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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 338 KB, 400x400, 7c29cea2c338c6f5b45d7bcb0af0b79c_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6736049 No.6736049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


It's happening.

>> No.6736056

“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.”

>> No.6736061


Someone ask him why he feels compelled to steal DFW's image.

>> No.6736062

Is that the nerdy guy from Stargate SG1?

>> No.6736067

>Hey john green! My fiancée loves your books and you! Uuuh I don't know what to ask you. Ummm today is our one year anniversary and I'm gonna make her food.
This guy wins the cuck of the week award

>> No.6736099

Is it weird that I thought similarly? I started imagining a pasty cuckboy preparing his organic fresh veggies and lean meat for his fiancée, having romantic dinner with her, casually saying "Hey I met John Green on Reddit today and he recommends you to read these books!" - with this eager, happy puppy face, waiting for her joyous answer, and then she goes "oh that's so nice dear, thanks, I'll look into it" and then they go to sleep, he is content for doing a good deed and making his woman happy and she just cannot stop thinking of that guy at work who looks just like James Harden and the size and girth of his mutombo tripod and how it would feel inside her gaping cunt

>> No.6736101


>> No.6736109


>> No.6736116

>Hi John, Not long ago, I heard your work criticized for being heteronormative and cisnormative.
holy fuck

>> No.6736137
File: 612 KB, 720x899, twinflower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus how do people navigate this clusterfuck abortion train wreck of a website

>> No.6736146
File: 29 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twenty to forty years from now, there is the distinct possibility that collegiate English majors will be studying your books as classics from beginning of the 21st century.

>> No.6736156

It's surprisingly easy once you get used to it. Everything that does not reflect the popular opinion of reddit (or a certain subreddit) gets downvoted and is hidden. So there seems to be even less dissent than there actually is.
You essentially are spoonfed the things you want to read, without having to follow a complete thread like you have to here. It's one tier above ninegag in terms of complexity to follow, but below a chan.
Many people coming here from reddit find 4chan to be a clusterfuck. I felt the other way around when I first followed a link on /g/ to reddit.

>> No.6736162

Okay, so we probably wont be able to put a bullet in JFK, but maybe we can ruffle some Democrat feathers?

>> No.6736165
File: 183 KB, 640x480, westernfoamflower2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm getting angry messages in response to my critcism of john green. reddit really is as bad as they say

>> No.6736173
File: 75 KB, 942x357, fuck the plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to pull the trigger when they let me.

>> No.6736224

>what is the dankest meme in your opinion

>I feel unqualified to answer that question. I know this will surprise you, but when I was in college there was no possibility to major in dank memes. In fact, dank memes had not even been DISCOVERED yet, so I've been unable to study them formally.

>> No.6736229

can we just not sperg out

>> No.6736237

>all caps'ing a word for emphases

The most deplorable of hackery

>> No.6736243

do it you slut

>> No.6736256

>because you don't have any talent
Also because he wants teenage pussy.

>> No.6736257
File: 24 KB, 960x120, this ones for you pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6736263

truly epic

>> No.6736285

Did you remove it or what?

>> No.6736286

no, if it's gone, then it's the mods

>> No.6736287

Fucking mods.

>> No.6736296


reddit everyone

>> No.6736304
File: 302 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-25-13-24-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Couldn't resist the lulz

>> No.6736309

before you start yelling at me, I corrected my spelling.

>> No.6736312


>> No.6736314

Already gone.

>> No.6736318

Freedom aint free :--DDDD

>> No.6736328

What a wonderful sight. With the advent of the block and delete button, authors are encouraged even more to ignore anyone who does not lick their tender buttholes.

>> No.6736338

Heh, let's tell him that he's a bad writer! That'll show him!

>> No.6736345


"This is an important question and it gets to one of the (many) big weaknesses in my writing so far, which is that even when I've focused on characters who are marginalized--by mental illness or physical disability or whatever--my central characters have been white, relatively well-off, and either Christian or Jewish. This reflects my own experience, but of course as an author my job is not merely to reflect my own experience.
For a long time, I felt like the most important thing I could do was to lift up and support work by diverse authors whose work better represents the breadth of American life, and I still think that's important and hopefully we do an okay job of it on Crash Course Lit and I've done an okay job of it personally on social media etc. But I think ultimately my books are not as good or as interesting as they could be when I always put people that share a certain set of privileges at the center of the story.
So yeah, the answer to your question is yes. I will try to do better."

