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6740732 No.6740732[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So now that the US has legalized same sex marriage, to celebrate what are some good gay authors to read?

>> No.6740741

Orson Scott Card

>> No.6740749

Thomas Mann
Oscar Wilde
William Burroughs
Augusten Burroughs, now that I saw the name
Michel Foucault

>> No.6740761

Vidal, Jansson, Highsmith, Wilde, Whitman, McCullers...

>> No.6740785

I'm not excited for this. As a young American who only knows homosexuals in his own age group, I have a hard time being glad that these obnoxious people (gay pride is obnoxious and LGBTQ ideology is worse than capitalist ideology) taking pride in being degenerate in every possible way simply because they identify as homosexuals can now marry.
Sorry, but most of the homosexuals I've met have given me a bad pression. I'm starting to think it makes sense to make generalizations about them.

>> No.6740796

>makes sweeping generalizations
>> I'm starting to think it makes sense to make generalizations about them.

what is this tautology

>> No.6740797

Back to /pol/

>> No.6740821


Shakespeare, Proust, "More than half of all the great poets" according to Harold Bloom.

>> No.6740832


>> No.6740839

I used to think that any generalizations I made about homosexuals would be based on falsehoods. Now that I've dealt with a lot more gay people, I think a lot of what I've heard is true.

>> No.6740843

What you "know" mostly consists of "hey, the flamboyantly gay kids in my neighborhood/school irritate me by being so gay." You're unaware of all gay people who don't act gay or mention it, older gay people, or gay people everywhere in the world outside of your little sphere and age group. Try not to think of that as a reasonable sample group, and WTF do you mean by "degenerate" anyway?

>> No.6740845

Henry James

>> No.6740848

I agree with you, being from America myself, in that the 'culture' they have established is sheer degeneracy and the fact that with an immeasurable magnitude of smugness they see this as a victory is the only thing that upsets me. I am all for homosexuality as I would be a hypocrite to denounce it considering my willingness to acknowledge the superiority of the male form, but the flamboyance and excess that too many display is simply disgusting and deserves the ridicule I have been fortunate enough to see it receive.

>> No.6740853

>superiority of the male form

geeee /pol/ what are you doing outside of your containment board

>captcha is "find the cakes"
>one's a cake with a rainbow flag

>> No.6740857

We seem to be on the exact same page. I have gay friends who don't fall into the culture too much, but even they have a kind of smugness about their difference from everyone else that makes me feel like they don't want to actually identify with society as a whole. This is the real problem. These communities make self-identities that cut them off from the rest of the larger community they're a part of.

>> No.6740863

/lit/ is basically /pol/ at this point. The crossposting is common enough that you should be able to accept it.
Ridiculing and trivializing the ideas of people who disagree with you is exactly what we're talking about.

>> No.6740868
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gays are alright by me tbh, most that i know are funny and affable and at worst annoying

>> No.6740876

fags look at themselves as some kind of tragic vampire creatures with a romantic "curse", like Byronic heroes, but when it comes down to it they are just disgusting perverts

>> No.6740881

I don't know if I'd take it that far, but yeah, building an identity around the fact that you want to shove a dick up a man's ass seems nonsensical to me. Straight people don't make their sexuality their identity and only identify as straight in relation to those who identify as gay.

>> No.6740885

A huge defeat of common sense and decency.

>> No.6740891


>"The world does not expect logic and precision in poetry or inspirational pop philosophy; it demands them in the law. The stuff contained in today’s opinion has to diminish this Court’s reputation for clear thinking and sober analysis."
The liberal Justices are now confirmed Continental philosophers

>> No.6740893

I don't have gay friends for that very reason. 'Gay pride' is an abhorrent concept and it has served to develop some inherent generalizations that I have long ceased to suppress. My naturally occurring disgust is justified whenever I notice a fundamentally attractive male, become aware of my willingness to have sex, and also notice an absence of all that is stereotypical of a gay man, in me. I do not choose to be attracted but I choose not to act like a miscreant and so I attribute this power of will to the rest of them; if they choose to act like fags, I cannot tame my contempt.

