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6727196 No.6727196 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not shit posting let's have a serious discussion about this nigga. Who here has read The Fault in Our Stars or another book of him, and what was your honest reaction when reading it? How do you explain his popularity?

>> No.6727219

His books are enjoyable to read, but the themes are really directed at pseudo-intellectual teenage and young adult females. That in itself makes the reading experience kind of unfulfilling. It's really just empty entertainment, I guess, which isn't that bad if you aren't looking to take anything away from the reasing.

>> No.6727226

did you actually read one of his books

>> No.6727245

Yeah, I read both TFIOS and Looking For Alaska.

>> No.6727251

The Fault in Our Stars wasn't really bad, just extremely overhyped by teenage girls. I mostly agree with >>6727219. My biggest gripe with it was that every character was John Green.

>> No.6727283

I agree, and it was way too obvious how much he likes stupid meme internet humor.
The movie really was actually terrible, though

>> No.6727320


>> No.6727360

Kids who have not read very much before reading The Fault in Our Stars will think the book is profound.
It makes kids feel like they are smart for having read it.
It's not a bad book, really. It's good for YA readers which are the largest demographic for publishers these days.

>> No.6727386


>"Why are breakfast foods breakfast foods?" I asked them. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast food?"
>"George, eat."
>"But why?" I asked. "I mean, seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck in with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an eggs, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich!"
>Jerry answered with his mouth full. "When you come back, we'll have breakfast for dinner. Deal?"
>"I don't want to have 'breakfast for dinner,'" I answered, crossing knife and fork over my mostly full plate. "I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that scrambled eggs-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime!"
>"You've gotta pick your battles in this world, George," Jerry said. "But if this is the issue you want to champion, I'll stand behind you."
>"Quite a bit behind you," Kramer added, and laughed.


>> No.6727396
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Is there anyone who is more of a sellout then Cuck Green?


>> No.6727408

>has serious legit complaint about internet
kill you're self

>> No.6727432

elaine should say the last line that's not a kramer line

>> No.6727456

i read looking for alaska when i was like a thirteen year old girl (still a girl no longer thirteen) and even then i thought it was underwhelming and never picked up another one of his books. and i read some pretty bad YA at that age.

>> No.6727614

He's okay, I really enjoyed Looking For Alaska when I first read it when I was fourteen. Then I tried to read more and realised everything he wrote was the same shit over and over of awkward beta cuck boy and the manic pixie dream girl and how he learns his lesson about over-romanticising people and their issues or whatever.

I don't really like them now, but I'm no longer part of their target audience so that's expected. His books read like John is still upset over some girl who he never got to fuck in high school and there's just lots of awkward forced lines as though he wants everything he writes to be some deep quote that white girls get tattooed on their wrists.

>> No.6727756

I read Looking for Alaska and I honestly couldn't understand why the fuck they gave more of a shit about how/why she died/killed herself instead of the plain fVt that she DIED

>> No.6728709

His books have an audience, I read them all when I was younger. Alaska is grand but cliche, Paper Towns moves away from that and is probably his best. Katherines is comedic, and TFIOS smacks of "this was what was successful, I'll stick to that". Not a great writer, but you can't blame the man for writing to his audience.

>> No.6728715

Oh, Paper Towns is his best because it's basically a love letter to Moby Dick and some Whitman. Its theme is "imagining people complexly", which is a pretty unusual theme for a YA work. I actually remember reading it quite fondly.

>> No.6728814
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Well. I've had it for quite some time now and I don't have anything else to read, new order of books only arrive the day after tomorrow.
Don't really want to read a meme book.

>> No.6728835

What the fuck? Do you people really care this much about teenage girls? Is this a plan to woo them or something?

>> No.6728845
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>not wanting to woo a teenage girl

>> No.6728859

I don't really mind the guy, and I thought his books where okay as a teen, but he really does fetishises being a teenager far too much. Also despite his whole image of being a nerd, its pretty obvious he has always been one of the "cool" guys.

>> No.6728951

That's so fucking embarrassing.

>> No.6729050
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>How do you explain his popularity?

I said this in another thread but he is a genius and uses that genius to write shitty YA books for girls and also is way to far left up his asshole. Both those qualities: Writing to girls, and being far left leave an impression on the kind of people I guess he wants to be on his side?

I dont know what im saying now I just wish he used his talent for good and not faggyness

>> No.6729218

>>"Why are breakfast foods breakfast foods?" I asked them. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast food?"
>>"George, eat."
>>"But why?" I asked. "I mean, seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck in with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an eggs, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich!"
>>Jerry answered with his mouth full. "When you come back, we'll have breakfast for dinner. Deal?"
>>"I don't want to have 'breakfast for dinner,'" I answered, crossing knife and fork over my mostly full plate. "I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that scrambled eggs-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime!"
>"George..." Jerry inquisitively retorted
>Jerry gave him a peculiar look, his eyebrows climbed the mountain of his face as his eye lids tightened down, lips, pacing gently, crept higher
>"I seriously hope you guys don't do this"

>> No.6729239

A number of year ago that passage seemed more profound, but now it seems puerile and kind of stupid.

>> No.6729244

Well marketed person who write YA fiction.

tbh he's kinda cute

>> No.6729257

Literally all it does is paint JG as a loser.

>> No.6729259

Girls visit this forum?

>> No.6729266

No I came here from /fit/

>> No.6729275

Same. A couple of months ago I tried rereading Looking for Alaska to see if it still had the same effect on me and I cringed at myself for thinking it was so profound and incisive. Like none of the book resonated with me at all anymore.

>> No.6729279

>Money goes to charity
>Charity is literally in the name of the website
Yeah what a greedy cunt.

>> No.6730247

he's not really "far left." he has a pretty naive optimism and afaik that's pretty much it

>> No.6730571

That was a shitty quote to pick if you wanted to paint Johnny boy as a genius.

I kinda agree though, watching a few of his videos you can see that his analytical skills are there, he's just pandering to a younger, broader demographic.

When he gets older and shit hits the fan and Hank or his wife dies in some freak accident he'll turn to alcohol as a crutch and forsake all his fuzzy teenage profundity and then we'll get some good reading.
Till then I'm chillin

>> No.6730946

Had to read TFIOS because of assignment, don't ask.
It was pretty terrible. It was a good idea to write about characters with cancer, but it was so pretentious and so philosophically hollow that reading the book was actually painful.

>> No.6731015

pls be in london

>> No.6731019

When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail.

>> No.6731993
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>John Green
>far left

>> No.6731998

I'm honest to God convinced that he's a genius who mastered the art of exploiting middle class teenagers. I can almost respect it

>> No.6732007
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Pretty good writer who knows how to appeal to the YA crowd like no other. I've read TFIOS, Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns. Wasn't really big on Paper Towns but the other two were enjoyable to an extent.
Pic related is one of the worst things He's written though. Cringeworthy.

>> No.6732032

Please see: The Spiritual Sequel

for all John Green related discussions.

>> No.6732395

When he gets older and shit hits the fan and Hank or his wife dies in some freak accident he'll turn to alcohol as a crutch and forsake all his fuzzy teenage profundity and then we'll get some good reading.
Till then I'm chillin
He'll turn to that writer in stars then?

>> No.6732726

What the fuck is it with these two veins on his forehead?

>> No.6732747
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>Shits on Aristotle whenever he can
>Nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6732828

Haven't seen you in a couple of days. Where have you been?

>> No.6732869

Has that girl no legs, so covers the scars with knee socks?