>> No.6736351


>> No.6736355


why do they talk like this?

>> No.6736361

holy shit you are sucha fucking badass you truly know what you're talking about

>> No.6736362

it's fun

>> No.6736363

Probably is a bit weird. Most people have healthy relationships with their loved ones and also learn their interests and special days so that they can prepare treats for them when they come around.

>> No.6736365

>only ass licking allowed

Please leave.

>> No.6736367

>not understanding what he was referencing

It must be embarrassing to be pleb and new at the same time.

>> No.6736369
File: 22 KB, 285x324, SB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my central characters have been white, relatively well-off, and either Christian or Jewish.
>the most important thing I could do was to lift up and support work by diverse authors
>my books are not as good or as interesting as they could be when I always put people that share a certain set of privileges at the center of the story.

I've seen skulls lined up to form walls in catacombs who had more spine than Green.

>> No.6736388
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>> No.6736389

>So, what is your opinion on interracial cuckoldry? Why have you refused to tackle the subject in any of your books, are you a racist or something?

>> No.6736397
File: 32 KB, 367x332, JimHalpert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate reddit so much sometimes

>> No.6736402

>my books are not as good or as interesting as they could be when I always put people that share a certain set of privileges at the center of the story.

But this is a pretty decent statement. His books definitely could be more interesting if he stopped using the same types of characters for every main character.

>> No.6736406

I interpreted that as meaning "I need to put a tri-racial bi-gendered demigod as my next protagonist". Shit, that'd actually be an interesting character, now that I think about it.

>> No.6736408


Who the fuck puts this into text form? It's only used in conversation to give a person time to gather their thoughts.

>> No.6736409

guys, fuck me, this is keks served up on a plate, why aren't you people seizing the moment?

>> No.6736412


>> No.6736420

He'll never read them. And the reddit mentality is such that they dont even bother writing butthurt messages, they just downvote your messages into oblivion. I tried getting /pol/ on board because they hate the cunt but no one replied to my thread

>> No.6736432

Look at my Nabokov meme: it was deleted in mere minutes of my posting it. Face it anon, reddit isn't a good medium for lulz.

>> No.6736434


>stopped using the same types of characters

is different than

>put people that share a certain set of privileges at the center of the story.

If he tried genuinely to write an adult character that would be a step forward for him. He would have to grapple with much more complex problems and a much richer history. As of now, he writes in the pretty simple world of adolescence, where passion is cheap and there is a small range of problems to grapple with, provided your protagonists are like his.

He could also write about somebody that age who was famous, drawing from his own experiences, and that could be a step forward because of the different problems it puts forward.

Green here, and part of it is subtext that comes off of the vocabulary, is basically saying that he feels he should write from experience he doesn't have because that's what his liberal readership elevates - people with a "set of privledges" different than their own. He's going to end up writing the same YA highschool love problems with some chimicurri or colllard greens.

>> No.6736436
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>> No.6736437 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 720x1280, 1435254780286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it again fam, I'll bump ya

>> No.6736447

>I spend time and effort trying to get people on the internet to insult some shitty YA author
>I'm going to rally the troops to insult en masse some shitty author because its a mimi on a polynesian coconut throwing board to hate him

look at yourself.

>> No.6736448
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>> No.6736449
File: 175 KB, 720x1280, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me lads keep it coming

>> No.6736451

>writing YA highschool love problems for the entirety of your career
That sounds absolutely wretched.

>> No.6736453



>> No.6736461

I'm bored man, cmon

>> No.6736479

/lit/'s chance to cast the first stone

>> No.6736493

/pol/ thread is up.

Now we are all sons of bitches.

>> No.6736508

Let's see if it picks up, spaghetti sauce.

>> No.6736517

Gib link

>> No.6736518


Today you learn that /lit/ is neither mature nor intelligent enough to discuss real literature.

And no, I think JG is trash, I'm just at an age where internet flaming is one of the dullest things I can do with my time.

>> No.6736523

>Heh, let's tell him that he's a bad writer! That'll show him!

>> No.6736525


Yeah it's pretty terrible. All JG books are basically "two teenage protagonists, one of them with a big life problem, become touchingly intimate."