>> No.6740898

why did you have to post my waifu in this filth?

>> No.6740908

The only reason I have gay friends is my unwillingness to have gay sex (and the obvious impossibility of sex with my lesbian friends). The male form is a thing of beauty but I don't find it arousing. That's just me, though.
>My naturally occurring disgust is justified whenever I notice a fundamentally attractive male, become aware of my willingness to have sex, and also notice an absence of all that is stereotypical of a gay man, in me
Could you expand on this a little bit?

>> No.6740919

>OP asks for books
>stormfags piss on each other instead of posting books

just a typical day on /lit/

>> No.6740921
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sorry pal, is there some way i can get your permission before posting?

post your number, ill give you a call

>> No.6740931

>So now that the US has legalized same sex marriage



>> No.6740948

I go by my experience and nothing else. I've done musical theater with adult homosexuals and they're generally less obnoxious, but I still find homosexual identity and culture infuriating.

>> No.6740959

James Baldwin is my personal GOAT.

>> No.6740968

Simply that I share with the homosexuals the desire to have sex with other males and I realize that I do not choose to find certain males attractive so it must come naturally to them as it does to me. I do, however, choose not to act in the manner that makes many homosexual shameful and contemptuous, viz. I do not go out of my way to make my predilections, although different than those of the majority, known to all for the purpose of winning the vanities that flamboyancy offers. The choice to act as a degenerate makes the degenerate an inferior man, not the object to which he is naturally attracted.

>> No.6740970

Nothing of what you said is wrong and you shouldn't feel sorry for saying it
Why people who visit a board for literature would respond you the way they did, is beyond me. I expect that reaction from reddit, not from people who (supposedly) pursuit knowledge
It's odd. Maybe they're gay, idk

>> No.6740977

*are in pursuit for

>> No.6740978

Hemmmingway is good.

>> No.6740980

>tfw gay virgin
at least i'll have my pessoa and proust

>> No.6740981

>tfw you'd like to have relationships with men but those FILTHY QUEERS have turned genuine sexual expression into a subversive political ideology

Fun fact, there are about twice the number of people working minimum wage as there are faggots in America. Besides, the pseudoscientific idea of sexuality these fudge crammers push is literally pure ideology. What's worse, we can't even have a reasoned debate about it without some limp wristed AIDS basket flying off the handle about his oppression.

But to return to the OP, Gide is a great writer who put some gay themes in his books.

>> No.6740983


>> No.6740984

David Wojnarowicz


Well said.

>> No.6740990

what is 'genuine sexual expression' and how is it not a spook?

>> No.6740992
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So, you find the male form beautiful, done musical theatre, has a lot of gay friends and yet you find them disgusting?

Tell me more

>> No.6740997

>tfw American People will receive the triumphant finale it deserves
feels good man

>> No.6741025

I agree m8.

>> No.6741032


>> No.6741052

Genuine sexual expression is, you know, expressing yourself sexually in genuine sort of way. As the old saying goes, the Tao that can be named is not the true Tao or whatnot. When I have sexual (or other) relations with people, it's with that specific person and inspired by Eros or love or whatever you want to call it.

By categorizing yourself into a sexual nitche you set limits and conditions on your sexuality. Faggots simply take brand fetishism to a whole new level, which is why so many of those queers are limp effeminate consumerists.

To put it simply, sexuality shouldn't be a pre-packaged lifestyle to be consumed.

Heterosexuals do the same thing of course, but at least they sometimes shut up about it.

I'm pretty sure u don't know what spook means

>> No.6741064

>at least they sometimes shut up about it.
all those ads, all those TV shows, all those movies, all those books. you call it shutting up? breeders are obnoxious faggots who love to shove it all in your face.

I'm pretty sure what you described qualifies as one. Or at least, just retarded in like a retarded sort of way, as the old saying goes.

>> No.6741074

You're the only ones demanding that sexuality be made an explicitly public affair. This argument holds no water whatsoever.

