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/lit/ - Literature

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6752612 No.6752612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the Evangelion of literature?

>> No.6752670

Obviously, Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.6752675

the Holy Bible

>> No.6752684

childhood's end

>> No.6752766
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Not even memeing, but Gravity's Rainbow is analogous in some ways
>huge concept the author/director couldn't totally handle
>large scale, apocalyptic implications
>swings between freaking you out and making your laugh

>inb4 the manga

>> No.6752767

The Odyssey

>> No.6752775

>>huge concept the author/director couldn't totally handle
On the contrary, I think you couldn't handle Pinecone's handling of the handles.

>> No.6752799

There isn't.youre going to have to fag less and tell me what part of evangelion you're talking about and generalize less. Jesus. We let you people get married in all 50 states, the least you could do is not sound like a babbling autist.

>> No.6752803

I'm not saying GR and NGE are shit, I'm just saying that Pynchon matured into writing Mason and Dixon so comparing the two you wonder if he could have done GR differently.

Literally this as far as inspiration.

>> No.6752819

stop making this thread you disgusting weeb

>> No.6752829

>Be in movie theater
>see trailer for Ender's Game
>overhear and oversmell two fat weebs in the seats behind me
>"Man this is totally copying Evangelion"

>> No.6752840

stoner tbh

>> No.6752841

who are you quoting?

>> No.6752851

he is obviously quoting the two fat weebs in his last line anon. common.

>> No.6752852

>greentext is only for quotes reeeee
Fuck off, autist.

>> No.6752870
