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File: 22 KB, 350x500, pynchon-v..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6747189 No.6747189 [Reply] [Original]

>that whole nosejob chapter

>> No.6747194

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part.

>> No.6747196
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>That scene where Saleem jumps into the Prime Minister's head just as he was about to drink his own urine

>> No.6747223

every battle scene in the Iliad

metal as fuck

>> No.6747226
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Iceberg Slim's entire childhood
>sexually abused
>mother fucked over the only man he ever knew as a good father-figure
>mother and bf find out his biological father has his shit together now and rob him blind
No wonder he was such a piece of shit despite his natural gifts.

>> No.6748960
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>> No.6748972

Lolita. The whole thing.

>> No.6749409
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>> No.6749415

Will they ever release it with a decent cover again? The current ones available just suck. The only thing hindering me from buying it.

>> No.6749434
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I like this one

>> No.6749445

The alzabo ritual and its consequences in BotNS

>> No.6749898

The climax of portrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.6749907


I just realized I don't remember the story arc of that book at all

>> No.6749936

Against the Day
>trip to Utah
>tunguska event
>time machine

damn, i love this book.

>> No.6749940

You are such a fucking child.

>> No.6749946

Literally judging a book by it's cover

>> No.6749960

funny how that book affected me to no small degree when i was younger and now i identify more with L. Bloom in Ulysses than S. Dedalus. that Joyce, wasn't he something?

>> No.6749966

Why would you not care about the general aesthetics?

>> No.6749989

you're the result of tumblr, buzzwords and moderate philosophy

>> No.6750019

I don't give two shits about either of those, I just like neat covers. The original one is nice while the one with the take on "Where's Waldo?" is pretty weak. The other one posted above is also cool so I might just get that.

>> No.6750058
File: 129 KB, 333x500, 8911370988_7f88a385e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is my copy, picked it up at a second hand bookshop for like £3

>> No.6750097

“Her rhythms pulse regular and sinusoidal—a freak show in caravan, travelling over thousands of little hills. A serpent hypnotic and undulant, bearing on her back like infinitesimal fleas such hunchbacks, dwarves, prodigies, centaurs, poltergeists! Two-headed, three-eyed, hopelessly in love; satyrs with the skin of werewolves, werewolves with the eyes of young girls and perhaps even an old man with a navel of glass, through which can be seen goldfish nuzzling the coral country of his guts.”

>> No.6750132
File: 227 KB, 311x500, Crying-of-Lot-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, i love those old paperback covers. i have this one for 49.

>> No.6751613

I don't usually say this, but those are terrible.

>> No.6751759

I have this one too. Absolutely love it. That V. Picador one is pretty shit, though.

>> No.6751794


Read juan it was written in greek and it's pretty interesting

>> No.6751805

the blurb on the back of that edition is hilariously misleading

>> No.6751845

What does it say?

>> No.6751851

how so? what should the blurb say instead? it sets it up as a vaguely wacky mystery about something

>> No.6751956

>Who is Oedipa Maas? And what was she doing when the Paranoids blew out all the lights? What was the strange legacy of Pierce Inverarity that first led her to the world-wide conspiracy known as the Trystero System, and then on into the mystery and enigma of America itself?

Every sentence is a question, which is cute, but everything else about it is just badly handled. I shouldn't have to explain why.

>> No.6752013

what a showoff

>> No.6752029

It could be considered a troll blurb in that it gives the impression that any of those questions will be answered.

>> No.6752181

I see it as not wanting to give anything away. I think it works. You're right, it is cute. What's wrong with that? It's a jacket blurb.

>> No.6752191

Blurbs do tend to be worthless in general.

>> No.6752431

The scene in GR where he goes down the jobby chute for that harmonica. And, y'know... the other one.

Also the scene in Trainspotting where he shits himself.

I like jobby.

>> No.6753957

The Eisenstein film in Underworld
The Rolling Stones film in Underworld
The Psycho screening in Point Omega
Frank's unfinished film in The Names
JOI's films in Infinite Jest

I'm not even a huge film guy, but I could read about people describing films for an eternity.

>> No.6753965


>Who is Oedipa Maas?
A 28 year old suburban American housewife
>And what was she doing when the Paranoids blew out all the lights?
Having sex with Metzger with his head in a drawer
>What was the strange legacy of Pierce Inverarity?
A stamp collection

>> No.6754061

the entire major major major major chapter in catch-22

>> No.6754142

Byron the bulb is the cutest thing he ever wrote

>> No.6754177


more like seriously fucking disturbing

>> No.6754260

>going down the toilet/The Kenosha Kid
>Byron the Bulb
>the toiletship
>coprophilia scene
>the dodos
>the gauchos
>banana breakfast
>tentacle rape on the beach
>the castration scene
>the adventures of Rocketman
>Pokler's story
>the Hereros
>Blicero's BDSM
>the ending

Gravity's Rainbow had so much memorable shit. It's been years since I read it but I still recall vivid flashes of scenes. Definitely my favorite book.

