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6748823 No.6748823 [Reply] [Original]

I read about Neal Cassady and Kerouac the other day and I realize I've lived and wrote similar, and I realized I want to continue to do so

Today I got drunk on the street, wound up at a transit station alone and groped a girl I sat next to, getting her number without saying anything to her

I'm trying to think about what I'm eventually going to write, the knowledge that people have actually done what I've unconsciously been doing before me, tells me I'll end up doing something different. The defining characteristics of my generation differ explicitly from the beat

I feel America.I love capitalism. I think this is an entrepreneurial era
The information-communication age breeds isolation
Not much is new, but I think there's a wealth to discover

I like what Ozymandias does in The Watchmen when he uses watching multiple tv's to take a pulse of the world, and I feel like mindless experience can really take you far

>> No.6748839

With my wizardly powers, I sense you are still drunk

>> No.6748842
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>> No.6748894

Not really

>> No.6748901

> they list race and sex on driver's license

>> No.6748908
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>tells me I'll end up doing something different.
very unlikely. Nobody wants to be like everybody. And so far, all you seem to have done is to what everybody has been trying to do.

>> No.6748916

>groped a girl I sat next to, getting her number without saying anything to her

So there you are drunkly molesting some poor young woman in silence, and she responds to this by giving you her phone number.

This totally happened.

>> No.6748918

It's from an arm band I had in jail

I don't want to be different so much as good
It's coincidence that I'm similar to the beat (btw your pic is another example of something I write like), my being different I think is just an inevitability for a few reasons, one of which being a simple learning progression as a writer

>> No.6748921
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Rape culture isn't only a reality, it's the ideal

>> No.6748924

paul allen really does have the better card. wtf was bateman thinking with that font, fucking loser. and the paper stock, don't get me started on the stock

>> No.6748946


There’s a story about a TV guide that summarized The Wizard of Oz as “Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets, then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again.”

It’s funny because it mistakes a tale of wonder and adventure for a crime spree. Jack Kerouac’s On the Road is the opposite; a crime spree that gets mistaken for a tale of wonder and adventure.

On The Road is a terrible book about terrible people. Kerouac and his terrible friends drive across the US about seven zillion times for no particular reason, getting in car accidents and stealing stuff and screwing women whom they promise to marry and then don’t.

But it’s okay, because they are visionaries. Their vision is to use the words “holy”, “ecstatic”, and “angelic” at least three times to describe every object between Toledo and Bakersfield. They don’t pass a barn, they pass a holy vision of a barn, a barn such as there must have been when the world was young, a barn whose angelic red and beatific white send them into mad ecstasies. They don’t almost hit a cow, they almost hit a holy primordial cow, the cow of all the earth, the cow whose dreamlike ecstatic mooing brings them to the brink of a rebirth such as no one has ever known.

Jack Kerouac and his terrible friends are brought to the brinks of a lot of things, actually. Aside from stealing things and screwing women whom they promise to marry and then don’t, being brought to the brink of things is one of their main pastimes. Enlightenment, revelation, truth, the real meaning of America, the ultimate, the sacred – if it has a brink, they will come to it. Crucially, they never cross that brink or gain any lasting knowledge or satisfaction from the experience. Theirs is a religion whose object of worship is the burst of intense emotion, the sudden drenching of their brain in happy chemicals that come and go without any lasting effect except pages full of the words “holy”, “ecstatic”, and “angelic”.

>> No.6748971

Yeah I saw that thread too

I think I posted something like 'it's a false notion that art, especially when lived, needs any justification'
Especially a moral one

>> No.6749018


>> No.6749118

Explain how you ended up in jail OP.

>> No.6749256

Were you raped in prison?

>> No.6749261


>> No.6749262

That time?
It was raining, me and my girlfriend at the timr went to my friend's, we got in an argument, I saw her sitting so her foot was touching my friend which I'm still not sure if it was on purpose, I hit her, there was a scene, my friend's mom kicked us out, I asked for her to walk me to her house so I could get my things (it was raining, I had walked there barefoot and wearing her zebra print pj pants) and she said to get it in the morning
I slammed her head on concrete and my friend's mom called the cops

I didn't get charged or anything, I was just in for 2 days

>> No.6749270

It was days ago

>> No.6749278

What else have you done to land yourself in jail/prison?

>> No.6749333

This is more like Candyland than rape culture. Though I guess there's no difference if you're a rapist.

>> No.6749523

Wow, you got a girls number through telepathy?

