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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 219 KB, 1026x548, 1434567183856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6734937 No.6734937 [Reply] [Original]

should there be a board dedicated to religion instead of sharing one with /lit/?

>> No.6734944

Probably yes. There's excessive Christposting not only in /lit/, nowadays. But the admins probably know the religious thing is just a fad and such a board would go empty when the next fad comes.

>> No.6734952

Off-topic, sorry, but, OP's pic made me laugh. Things on the internet rarely make me laugh.

>> No.6734961

Yes, too much christianity here.

>> No.6734974
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 fedora but...

i don't get the christianity fad, especially on here. these seem like people who are educated enough to know better. are they faking for trolling's sake? are they suffering from some sort of depression? is it just one person? do they actually believe what's in the bible, or is the mental image of jesus simply their emotional security-blanket?

>> No.6734979

Christians exist, friends. No need to get posterior pains, just ignore their thread and or posts.

>> No.6735004

Of course Christians exist, only they're usually far from this Bahamian birdwatching Sanhedrin.

>> No.6735008

There has been some very educated apologetics concerning the Gospels.

>> No.6735037

>starting with a conclusion
>very educated

>> No.6735041


Passive aggressive questions like this are boring and prove nothing. Explain why you think Christianity is stupid if you think it is and then have your ideas examined, or be ignored.

>> No.6735042

The pic is funny, but I still feel obliged to mention that the protestants at least have Kierkegaard.

>> No.6735044

You're starting with the conclusion that the Gospels are bullshit, are you not?

>> No.6735239

Kierkegaard was against protestants (hewas against church really but still)

>> No.6735263

>are they faking for trolling's sake?
mostly, but there are enough genuine american manchildren permanently lurking the board to keep it running beyond that

>> No.6735291 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 500x375, fedora sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excessive Christposting

excessive? I think we could use a bit more sir.

>> No.6735296

>Kierkegaard was against protestants

he was more protestant than the protestants.

>> No.6735297

I think all Jews should be exterminated.

>> No.6735304

Jewposting > Christposting

>> No.6735314

the burden of proof doesn't lay on me though

>> No.6735325

>these seem like people who are educated enough to know better
You're a typical thickheaded atheist. Religion is about believing in something despite proof otherwise. That's why its called faith.
>is the mental image of jesus simply their emotional security-blanket?
What is so wrong about that?

>> No.6735373
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christianity comes equipped with all the morals/values necessary for non-degenerate life.
It has a huge history of art and literature grounded in the European tradition.

It's spiritually rich and theologically coherent. It may very well be true...what's there not to like?

>> No.6735374

>this Bahamian birdwatching Sanhedrin.
This is really getting out of hand.

>> No.6735380
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>> No.6735398

>christianity comes equipped with all the morals/values necessary for non-degenerate life.
So does simply not being degenerate.
>It has a huge history of art and literature grounded in the European tradition.
True. Respect given for that.
>It's spiritually rich and theologically coherent.
Now you're just pulling our legs.

>> No.6735399

How's polytheism working for you?

>> No.6735418
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>implying the christ-posting isn't genuine

>> No.6735430
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>So does simply not being degenerate.

If you have a pure will that is fine, but most people have a twisted will mixed with darkness and light. Christianity offers parameters and ways to remove the darkness.

>> No.6735439

But anon was precisely implying [that to him they seem like people who are educated enough to know better than] to believe in something despite proof otherwise, ie starting from the position that the concept of faith is inherently childish and promotes ignorance. Their not popping out the word doesn't indicate that they aren't familiar with it

>> No.6735466
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Once you are sufficiently educated you can simply believe what you will, as an expression of your supreme autonomy.

And if the result is an increase in individual and social well-being, that's just an added bonus.

>> No.6735668

>tfw agnostic
>like both of these books

>> No.6735674

>christianity fad
I am not religious, I don't really know what to think, but these types of comments are silly. How do you know the secrets of the world? Religion has been a huge part of history and culture. Why do some people believe that it is so bad to believe in something?

>> No.6735710

its true since he protested against protestans

>> No.6736469

>I am not religious
So stop being a mental cuck
>I don't really know what to think
Does not mean "there is a 50% abrahmic religions are correct
>but these types of comments are silly.
Your mindless defense of people who fantacize about your being eternally tortured is silly
>How do you know the secrets of the world?
>Religion has been a huge part of history and culture.
So has [horrible thing]
>Why do some people believe that it is so bad to believe in something?
Why do some people feel the need to defend delusional roleplayers?

