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/lit/ - Literature

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6752379 No.6752379 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any book more pleb than this?

- imparts the worst slave morality ever
- affects that self sacrifice is noble
- is white guilt propaganda with a built in cuck role model
- doesn't even have good prose
- rehashes the same worn-out story about "muh racism"
- is read in every American high school, further plebicizing it

Seriously I can't think of another book that is anything more than forced into the good-book mold while also being a tool of controlling the populace.

>inb4 self sacrifice actually is good in itself

Go cuck yourself

>> No.6752399

>book suggests that a black man accused of raping a woman dindu nuffin
into the trash

>> No.6752404

>white betacuck follows THE LAW to protect his nigger cuckoholder

Into the trash

>> No.6752405

>implies that a man can be not guilty of rape


>> No.6752413

I can't stand it either. Don't really care about the politics of it, it's just a shitty overrated book. My English teacher sent me to the office once because I made a comment talking about how bad it was.

It's also interesting how disliking the book gets you dubbed a racist, and if you ever try and tell people why its bad they'll respond with "omg you just don't get the mockingbird metaphor its too deep for you"

Can't wait to see how bad her next book is. You can just tell its going to be a social justice manifesto. Also it comes out on my birthday yay.

>> No.6752417

Only white men can rape

>> No.6752425

Classic Nietzschean psychic defense: the other people are saying "I liked it, and clearly I'm a deep thinker, ergo since you disagree, you're not a deep thinker."

People trying to seek social acceptance through liking a book is just petty. Keep fighting the good fight

>> No.6752500

>affects that self sacrifice is noble
Literally every book ever does this. How is that a problem. I don't see why you're this angry about it.

>> No.6752602

OP is the other side of the pleb coin.
Your values are also too shitty to warrant putting them in a book.

>> No.6752643

When is /pol/ going to leave

>> No.6752688

The crap you like is worse. It's probably the Sword of Truth series I'm guessing.

>> No.6752773
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I don't know any more cynic person than I. Yet I liked this book.

It doesn't say that self-sacrifice is noble, it has a character that does. It doesn't even press this, he just is so and goes about his business. It's like saying that person advocating weed legalisation is imparting that self-sacrifice is noble too as he's also doing that.

>White guilt propaganda.
How even? I'm white and felt no guilt.

It's actually not only about muh racism, have you forgetten Boo Radley? The guy was white. A quarter of the story is about him. What about that old granny person? If you think her part in the story was also adding to the racism theme then you're an illiterate primary school kid.

>Written to control the populace.
Now put your tinfoil hat back on.

And there is nothing wrong with the prose.

Y'all made they made you read it in high school is all.

>> No.6752929

Take it easy on op, he probably only read the Cliff Notes

>> No.6753370
File: 34 KB, 427x245, f34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you re-read the book
>yfw you realized atticus is a just ruthless gun-for-hire
>yfw you realized atticus breaks the law to protect his kin at the end of the novel
>yfw you realized high school was a lie

>> No.6753475
File: 48 KB, 499x499, Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the classic anti-racism novel, the black character does next to nothing for himself and dies without much consequence
If anything, TKAM is a classic tale of white liberals patting themselves on the back.

>> No.6754082

its a middle class novel where the blacks ain't all that bad, it's the poor whites that are the cause of all the trouble

>> No.6754085

>>yfw you realized atticus breaks the law to protect his kin at the end of the novel
He did?