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/lit/ - Literature

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6743939 No.6743939 [Reply] [Original]

It's decided, I will be majoring in English Lit and Philosophy.

Ready to be unemployed for the rest of my life.

>> No.6743943

nice blog

>> No.6744151

Apply for positions as a tech writer. They can't hire enough of you guys.

>> No.6744171

>Ready to be unemployed for the rest of my life.

Quite a lot of jobs open at 'educated to degree level' and let you progress within the company, often sending you on small specialist courses and seminars. You could always pick up an ESL cert and travel wherever you want for a few years teaching.

>> No.6744444

I want to major in Phil. too, but I was thinkin of double majoring and doing something more "practical" for my other major. Anyone have any suggestions. It doesn't have to be too practical (God forbid, I should actually fall so far as to study computer science). Anyone have suggestions?

>> No.6744450

don't do english lit jesus christ
phil and compsci is not a bad idea, they complement very well

>> No.6744453
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Me too actually .
Except my uni doesn't offer mayors in it.
Impossible to switch.
Will have to do psychology or something .

>> No.6744454

get a library card instead dude

>> No.6744455

>phil and compsci is not a bad idea, they complement very well

my logic prof was a comp sci+phil double major
she was a clever girl


OP that's really redundant. You can just do english electives for fun, you don't need to major in it as well...

>> No.6744617

Honestly, almost any BA in the humanities allows you to develop your capabilities for critical thinking that employers look for, its just a byproduct from all the other useless knowledge you've acquired. I've just finished my first year reading english, and while its been incredibly eye-opening, I can't say that I've actually 'learnt' anything useful other than understanding and recognising systematic or social oppression from a humanitarian perspective, which wasn't that difficult to do in the first place.

>> No.6745705


congrats, you've been propagandized

>> No.6745710

why would you major in english philosophy?

>> No.6745713

>all these non-STEM morons

stop giving OP bad advice

>> No.6745721

>not physics and philosophy double major

>> No.6745728

Don't worry too much. I know a woman with an English degree who makes six figures at a health insurance company. I know a woman with a creative writing degree who's on the verge of middle class as a technical editor.

>> No.6745778


Good to know you won't be contributing anything to either discipline.

Enjoy your watered down pour le masses education.

>> No.6746252

is there a more overrated painting?

>> No.6746268

Realist detected

>> No.6746276
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Anglo philosophy is the only worthwhile kind

>> No.6746283

Yes Starry Night

>> No.6746388

Do Philosophy and either Politics/Economics. Strange choice I know but in my local university they offer a course known as "Philosophy, Politcs and Economics" in which you study these. It's a very rare degree in the UK and only Queens University in Ireland does it so it's very rare and prestigious. Maybe be an international student and study at a university that offers it?

>> No.6746972

Mona Lisa?

>> No.6747010


I'm doing this too. See you in the third world pal.