>> No.6736473
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>I think we could use a bit more sir.

>> No.6736712

In the sense that William Blake was, so not really.

>> No.6736737

But sharing the board is the only way we discuss books like Left Behind and Battlefield Earth.

>> No.6736746

of course it does, you dumb or what?

>> No.6736767

The Protestants actually have the best books. Divine Comedy is an overrated piece of garbage. The highest of the highest came from protestant thinkers: Hegel, Kant, Fichte, the pinnacle of German philosophy, all protestant thinkers. In the theological field you have Karl Barth and Bonhoffer.

>> No.6736779

Fichte was an atheist. Hegel was too, really, at least toward the Christian God.

>> No.6736781


at this point complaining about christposting is more of a meme than christposting.

I want the militant fedoras to go so the atheists and christfags can live in peace.

>> No.6736807

Hegel is a Christian, but not an orthodox one by the Nicene Creed. He denies the precedence of the Father, from whom the Son and the Spirit proceed. He denies that lordship is the meaning of divinity, so that Christ manifests divinity only as the risen Lord. The true definition of divinity is Spirit. But Hegel is not an ancient Gnostic like Marcion or Valentinus. He does not denigrate the body as the kingdom of the devil. He affirms the incarnation and construes natures as the logos made flesh, as spirit, i.e., the infinite Christ. He is a modern, Joachimite Gnostic: world history is the story of the logos making itself flesh in the rational state and human rights... [Hegelian philosophy] is still Christian even if not orthodox. To be a heretic one must after all first be a Christian

>> No.6736825

Yeah, it's Christian in the sense Bishop Spong and Paul Tillich are. But if Protestant, "orthodox" Christians want to claim these guys are representative of Protestantism's depth, it reflects very poorly on Protestantism, as least from an orthodox point of view.

>> No.6736843

What about Karl Barth?

>> No.6736863

As a newfag to the board, I'm actually surprised how calm and intelligent (relatively speaking) the fedorafights here are compared to how they were on old /x/. Sort of eerie tbh

>> No.6736886

Please, just please.

>> No.6736899

>I want the militant fedoras to go so the atheists and christfags can live in peace

christfags call others heretic when pagan/gnostic/occult threads pop up. Both groups are annoying as fuck

>> No.6736905


>The Protestants actually have the best books. Divine Comedy is an overrated piece of garbage

Which you never read.

>> No.6736920

yes lets get rid of all these useless theologians
they literally belong in the dark age

>> No.6736922

Haven't read him, and he seems very interesting, but I don't imagine he's greatly superior to thinkers like Lorenz Puntel or John Milbank, though he was far more prolific.

>> No.6736932

He might have read a shit translation.

>> No.6736999

just go to /christian/ on that other chan

>> No.6737013

I kept on hounding moot to make a religion or philosophy board but the faggot never did it.
A history board might be cool too.

>> No.6737033

/pol/ would take it within a matter of days

>> No.6737051

>like thats supposed to be a bad thing

reddddit plz go

>> No.6738782
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yea, except that in the case of christ posters, despite being genuine about their faith, much of the shit-posting and trolling is clearly ironic. they're are happy enough having a board were they don't have to be hounded for holding on to religious belief and humour is a way of asserting that.
For example
>Christfags call others heretic
I assume that the majority of that is taking the piss.

whenever a militant atheist begins shitting up a thread however it's quite clear that they're actually convinced of the superiority of their own ideas.

The fundamental difference as I see it is that christposting (even the trolling) is done in good faith, whereas the atheists are actually being fedoras about it.
Hence the accusations of autism.

