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6739777 No.6739777 [Reply] [Original]

What would a world without politics and politicians be like?

>> No.6739783

Lonely. With a social species like humanity, politics are unavoidable.

>> No.6739789


basically humans would be like bears, I think. living in the wild, only forming temporary social relationships to fuck.

are you 18?

>> No.6739793

The same fucking thing.

>> No.6739813


You do realize it's perfectly possible to have functioning government without even the slightest trace of politics, right?

Politics only evolve where government has become an affair of the rabble.

>> No.6739820

how does someone come to be in a governmental position in this hypothetical situation you've created?

>> No.6739824

>trips of teenage

>> No.6739827

This is my thought exactly. There has to be some sort of competition, or agreement, or something, that puts that government into position.

>> No.6739828
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How do you think, autist?

Or are you just not acquainted with human history prior to the French Revolution?

>> No.6739830


>singles of projection

>> No.6739834
File: 3 KB, 156x173, download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the natural man

>> No.6739836

>memetext of avoidance

>> No.6739838

>zeros of fedora

>> No.6739841


>Politics (from Greek: πολιτιkός politikos, definition "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people.

What we understand as 'politics' today originated in the demagoguery of ancient Athens.

>> No.6739843


>almost dubs of no argument or contribution

>> No.6739860

prior to the french revolution, society, including tribal society, was rampant with politics and people attempting to rise to positions of power.

When a group of ten people get together, hold an identity as a group, and try to make a decision, politics come into play.

I never said the natural man was bad. I love bears.

are you suggesting that politics did not exist before the greeks coined the term?

that would be like saying fistfights didn't exist before someone came up with a word for it.

>> No.6739868


Lol read a book sometime. Formal politics and political thought did not simply exist from time immemorial. They had to be invented, and Greece was their birthplace. Plato and Aristotle wrote some of the earliest texts on political thought. There is no need for it where you have a system of absolute hereditary rule. Delegates and lesser officials are appointed in such a system, not elected. The illiterate, uneducated rabble has no say.

>> No.6739876

So you are suggesting politics were not in play in babylonian or ancient egyptian society?


>> No.6739878


Who the actual fuck was running for election in those societies m8? Who ran a campaign or belonged to a political party? Are you on drugs or something?

>> No.6739881

Among the ruling classes, the priestly caste, the warrior clans and the peasantry, every kind of dynamics relating to decision-making is politics. That's what politics is. The republican sort of politics comes from Athens, but politics is not just that.

>> No.6739887

you have a narrow view of politics, you seem to think it only applies to modern, western systems of government, which it does not.

The definition you use yourself
>Politics (from Greek: πολιτιkός politikos, definition "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people.
straight up implies no restriction to only the modern, western political structure.

People in ancient babylonia and egypt gained power just like people in ancient greece did. They gained favor of people in positions of wealth and power and became a figurehead to keep people secured in those positions.

Your pretentiousness is blinding you to basic reason.

>> No.6739888

w8 m8 wtf, isn't this you?


your own definition says that politics are the practice of influencing other people. That can exist at a tribal level, or between three people, by your own fucking definition, retard.

>> No.6739893


>politics is whatever I say it is

That's not how it works m8. I mean the strict definition of the thing, as in a system where people compete for power through popular opinion, where leaders do not claim authority but haggle and barter with the masses for it.

>> No.6739897

not him, but the greeks did invent the concept of politics; the word politics, from Greek polis, had never before been mentioned any time before then. other civilizations had no reason to have a system of politics because it all happened naturally as opposed to manually by voting, council, etc etc

>> No.6739902


Gaining the favor of those who already have power is not the same as appealing to the powerless masses for an arbitrary allotment of power.

>> No.6739908

I'm saying exactly the definition you used. This is like bizarro world where you're going against your own definition. Jesus Christ, the state of /lit/

>> No.6739912

The word comes from Greek, it doesn't mean the Greeks invented decision-making among humanity.

>> No.6739914

so much fucking implying oh my god
>implying that something can't exist before a word that is used in modern tongue is made up for it
By your logic, geometric patterns didn't exist until the greeks started describing them.
>implying that a position of leadership was never made in any culture previous to the greeks through council and leadership
>implying that "politics" is a word only restricted to people rising to positions of power through electorate means

What the fuck is up with greek-aboo illogical pretentiousness

>> No.6739916

i want my friends that doubt that the Greeks invented politics to watch this video and listen explicitly for the part where he says greeks invented politics and explains why and how

>> No.6739920

no, it's not the same, nor did I imply that they were, but both are considered politics.

>> No.6739926

That man is arguing that greeks are the foundation of modern, western politics, not the entire concept of politics altogether.

Politics exist outside of the modern, western system. There were political movements happening throughout the world simultaneously to the greeks that worked entirely differently. The greeks simply founded the system that many modern political structures are based on today.

