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/lit/ - Literature

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6731280 No.6731280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why so many fedoras, /lit/?
What literary or philosophical current started it?

>> No.6731287

There have been like 5 threads about "fedoras" in the past 24 hours. I think you need to give it a rest.

>> No.6731328
File: 64 KB, 409x513, 1432421533613-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/lit/ is a Christian board, we won't have any of you reprobate fedoras sullying it with your wickedness

>> No.6731332

Oh no.

>> No.6731336

It's cool to be a rebel, and on /lit/ being a rebel is being a God-fearing good boy who fights all the atheists.

>> No.6731351

/lit/ was an agnostic board for the first few years. The Christwanking is only in the past year or two. The 'evil hat boogymen from reddit' fulfills the role of antagonist in sheltered adolescents whose lives are completely void of any conflict; they had no choice but to adopt the faux-Christian guise to participate in the, for lack of a better word, "crusade", as it gives them a counterfeit sense of purpose.

>> No.6731383
File: 89 KB, 803x1181, 1432423249520-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all this projection

>> No.6731389
File: 214 KB, 1277x956, Basilique_de_Fourvière_from_Saone_(Lyon).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, none of us is actually a true believer anon, you nailed it.

pic related my basilique

>> No.6731398



>> No.6731399

Ahh, it turns out denial is not just a river in Egypt.

>> No.6731419

>none of us is actually a true believer anon, you nailed it.

9/10 pun. You would have got a ten but your grammar made me wince.

>> No.6731426


>> No.6731428

Cause it's degeneracy spread by the Jews; look up cultural marxism, it's part of their plan to dismantle the western traditions.

>> No.6731430

Obviously not a native anon, sorry

>> No.6731431

>cultural marxism
Back to your containment board >>>/pol/

>> No.6731432
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here is a slightly photoshopped pic of the inside

>> No.6731439
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back to youtube.

>> No.6731443
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>Still denying it

>> No.6731447

maybe white people deserve it if they're so easily tricked by what they see on tv

>> No.6731481

I love how fedoras are so deep into fedoraism they can't even conceive people being actually Christian.

>> No.6731490

I like to think that the people posting on this board aren't total retards.

>> No.6731550


Unfortunately we still have genuine fedoras here who are in the Dawkins phase of teenagehood

>> No.6731556


Most of the fedoras here are just crypto-jews
Judaism is notoriously unspiritual and borders on atheism these days

>> No.6731583

Christposters came from /pol/

Christ Chan was made by /pol/

>> No.6731592


They come from /christian/
From the better version of 4chan which can't be named here but starts with 8

>> No.6731606
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>> No.6731607

This board turned to shit because of that place, /pol/ /leftypol/ and /christian/ all actively shitpost here now

>> No.6731612


Pol and christian are welcome
Leftypol is pure rubbish

>> No.6731620

Oh so that's why they're so philosophically inept