If JG had a novel about a kid living in alaska who's famous on youtube and finds that experience to be totally empty that could be a decent, different novel for him. It would draw from his experience.

If he wrote a novel about six friends about to graduate highschool on a camping trip, who all realize their friendships are superficial garbage, that would be different for him.

What he's going to end up doing is make a novel about a transgendered girlboy fretting over her romance with a straight dude and eventually they come to accept each other. It's the same structure as all his other novels but with some slight variations. Same setting, same age, same themes. Uplifting made for tv shit.

>> No.6736532
File: 256 KB, 499x618, 1434281620647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol gay

>> No.6736544

>no fun allowed

>> No.6736559

I'd gladly read John Green if his novels had plots like what you described in your first two prepositions. They need not even be cynical or depressing. Hell, make it about two teenage lovers who, over their years in high school, slowly discard their romanticised views of the future due to life experiences, but never lose their optimism of how they can achieve their goals, even if they're not as whimsical as once thought.

>> No.6736566

Hey man, wanting to act like a teenager for the purpose of satisfying some perverse, immature desire for "teh lulz" does not necessarily make the subject unintelligent. Intelligence vs immaturity is a false dichotomy, and while none of us are claiming to be either of these things, it's important you recognize that some people enjoy mindless fun (which, mind you, does not correlate to one's ability to think intelligently or to analyze literature)

>> No.6736572
File: 33 KB, 385x229, AN IGNORED BOOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I k-know you're busy right now,

ya know,

making fun of a guy you don't like... on the internet... with no response...

but why don't you come over, and

I don't know


>> No.6736576

Bitch, I just finished a chapter waiting for the posts to build up.

>> No.6736577

>thinks idiot behavior is not a sign of being an idiot

>> No.6736603


I was making them unusually bleak for effect, but yeah, basically all his novels are advanced wish fulfillment: cancer is meaningful, the suicide of my friend changed my life so its still sort of meaningful, that sort of thing. All of his works are (though he doesn't realize it) solutions for the problem of evil.

In the AMA he said he couldn't finish Ethan Frome. That perfectly sums up his writing.

>> No.6736604

I only read when 4chan begins to bore me.

>> No.6736609

>They say "no tears in the writer, no tears in the reader". I wept like a little bitch when that one thing happened in Looking for Alaska (29 year old male here). Did you maintain your composure writing that stuff or does it affect you as much as reading it affected me?


>> No.6736611

Accodring to this, wouldn't the converse, that intelligent behavior (eg analyzing and discussing literature) is a sign of intelligence, also hold true?

>> No.6736613

Someone post "tell me about Bane! Why does he wear the mask??"

>> No.6736616

What's the book about and why do we hate him?

>> No.6736623

Dear God the white race is doomed

>> No.6736629

So John Green's basically /co/, but for YA lit: a manchild who refuses to grow up and spends his time circlejerking with his peers.

>> No.6736630

hahahahaha yeah

>> No.6736631


get your upvotes ready lads

>> No.6736640

>I like the teenage habit of naming cars because for me it's another example of how teenagers are wrestling with the tension between received identities and chosen identities.

And that's about as far as I made it

>> No.6736641

>no accusations of being a cuck
>no pynchon or joyce copypasta shitposts

>> No.6736644
File: 17 KB, 976x332, john green author of the century.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6736650

rile up some old beef

>> No.6736651

Well now /b/ knows /lit/ exists, great

>> No.6736656
File: 71 KB, 1525x274, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone explain what this means?

>> No.6736662

I want to see him answer that.

>> No.6736663

The Fault in our stars, the lead had cancer and found love because of a support group.

>> No.6736666


He was diagnosed with terminal autism, and unfotunately his only expereice where he forays into finding that 'special someone' is through hardcore interracial cuckoldry. John is a broken man.

>> No.6736669
File: 107 KB, 640x480, John-Green-Teenage-Life-Quotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to know cringe?

>> No.6736670

My 50 year old mother still names her car. Does this mean she still suffers from an indentity crisis?

>> No.6736675


That is the gayest thing I've ever read and I'm gay.

>> No.6736677

>Hi, John Green! Big fan of LFA. My ex 'bad boy' boyfriend stole it from a library for me when I was younger because he thought i'd like it. Strange guy, don't know why he didn't just check it out.

