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6741443 No.6741443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Male feminist here,

How do we fight white privilege and patriarchy if women keep rewarding privileged white patriarchs?

>> No.6741478

You don't.

>> No.6741489

You're not even trying anymore.

>> No.6741507


>> No.6741542

Genuine question

How comes things women hate the most is also the things that make them wet and easiest to sell to them? Women are literally en enigma.

>> No.6741557

Because they get wet involuntarily, thus they hate that something had a subconscious control over them while still being turned on by it.

>> No.6741574

I don't see why that really matters in your fight. Women reward powerful men - so what? That's just patriarchy. Why has your strategy changed for fixing things? No feminists argues that patriarchy is something created solely by men against women.

>> No.6741575

Guys also get erection involuntary

We dont see cuckold or feminist book being mens best sellers

>> No.6741579

>Male feminist

>> No.6741588

Men are stimulated primarily with the visual. That's why they watch porn.

>> No.6741590

It matters because we lose our biggest fighting force

I feel cucked and my struggle seems futile

>> No.6741594

Good question. As a male feminist myself, this is a question I've been struggling with for quite some time. I wish I had the answer, but I don't.

>> No.6741595

Why do women get with privileged white patriarchs? Because they need rich men for financial support. Why do they need financial support from rich men? Because patriarchal society keeps them from being independent and making their own money.

>How do we fight
Give women the same career opportunities as men.

>> No.6741596
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Because, just like men, most women are idiots. Bad behavior is rewarded if it has vestiges of evolutionary advantage (like being aggressive and emotion).

No enigma here.

>> No.6741598

Cuckold porn isnt even close to males top 10 fetish (atleast outside 4chan lel) and feminist porn doesnt exist.

Meanwhile any female friendly erotic novels involved a powerful privileged man most often white.

>> No.6741608

But if they keep relying on powerful privileged men how would they become independent? Opportunity is there to take not given.

>> No.6741616

The holy bible

>> No.6741620

The issue is that the vast majority of women are just as sexist as men, in that they think both sexes have a certain place they should stay in.

>> No.6741624

women aren't a monolithic block

feminists unilaterally hate 50 Shades, but enough women are not feminists that it sold like hotcakes

>> No.6741630

Yet all women call themselves feminist and enjoy feminist achievement

They cant have the cake and eat it too

I propose we withdraw the voting rights from any women who read these kind of books, date guys taller or richer than them

>> No.6741634

>No feminists argues that patriarchy is something created solely by men against women.
You haven't met many radfem, did you?

>> No.6741639

>feminists unilaterally hate 50 Shades

Not true. The only feminists who say this are nobodies on 4chan or reddit

Most mainstream feminist media like jezebel or salon praises the book. Their reader too. Not mention the feminist media in my country

>> No.6741646

Joseph and Uriah both got cucked

>> No.6741663

>Yet all women call themselves feminist

Not really.

>> No.6741666

>Most mainstream feminist media like jezebel or salon praises the book.

Show me proof.

Tumblr was VIRULENTLY anti 50 shades, constantly rambling about how it told teenage girls that it's okay for them to be abused and raped.

>> No.6741670

>24 replies
Why so much biting?
I expect all posters below this point to be ridiculed.

>> No.6741682

as a male feminist, i think the biggest issue is that its hard for female feminists to sometimes get past being aroused by the rich 'successful' white archetype, its definitely hard to explain but the culture surrounding expectations for women to marry a college educated guy who was in a fraternity and works making a far-above-comfortable amount is pretty difficult to get past. so many of my college friends are feminists but still want to hook up with frat guys at huge parties, so i guess it'd be pretty tough to stick to ideals all the time

>> No.6741703

Are you implying that you get turned on by being cucked?

>> No.6741705
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Pls be troll

>> No.6741709

Who said anything about cuck porn?

>> No.6741714


You can literally find hundreds of articles like this one mainstream feminist media

Also by a prominent Swedish feminist

>listen feminists here's is the right opinion

>> No.6741717

If they have sex before marriage and have a job and vote it means they implicitely calling themselves feminists

>> No.6741723

I did. Read the whole conversation and put into context

>> No.6741747

Male feminists are beta cucks by default ofc you cant fight anything

Not even getting a whiff of fat feminazis rancid pussies

>> No.6741776

Women are in no position to reward anything. I really doubt OP is a feminist.

>> No.6741798

Sex,love and companionship. Even worship. Women have more power than you can imagine. Im a male feminist whos about to give up.

>> No.6741808

The answer is a simple one.

Women are not honest.

>> No.6741817

Doesn't matter I want to educate them about their erroneous way. Its for their own good.

>> No.6741820

Women can provide men the most important rewards in this world.