>> No.6749533

My spider sense is tingling at this, too

>> No.6749546

>very unlikely. Nobody wants to be like everybody. And so far, all you seem to have done is to what everybody has been trying to do.

I think Paul's looks pretty shitty tbh. Bateman's is okay, but why is the last name highlited in that way? I don't like it. As you already said the font isn't that great aswell. Paul's card is just flat out boring, though.

>> No.6749558

Are you a nigger?

>> No.6749561

You're kind of a big scumbag aren't you, OP?

>> No.6749585


you're a fucking asshole. I legitimately hope you choke on five fat nigger dicks next time you land in prison, you're scum, the lowest of the low.

>> No.6749629

Sounds like some top-tier Dean Moriarty shit. You need some to write your holy adventures and tell everyone how angelic and tragic and misunderstood you are.

>> No.6749971

Kerouac was pretty dumb. Most of the beats were. Burroughs was the only intelligent writer from that scene.

>> No.6750037

I got the feeling Kerouac was a little subdued and not extremely bright, but I'm convinced Cassady was genuinely intelligent, and just focused on living his life

>> No.6750042

>ywn get drunk in the morning with the whole sick crew and hit on girls in the new york street

>> No.6750176

Cassady was also not a writer.

>> No.6750281

>tfw too much of a friendless pussy loser to go on the road and have some fun
i'll just read some kerouac

>> No.6750300

You've got that exactly backwards.

>> No.6750336

What makes you think that? Cassady's ex says otherwise
Ignoring the fact that Cassady is explicitly outgoing, Kerouac is more of a chronicler; kind of on the outskirts
This implies a lot about his iintelligence, especially considering the context
He was inspired by Cassady who seems like the alpha of the group

>> No.6750379


The fact that Bateman uses test figures makes his card the best by default.


>> No.6750409

That was beat generation tier.

>> No.6750415

Published works[edit]
"Pull My Daisy" (1951, poetry) written with Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg
"Genesis West: Volume Seven" (1965, magazine article)
The First Third (1971, autobiographical novel)
Grace Beats Karma (collection of poetry and letters). New York, NY: Blast Books, 1993. ISBN 0-922-23308-x
Neal Cassady: Collected Letters, 1944-1967 (2004, letters)

>> No.6750427

I don't think i would call that intelligence per se and he had no focus either because his actions weren't the consequence of reflexion. It was something akin to instinct.

>> No.6750438

>magazine article
>shit poetry

This is the equivalent of modern Facebook and blog posts.

>> No.6750505

Thank you

The writing wasn't anything. I've written about getting drunk, hitting my ex and fighting too much. I need
something more stimulating (like getting women for instance)

I'm going to a gnostic mass tonight and I've been meaning to go to this open raja yoga class, so that kind of thing is a start

>I feel like mindless experience can really take you far
I wrote that in the op
I -gather that he was intelligent. Living like that is question of aesthetics, and I don't think it, in and of itself says anything about intelligence

>> No.6750619

Even aesthetics imply reflexion and choice. I don't think he led his life due to choices motivated by aesthetics. I think he just went with the flow. He was purely an actor rather than a spectator. He was closer to an animal than a human.

>> No.6751188

Aesthetics really implies the opposite, and I don't think it was really a choice so much as a visceral urge, especially given the times, to drop out of society and do his own thing
The animal comparison can only be attributed to a half hearted generalization, and from the way he used people I'd say he was more of a self indulgent reactor than an actor

>> No.6752551
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I feel like strong emotions have a tangible effect on the air, through some I guess electromagnetic pull. More than coincidentally, I notice the room make a cracking noise when I feel some strong emotion

I'm still pursuing this girl from yesterday and I'm probably more worried than I should be that I'll fuck it up. I have no idea how to most effectively communicate with people, least of all wome, but this description is by no means binding, as much as it is just a frequent event

My libido or whatever it is is very prevalent in what I am; I have a massive urge for affetion and ultimately sex
I'm met a girl from a soc thread last night who's agreed to be my internet girlfriend, she's about a 6 on the scale of attractiveness but due to the urges above and to some extent my urges as something like a scientist, I'm trying to get intimate with her through kik, which is how we're communicating

I've never had a father and I've never been social. I view some other men with a sense of admiration and curiosity, looking I think for some instruction on how to be a man. When I was younger I used to idolize serial killers and had aspirations to be one, as misguided as they probably were, now I idolize cut throat business men and high finance and harbor similar aspirations
I think utilitarianism, and by some extension asceticism, when applied singularly to oneself is the ideal