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File: 58 KB, 300x375, chomsky300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6749475 No.6749475 [Reply] [Original]

What will they say after he is gone?

>> No.6749484

'Oh poopy'

>> No.6749486

People will say Cambodia because thats what they heard someone else say
And they wont provide any quotes or sources
Its just what they heard and it gells with their beliefs and dont have to think about it

>> No.6749490

"What a stupid cunt"

>> No.6749506

"Well, Chomsky's gone"

>> No.6749507
File: 204 KB, 484x358, 1288468867084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remarried at 86

>> No.6749509

"More like deadsky"

>> No.6749529

"Who", "finally" and "Chomsky4lyfe".

>> No.6749553

He was a closet bisexual

>> No.6749566

There will be facebook posts and pictures based on a tweet summary of a reddit post summary of the wikipedia summary of a conversation with some guy named Jack, that I talked to this one time at Burning Man who told me about the evil corporations and name dropped Chomsky once.

And then there will be some tumblr pages going ''OPNE UR EYZ REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIESSSZZ''

And him and all of his research and work will perish after the well deserved two days of postmortem hype.

It's a shame, really.

>> No.6749575

he was a good boy
he dindu nuffin

>> No.6749589


Sam Harris will appear on news stations to talk about him. Sam will say Chomsky was a smart guy but ultimately misguided, didn't realize the danger of religion, etc.

>> No.6749737
File: 27 KB, 512x384, Homer ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't realize the danger of religion

>> No.6749795

People will go about their business as they always have.

>> No.6749952

"In national news: Noam Chomsky died this week coinciding with study showing that America has become 40% less boring."

"Wow a whole 40% Tom?"

"That's right Diane. Thank fuck that old wind bag is dead. Next up, sports."

>> No.6750003


General Question/Comment:
Documentary awkwardly shows him being praised. Wtf,are people thinking.

Haven't read much of his works. Worth the read?

>> No.6750028

Awful linguist, universal grammar a Eurocentric dead end.

>> No.6750038

provide examples of exceptions.
>in b4 establish page

>> No.6750064

if you read any linguistics book in the past 30 years it will be Chomsky based

reading him in the original isnt needed, because his original doesnt provide anything that supplementary texts dont

I recommend the language instinct

>> No.6750195

They'll say he was a controversial thinker that supported Cambodian genocide and wow Stalinism is everywhere protect your women folk!

>> No.6750211

see >>6750195

>> No.6750223

"We barely got to noam him"

>> No.6750252

ia. he'll be like the left version of hitchens. stuck to some dumbass opinions to the bitter end.

>> No.6750345


Yeah, haven't read any of his linguistics. He seems to rely too much on biology, or some kind of mechanistic theory just from reading descriptions. I guess it's worth reading just to know for the interest in linguistics.

>> No.6750357


>> No.6750434

Chow bye

>> No.6750435

>Haven't read much of his works. Worth the read?

I've read 8 of his books. All on politics (besides Manufactuing Concent: media).

If you enjoy international relations, politics, economics (to a much lesser extent) then he's the man for you. His main goal (as I interpreted it) is to express the claims attributed to the US foreign policy, show the reality or times that they've gone against international laws and tries to demonstrate this.

He writes extensively on the times that the US has propped up authoritarian regimes across the post-WW2 world and before when related.

They will say he supported the cambodian genocide when the reality couldn't be further off. He attributes the rise of the Khmer Rouge to the deforestation and pacification programs of the USAF bombing civilians into small pockets of concentration camps, that too which they bombed. Unlike the media at the time attributing left-leaning influences on Pol Pot (which he indeed had) to his destruction, he attributes the US mass slaughter of civilians to why such an authoritarian regime could take hold of the population. A population I may add which wasn't at war with the US. Their country was bombed for being strategically close to US interests ("defending" "South Vietnam").

When he dies the established powers will call him a Socialist. Which wouldn't have been an insult to him, but the enlightenment term Libertarian (not Ayn Rand) is much more reflective of his view.

