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6738150 No.6738150 [Reply] [Original]

>Stormlight First Draft________3%

What the FUCK Sanderson? You had no problem pumping out WoT books every six months...

>> No.6738792

It's been 3% for a few days, Peter (his assistant) probably just hasn't updated the site yet (since he's copy editing Mistborn)

I'd guess 7 or 8 by now.

Also it's going to be slightly longer between WoR and Oathbringer than between Towers of Midnight and Memory of Light

>> No.6738829


Doesn't matter. It has been ages since "Words of Radiance" Shalaan and Kaladin might as well be dead.

>> No.6738834

It's been a year, it's going to be much shorter than the break between Kings and Radiance, and we're getting two Mistborn books in October and November.

>> No.6738845


"The Way of Kings" is his biggest hit since mid Wheel of Time. He is a fool to keep pushing mistborn because he wants movie deals and videogames (>adventure game page on his website).

>> No.6738854

He has to keep Mistborn up so that the modern era trilogy he's doing between Stormlight 5 and 6 will sell, and the scifi Mistborn trilogy (after Stormlight's over) is the capstone to the Cosmere.

>> No.6738863

Mistborn is crap compared to Wheel.

Wheel is weak in comparison to Kingkiller. He doesn't know that he is writing his swansong.

>> No.6738870

Why bring up Kingkiller with Sanderson? That's Rofuss

>> No.6738877

Sorry, I'm flustered and pissed off at Rofuss for not writing SHIT.

I meant Stormlight Archive.

Why am I so emotional about NYT bestseller fantasy novels

>> No.6739162

How the fuck is this nigga so prolific. He churns out doorstoppers like it aint even a thing, and far as I can tell (havent read anything by him, might read Way of Kings soon) they're pretty good.

Don't think Asimov wrote this much.

>> No.6739186
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>Reading Brandon Sanderson
Literally Reddit: the Author

>> No.6739197

He writes 10 hours a day (12-5, 9-2), has an assistant for copy editing, and alternates series to keep himself fresh.

I think Asimov might have written more, he had a LOT of books (>300)

>> No.6739205

>tfw you want to write 10 hours a day but you get restless really easily
How do I make myself physically tired but mentally sharp?

>> No.6739209

He did write a shitton of books, but they were all around the 300-400 page range, if that. I'm taking into account how many series Sanderson has planned

>> No.6740474

You saved the day with your post!



>> No.6741296

It seems like he kind of has to continue Mistborn, to keep the larger Cosmere story in order.

I liked Alloy of Law so I have no problem with another book in that world. Been looking forward to it.

>> No.6741304

Opinions of The Unpublishable: The Post

>> No.6741322

No, you're thinking of Rofuss.

>> No.6741973

Pls dont respond to bait

Besides, John Green is already established as reddit the author. And if not him, then Martin Weir

>> No.6741979

John Green is Tumblr the writer

(at the same time, Sanderson has been doing an AMA for three months at this point)

>> No.6742601

I'd still say Weird would be a greater contender. The Martian seems to be as reddit as it gets.

>> No.6742607

*weir goddamnit