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6742946 No.6742946 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you keep a journal? Tell us about it if you do.

>> No.6742993

I do. Old yellowing notebook, probably a relic from grade school. It's mostly empty, just like my life.

>> No.6742997

yeaup, i try to write at least a couple pages a day. mostly musings and trying to articulate my feelings.

>> No.6743870

i do

>> No.6743896

more a place to write my thoughts

I'll get high and write down my thoughts for debates or just so I don't forget my insights into reality

I really am probably the single greatest philosopher to have ever lived

>> No.6743935

I like writing down pseudo-philosophical musings. Or whatever comes to mind

>> No.6743975

I write because I want to know myself when years have taken me away from what I once was. I also want my son to have something to build me back together with in case I die before he grows up with me.

>> No.6744055

yeah in a notebook that I also shove poems and prose in. I journal pretty sporadically because I do nothing all day and night worth writing about

>> No.6744059

I keep an ongoing, multi-volume, detailed journal about my exploits fucking your mother. Volume XXIX is nearing completion, once i compile all the data from swinger's club gangbang.

>> No.6744083

Froge makes his face so facey.
I keep a journal for every sexual encounter i have ever had so that in the future when someone i actually care about finds it I will get shit canned.

>> No.6744122

I have a sort of notebook to write poetry or short stories whenever I feel like it, but it's not a journal as such.
When I was a teen I kept a diary from 14 onward after reading Anne Frank's. I felt like I could relate to a lot of the stuff she wrote (what 14 year old couldn't) and figured it'd be fun.

>> No.6744133

i can't; I have no privacy

>> No.6744185

I used to keep an online journal/blog thing that I always kept private. I wrote in it erratically and most of the entries are incoherent or you can tell I got bored after writing for 20 minutes and started with some emo shit. They read like 100 suicide notes really.

I now sometimes just have a bit of a write without much purpose and it gets turned into something else later if I like elements of it.

>> No.6744196

Not so much a journal but more of a notebook. I have Ideas, lists, quotes, songs, short stories, and doodles in there.

>> No.6744232

Write on your computer and encrypt it.
That's what I do.

>> No.6744337

i'm thinking about having a dream journal, i always have very peculiar dreams which i forget the next day. so if i write them down i would be able to read them back.
good idea?

>> No.6744761

Yes. I have a dream journal full with incredibly lewd sex dreams.

>> No.6744787


Hey me too man we should fuck if you are a biological female

>> No.6744860

I don't keep a journal perse... It's more of a daily log. I write down things I want to do, and notable things I actually did do. Just helps me stay organized and on track more than anything.

>> No.6745151

what do you use? pgp? aes?
i'm using gdocs and feel like i should hop on the paranoid bandwagon

>> No.6745154

I have one for lucid dreaming. I'm so lazy i forget about a lot and then pick it up again every now and then.

>> No.6745223

>biological female

stopped reading there

>> No.6746111

so did everybody, idiot

>> No.6746135

>not getting the joke

sweet trips, tbh

>> No.6746142

i have a journal where i make note of the different noises i hear that i find particularly scary and try to make reasoned arguments with myself as to whether they are real or not.

i used to try to do this with conversations i had with people, making note of things people said to me that i felt were veiled insults, threats or jokes at my expense, but that started to be too much work and then i stopped talking to people in real life anyways.

my journal helps keep me sane.

>> No.6746168

>my journal helps keep me sane.
i don't think its working man

>> No.6746193

im seriously interested in seeing some of this. post it please.

>> No.6746218
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>> No.6746219

What do you mean by pseudo-philosophical?

>> No.6747578

i write endless cool shit about everything in what is now 50 of those 200 page notebooks but I only use the right-hand page of the notebooks and it doesn't matter how much you write anyway. I have a dream journal and a book I keep all the tarot and i ching readings I do in and notes for a novel I am writing, and so many other fun things.

>> No.6747651
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I write down what I consume in extreme detail every day in a very matter of factly way.

I also write down what I do, which is mostly just browsing the internet and reading and playing vidya.

I describe my activies on 4chan of the day to myself.

I describe my vidya activities to myself.

I describe my poo poo.

I describe the stool as minutely as possible in a very serious tone.

I keep a strict log of my fapping behaviour.

I describe the quality of my sleep.

I also record the time I do any of these things down to the minute.

When I go outside and talk to someone other than mummy, I put a gold star next to the day.

>> No.6747660

Yes, but I just write gibberish and practice my cursive.

>> No.6747915

Yeah, I write in it nightly to go over things that happened during the day. It's an excuse to practice my handwriting more than anything, but also as a way to keep my emotional state stable. I'm able to look at my life over time and see that it actually has a semblance of a direction and that life is worth living.

>> No.6747925

I keep a notebook filled with notes and memories of the girls I sleep with.

>> No.6749185

Post one of the poop entries.

>> No.6749340

Take away fapping activities and you have second grade in a nutshell. Unless...

>> No.6749410
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I've been writing a philosophical 'manifesto', if you will, inspired by daily thoughts and what not.
It's pretty much a collection of essays about random shit.
'On Suffering'
'On Eugenics'
'On The Visual Arts'
Things like that. As of now the word count totals 20.000.
It's pretty cringe worthy really.

>> No.6749473

yeah that sounds pretty gay