>> No.6741076

all writers are gay Lol nerds

>> No.6741079

>He doesn't think there's a difference between sexuality and expression of sexuality
>He thinks meaningless sex is identical to meaningful sex
>He thinks straight sexuality is more obnoxious than Gay Pride Worldwide
Yeah, no. This is an intelligent board, we don't fall for this shit.

>> No.6741081

They also, you know, reproduce. And make up 97% of the population.

If they were that vocal about anal sex or something I could see your point, but they aren't, so I dont.

>> No.6741127

It's funny how people like to associate gay people with intellectuals, yet if you had ever met any you'd know they merely use the image as a defence mechanism and have absolutely no ambition of that kind

Of course this isn't always the case: I have a friend who's gay and very decent and reserved, studying philosophy. But having had the chance to meet almost 20 both IRL and the internet, I can say with some confidence it's a consistent pattern

>> No.6741142

>muh tolerance

>> No.6741147


>> No.6741154

I think it'll be good for you in the long run, since most of the "flamboyant gay" people act like that as a reaction to their perceived disadvantages. Marriage is another step into normalization. One day, they'll look around and they'll feel weird for acting like, well, faggots.

>> No.6741160


>> No.6741161

Proust, Pierre Loti

>> No.6741206

Delany is fun to read but often bad. get dhalgren.

>> No.6741213

Not exactly, the process through which that minority came to have certain rights is unnatural, because it didn't happen by dropping their stigmatization, but by dressing it in order to make them suitable for victimization, in the same fashion as for the other minorities. I'm not simply talking about the "flamboyant" type, but a whole set of traits and role of society that will stick with whoever is openly gay.
Whether you want or not they, and regardless of your skill to "judge people by who they are", in a societal context, they will never be "accepted" in true sense of the word

It's not only about gays, it's the whole western mentality, and it's gonna collapse eventually.
Maybe then there will be an opportunity to restard and try to build up something a bit more honest

>> No.6741236
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Ginsberg, Vidal, Capote, Baldwin, etc.

Check out pic related.

>> No.6741241

>process through which that minority came to have certain rights is unnatural


>> No.6741250

I've never read Foucault.
What's wrong in my statement?

>> No.6741254

What did this even have to do with the constitution?

>> No.6741256


>> No.6741278

14th amendment, which says that all citizens must be given equal protection of the law.

Supreme Court decided that covered gay people in relation to marriage.

>> No.6741288

A few decades ago there was a TV debate between Chomsky and Foucault - Chomsky tried to defend one of his point using "it's only natural" or sth. like that, Foucault laughed at him for using such a weak, handwavy argument

>> No.6741289
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>tfw strict constitutionalist
Now everyone is going to think I'm a homophobe

>> No.6741299


>> No.6741305

Oh, alright
So the whole thing that I wrote is a weak argument because I used that word?

>> No.6741310
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>> No.6741314

>they will never be "accepted" in true sense of the word
Well duh. It's an unnatural state. The best possible outcome is heteros ignoring gays and letting them live and pay taxes while homos have their little happiness with their loved ones.

>> No.6741323

The only thing that is pure filth is the gay prides where they parade in tight latex or leather suits or whatever they may be, often half naked and outing their sexual preference rather up front.

>> No.6741327

>The best possible outcome is heteros ignoring gays
Does this mean I can't read Oscar Wilde or the Ode less Traveled by Steven Fry? I won't even be able to listen to Tiny Dancer again.

>> No.6741329

Oscar Wilde is gay?

>> No.6741331
File: 251 KB, 500x402, thingken of capital.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are actually *schniff*, you know, believing that there is shomething morally wrong with wanting to shtick your penish *schniff* in a manbutt instead of a womanbutt, and sho on

>> No.6741335


>> No.6741339
File: 610 KB, 559x755, Britain's finest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stephen Fry
That man is a posturing, disgusting, moronic pederast and I hope he dies of AIDS.

>> No.6741341

>he only thing that is pure filth is the gay prides where they parade in tight latex or leather suits or whatever they may be

>tfw was in Rio for the 2014 mardi gras
>One of the best experiences of my life.

>> No.6741346

You live there now?

