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6726870 No.6726870 [Reply] [Original]

How does one overcome existential nihilism?

>> No.6726874
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>> No.6726906

I'm a physicalist so the thought of dying terrifies me, and I spend hours every day thinking about it.

How does one make himself become religious if they find the very idea of supernatural absurd?

>> No.6726911
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Kill you're self.

>> No.6726914

By being a bitter, selfish, spiteful old bastard who doesn't give a shit about anyone else, just like he knows they don't care about him. Live however you want, do whatever you want, fuck the whole goddamn world.

>> No.6726916

you dont
you dumb motherfucker

>> No.6726920

But this is a terrible way to live.

>> No.6726927

Don't focus on religion as the cure to what ails you. Absurdism, as referenced in the above image, is perfectly viable as well., as are many other schools of thought.

>> No.6726928 [DELETED] 

>How does one overcome existential nihilism?

You decide, that's the fun part of it.

>> No.6726941

By realizing that "meaning" is overblown.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" - A.C. - verifiable #madman

>> No.6726947

Not OP but I completely understand his position. I get that people say things like "live however you want" or "find religion" or "make your own meaning", but considering that the person that might receive those replies has clearly recognised that existential nihilism is, for lack of a better word, 'real' (without any kind of external validation like a god to give anything inherent value/meaning) then why would those suggestions have any impact or bearing or change anything? They're essentially all still part of the entirety of meaninglessness.

Sorry if I'm terrible at explaining things.

>> No.6726950

You don't, you accept it.

>> No.6726962

It matters for you, right here, right now, and that's all it ever needs to.

>> No.6726980

You don't, it's not gonna kill you.

>> No.6727223

There's nothing to overcome and there's no other side, deal with it.

>> No.6727452

Don't overcome it, be liberated by it.

>> No.6727464

What is liberating about it?
"Oh great my consciousness is just a bunch of electric sparks in my head and once I die I'm gone forever and a dozen/hundred/thousand years from now no one will know I even existed."

I'd much rather believe that one day when I die since I was obviously a good person I would go to a good person place and be happy ever after.

>> No.6727489

Read Nietzsche

It's real, but the narrative of despair that most people who are new to it craft is no more real than the ones you just listed have the potential to be. In fact they have to potential to be more "real". You have to learn how to build your relation to the world and the concept of lacking objective meaning.

For many, the concept of objective meaning may have been a burden restraining them from another narrative that they were trying to create. Not all the answers others have found for themselves (like that one) may be real enough to work for you, but I don't see any reason it is necessarily something that ends in despair.

>> No.6728369

By realising that existential nihilism is not entailed by emo. I mean, logically.