Most christians are aware of the limitations of their beliefs but are happy to hold on to them as an act of faith and allow God to slowly reveal himself to them.

nice gets in this thread btw

>> No.6738790

Dear christfags,
Congratulations, you got a reaction from atheists. That's what you wanted, right? Well, I've decided I don't like people like you. You've messed with the community of the wrong psychopath. Before you get excited, you haven't even made me angry. I am a hard person to make angry. However, I despise people like you.
Your pitiful logic skills are hilarious. Deconstructing ad hominem and straw men are level 1. Can you construct an argument that reduces your teacher to tears? Can you tear through assertions like they’re the flimsy pages of your precious bible? Your silly little sky fairy won't protect you. I've converted many christfags and outwitted the kikes on numerous occasions . I've scared preachers with only my steely gaze. I have been enlightening morons since I had a computer. It's what I was raised to do.
You have no idea to the extent of fear which you should be feeling. All you are is just a community of internet creeps. Have you ever murdered anyone? I have no empathy and I will probably feel joy peeling your skin off your face.
You think I'm giving you an empty threat? Believe that. I have contacts in dark places that you don't want to know about. If you live even close to me you better fear for your life.
Track my IP if you want to, but I am smart enough to use a library computer. Hack into my account if you want, but it'll just make it easier for me to track you.
With love,
A psychopath
P.S. I would fear for your faith while you still have it.

>> No.6738795

fuck off /pol/ you faggots have become a meme at this point.

>> No.6738799

fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.6738820
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This, a thousand times this. It's incredible that I can come here to discuss my lit related stuff honestly, since christfaggotry is part of it for me. If people are really tired of the ironic witch burning I will cut it out, I didn't realize it actually bothered anybody.

>> No.6738830

>Greatest Protestant theologian of the 20th century
>Not greatly superior to Memebank


>> No.6738837

I think Christianity is a part of philosophy and as long as we discuss philosophy Christianity will be a part of this board. I like it as it adds another perspective.

>> No.6739008

Whats a good book on the bible regarding the history and ideas behind it?

>> No.6739015

Jewish Study Bible for OT

>> No.6739051

There should be a separate philosophy board too.

>> No.6739063

ah yes, the perspective of 'do what we say violent, numerous men agree with us'

>> No.6739111

I think that it's just that us Christians would normally make a point of our religion on the internet, but seeing people's ridiculous reactions is just so funny that we can no longer resist

Besides, for anything to survive in the modern era it must become a meme

>> No.6739125

memes have expiration dates

though i suppose religions do as well, just further out. packed with more preservatives.

>> No.6739131

I like to make a point of my Judaism to uncover /pol/tards.

>> No.6739139

evidence for this claim?

>> No.6739140
File: 42 KB, 850x400, 86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is an extremely sophisticated meme with an unlimited supply of submemes. If Stirner can remain a meme here for as long as he has, Christianity isn't going anywhere. In fact, Christianity is perhaps the only meme that can serve as a true counterpart to Stirner's catchy simplicity.

>> No.6739148

lel so fucking true.

I've never read the bible or anything but I find christfags a lot more tolerable than fedoras. Christfags engage in some friendly banter from time to time but as you put it the fedoras just go on and on about their superiority with heavy influences of obvious autism while the christfags just chuckles and continues in good spirit with their lighthearted trolling

which is why I support these christians and I rather enjoy their threads while i absolutely despise 97% of all atheist threads.

>> No.6739157
File: 114 KB, 802x552, Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 10.53.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flipping the meme is not going to work when atheists continue to act like pic related.

>> No.6739158

I came into this thread because i saw this post, and i'd just like to say: i myself, as an athiest, will sometimes call others a heretic when they are going too fedora, just for the hell of it.

Feels good.

keep doing you christ posters. God bless.

>> No.6739164

I've seen enough christposters spam platitudes and degenerate others to know this isn't always the case. Not so much on /lit/ but any board they can get away with it they do. Particularly I've noticed Christposters resort to memes whenever someone brings up a valid point, the argument bring ignored and responded to with "light hearted banter" ignites the more argumentative atheists to do as you say because the Christposters are acting as if they can shitpost to ignore genuine conversation, creating a secret club effect.
>inb4 no true scotsman

>> No.6739180

>Not so much on /lit/ but any board they can get away with it they do
i thought christianity was only on /lit/ and on /pol/.

>> No.6739184
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>> No.6739185

I've seen it on /x/ and /int/, practically anywhere a political argument can be started if the conversation trends towards conservatism it's possible to find a reactionary or Christposter shitting it up.

>> No.6739193

>going to /x/ and /pol/

>> No.6739194

i think /lit/ should be the general liberal arts board

i wish that included politics like it used to, cause /pol/ is just a (bad) joke

>> No.6739199

>the christfags just chuckles and continues in good spirit with their lighthearted trolling

Christfag detected.