>> No.6741348

>Oscar Wilde is gay?
He was a sodomite, and atheist, and an recreational opiate user. As a Christian, you are not allowed to read Dorian Gray.

>> No.6741350

this, plus gay guys flirt with me all the time, I'll take an ego boost any day

>> No.6741362

What the Fuck pol... I mean lit

>> No.6741364
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I'm OK with it, pic related

>> No.6741369

Wonderful, and I don't necessarily mind it all, but naming it a "Gay pride" gives it all a rather disgusting twist to me.
If anything it should be a fun time for anyone, no need for homosexual and lesbians to parade around exclusively.

>> No.6741378

Any greek

>> No.6741380

>Oppressed and tortured for centuries
>Parade ONE DAY of the year
>hurr durr it should be for everyone hurr

>> No.6741388
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Jesus christ just stop posting ITT
Enough is enough you silly faggot

>> No.6741397

It's like when men get mad because some feminists want to do stuff only for women. I'm being serious, what the fuck do you care if fags parade ONE DAY of the year?

>> No.6741412

Cough greece cough, anyhow, lets have a parade for the irish too, where they'll undress and dance half naked in the streets. And black people. And the whites whom suffered from arab slavery. The native americans, etc etc. Stop being such a fucking idiot, celebrating =/= dancing half naked on the street in different sexual poses.
That'll help.

>> No.6741416

Yes, you dumb little thing. That is a problem. If they'd say "we care only about problems regarding women and want them also to have supremacy" it'd be fine with me. Which they don't. Now move back to tumblr.

>> No.6741419

>Greece somehow changes the fact that homosexuals have been oppressed for centuries nearly everywhere
And I don't care if everybody dances naked in the streets, who am I to tell them not to?

>> No.6741423

>Yes, you dumb little thing. That is a problem. If they'd say "we care only about problems regarding women and want them also to have supremacy" it'd be fine with me. Which they don't. Now move back to tumblr.
Sorry, English is not my mother tongue, I can't make sense of this

>> No.6741447

Who am I to tell people not to suicide? Who am I to tell people not to nail their balls to the street in protest? Who am I not to want people pissing against trees in public? Who am I caring if people shit in public and clean it up afterwards? Who am I to say anything?
Again, as did multiple other ethnic groups, they are not parading around the street half naked.

>> No.6741450

>>Oppressed and tortured for centuries
>not a distinct social cast with a shared history
This "muh father issues are just as bad as slavery" mentality is everything that's wrong with the so called left today

>> No.6741456
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>no Rimjob

for shame /lit/

>> No.6741459

I like Mishima, Proust and Wilde OP

as for what anons are discussing:
I think that this guy >>6741052 nails it. I don't identify myself with homosexuality or bisexual, although I like traps and I've felt aroused by men (as much as I've felt aroused by women). Thing is, you should follow whatever sexual lifestyle you feel comfortable with, instead of trying too hard to be what the popular opinion says about homosexuality or anything. If you like to get things up your ass, but you don't like men, that's your choice, you don't have to force yourself to like men just because people say that certain things are what homosexuals do.

I've never had a good experience with gay people in real life however, they all have been obnoxious and anoying, but I think that's their personality and not their sexuality. They could be straight as fuck and still be obnoxious.

>> No.6741466

>dancing half-naked in the street is offensive
>Gay parades are comparable to any of the shit you said
seriously dude,

>> No.6741468

>not a distinct social cast with a shared history

>> No.6741473

LGBTQ ideology is Capitalist ideology. LGBT identity politics can only function at the level it does through capitalism.


>> No.6741485

You're either stupid or have zero reading comprehension. Felicitations

>> No.6741553

Wrong board

>> No.6741603

Walt Whitman
Hart Crane
Oscar Wilde
Rene Ricard
William Burroughs

Mishima and Melville

>> No.6741610

>literally crying over a burger

>> No.6741625

'crossposting' is a funny word for shitposting on our board

>> No.6741629


I wondered if someone was going to be this cheeky.

>> No.6741633
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pic very related.

>> No.6741770

>Implying it isn't also ours

>> No.6741793

>Nobody has mentioned Genet.