>> No.6754321
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>>And then I started to think again about Stridentopolis, about its museums and bars, its open-air theaters and newspapers, its schools and its dormitories for traveling poets, dormitories where Borges and Tristan Tzara, Huidobro and Andre Breton would sleep. And I saw mi general talking to us again. I saw him making plans, I saw him drinking, standing at the window, I saw him receiving Cesarea Tinajero, who had come in with a letter of recommendation from Manuel, I saw him reading a little book by Tablada, maybe the one where Don Jose Juan says: "under fearful skies / keening for the only star / the song of the nightingale." Which is as if to say, boys, I said, that I saw our struggles and dreams all tangled up in the same failure, and that failure was called joy.


>When Ulises meets Paz

>> No.6754357

The Apaches slaughtering the soldiers and the Judge making and then using gun powder in Blood Meridian.

Stoner deviating from the lesson in his English 101 class to teach what he wants.

The staircase part in Ubik.

The protagonist being saved from suicide in prison by his new cat in Mockingbird.

Rieux and the Tarrou going for a swim in the moonlight in The Plague.

Gately fighting that guy and getting shot in the shoulder in Infinite Jest.

Pretty much every story in The Cyberiad but especially the very first one where the machine starts to erase all objects that start with the letter N.

>> No.6754454

>n eraser
such a pretty fable.

the one that springs to mind before & over all others is the nature theatre of oklahoma.

nothing else really sticks in my mind. just a bunch of made up bullshit & lies

>> No.6754521

The incipit of The human condition.

>> No.6754529
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The part where Meursault is euphoric not because of any phony god’s blessing but because, he was enlightened by his own intelligence.

>> No.6754533
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>the Eschaton game
>Steeply's dad's obsession with MASH
>Mario showing his film to the school
>Don Gately's fight with the French Canadians
>every scene with Michael Pemulis
>the ending

>> No.6754539

>the nocturnal talk between Mario and Hal about Himself's suicide and how Avril copes with it
>flag pole

So damn good. This was when I was hooked.

>> No.6755090
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When Homer snaps outside the theater and stomps that child to death

>> No.6755841

not really related but I was halfway through the book before I realized Lt. Scheisskopf is german for shithead.

>> No.6755845

so edgy
This book actually had so many good passages despite being so ridiculously short, yet you decided to be an epik memer

>> No.6755867
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Chapter 10, Tobin's story of the Judge

>> No.6755930

Me too!
Diagnosed that was because he wasn't brought up often enough that you'd bother parsing or subvocalising the name until then

>> No.6756266

i liked it
sad but cute
byron the bulb is my fav

>> No.6756272

i liked the films endnote about JOI
such a good book 2

>> No.6756319
File: 481 KB, 1000x1500, a-scanner-darkly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In A Scanner Darkly when Donna is holding Bob Arctor and she describes her friend seeing God. The whole passage after about injustice is spectacular too.

>> No.6756387
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this tbh

>> No.6756424

This scene is Infinite Jest, in essence. A comedic approach reveals an unbearable inner abyss.

>> No.6756506
File: 28 KB, 409x366, Raiders-of-the-lost-ark-melting-face_zps156d39a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When Tchitcherine Meets Enzian
>"Certainly not the first time a man has passed his brother by, at the edge of the evening, often forever, without knowing it"

>> No.6756846

>>When Ulises meets Paz
Yes yes yes.

>> No.6757217

>The Apache ambush
>The burning tree
>The Judge's speech about life existing without his consent
>Glanton's end
>The old woman's corpse
>The dancing undying judge

>> No.6757390
File: 25 KB, 200x287, Recognitions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stanley, in "The Recognitions", cums his pants trying to restrain Esme, and Gaddis describes it like Jesus on the cross.

>> No.6757398

This entire fucking thing is "particularly memorable"

>> No.6757424

"Perhaps history this century is rippled with gathers in its fabric such that if we are situated at the bottom of a fold, it's impossible to determine warp, woof or pattern anywhere else. By virtue, however, of existing in one gather it is assumed there are others, compartmented off into sinuous cycles each of which come to assume greater importance than the weave itself and destroy any continuity. Perhaps if we lived on a crest, things would be different. We could at least see."

Fuck me, I'm starting a reread right now
>tfw love rereading

>> No.6757513
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>That horse-whipping scene from Crime and Punishment

>> No.6757526

THE APACHE AMBUSH that shit was Crazytown, USA

>> No.6757634
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The part about the critics

>> No.6757712

That was tough to read for me. Call me squeamish

>> No.6757746

Phew, I thought you were going to say the part about the crimes. That was quite forgettable. For me, it's the part with the geometry textbook.

>> No.6757760

I was just about to post this

>> No.6757762

oh that was a heavy moment..

>> No.6757938

I liked the parts with stices head stuck to the window

>> No.6758810

It's quite funny how differently people experience that passage. I was anxious before it actually started happening, but when it did, I was as passive as Esther, reading further more fascinated than horrified.