>> No.6739212

4chan is a christian website, friend.

>> No.6739237
File: 153 KB, 736x459, 24edd10c77a90006795452926f246f93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not browsing a wide variety of boards and picking out the good threads from each
Checking the catalog it seems to have died down from /x/ but there used to be an incessant amount of religious trolling. Probably the work of a few dedicated people but regardless pic related.

>> No.6739260

>>not browsing a wide variety of boards and picking out the good threads from each
>/pol/ and /x/

>> No.6739266

Why is Voltaire in the picture?

>> No.6739273
File: 20 KB, 460x287, Hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christposter Hitchens detected.

>> No.6739283

It's just a bunch of millennials rebelling against mainstream atheism.

>> No.6739295

>believing in god
>following desert stories
>fearing the devil
>fearing hell

disgusting and anti-intellectual

>> No.6739302
File: 152 KB, 860x1148, 1434487547114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't everyone be as enlightened as us?

>> No.6739316

No; most of the /lit/ posters claiming to be 'into' religion do so out of a bourgeois inclination toward an intellectual field that sufficiently satisfies their isolationist contrarian leanings

>> No.6739324


>> No.6739334
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>> No.6739370
File: 46 KB, 314x450, fatima-message-nm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you talk about Christianity on /x/? It's chock full of /x/ related stuff: healings, apparitions, miracles, exorcisms, on and on. Christianity arguably belongs more on /x/ than on /lit/, although I think /x/ would do a shit job with the theology.

Or are you one of those /x/posters who think the board should only be creepypastas and conspiracy theories?

>> No.6739381


>> No.6739394

>/x/ would do a shit job with the theology.

I can only imagine

>> No.6739399

Why do all New Atheists insist on saying all theists believe the events in the Bible to be objective fact? You should be reading the Bible analogically and morally rather than literally. No one ever said these texts were physical science 2000 years ago

>> No.6739411


>> No.6739424

We don't discuss literature nearly enough for the board to survive without philosophy threads

>> No.6739430

Not nearly enough Hebrew brethren here tbh

>> No.6739927

>it is genuine shitposting when they do it
>it is ironic Bantz in good faith when we do it

Even forgetting whether christfags are for realz(I personally doubt it tbh) Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.6739937
File: 17 KB, 225x225, frog quran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ should be renamed to
/lit/ - Literature and Philosophy

Also, islamic fad when. One of these days all those christposters will get tired and embrace islam.
Allahu Akbar.

>> No.6739956

And a 4chan philosophy board without any literary discussion sounds terrible. It'd be like /pol but for philosophy, and would be worse than /pol for it. Perhaps the only thing worse than listening to idiots discuss politics is hearing them discuss philosophy. It's almost as bad as having a girl who just woke up tell you about the dream she's just had.

>> No.6739961


the contrarian sophist faggot in me loves the idea of this and would maybe even go as far as to learn Arabic to embrace it

>> No.6739974
File: 324 KB, 512x512, pepe b urself.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading European orientalist writing but I don't really feel like putting in the time to read the major actually "oriental" texts, eg. the Quran or Avicenna

>> No.6739975

Hiding one's beliefs is the original and most natural state for the Christian. The die was cast with their experiences under Roman and Jewish persecution.

Let them be cowards they all are.

>> No.6739979

kek. I'm already reading the Quran.
>orientalist writers
Nigga I hope you are reading the good ones, specially not 19th century orientalists since most of their books are obsolete.
Read Averroes, he's an arab who started with the greeks.

>> No.6739993

Christiposters are less cynical than atheists ones. They're also more friendly and sympathetic.

>> No.6740007

>friendly and sympathetic
>spamming fedora and heretic memes to shut down arguments
>posting bait threads irrevelant to literature
>constantly claiming 4chan to be their website
>friendly and sympathetic

CIDF shill confirmed

>> No.6740019
File: 684 KB, 630x626, hilyawillumin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ will never get into dank Sufism

>> No.6740068
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>Islamic fad when.
something similar happened to the hardline straight edge subculture in the late 90's when several high profile band members began converting to islam. The whole affair ended badly when they all got tied up with the eco-terrorist movement.
I suppose you can only go so extreme in your contrarianism before it catches up with you.

Still, they made some pretty good music, if you're into that sort of stuff.

