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/lit/ - Literature

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6729721 No.6729721 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the writer you first got really into?

>mine was Brett Easton Ellis

>> No.6729739

Joyce. I sat up the whole night after reading "The Dead"

>> No.6729741


>> No.6729742

Gary Paulsen.

>> No.6729748
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Pearl S. Buck, for sure. Picked up The Good Earth from a used book store when I was 16 or so, on a rec from a friend. Had no idea reading a book could so dramatically impact my life and way of thinking.

>> No.6729770

read Kafka's The Bucket Rider by complete mistake and my soul was born and i've never not been in the middle of reading a book since then

>> No.6729790

Kafka. The Castle was the first literary book I read, and I hated it when I first read it, but it showed me the power that books can have. I've since reread it and it's one of my favourites now.

>> No.6729815
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I just read this story now. It was good.

>> No.6729829

This book is also one of the books that got me far into literature, along with >>6729748

I fucking love The Castle. Congested mind-mess.

>> No.6729848
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>tfw you will never treat Frieda like shit and then have her leave you

>> No.6729859

Clive Barker. It was in the mid to late eighties just after his Books of Blood came out.

>> No.6729866

Steinbeck. Still stands up well.

>> No.6729875

Honestly probably same but I was an edgy teen. I always read books but I remember with barker the spark of "oh wow I want more of this" actually hit.

>> No.6729962

When I read Billy Budd in 8th grade
For school, believe it or not. I won't pretend that my fourteen-year-old self understood it very well, but I got really into it.

>> No.6730164

Harris and me though.

>> No.6730174


Hunter Thompson.

Which is a bit of a cliche I've found out. Doesn't matter though, at I found a connection to literature somewhere.

>> No.6730189

Harry Turtledove.

In retrospect I could have, uh, done better.

>> No.6730203

You could have done worse.

>> No.6730206

Oscar Wilde. Not ashamed.

>> No.6730304

Yeah, I guess so. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6730308

>Posts gay author

>> No.6730312
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>tfw I already have

>> No.6730324

Everyone knows the gays are better at this than the rest of us.

>> No.6730325


Remember reading The Sun Also Rises for high school lit and wondering why I was enjoying it so much even though there wasn't any plot. Thus marked the end of my pleb days.

>> No.6730626


>> No.6732133


>> No.6732186

Combination of men's rationality/logic/intellect with women's knowledge of human nature, relationships and beauty

>> No.6732193

David gemmell
Waylander was awesome

>> No.6732196

W. Somerset Maugham

>> No.6732212

Dostoyevsky, read The Idiot when I was 17. He also got me back into reading after I had a bit of a reading drought in my mid to early teens.

>> No.6732215

In the sense of reading all of their books rather than just a fantasy series I think it would be Chuck Palahniuk when I was 13 - I read all of his books that had come out at the point and I kept Fight Club in my bag as my back-up book to read in form time at school. I remember my Mum picking up Stranger than Fiction and reading the first section about sex festivals and then just putting it down and smiling to herself.

Before that there were a few fantasy writers I'd read a lot of but mostly just one or two series they'd written. I read Jurrasic Park when I was 10 and I was pretty fucking blown away because it had swearing and I think a little bit of sex. I read a few other books by Michael Crichton I think outside of the Jurassic Park world.

Come to think of it my early reading years were nearly entirely made up of reading the book of the film.

>> No.6732222

somerset maugham

>> No.6732270


>> No.6732587

Shit i didnt see this when i posted the same thing below... always good to see another Maugham fan

>> No.6732636

Stephen King was probably the first writer I read multiple books by, but the first books-books I've read were probably The Thief of Always by Clive Barker, and The Hobbit.

>> No.6732660


Cormac McCarthy, picked up The Road in a used book store and it was my introduction to literature.

>> No.6732672

Dav Pikley?

>> No.6732971

>thinking Frieda was ever attracted to you and not just the concept of the world outside the village.

>> No.6732986

Voltaire. I read Candide in one sitting the week after my 10th grade history teacher mentioned the author in passing in a lecture

he's my writer patronus

>> No.6733234

Nathanael West.

>> No.6733350

Probably R. L. Stine.

>> No.6733358


his prose gives me pleasure, he's everything i wanted books to be, that is, leaving me not understanding shit

>> No.6733374


Joyce got me into prose

Yeats got me into poetry