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/lit/ - Literature

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6732225 No.6732225 [Reply] [Original]

Any ideas on an Islamic version of this

>> No.6732229

"Muslim" is the term you are looking for

>> No.6732231

Read the Persians

>> No.6734129
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I'd be enormously stoked.

tbh though, I don't think anyone who lurks here has the Islamic Studies expertise to pull it off.

Or if they do, they can't be assed.

>> No.6734406

"Jihad for Dummies"
"Sand For Beginners"
"An introduction to genocide"
"Babies first Fatwa"
"How to Haram and why you should avoid it"
"Spotting an infidel"

For those who want to get into more advance Islam

"How to invade a country through immigration"
"An analysis on Rape gangs and Rotheram"
"Culturally enriching infidels for dummies"
"Destroying the West: An Introduction"

>> No.6734409


And of course there is also:

"Halal Foods: Why you should eat them and how to force Western public schools to serve them"

>> No.6734412

you should read "Memes for Begginers".

>> No.6734419

What does the Silmarillion have to do with christian lit? Or The Stars My Destination?

>> No.6734424
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Triggered already?

>> No.6734428

You questioning the relevance of a Tolkien work in the fiction section?

>> No.6734435

what about one for Hinduism?

>> No.6734436

You've never read any of Tolkien's nonfiction or letters, have you? He wrote the Silmarillion with an explicitly Catholic worldview in mind, exploring his theme of "subcreation" within God's creation.

>> No.6734444

The Silmarillion is pretty much a Bible mod

>> No.6734462

You seem the one triggered making a shitpost like that writing like you're 12 them defending it with modern politival argumentation even though we're talking about classical and medieval history.

>> No.6734478


>classical and medieval history
>implying Islamic theology and philosophy has changed, developed or evolved at all since the 600s

>> No.6734495

And as always when faced with reality the pol tard asserts that reality must conform to his infantile media buzzword worldview.
>I know nothing of Islamic thought, therefore there is nothing to Islamic thought
Maybe if you read some books you could get somewhere and actually make substantial anti-Islamic arguments that carry more weight than LOL SANDNIGGERS, focus on graduating school though first education is important.

>> No.6734508
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>defending pic related
>media buzzword worldview

oh lord, you're too much. Please tell me you are not an American or a Brit, just please... we don't need more people like you. Stay out of the anglosphere.

>> No.6734515

How about
Any ideas for a non-heretical version?
>All those books by Catholics and mystics

>> No.6734521
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>still posting media reactionary images when I'm talking about medieval history
Here are a few links to get you started, I recommend some Max Stirner on the side or maybe some Lao Tsu. Clearly /pol/ has you throughly spooked into believing everything you discuss on the internet must agree with your version of political correctness.

And where did you get the idea that I was pro-Islam in any way?

>> No.6734541

go back to /pol/

>> No.6734548
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Disgusting. I recommend you take the bread pill and read some Kirk Russell, C. S. Lewis, T. S. Eliot, Bertrand Russell, Peter Hitchens, Thomas Carlyle... maybe even a dash of Buckley. That should cure you.

Also go buy Nationalism and modernism by Anthony Smith

>> No.6734552

should I start with the arabs or the persians?

>> No.6734559

>thomas carlyle
Top kek. I bet you took out that author from the Right Wing Literature chart and you never read his book. He says Muhammed was a great man, comparing him to other great people like Alexander of Macedonia.

Read a book nigger.

>> No.6734576
File: 23 KB, 260x390, carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have YOU read Carlyle? The man shits on the Qur'an and Islamic constantly. His praise of Muhammed is not an affirmation of Islam or its teachings. I also don't happen to agree 100% with every philosopher I read like Stirner fags.

Read a book nigger.

>> No.6734582
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How do you feel about this man?

>> No.6734587

nigger please
Never said he praised Islam or something, I'm just pointing that he considered Muhammed a great man, so your ebin hate for islam itself it's stupid when you say "hurr durr take the bread pill". I'm not the stirner fag. Seems that you are too far into memes. How much GBs does your funny meme pictures folder has?
How many funny Nigel pictures you have?
Too much memes are bad for your life.

>> No.6734588

>take a pill
That's precisely their problem. They need a clear conscious before they can begin the pursuit of knowledge, then they will be able to decide for themselves. Which is why I recommended Stirner or Taoists

>> No.6734596


He's been on my list of people to look into for awhile now. I've seen a lot of him on /lit/ these days... wish I could give you a better answer but I'm not familiar enough with him to comment.

I'll read up on him though.

>> No.6734598

>le pill meme
Sorry anon but you are just shitposting. I doubt you ever read one of those authors you posted. Specially Peter Hitches with his "The Abolition of Britain" which is really funny.

>> No.6734599

Milbank might be /lit/'s worst, most boring meme author of all time.

>> No.6734601

>tfw /lit/'s new fad will be christian socialism
I guess I should read more books to deal with those christposters.

>> No.6734611

>new fad will be
>will be

It already is. Question is, whats next?

>> No.6734615
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The filename is the number of Nigel pics I have.


Quite frankly I don't give a shit if you think I haven't read any of the books or authors I posted. I've got nothing to prove on a japanese imageboard m8.

For the record though The Abolition of Britain did have some funny parts in it, but that's because P-hitch does have a good sense of humor sometimes despite seeming bland during interviews and debates. The majority of the book is chock full of truth and sadness.

>> No.6734621

>Quite frankly I don't give a shit if you think I haven't read any of the books or authors I posted. I've got nothing to prove on a japanese imageboard m8.

I said funny in the sense it fails in the objective Hitchens wanted, that is making yourself more aware of the UK "degenerated" society and probably make you turn into a conservative.
The analogy he makes with China, that is a revolution of the culture itself it's just stupid.
That's why I doubt you read the book. There are way better authors than Peter Hitchens.

>> No.6734654

Marxists and Christposters united
Nothing to lose but their chains

>> No.6734676
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>mfw this fad is now a thing in my third world country
time to kick out those muh free market faggots

>> No.6734732

Do it. Lead the vanguard. The Pope is with you.

>> No.6734775


Wow, I don't think I've ever seen so many shit authors in one post. Good job

>> No.6734785

T.S. Eliot isn't a shit writer at all.

>> No.6734787


You like him so he probably is

>> No.6734791

Shutup you lefty cuck. Hitchens is one of the only redpilled authors around.

>> No.6734795

But he's not. Even if you aren't religious. For instance, Ralph Ellison cited him as an enormous influence, and I doubt he was remotely religious.