>> No.6740076

wooops, posted the wrong link



this is what i was planning on posting but i doubt anyone cares anyway

>> No.6740162
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>Le funny buzzword

>> No.6740189

>yeah orientalism is cool!
>here! read this sandnigger occidentalist!

>> No.6740200
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That is but a fraction of how incredibly retarded religious people act

Anyway, just for you

>> No.6740204

>Islamic fad when

It's called ISIS

>> No.6740205

I have a copy of Karamazov to read, aside from 1k pages of Russian drama what's it about?

>> No.6740213
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>flipping the meme is not going to work when atheists continue to act like pic related.
*not going to work when christwankers continue to act like pic related.

>> No.6740214

A Christian is defined by affirmation of the Nicene Creed, friend.

>> No.6740215

No True Scotsman fallacy

>> No.6740221

I am interested in but generally new to theology. Can someone explain the Protestantism bashing? Is it just a meme?

>> No.6740229

No, that's like saying if a Slav calls himself a Christian, and you say no you aren't, it's no true sctosman fallacy. The Nicene Creed was formulated specifically to include everything which defines a Christian.

>> No.6740234

Well do you know what Apostolic succession is? Christ ordained at least twelves apostles (possible he ordained the seventy as well). Each apostle ordained people, and so on. That is where bishops come from, and that is what the legitimacy of the Church is based upon, each bishop traces back to Christ's apostles from a line ordination.

Protestants don't have that.

>> No.6740240

>Slav calls himself a Scotsman
big slip there

>> No.6740243

Do you know how Protestantism came to be?
To grossly oversimplify it, five hundred years ago, a bunch of Catholics were tired of the corruption of the Catholic Church and decided to split off and form their own churches.
So far, so good, right?
But the problem is, they didn't stop there. They just kept on splitting and splitting even further, founding new churches and interpreting the religion differently.

For all its faults, it was the Catholic Church that kept the "dogma" and coherency of Christianity in the West together. Since Protestants broke free from it, there was no "central authority" to them, so every crazed charismatic loony could start his own specific brand of Protestantism. That's why you have literally thousands of different Protestant denominations out there.

All of this led to the way Protestantism is today. In modern times, you have two main times of Protestants. Those loony American fundamentalists who believe Rapture is going to happen any day now and how Obama is the antichrist and all that fun stuff. And the other branch are the secular Protestants, mainline Americans and most of the European ones, who did not hold onto their identity and embraced progressivism and they're basically dead religions today, more concerned over whether their lesbian priests could marry each other than over retaining their flock and keeping their religion alive. Look at the rates of atheism in Europe - with some exceptions like Czech Republic, countries that are traditionally Protestant are far more irreligious than countries that are traditionally Catholic.

That's not because those people are inherently more "intelligent" so they realize religion is a sham or some other euphoric bullshit like that, but it's because the Protestant churches are simply incapable and unwilling to stand up for themselves. Hell, in some Protestant countries, you even have a lot of people converting to Catholicism because they feel their Protestant churches have lost their identity.

>> No.6740247

You're being a little defensive, and it comes off as unsympathetic and unhappy.

>> No.6740252

>the the Protestant churches are simply incapable and unwilling to stand up for themselves.
Well, the liberal ones as you pointed out. The fundamentalist ones will stand up for themselves with loud Christian rock.

>> No.6740257

Well, we do have a history of engaging in apologetics, you know. Even without an atheists to engage, we like to write them for the heck of it.

>> No.6740261

He's right. Nicene Creed is pretty much what defines Christianity, and calling it a No Scotsman fallacy is ridiculous.

If I call myself a Muslim, but I believe that Allah is just one of the gods and that all the gods from the Norse Pantheon are his equals and that once I die I will be reincarnated as another living being, I'm not a Muslim no matter how much I tried to argue otherwise, because I go against the basic tenets of Islam.

>> No.6740269
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I only see heretics.

>> No.6740281

You meant heathen.

Be a little more ironic when you're on lit. It helps the persecution go down.

>> No.6740285
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Heathen is for nonbelievers, and I'm only here for a good time.

>> No.6740286

The term "heretic" means someone who professes to be a Christian but isn't orthodox.. A heathen is just someone who doesn't identify as a Christian.

