-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a 20 year old nihilist redhead thread. if you don't meet these requirements please leave immediately

>> No.6753530

y so many normies on this board

>> No.6753539

Hair colour is a social construct!

Ooo, real glasses, nice

>> No.6753540


>> No.6753541

/r9k/ and /pol/ overflow

>> No.6753550

Well I'll try to first just list some of the things I do that are kind of related to BPD and you can tell me if any of those things are familiar.

I am prone to mood swings obviously. They're triggered by pretty small things but they can last a very long time. Usually social interaction triggers them.

I don't see people in any shades of grey, either I adore them or I hate them. I don't think that somebody is a good person but they do x, I either think they're the best or they're the worst.

I'm very insecure and I can take any comment as a threat. Once my best friend told me he really valued my friendship and I had a breakdown where I told him off for being a sarcastic piece of shit and screamed at him to stop being so condescending.

I sometimes question whether I really exist or not, not in a existential crisis type way but more of a physical way.

I self harm regularly, for me it's burning myself with cigarettes. It's mostly a way to regulate strong emotion for me. I will also use lots of excuses to do stuff like this. I once set fire to a part of my leg briefly because I felt that my skin was ugly there. I make lots of excuses to do these things.

I can be insanely charismatic and charming when I want to be, I'm also very manipulative and use this skill to garner pity a lot.

Just a few things for me. I'm pretty sure I'm more unstable than most borderlines so I tried to filter out a lot of things that are probably brought on by other disorders, like hearing sounds that I'm not sure are real, feeling like there are conspirators who take pictures of me and such. How much of this applies to her?

>> No.6753554

Lacan is pretty much spinning in his grave right now. OP, you are a tremendous faggot and you know nothing about Lacan.

>> No.6753563

Leave town, take up a false name, grow a beard, cut your hair

Your life is over now.

>> No.6753577

Excuse me, but r9k and pol are not "normies"
/lit/ *is* a very "normie" board.

>> No.6753579


>/r9k/ and /pol/

Are you some kind of retard?

The "normies" ITT are calling OP out for being a dilettante try hard. Which he obviously is.

>> No.6753587

>implying r9k isn't infested with normies

>> No.6753588

what is your deal mr. / miss butterfly? are you an anime whore? REVEAL YOURSELF

>> No.6753590


r9k might be the single most sperged out board on 4chan

contain your paranoia

>> No.6753599

>How does a good therapist talk to their patient?

through a professional education under supervision

>> No.6753601
File: 31 KB, 306x423, don draper lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a horrible misanthrope for finding this all hilarious?

It's like a /lit/ themed version of "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong."

>> No.6753604

>Yep, I can't help but see this as a demonstration of how /lit/'s widespread dilettantism makes them embarrassingly uneducated in anything related to the real world.

You're part of /lit/ too, pal.

>> No.6753606


>Am I a horrible misanthrope for finding this all hilarious?

No, you still crave validation from others.

>> No.6753608


Thanks but no thanks.

>> No.6753611


>Am I a horrible misanthrope

>Mad Men reaction pic
>Chappelle's Show reference

you're just another dopey edgekid is all

>> No.6753612

Would you prefer something from my extensive collection of fat girl reaction images?

>> No.6753615

tell her you want a prenup

>> No.6753616

Your analysis isn't good Lacan or even good Freud.

>> No.6753621


haha wow you collect that damn that is so kooky crazy you are a total madman get it lol gr8 post keep it real killer

>> No.6753630

>implying there was an analysis

>> No.6753659

I think there is a certain black humor in the sheer magnitude of OP's failure.

>> No.6753668

Good Lacanian analysis is throwing your hands in the air and yelling "PURE IDEOLOGY" every time the analysand speaks.

>> No.6753690

>tfw take away best friend's gf
>fuck her
>turns out shes schizophrenic
>loses interest in me
>loses interest in him
>keeps fucking him cause comfy and hes available always

and that's how i got started on paroxetine and met my current gf

>> No.6753691

As far as I can tell a non-normie is a weeb, likely autistic.
A normie is a chad. A person with a SO that isn't a picture pillow or jpeg collection. Normies go to proms and have friends to hang out with. Shit like that.

"Reveal" myself? I think I'm mostly normie. I may not have a gf but I don't get emotionally attached to a waifu

>> No.6753777

People who identify as Autistic should not identify as therapists, seeing as the primary criteria for for both definitions is EMPATHY (in one case having little, and in the other case needing much).

I suggest you refer her to someone whose strengths are more suited to this situation.

>> No.6753798

nearly there, a chad is an archetypal alpha male persona, hump and dump style interactions, does not form meaningful relationships with women.

normie is someone who has at least one rl friend and has ever had a relationship

>> No.6753809

>normie is someone who has at least one rl friend and has ever had a relationship
That's it?
>tfw you realise you're a normie

>> No.6753824


That's a pretty narrow and unused definiton for a normie. When normies are referred to, it's usually talking about people who have normal interests and behavior, plus a healthy social life.

>reee shut up normie you're just trying to pretend not to be one

No. There are plenty of sweaty, greasy autists who have friends. We don't consider them normies. Normies are never elitists, erudite, sincerely peculiar. If they engage in memery at all they're always the cringeworthy "lel le epic sad frog xD" type. Normies are reddit — the person.

>> No.6753829

>pump and dump
>Cut all contact with the bitch?
Seems like you're kind of a dickhead.
So you fuck someone, help them with their feelings and private problems, then you wonder why she might grow just a slight bit attached? It's starting to sound as if you're the one with a mental issue here, mate.
I'd marry her on the spot.

>> No.6753866

>tfw no longer a normie

>> No.6753964


>the bitch

next time don't out yourself as a non-reader

>> No.6753972

OP is a self-absorbed sociopath. Posting is just giving him the attention he craves.

>> No.6753981

I can be your gf :^)

>> No.6754006

Impeccable pepe/post pairing.

>> No.6754009

We protect the honour of the ladies on this board, right?

*tips visor*

>> No.6754131

Yeah, no writer has ever used the word bitch or any other bad words.