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6740545 No.6740545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can a person change?

>> No.6740551
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Nothing changes

>> No.6740552
File: 90 KB, 509x525, m'lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can if they find le jesus

>> No.6740554

No man ever steps into the same rivier twice, nor does any river ever contain the same man twice.

>> No.6740558


>> No.6740564
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yes we're always changing. and by that I mean we're always the same since we're always changing okay. a little zen paradox for you to think about, anon.

but really people don't stay the same. you stop living when you stop learning. consider seven years ago. you were plenty different. who knows what you'll be interested 7 years from now?

>> No.6740573

Yes, but not by becoming something he is not; paradoxically, one can change only by becoming what one already is, only more so.

>> No.6740576

Can a person stay the same?

>> No.6740586

as long as the person keeps changing since we're always changing, then yes.

>> No.6740599

Isn't that the Asian chick from the one facial abuse video? On the right.

>> No.6740605

A person that is continually changing is staying the same?

>> No.6740608


>> No.6740616

I was just fucking around but in all honesty, yes.

if a person has been continually changing all their lives continued to change that wouldn't be much of a change.

I know what you meant in your first post though. I don't think so. between growing up and losing interest in shit and finding new interests...and environmental factors it's impossible to stay the same.

>> No.6740621

it is strange though that when you run into an old friend after ten years that there is something identifiably the same although they're different too.

>> No.6740682

Yeah man, fuuuuck

>> No.6740703
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Yes. Anything can change.

Except war.

War never changes

>> No.6740707


>> No.6740719


victory is mine

>> No.6740720

>if a person has been continually changing all their lives continued to change that wouldn't be much of a change.
How so? You mean because the characteristic of change is a constant? That does not mean there isn't much of a change?

Not necessarily a correct perception, though. More likely it's your conception of ten years ago still lingering in your brain which you projecting onto this new person. The illusion is also strengthened by the symbol (ie their name) used to refer to them stays the same.

>> No.6740789

I disagree that it's an illusion. people change but some things stay the same. weird nuances from speech or movements. I believe people change but there are some things ingrained from our youth that unless we consciously try to change them they do not change. for example I have a few friends who have been living in Virginia for over ten years but still have new jersey accents.

and yeah when change is the constant for the first part. semantics really but I was making a point although I know what the other anon originally intended.

>> No.6740801

>le facial abuse
Is this /v/ now?
I wish we had fucking mods.

>> No.6742459

So damn depressing. She had such potential and instead she chose to become a worthless slam pig.

>> No.6742471

just give me the sauce so I can masturbate to that Dock for Cock

>> No.6742474
File: 41 KB, 404x502, Planescape-torment-box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can change the nature of a man?

>> No.6742479

You are assuming there a static and abstract "I" beyond the actualities of your actions.

>> No.6742503

I can't watch that video
It legitimately makes me sad

>> No.6742506

you stop living when you stop learning?

I'd agree if you said "you stop learning when you stop living"

>> No.6742515


If you change topologically I suppose you can be a donut or a mug and be the same nevertheless

But topology I suspect is sheer fantasy and we live much more on a world of discontinuities meaning that today you are a mug but tomorrow you might be a cup after all

>> No.6742643
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No. Becoming is an illusion.

>> No.6742685

Regret is the true answer. Some other answers can do that too, but not permanently. Regret changes your nature forever.

>> No.6742690

What kind of question is this? People have no choice but to change.

>> No.6742702

This is trivial. Some part of your body had changed its prior spatiotemporal position to a new spatiotemporal position. Hence, some part of a person can change.

>>6740576 however, poses a less trivial quandary. So, *can* a person stay the same? Probably not in his entirety, if we take this entirety to be a psychophysical whole. The first answer I gave negates this (especially the physical realm), so we are left with the psychological realm. Can something psychological stay the same? In principle, yes. What is it? A belief. You in principle may believe that P (e.g. P = "God exists") and never revise this belief throughout your entire life.

That's all there is to it.

>> No.6742712

kek not that stupid slag, OP. whores aren't people anyway, though.

>> No.6742726

We change every second. Technically I'm not even the same person as I was the previous 5 that wrote this post.

>> No.6742727

not fundamentally. someone's personality is determined more by their genetics than their circumstances -- past a certain age that is. once someone is, say, mid-20s, or maybe a bit earlier, how they are is how they will stay.

>> No.6742803

Can a person not change? How?