>> No.6740289

This is because Christianity leads to secular liberal atheism through an inner necessity. I have no time to explain it here, but that's what it is, just look at Europe. And no, Catholicism will not rise again. I live in a Catholic country and it's clear that the numbers are decreasing. Only piss poor countries with no education have growing number of Catholics. In time, when they get more education and wealth, they, too, will become atheist.

You simply cannot have freedom of thought and Catholicism. You either think with your own head, or you believe that Vatican is the authoritiy in all things. If you believe the latter OK, but it's a bit hard to believe Catholic priests are something special considering how many boys they butt rape all the time...

Catholic Church is becoming more and more liberal the new pope even said :"who am I to judge gay people?" - in the past, the Catholics were opposed to evolution and then they embraced it. They were opposed to surgery even, and then they embraced it. They are just slower to change, but they too will change and become more and more liberal.

Christianity's true goal is completed when a country becomes a liberal atheist social democracy like Sweden.

>> No.6740298

And a paynim, a term not so much used anymore, is an Abrahamic heathen, namely a Muslim or Jew.

>> No.6740314

Who Old Testament here?

>> No.6740315

The Church was never opposed to evolution or surgery.

>> No.6740332

Then why haven't they evolved out of the dark ages?

>> No.6740334

You're making a pretty major mistake with the assumption that irreligiosity is a one way street.
Through history, with both Christianity and other religions, there have been periods when religious influence waned, and periods when religious influence grew.

Look up the Great Awakenings in the American religious history as one relatively modern examples of it.

>> No.6740349

Eh? Secularism as popularly proliferated has as much to do with religion being bothersome and getting in the way of business as anything else. Religious holidays soak up valuable Protestant work ethic time, after all, and in the Industrial Revolution workers tended to work seven days a week, it would be unseemly for Christianity to get in the way of that.

>> No.6740356

You haven't answered the question.

>> No.6740360

I don't know what your question is, exactly. What do you mean "out of the Dark Ages"? Do you mean why do they still believe in God? Or why is the Church structure the same as it was in the Dark Ages?

>> No.6740365

The Dark Ages. Why? This isn't brain surgery.

>> No.6740366

You're misinterpreting the words of the pope- gays are sinners, and it would be wrong to slow their pursuit of God and penance.

>> No.6740374

They have. The roots always have to be the same, but The Second Vatican Council and the writing of the Catechism are 'evolutions'.

>> No.6740375

It might not be, but it hardly matters how simple the question is, if it's not phrased clearly.

>> No.6740380

I think he's just saying judge not lest ye be judged, pretty straightforward, he's setting a Christlike example for Catholics Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. He's not making any comment about whether judging them would slow their penance or any of that.

>> No.6740403

The whole thing about hating the sin and not the sinner is pretty ancient, and Francis isn't the first Pope who has expressed this opinion. It's just media sensationalizing statements like they always do.

>> No.6740414

We've evolved past the dark ages. The church has not. Why?

>> No.6740464

>believing in "the dark ages"

>> No.6740468

>responding to obvious shitposters

>> No.6740495

Oy gevalt! Are you guys religious?

>> No.6741340

Literally wrong

>Scotsman don't do X!
>Well Harold does X and he's a Scotsman!
>Well Harold's No True Scotsman so he doesn't count!

That's entirely applicable to what you claimed. Saying that a Slav isn't a Scotsman isn't a fucking fallacy, if we go by those terms regarding nationality.

>> No.6741589 [DELETED] 

>Harold is a Slave who has never so much as been to Scotland, yet calls himself a Scotsman

Yeah, no. He isn't one. Neither is someone a Christian who can't get on board with the Nicene Creed. We have to defined Christian here first: someone who subscribes to the Nicene Creed is the most basic, fundamental definition. How are you defining "Christian", exactly?

>> No.6741605

>Harold is a Slav who has never so much as been to Scotland, yet calls himself a Scotsman

Yeah, no. He isn't one. Neither is someone a Christian who can't get on board with the Nicene Creed. We have to defined Christian here first: someone who subscribes to the Nicene Creed is the most basic, fundamental definition for the religion. That is literally the very reason it was created, so people were clear on what the definition of a "Christian" was.

>> No.6741710


>> No.6741746

>christianity comes equipped with all the morals/values necessary for non-degenerate life.

sure it does. enjoy your slave morality.