>> No.6739930

>"The Greeks created politics"
>no lol he didn't say they created politics he said they founded politics

>> No.6739931

"These ideas and institutions are the basis for modern liberal thinking about politics"

You're a fucking scrub and a retard. He never implies that the greeks invented politics as a whole.

>> No.6739935

politcs is not a synonym for democracy (which actually was invented in ancient greece)

>> No.6739936

Are you seriously a retard? I don't think I ever asked someone in 4chan about this in a serious tone, but I'm doing it now.

>> No.6739938

he literally says it in the video if you wanted to watch it

>> No.6739939

I guess that there was no political establishment in imperial china.

>> No.6739949

I read the transcript, as I can read faster than I can watch an old man talk.

"These ideas and institutions are the basis for modern liberal thinking about politics"

is a quotation from the manuscript. There is nothing in the manuscript suggesting that he thinks that the greeks invented politics.

>> No.6739955
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>You do realize it's perfectly possible to have functioning government without even the slightest trace of politics, right?
Tell me a few peoples composed of millions of individuals which does not do politics. How does it works, beyond a vague idea in your brain ?

>> No.6739964

There's politics even at RPG tables you illiterate cunt

>> No.6739971

You ever heard of Pericles you dumb cunt?

>> No.6739999

>You do realize it's perfectly possible to have functioning government without even the slightest trace of politics, right?
It literally isn't.
Politics is literally by definition the organization/management of communities.
Cavemen had politics.
Apes literally have politics.

>> No.6740000

>3 literallys in 4 lines
I agree with you but sheesh learn some new words

>> No.6740004

Humans are political animals

>> No.6740005

Yeah, mate the 20th century was such a good example of this

>> No.6740008


Define politics

>> No.6740009
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>> No.6740780

>you can't repeat a word for effect

>> No.6741141

b8 of the year m8

>> No.6741216


>> No.6741410

I think what the OP is asking is what would it be like if there were no career politicians.

>> No.6741418


>> No.6741428

How is this /lit/ related?

>> No.6741435

>inb4 check em

>> No.6741436


>> No.6741448
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The Marxist flock here are like gnats to the flame. They literally can't wrap their minds around the idea that there was a time in which society functioned without political ideologies, social movements, election campaigns, demagoguery and relentless civil reform.

Monarchy and aristocracy are beautiful things, but modern society lacks the kind of individuals who make either one possible. We have bred generation after generation of working class rubbish who believe they have some entitlement to meddle in affairs of the state. It is as if the animals in the woods wanted to have political platform.

>> No.6741455
File: 22 KB, 478x373, 1429756062802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6741463

Gnats aren't attracted to flames.

>> No.6741469

>gnats to the flame
Jesus Christ

>> No.6741488

literally a jungle
humans are political animals

>> No.6741547


>no argument
>I'll make fun of the idiom instead

>> No.6742081


Much better world

Career politicians are parasites on society

>> No.6742121

>sculptures of him look girly
>inserts himself in Egyptian tradition with images of him manhandling god dick
>never had kids
>only was with women for political reasons
was he the only successful trap in history?

>> No.6742277


He had two wives and one confirmed child, Alexander IV. It was poisoned by the usurper Cassander.

>> No.6742343

>which society functioned without political ideologies, social movements, election campaigns, demagoguery and relentless civil reform.
Politics goes way beyond that such as the politics in play inside a company or a corporation.

>> No.6742349


>inside a company or corporation

You mean those things that didn't exist 500 years ago?

>> No.6742376

What is your point? Are you implying that the social relations within them was something totally new when they were born out of things like the Hanseatic League?

>> No.6742397
File: 8 KB, 165x180, down here nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it would be a world without proper men. Humans would act like beasts.

>> No.6742533

You've got to realize that, although people have been arguing itt that the Greeks "only" invented democracy and modern western governance, they actually didn't even do that. Our idea of democracy is much closer to that of the Romans than to that of the Greek. Democracy in the Greek fashion is almost nonexistent nowadays, modern law and modern politics are grounded more on Roman law and Roman politics than anything else.

>> No.6742577

>le natural man

>> No.6742738
File: 69 KB, 400x545, Bernini3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans would've remained primitive and would be still living on a day-by-day basis. Politics changed (for better or worse) the way humans organized in creating institutions that harmonized with human capability of foresight and development. Without politics we wouldn't have history, commerce, formal education, stable complex networks of large societies, or even a system that tells us how to be a correct and productive members.

tl;dr: average lifespan would still be 35-40 and you wouldn't be here asking this question

>> No.6743688


what the hell is the 'natural man'

>> No.6743703 [SPOILER] 
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Enkidu? Tarzan?

>> No.6743725



>> No.6743792