>ANYwhoo, I'm really big into writing myself, especially YA novels. I guess I'm wondering what advice you have to people pursuing writing, as well as where you draw inspiration.
I try to find it in daily life, but looking for it isn't always the best method of finding it. How do you keep writing without repeating yourself?

>> No.6736680

Damn, everyone in this thread is a faggot with too much free time

>> No.6736681

shit post kill urself

>> No.6736683

Wonderful, the grand alliance of /lit/, /b/ and /pol/ comes together

>> No.6736689

better than making an obvious troll post and have the mods delete it as soon as it goes up tbh

>> No.6736690

The credo of the lucky man.

>> No.6736692


It means she likes her car.

>> No.6736693
File: 12 KB, 1920x1080, I never sleep, I will never die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We cannot be born, and we cannot die
Reminds me of
>he never sleeps, the Judge, he says he will never die

It's like Green was trying to make something profound, but ended up shitting the bed.

>> No.6736700

Someone ask him about aristotle

>> No.6736708

no actually, it really isn't.

>> No.6736711
File: 10 KB, 955x204, transracial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6736715

but it is tbh

>> No.6736720

I used to feel so mildly about him before I started browsing /lit/

you people have turned me into such an irredeemable snob

>> No.6736722


>> No.6736726

So what was the historical revisionism in his crash course history videos?

>> No.6736766

Jesus Christ people, you aren't getting anywhere by making edgy "fuk u jin gren" posts. You have fo br subtle.

>> No.6736770
File: 24 KB, 1401x125, EffinJG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, which one of you is responsible for this?

>> No.6736784

Do you guys think someone that does his work for a living hasn't heard all this shit before?

>> No.6736787

/pol/ here. We redeemed your shitty raid. You're welcome.

>> No.6736790

>I like how teenagers approach big questions of meaning and suffering very directly and without irony. So writing about characters of that age is appealing to me, because that unironized intellectual excitement is really cool and interesting to me.

/lit/ BTFO

>> No.6736794
File: 138 KB, 908x540, stirner_drive_by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Green confirmed for torch bearer of New Sincerity

>> No.6736800


Someone should reply:

"Oh great, I guess I should stop reading anything ever written by you then"

>> No.6736826

i'm starting to believe the DFW conspiracy theories more and more

>> No.6736855

>DFW conspiracy
Pretty new to /lit/, could you explain this conspiracy?

>> No.6736896
File: 83 KB, 900x305, Screen Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just blew you guys the fuck out

>> No.6736912

in what way?

>> No.6736913

>I am worried about what I might be

No, anon, he didn't.

>> No.6736924
File: 248 KB, 2686x360, IMAG1006_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6736942


Did you just take a photograph of your monitor?
I'm done with this site.

>> No.6736947


>> No.6736950


>> No.6736963
File: 62 KB, 899x238, Screen Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he out-trolls the troll

>> No.6736968

By giving a non-response.

>> No.6736972

>unfair privileges

Can someone respond for me? I don't have a reddit account.

I dislike the common usage of "privilege" because the ethnic majority will always receive some form of bias. Chinese have privileges that non-Chinese do in China. Black South Africans have privileges that white South Africans do not. Or try being an infidel in a Muslim nation. You can learn a language, but learning and adopting a culture is much harder. And if you do, you can't simply adopt a foreign culture as your own and expect to be treated as "just another member of the culture." Like it or not, some people will always have biases against the ethnic norm.

Now is probably one of the best times to ever be black in America. But I feel angered when it appears to me that people want to listen to me for my skin color rather than my actual message, or hire me for the sake of diversity rather than my qualifications.

Thanks for your time.

>> No.6736973

>I only listen to the mountain goats

oh it shows johnny

>> No.6736975
File: 50 KB, 880x206, westernciv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's wiping the floor with you retards.

>> No.6736980

By not answering the question?

>> No.6736986

kekd real hard

>> No.6736991


>> No.6736993 [DELETED] 

Check out this guys post history. Some bdsm cuck.

>> No.6736996

you're just stupid

>> No.6736997

>feeding trolls
he's retaining the moral high ground and intellectual superiority. You guys look bad.

>> No.6737003

Hey, John! Remember that time youtook a picture of my girlfriend's boobs?

Well, sorta.