>> No.6742941
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>le molestagate meme

>> No.6742958
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>> No.6743011

Stirner's flag would be Stirner holding a flag of Stirner holding a flag and so on

>> No.6743015

We're reacting against the destruction of Western culture by Atheism, Feminism, and similar -isms that seek to destroy the rich cultural traditions of Christianity.

>> No.6743017

>and so on


>> No.6743677

This. I am agnostic but I'm become increasingly interested in the history of Christianity because of the liberalisation of Western society.

>> No.6743685


>> No.6743692

Op, it makes sense to have one, but honestly, it's just gonna be nothing but bitching on there. Just fighting.
Also, I'd hope not to see Joes Osteen there. Lol

>> No.6743741

What would Zizek's flag have?

>> No.6743750

Something about pure ideology.

>> No.6743769
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>> No.6743992
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>the burden of proof doesn't lay on me though
I am now triggered

>> No.6745809

Since more and more on this site are becoming "ironically" muslim, the day may coome for that.

>> No.6746160
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>tfw no one will ever convert you into being a militant christian

>> No.6746462

Not really. I think it fits in here, nearly every religion is based in text anyway, not like this is a super fast board anyway.

A board on religion would just end up like /pol/ where only the edgiest extremes can circlejerk and blame their problems on whoever is going against the trend.

>> No.6746467

But they will:

>> No.6746474

I'm Catholic, but have been thinking of converting to Orthodox lately. I've been watching a lot of Orthodoxy-centered films, particularly Andrei Rublev. I developed an appreciation for Orthodoxy after reading The Brothers Karamazov. It's problem the most pure religion out there.

>> No.6746478

Heres what I can say as a guy who kind of floats between it. The bible is really cool. For the most of it it doesn't make jack shit sense and has absolutely no right to be believed in than any other mythology for any other region. However, there is a comfort in it, in just going with it and forgiving people for their sins and knowing that everyone has them and all.

I don't think many people would actually believe whats in the bible if they gave it a analytical view, but that doesn't mean you can't be Christian or similar, if that makes sense. I dunno, thats how I see it I guess, but I know other people would disagree.

And don't ask your questions like a passive aggressive asshole, asshole.

>> No.6746481

It problem is.

>> No.6746485

I'm tempted to it too, my only issue is nationalist-based Churches.

>> No.6746499
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>> No.6746519


The people who complain about this joke are worse than the people who make this joke

>> No.6746530

You're just a culture fetishist liberal looking for an exotic people to revitalize yourself from.

>> No.6746532
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>thinking niggers could ever convert me


>> No.6746537

I'm an Anglican and I'm close to leaving my Church because it's gone too SJW. Can anyone here tell me if I should go Roman Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox? The crux seems to be the degree of power given to the Pope, so I'd like to see arguments for and against that. I already know the doctrinal differences between the Churches, but rather than mull over every issue, it seems like the Pope would be the best way to decide.

>> No.6746555

>Begin with a point in 4chan history where the vast majority of posters were ironic counter-culturalists that develop contrariness as a virtue.
>Ridicule of religions and religionists reaches a climax
>This ridicule becomes boring and overdone
>Little by little, anons decide to one-up this and go contrary to the normal anti-Christian attitudes of the boards and ridicule the other anons
>They start believing the counter insults constitute argument and start believing what was originally a joke
>There's enough of them that they decide it's their duty to shitpost everywhere and when they get told to stop, to post on the board it belongs, etc., they complain that there's a foreign entity trying to stop them from shitposting
>they embrace ressentiment and continue until they adopt a new fad, are completely silenced, or take over

This is exactly what happened with bronies, stormfront, etc.

>> No.6746560

Also, since 4chan gained some public infamy and losers from all walks of life will end up here at some point.

>> No.6746570

dont go schismatic, its no good
Go Catholic, the authority of the pope was understood by the early church fathers

also the Orthodox schism started because one Patriarch got jelly that Rome liked the past Patriarch and tried to get him back

>> No.6746585

But how much authority and were the Church fathers unanimous in this? I've read many that differ to the Pope, but a lot of Church fathers flirted with heresy, so I'd prefer a considerable consensus.

>> No.6746596


>> No.6748134

Did she ever make a new channel?

>> No.6748185

Come home, friend. Christ loves you.

>> No.6748208

>the burden of proof doesn't lay on me though

but you're the one who initially asserted their claim