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File: 151 KB, 1015x1280, society_of_the_spectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6736743 No.6736743 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good critiques of capitalism and industrial society?

>> No.6736752

that it's gay and for stupid faggots

>> No.6736754
File: 143 KB, 900x900, Groucho-Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6736783
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What you're looking for is Anarcho-Primitivism.

>> No.6736809

Zerzan is okay.

>> No.6736812
File: 17 KB, 204x346, thetechnologicalsociety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one, of course.

This is a good analysis critiquing industrial (technological) society. I post it every time, but I've yet met another person on here who has read it.

If you like The Society of the Spectacle, you may also enjoy The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America.

>> No.6736823

Of course, I could also suggest McLuhan but I appreciate him in only the broadest sense. I disagree with him on almost every particular.

You may also enjoy Lewis Mumford, who spends a lot of time analyzing technology (read technics) and the organization of society about technology. In fact, Ellul spends a lot of his time referencing the work Mumford had previously laid down.

>> No.6736836

The one where capitalism and automatisation are incompatible in the long run.

>> No.6736838

Capitalism breeds unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life among the lower classes.

In pre-industrial societies organized along aristocratic lines, a person knew exactly what his place in society was and what he could reasonably aspire to. Aside from exceptional situations, you would work in the same trade as your father, and enjoy a similar quality of life. A tradesman with a home and a family and food enough for all could look at his life and be content.

The social mobility of our modern economy ruined that. Now everyone dreams of being a CEO or a President or a movie star, and sees their ordinary lives as merely a temporary situation before they become one of the rich and famous. A person living an objectively comfortable life will still feel inadequate and grumble that they too could have been a millionaire if only they'd been a little luckier along the way. Since it is inevitable that most people will never enjoy this sort of lifestyle even in a capitalist society, it's a dreadful thing to leave this promise hovering over them, just out of reach.

>> No.6737619

Debord and the situationist movement.

>> No.6737693
File: 21 KB, 228x346, 51dYGzGi6rL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been enjoying this

>> No.6737712


My favourite episode of Friends.

>> No.6737732

The Unabomber Manifesto

>> No.6737753

>Won't life just be so great if we force everyone to make drastic lifestyle changes, killing billions in the process?

>> No.6737766
File: 206 KB, 796x1257, Ishmael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Daniel Quinn diagnoses issues in modern society.

Chinua Achebe contrasts tribal society with modern society as well in a lot of his works.

>> No.6737769


Is it summer holidays for US high school students?

>> No.6737773

actually yes, not either of those people you're responding to, but billions of people dying is the solution to most of the world's problems. It's actually what's necessary to halt climate change and solve wealth disparity problems.

But we don't like to talk about that, because it involves billions of people dying.

>> No.6737788
File: 193 KB, 746x760, 1433658959295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for your superior suggestions.

Oh wait there aren't any,

Nice shitposting.

>> No.6737804

Industrial society and its future by Ted Kaczynski

>> No.6737813
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Read it.

>> No.6737818

I hear this Marx guy had some interesting things to say, you might want to check him out

>> No.6737827


>> No.6737832

The thing is...you're not wrong.

>> No.6737898

Billions of people dying of hunger is a far worse problem than climate change or wealth inequality.

>> No.6739270

I am going to assume you enjoy Debord so I will recommend Baudrillard

>> No.6739280
File: 320 KB, 2000x1333, Capital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are looking for 21 century criticism on Capitalism, then pic related.

>> No.6739281

Except that climate change could kill plenty of people and displace many more.

>> No.6739286

The United States of America.

>> No.6739292
File: 11 KB, 160x240, Rebecca Todd Peters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you always this two-dimensional when you think? Are not all these things interconnected?

You should really think about reading this book:
>pic related

>> No.6739310


>> No.6739314


If you read the book you would know that it is not at all a criticism of capitalism as an economic system. Piketty recommends a global tax on capital to avoid further increasing inequality, and he supports his recommendation with lots of historical data. But this is merely a policy recommendation within the framework of mixed capitalism. Also he is an economist, not a cultural theorist like Debord, Baudrillard and others.

>> No.6739333

how so?

climate change could lead to the extinction of the human race.

Also, where did "hunger" come from? not that it matters.

Furthermore, why is death intrinsically worse than wealth inequality? I'd rather society was made up of 100,000 happy, wealthy people where many people died rather than 10,000,000 poor and destitute people.