Long story, but I'll try to condense. This was probably five years ago at a book signing in North Carolina. My girlfriend -- though she was just a good friend at that point -- traveled down from Pennsylvania to see you and get her book signed. She was wearing a t-shirt that had some quote by the elusive Yeti from your videos.

You, apparently, loved this shirt! When she got to you, you held up the whole line and took a picture with your phone. She pulled on her shirt so you could get the picture and you said something along the lines of "sorry if it seems like I'm taking a picture of your boobs!" (which we both think is hilarious).

She actually called me from the parking lot that night totally ecstatic about what had happened. That's our memory of you. I'm glad to see how even more successful you've been in the years since. As for us, we'll be celebrating three years together shortly. :)

Just wondering if you remembered.

P.S. We're also naming our first sonTownsend.

>> No.6737005

>calling any argument that goes against your point of view instead of refuting it

Gee I sure wish Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates and the like hadn't fed them damn trolls! We probably wouldn't have western philosophy, now wouldn't that be something!

>> No.6737015

subtle allusion to infinite jest's ennet house. kudos, green

>> No.6737018

Socrates doesn't real

>> No.6737025

Somene post this:

thanks for spoiling me the ending of catcher in the rye asshole

>> No.6737027

>using insane logic
>I'm not an insane person, in fact, my argument is completely reasonable! Here, let me demonstrate by using sarcasm!

Maybe you should just end it, anon. You're already obviously at a pretty low point in your life.

>> No.6737045
File: 31 KB, 588x211, modsgods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6737071

this thread is /lit/s second most pathetic attempt at internet antics.

>> No.6737074

Why is reddit so fundamentally annoying? There is something off about 9/10th of the posts. This lame, cloying, fakeness to the whole thing. Imagine how horrible the world would be if everyone spoke like they did on reddit.

>> No.6737080

You're doing the same thing again lol. I was eloequating that simply calling an argument trolling rather than refuting it is poor debate form, I'm sorry you're too simple to see that.

Also I lag de constibution fo sudidie FUG :DDD, but if you go first I'll follow you down, promise.

>> No.6737089

Oh, ask him if he's fucking his editor.

>> No.6737094

what's the first one ?

>> No.6737103

The world is that way. If you're annoyed by "fake" courtesy and people prefacing their interactions with celebrities with "I love your work," then you're free not to participate. Better to stick with your fellow 4chin backbiters forever.

How would you feel if you were a bigshot and someone tried to interact with you by trolling and being a massive dumbfuck in public? This is "bait" at its finest, and John Green is obviously too smart for the fagmuffins trying to troll him.

>> No.6737104

I think it's the vote system. Everyone spouts inoffensive, manufactured comments in order to appease the general populace so they can get more internet points.

>> No.6737106

booktuber probably

>> No.6737107

Speak English.

>> No.6737109

That in itself was a success. Compared to that ocassion this is quite timid and ineffective.

>> No.6737119

I missed the fun.

>> No.6737120

You know, I don't hate John Green.
I hate the people that think he's talented.
He isn't actively trying to be awful; he's just like us.
He likes to write and these are the things he writes.
It's society's fault, that people view his work as good.
Shit, I'm sure there are people on this board who write shit that is just as cringeworthy.

>> No.6737122

Of course, there are hundreds of people in the John Green thread. That Kay girl barely even had 100 views on any of her videos.

>> No.6737124

It's about intention though. /lit/ didn't want to scare away booktuber, /lit/ wanted to destroy green's AMA. Both intentions failed.

>> No.6737134
File: 17 KB, 912x174, pleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleb as fuck

>> No.6737135

Only none of us get called brilliant for it.

>> No.6737140

At least /pol/ managed to get a Tumblrite to an hero after they tried raiding /pol/ and 'taking 4chan down'.

>> No.6737145

Yeah, but that isn't John Green's fault.
Fuck you're stupid.

>> No.6737147

He didn't ask to be called brilliant. This is exactly the same as hating on X movie or X book or X videogame because it has a terrible fanbase.

IE, complete bullshit.

>> No.6737150


>> No.6737151


If he is such as smart guy, then what benefit does he seem himself getting from this? fake critism and pleasantness that he will know is all bs anyway. celebs get burnt out on that after a while when they realise everyone wants something from them and nothing said to them is real.