>> No.6741822

It's very hard to be feminist. I think most women just are in negation about what they want, and feminists are kinda self-aware they can't get what they want, so they try to attack that “something” they want, making it unavaiaible to everyone else, and acting like that's something they don't want, at the sime time.
Yes, women love men's dominance. They love dominant men, but not every women can get them. The fox and the grapes, everywhere.

>> No.6741826

>Its for their own good.
So you want to dominate them?

How is that not the embodiment of patriarchy, claiming you know better than what women are instinctively drawn to.

Feminism is fashion ideology, see it for what it is.

>> No.6741831

>if women keep rewarding privileged white patriarchs?
>white patriarchs
what are you trying to >imply here? is this about sex? are you upset that feminists won't sleep with you? do you think that just because a woman slept with somebody else instead of you that you can extrapolate that to mean all feminists would rather sleep with "the enemy" than "good male feminists"? pretty bad post, tbh, OP

>> No.6741838

Pretty bad bait. Too obvious, have read the same argument about "just because they won't sleep with you" only in baits. Take that to the next attempt. Regards.

>> No.6741843

Why do people say shit like "Women are cheaters" or "dishonest" or "liars" or whatever the fuck under the sun when the same thing could be said about men? Plenty of women are shitheads. Plenty of guys are shitheads.

>> No.6741845

i think the problem is more that white patriarchs are more sexually aggressive and predatory than that all women think of that kind of man as the ideal

>> No.6741858

just want to know what "rewards" OP feels he is owed, that's all

>> No.6741863

Because it's pretty easy to spot when a man will cheat. And 95% of the time (I obviously made that number up) they only cheat because of a hot woman they wanted to have sex with. They don't say it was the women's fault beucase they were unhappy. They know it was their dick acting.
Women, on the other hand, will cheat you for a lot of reasons, most of them because you were "boring", "weak", and thus, saying it was your fault, that you were a pig, she was unhappy, and that shit. And, they won't tell their pussies made that decision, rather, "her feelings".

>> No.6741871


>feminists unilaterally hate 50 Shades

Bullshit. My mom loves 50 shades, yet she's also a feminist. Feminist as in actively involved in radical groups and organisations 30-40 years back. Back when feminism was actually about equal rights.

Also I'm pretty sure you're using 'unilaterally' wrong in that context.

>> No.6741878

Not really rape themed novel is more popular amongst women than men. Just check any fanfic site
No I want them to see privileged white patriarchs for what it is and stop enable it

>> No.6741881

I dont feel owed just betrayed like when your camrades ally with your enemy behind your back

>> No.6741895
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>fanfic is a significant indicator of what all women everywhere think
lol ok

>> No.6741899

>when the same thing could be said about men?
I never claimed that men were exempt from this.

Both sexes have faults.

In the particular case with women, their dishonesty appears to be something that they not even aware of, to the point where they can be dishonest with themselves, men have this too, but I've found this quality to be much more present in women.

>> No.6741910
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>Male feminist here
me on the left btw

>> No.6741915
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Male feminist summed up

>> No.6741922

No but the best selling book for females and its cinematic succes is

>> No.6741924


When that poorly written fanfic becomes the best sold book EVER OF ALL TIMES, yes it does.

>> No.6741926

male feminists are under the false impression that women are like and think like men. they believe that if so many women are speaking out so forcefully against oppression it must be true, because they themselves would never make such a fuss about something if it weren't true.

>> No.6741928


No such thing, what you're thinking of is called a cuck

>> No.6741946
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>> No.6741952


Men only cheating because they're thinking with their dick and women cheating because the guy's "boring". That's just a cultural meme you'll find in movies and pop culture that has manifested itself as true in our minds. Read about Debord's "spectacle". Men and women cheat when they're unhappy with their relationships. A man who's content eith his wife won't cheat. A woman who's content with her husband won't cheat.


muh anecdotal evidence

>> No.6741984

Bullshit I'm a man who cheated on my ex because I got drunk and thought with my dick. I regretted deeply and have only myself to blame. Women who cheat always blame their spouse who made them 'uncontent'

>> No.6742003
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>Women who cheat always blame their spouse
cool meme, what red-pill blog did you get that off of?

>> No.6742005

Right from your post m8

>> No.6742010

Have you ever heard a woman?

>> No.6742014

I always feel like I'm getting cucked by proxy whenever I read someone call themselves a "male feminist"

I can just feel the sissy white / whitewashing limp wristed beta in his 20s emanating from my screen

>> No.6742020

I'm going to write a book "How I Got Tons of Pussy Just by Not Being an Asshole"

>> No.6742021


Surprise surprise, when you're drunk you make stupid decisions! I have an ex who cheated on me when she was drunk. I was looking for an opportunity to dump her anyway though.