>> No.6750449
File: 178 KB, 1152x824, 52 - PtOJD2g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gave your fictional newsanchors the same names as those on Family Guy. Do you watch Family Guy a lot? What is your favorite episode? My favorite episode is in season six, when Stewie finally kills Lois

Please share any YouTube videos of Family Guy that you thought were funny. Thank You.

>> No.6750450

What I will say:
Only man alive to be top 10 cited sources across the world.

Source: http://newsoffice.mit.edu/1992/citation-0415

What the media will say:
He's an outlier
He's a radical dissident
His views were far from the mainstream (which is true but will be twisted to be negative)
He couldn't trust authority (A claim he would revel in as an Anarchist)

However the people who knew him will say he's a fantastic bloke who tackled injustice across the world. His activism and inspiration for change has made the world a better place.
He would never claim that his own actions are what changes society thought, he would claim that it's changing people's minds and priories which changes the world, rather than his writings alone.

>> No.6750470

>Linguist and writer Noam Chomsky, best known for his claims that Bush caused the Cambodian genocide and that the CIA invented AIDS, passed away on...

>> No.6750471

Check out this video. The uploader says that they are the best eight moments in Family Guy, but I disagree. My favorite moments were probably earlier in the series' run, closer to season two and three. These are still good though. Please take a look and let me know what you think

>> No.6750504

Do you like Family Guy?

>> No.6750576

we understand what you're trying to do but stop

>> No.6750633

Do you like Family Guy? This a clip from season four, commonly referred to among fans as "Brian's Peanut Butter Jelly Time dance".
It's a riff on an early internet meme, a Flash animation that was hosted on Albino Blacksheep called "Peanut Butter Jelly Time". It featured an animated banana dancing to the Buckwheat Boyz's dance-rock single Peanut Butter Jelly Time with maracas.

The show mimics the meme in such a sudden and ridiculous way that I can't stop myself from laughing at the sheer absurdity of it all. Who would have thought that this dance performance was coming? Not me. The specific and vaguely obscure nature of the reference strikes me in a very personal way, and the resulting recognition makes me feel "in" on the joke. I love seeing that my favorite fictional characters like the same things that I like. It feels like we are one and the same.

Please respond and tell me what you think of "Brian's Peanut Butter Jelly Time Dance" and Family Guy. Thank You.

>> No.6750698

He's only really contributed one thing to academic thought. The rest of the time he has been putting his foot in his mouth. Chomsky fanbois will probably be aid and post shit on facebook and twitter about how "le smartest man in le world has died" but they will forget and move on to a new pop intellectual.

>> No.6750829

>He's only really contributed one thing to academic thought. The rest of the time he has been putting his foot in his mouth.


> "le smartest man in le world has died"

He's one of the most cited men is history. The most cited man that is alive.

Whilst as a self-proclaimed fan-boy I wouldn't say he's one of the smartest I would claim his work has had profound influence upon the world.

>> No.6750865

No one cares about your new book, Tao Lin.

>> No.6751839

I actually hate the show but, they were the first two names that popped into my head.

>> No.6751875

>he couldn't understand dialectics

Or something.

>> No.6751880

People will say that he's the most influential linguist since Saussure, and they would be correct, at least as far as syntax is concerned. Transformational grammar is monolithic in its influence on how most people study the structure of language.

This is an extremely uninformed opinion. I'm trying not to be mad.

>> No.6751893

Try but you still mad.

>> No.6753605


He touched me in my private place when i was 9 years old

>> No.6753614

"Here lies Chomsky: his nativist linguistic theories were retarded and anarcho-communism is stupid."

>> No.6753643

that's a personal belief anon? or you're just being funny?

>> No.6753654

>"Bury me with my quotes."

>> No.6753672


How is it Eurocentric if it proposes that all humans are born with the same language-learning capacities?

>> No.6753674

Hew was the world's formost monoglottal linguist.

>> No.6753697

i'll still have his youtube videos to get me to sleep, so it wont matter really

>> No.6753704

Eurocentricism just means that a white person declares universal human traits, that's just so super oppressive!

>> No.6753724


'Noam is kill'