>> No.6737180

>tfw even the side characters of your comic script are more nuanced than Green's MCs
>tfw you're a poor NEET drinking pepsi in a basement while he is drowning in teen pussy
I really wish I had this faggot's confidence.

>> No.6737182

I hate this diverse book shit, with a few exceptions every book worthy of your time in the history of humanity has been written by a straight white male, why waste your time reading garbage just for the sake of it ? This is what really pisses me off about this guy and all others like him, they promote having shit taste.

>> No.6737190

He's literally interacting with his audience. He benefits, his audience benefits. He gets exposure on a massive scale, they get to ask an author they like questions. And the best part? He's in a place where people won't call him a nigger bastard hack fuckshit dickfaggot!

And people wonder why celebrities do AMAs on reddit. Seriously?

>> No.6737191

What's "The Fault in Our Stars" about and why is it shit?

>> No.6737193

I'm sorry being a retard can't be cured, anon.

>> No.6737196

>with a few exceptions every book worthy of your time in the history of humanity has been written by a straight white male
And the remainder of quality books have been written by gay white males kek
>two teens have cancer or AIDS or whatever
>fall in love
>one of them dies from their cancer or AIDS
John Green is basically Nicholas Sparks+Reddit

>> No.6737203

It's a teen novel about some teen stuff. Then it became popular, and since it's popular, it's shit now.

>> No.6737211

>What's "The Fault in Our Stars"
My favorite read of 2013
>why is it shit?
/lit/ cannot into YA and it's a shame.

>> No.6737232
File: 40 KB, 259x567, 1433805664289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For such a prolific writer, he didn't answer many questions.

>> No.6737233

>I try to find it in daily life, but looking for it isn't always the best method of finding it. How do you keep writing without repeating yourself?

>> No.6737248

Honestly, his responses were of high quality and of better value than the majority of the posts on /lit/. I can find nothing but respect for him, especially when his only source of criticism is from bandwagon readers on here. With that said, I do not find any literary value in his works, although I have enjoyed a few of his youtube productions (many I also have not).

>> No.6737255
File: 1.16 MB, 697x1050, literarymemesneverforgetV7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is for bantz
you are a fool if you ever believed yourself to be part of more than a chattering hole, or are butthurt that you are and continue to come here

>> No.6737269

>not creating a connection in your argument between modern feminism and the enforcement of political correctness to make green look bad for supporting what equals to fascism
You had good bait but you blew it. Retard.

>> No.6737274

>"I'd argue that several of the most interesting novels of the past 15 years have been published for teenagers. "The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing," for instance, was worthy of the Pulitzer Prize most any year out of the last 10 and stands alongside books like The Good Lord Bird and Wolf Hall as the greatest historical fiction of the 21st century.
I think there's plenty of heft in YA literature, if you look in the right places, just as there is plenty of lightness in adult literature if you look in the right places."

Is he right? I just think he might be. I'd say it's time for me to look into some YA literature to expand on my literary knowledge.

>> No.6737310

Not for being Llamanese but Latin American literature can be pretty fucking boss at times, though its good authors are still straight white men with some exceptions for mudbloods with straight white male education.
The ones that shit the bed are the activist faggots in contact with the illegal immigrant movements and the sons of immigrants like that bitch that wrote Mango Street.

>> No.6737316
File: 18 KB, 680x583, 1435162251159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His username is u/thesoundandthefury. Fucking fuck.

The audacity.

>> No.6737321

go to bed john

>> No.6737330

Ham-fisted romanticized cancer drama that tries to pass sheer teen immaturity for life lessons while doing ridiculous shit like travelling to Europe to fuck with an oxygen tank hanging off the girl's neck.
Basically, it panders to its audience and doesn't attempt to change anything about them; the kids that were retards are only more obnoxious now for thinking "big ideas". Shit is toxic for them but they fucking love it.

>> No.6737333

Are you published? Has your work been adapted to other medium? Are you well-known, with a significant popular following? No, no, and no. Come back when you aren't just whining blindly against your guilt of failure.

>> No.6737337
File: 40 KB, 563x406, 08c8964cd4fd63550f52840f7649c5fa240b03b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shits on Aristotle whenever he can
>Nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6737341

John go back to the Q&A pls

>> No.6737350

Your post proves nothing, other that you're unwilling and unable to defend your biased opinion of John Green.