>> No.6739357

i'm surprised this isn't talked about more at /pol/, given both its author and message

>> No.6739376

Yeah, there's a name for your way of thinking, it's called utilitarian. It's very easy to be a utilitarian until you are one of the masses that gets your ass thrown under the bus.

You sound like some snarky rich kid that's never worked a day in his life.

>> No.6739683
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>> No.6739692


>> No.6739693


>I simply have no idea what one plans to do with the modern worker now that one has made a question out of him.

--Based Fritz

>> No.6739705
File: 40 KB, 345x348, das_kapitals[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was once a man with a bushy beard who wrote a book called Capital.
It is exactly what you're asking for, was the first of its kind, and still has incredible relevance today (though contemporary commentaries can help you along with connecting the dots)


>> No.6739741

The convenient part about being a detached, clueless internet dweller endangered by nothing other than the words and aspirations of other people is that you can say shit like this and think you're right.

You don't know the first fucking thing about feudalism if you believe this pretty little picture you've painted.

>> No.6739997

Even though the Oedipus complex is laughed out of the classroom by high-schoolers at this point, it is a little ironic just how completely embedded it is in the cultural unconscious as the impenetrable myth of capital. The world is literally falling apart at the seams and everyone is too fucking terrified to point the finger in the right direction

>> No.6740111

The Soviets still wanted industrialism, and only shifted capitalism to be run by the state. Russia's shift from an economy of peasant communities to a technocratic mass society occurred more rapidly then it did in America, which is rather telling of what the Bolsheviks desired.

>> No.6740130
File: 225 KB, 1000x667, tmp_2611-john-zerzan-0277-1258150991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Zerz.

>> No.6740258

I don't know man, after I read this http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ted-kaczynski-the-truth-about-primitive-life-a-critique-of-anarchoprimitivism I didn't feel like I can trust this zerzan guy.

>> No.6740271

Ted isn't exactly an objective source of information either. While many of his criticisms of Zerzan are pretty damn strong, ol' Unabomb boy is just as guilty of cherry-picking data to justify his opinions.

>> No.6740312
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I know, and the fact that they are using as premises those "anthropological studies" that have very little hard science supporting them makes the dissing contest between them a little ridiculous. Anyway do you know some reasonable blog where people discuss this anarchoprim. Ideas? I'm very interested on the subject.

>> No.6740327

>hard science

>> No.6740336
File: 80 KB, 500x262, tmp_2611-office_panel_15_1_1081760447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have to recommend Kevin Tucker's Black and Green Forum. It's pretty dead at the moment, but most of the well known primmies go on it occasionally.


Aside from that, look up topics labeled "anti-civ" on The Anarchist Library, or skim over the great AMA that I and others participated in last year:


If you skim through that thread, you'll find my friend AutumnLeavesCascade, who could probably answer a lot of your questions and lead you to relevant links.

>> No.6740339

Feudalism is a very general and somewhat constructed concept for an economic system that changed vastly from the early to the late Middle Ages, and included a decent worker population that wasn't farmer or woodsman.

>> No.6740376

Das Kapital if you want too read about how to destroy the west with shitty anti-capitalist ideas.
The Doctrine of Fascism, Programme of the NSDAP if you want to read about how fix the west with good anti-capitalist ideas.

>> No.6740427

My man! I'm about halfway through Against Method right now.

>> No.6740436

Those of Heidegger and Arendt.

Then proceed with the Frankfurt school and the structuralists/poststructuralists.

>> No.6740462

Or you could get a job
Join the union
and shoot your boss

>> No.6740591

Julius Evola : Revolt Against the Modern World.

>> No.6740596
File: 64 KB, 494x547, 1430148759876-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quite a lot of good, quite a lot of drivvel.

Interesting to read through regardless.

>> No.6742342

He shoots, he scores

>> No.6742348

Oh fuck oh fuck

I mean he shoots; he scores!

>> No.6742352


the ussr



it failed

>> No.6742599

Islands of Eight Million Smiles by Hiroshi Aoyagi is a good look into Japanese hypercapitalism by examining the idol system, perhaps one of the most lucrative and self-sustaining capitalist machines every created by man.

>> No.6742713


>> No.6742720


>> No.6742734


>> No.6742779

>getting a boss so you can shoot him

Pretty sure that's called premeditated murder.

Also most unions in the West are parasites system that don't even shoot bosses.

>> No.6743125

>Pretty sure that's called premeditated murder.

>Also most unions in the West are parasites system that don't even shoot bosses.

You don't need "in the West" there, so I'm not going to tell you what happens during the ??? step before No Profit.