>> No.6737356

Like you knew shit about Faulkner to know why someone would be mad for some shit author associating himself with one of his works.

>> No.6737362

4chan and especially /lit/ is populated by teenage contrarians, because the fault in our stars is praised as a genre transcending masterpiece of the 21st century /lit/ naturally hates it, the same reason they hate GRRM.

>> No.6737370

It's a reddit username, that's all. Get a grip.

>> No.6737390

john green haters confirmed for /pol/tard autists

>> No.6737391

I always thought /lit/ hated how shit like ASOIAF stealed the spotlight of better fantasy like Book of the New Sun or Blood Meridian.
But it's nothing to get angry about, GRRM is a certified hack and his writing is barely apt for television anyways.
Why would you hate that some other hack like Pratchett is not getting his work adapted when HBO has always had shit shows with shit writing?


>> No.6737398

>john green haters confirmed for /pol/tard autists

More like anyone who has read more than 3 historical books and has a three-digit IQ.

>> No.6737401


>> No.6737404

>my spirit animal
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6737418

Nice straw man and ad hominem.

>> No.6737420

Yeah your right him liking good books is fucking sick

>> No.6737423

>what benefit does he seem himself getting from this?
>seeing people and interactions as only a means to benefit yourself

How very Randian of you

>> No.6737431
File: 18 KB, 297x414, 6dnzFWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm worried about what I might be

>> No.6737436

It is because he is a cuck. His wife almost certainly finds Aristotle's genius to be thoroughly attractive (as it undeniably is), but John fears her love for A-train. He finds solace in Aquinas due to Aquinas' overwhelming chastity.

>> No.6737437

What a pussy

>> No.6737462

Sure, I cry with each of them, even the ones that aren't sad. Writing is a really emotional experience for me; I think it's the only way I have, really, of getting out of the prison of my own consciousness and at least feeling like I'm not limited to being myself all the time. So I usually cry when finished with a draft, if nothing else. But with, like, TFIOS and Paper Towns and Alaska, I cried a lot while writing. I like crying, though!

>> No.6737464

Alright, obviously /lit/ and 4chan in general is increasingly filled with teenagers. Anyone who'd actually take the time to "troll" Green on reddit is a fool, but to each their own.

That said, I dislike his books and I dislike his persona. I don't know him, so I won't say I dislike him as a person, but I dislike the image he puts up. He comes across as one smug cunt. Is it justified? Maybe, I might do the same thing in his position, but it's still obnoxious. I get the sense that he's full of himself, and the faux self-degradation thing he likes to pull is obviously meant to grab attention and manipulate his woefully inexperienced fanbase. He panders. That's the problem I have. He's always pandering. Pander in your books? Fine, dude's gotta make money. But you could at least attempt to have some genuine discourse instead of constantly searching for some profound/witty thing to say.

Best example of this is that tumblr (I think?) post of his where someone asks him why he doesn't write adults and he responds: "I just don't give a shit." Almost word for word there, it's specifically designed to provoke a positive response, the whole thing was. He talks about how adults and adult activities are boring, he's implying that being a teenager is superior, he's always implying that teenagers are underestimated and that us grown ups should just like, stop being squares, man. Also, note the use of the word "shit". He knew what he was doing. He's a new author for a new generation of teenager, one that is shirking off the impact of curse words but still hasn't quite gotten there yet. He's older, yet he curses around the kids. That's the image he's portraying. He wants them to think he's cool, period. Same with his videos, his videos with the actors of those movies.

And you know what? He might be on point. His emotional intelligence might just be stuck at teenager. All the better for him to milk his fellow half-man.

Also I find his books poorly written, poorly plotted, trite garbage populated by generic characters that speak like assholes. I get it, /lit/ hates popular things, but don't go overboard in the opposite direction. These books aren't fucking good just because /lit/ throws a temper tantrum (ironic considering the size of this post I know).

just my two cents

>> No.6737465

/lit/ verified 100% btfo. How does it feel to be anally annihilated by someone like John Green?

>> No.6737475

All this butthurt from the betas who have been talking shit on John Green get rekt the instant they try to interact with him is hilarious.

C'mon guys this is the best you could do? I thought this was the smart board. You can't even outwit John Green in an argument.

>> No.6737477

Nice blog post